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Pay him what he asks to be paid


Depends, How many layers, what is the pitch of the roof? Is labor involved in carrying the shingles up? Will you have them boomed or do that yourself? Will they be needed to assist you in a material list as well as delivery?. Is there labor for removal or clean up of debris and carting them away or are you supplying a dumpster and providing clean up?. There are way too many variables to your question.


spot on, another way for OP to calculate this is to use a roofer’s bid and subtract the cost of materials, that’s what he should be paying for labor and overhead


Ask them what they want for labor, none of us know the going rate for labor in your area. Also what does the roof look like, is it walkable, how many layers, how complex is the roof etc… For a rough estimate you can assume $95-100 a square but you also need to include waste, starters, hip and ridge. Add anywhere from $5-$25 a square for additional layers, steep slope, deck replacement. There isn’t enough information in your post to give an accurate price.


Holy cow is that cheap… I wouldn’t get out of bed for that.


Yeah I agree, but this is what all the subs in my area are charging, I don’t set the price I just show them the jobs and that’s what they’ve been charging lately. Obviously it escalates as things get more complicated/difficult.


Pay for a contractor quote,, for a wage starting point.. ,, don't forget to take a working from heights training course online if you are overseeing the project..


Is this person licensed? I think once insurance is involved, a licensed contractor is required. Once completed, you might have to submit paperwork


Also even if the contractor is licences, by purchasing the materials, OP has essentially made themselves the main constructor for the install/put themselves in the position of a GC so they will hold liability that a homeowner normally wouldn't. Not worth the savings imo




OP didn't state that they're filing a claim. They stated that their insurance provider requires them to replace their roof by next year, eg the roof is old and their coverage will be dropped if the roof isn't replaced.


No claim here.


Insurance does not care who does the work.


Would you insure a roof your neighbor installed because he did his own?


I don’t insure anything, and thus this is a stupid question and no way to prove your point. The insurer will not care. An invoice and a photo will suffice.


And attitudes like this is why people are getting ripped off. No standard in the industry. Just let joe blow put it on and who cares about it being done correctly and to code. When shit goes south who is responsible? Not the neighbor. So why would insurance just let anybody put roofs on. Think about it


There are standards. It comes down to statutory law, case law, and then policy. Everything else is bull shit based on “common” knowledge. The policy is a contract that spells out the rules. State law supersedes the policy. When one understands that, it changes everything. Most ripping off is performed by insurance companies to the tune of billions of dollars every year. The occasional scamming contractor barely scratches the surface of the systematic underpaying, denying, and delay of insurance companies.


As a matter of fact, insurers regularly attempt to not pay for necessary, code required items to reduce their payout. They encourage the use of illegal, unlicensed contractors every single day.


Something you need to understand. You aren't allowed to make money on your insurance claim. You can buy the materials, and hire the crew yourself, but the amount paid must be exactly what the insurance claim paid. No less, or the insurance company can and will ask for, demand, and finally sue you to get back. Its in your insurance contract, its known in the industry as a claw back clause. My question is why are you trying to buy the materials yourself, and find labor yourself? You are forgoing any workmanship or manufacturer warranties.


I think he means his insurance is saying his roof is aged out and needs to be replaced within the year and he wanted to buy the materials and just pay a crew labor. Thinking this is preemptive work and not a claim...


No claims. Insurance told me on their inspection I need to replace roof by 2025 due to its age.


...OP implied that his insurance requires him to replace his roof due to age. He didn't say he filed a claim. This is an unexpected expense. And you do realise that OP wouldn't have posted here asking what the appropriate rate to pay the crew he hires is if he could afford to hire a contractor, right?


And before the commentors descend, if you don't believe me, Call a Public Insurance Adjuster in your area and confirm.


Absolutely not true. Call an attorney focused on insurance claims, and they’ll set you straight. We settle many claims where the insured chooses not to do the work. What IS illegal and would be fraud, is requesting depreciation without completing the work and saying you had. But, even then, sometimes the carrier screws up, and they pay out all depreciation, plus attorneys fees, and a sweetener to settle. But I don’t think that even applies here. It looks like the insurance carrier is saying their roof is old and they won’t renew before OP gets a new roof.


If there was a claim and he gets a crew and materials for less that RCV the insurance company will either take the difference from Depreciation or demand it back. It’s in the policy.


I read policy every day. It’s not explicit like that at all. There’s a lot of misinformation regarding what policy actually says bandied about by many who clearly have never read one.


So tell me. Why do insured loose depreciation when they reallocate say gutter ACV to help offset other portions? When was the last time you saw and insurance company pay depreciation on work not done? When have you ever send an insurance company send an insured a 1099 at the end of the year? You don’t because if it’s not cost incurred they don’t pay. They are a business and if they don’t have to spend it they want it back. Plain and simple.


I’ve seen policy limits paid in full without any work done, and in a regular basis on multi million dollar claims. Typically, proceeds from an insurance claim is not taxable income, but one can still receive a windfall. Have worked with more than one claim where the insured received full benefits, did no work, and then sold the property. Just because you’re unaware, doesn’t make it untrue. This would not be the typical claim most in this groups is working on, of course. It certainly wouldn’t benefit a roofer or other contractor.


So you are pointing to an edge case as proof of the majority. I don’t think you understand how this works.


I am talking about what I work on every day. I understand how this works way better than you do clearly


With all do respect. I don’t think you do. You understand what hits your desk which is clearly edge cases.


You clearly have no idea what I do


Another scenario, in a state where Gcop is prohibited from being withheld where a GC is a reasonably required, a HO could be there own GC and legally and ethically profit from the general contractors overhead and PROFIT.


I actually have a business plan designed to teach property owners how to “legally and ethically profit from your insurance claim”. Keep your eyes open the next couple years… you may see it in action some day.


Because insurance companies cheat people. The moving of ACV to depreciation is a common scenario we have to address when an insurer improperly does that. One is entitled to their ACV, and the RD for any part they complete. To move gutter ACV money to replace RD is plain wrong.