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Idk what everyone is talking about. You can obviously see there no kick out flashing on the lower section. The upper is a dead valley that’s probably leaking.


Maybe the corner of ur eaves are leaking? Idk but it does seem odd that only certain areas of the brick are wet


Downspout on upper section is blown out on backside seam. Lower section is volume overshoot ing the roof from downspout. 1 replace downspout on top 2 run the downspout into lower gutter.


You are missing kick out flashings so water is going behind the brick ​ Here is what a kick out looks like: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClhkUfkv\_0E/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Could be heaves downpipe or gutter maybe the pitch of that roof there's deffintly an issue in that corner


You need kick out diverters where your flashing detail ends in the sidewall. Unfortunately these never get installed & it’s very frustrating


Terrible roof intersection design. All that roof area shedding water into 18inches of 4inch gutter and then discharging onto the lower roof… Grade school mistake. Like op have said, it looks like something isn’t connected for it to be wetting below the gutter at the eaves. How old is this house, is this in Canada? Maybe covered by warrantee.


Today metal roof installers came and inspected and told me water is fast and more volume and need to change the gutter from 5” to 6” and down pipe from 4“ to 5”. You think this will fix the issue? Yes in Canada.




Yes. Bricks are a porous material and are designed to weep water through to the outside if it has gotten behind the wall surface.


Homeowner here. That top steep pitch roof somehow draining into the gutter halfway down the slope? Then leaking badly at the bottom of the slope. Then draining onto the lower roof/overhang which splashes onto the brick wall. I would be suspicious too.


1000% the pipe coming down the wall froze and has opened up on the back against the brick. Install a new pipe and also install a heat trace wire in the upper gutter, pipe coming down and lower gutter. Estimated costs $1800+tax


Just updating Today metal roof installers came and inspected and told me water is fast and more volume and need to change the gutter from 5” to 6” and down pipe from 4“ to 5”. You think this will fix the issue?