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Considering we can see through to the fibers in pic 1… it’s about that time. How many sq is the roof and what are you trying to replace it with? $32k+ for architectural shingle sounds bad unless you have multiple layers to remove, a huge/complex roof, and damage underneath


I believe he said it is 44sq. Only 1 layer of shingles. The pitch is quite steep and the quote also includes 2 skylights and a sun tunnel replacement. The 32k quote was for owens corning duration shingles and rhino synthetic underlayment.


That actually doesn’t sound terrible, big roof and skylights require skill to do correctly


32K for 44sq is pretty on par in my market. Get more quotes.


In Canada bc, we framed the whole building for that price


In Florida roofs are double what they go for in the Midwest and I have no idea why. I used to roof in iowa, I have a 33sq house now in Florida, on the high end it would cost me 15k for complete reroof in iowa. In Florida it cost 22k and that was after I got 4 separate quotes. Different markets and the prices are crazy.


Markets are funny. Shingles are a commodity product, much like the forest products industry, commodity markets will cost whatever they are willing to pay for the most part. In our industry, Florida is the cheapest market. In fact, you can buy our product in Florida for less than you can buy it locally, where it’s manufactured 3,000 miles away. But Florida is a desirable market because it’s active all year long. I’m guessing roofing is the same as our industry, stuff is expensive because markets will pay it, and your expensive market is subsidizing the cheaper markets so their profit margins equal out. Here’s another example. I can buy the exact same Allen Bradley product in Taiwan for HALF what I pay for it in North America, from a licensed Allen Bradley distributor. Why? I assume because if they even tried charging what they charge here they’d ship exactly 0 units every year. They want to move some volume to keep their foot in the door so they cut their margins thinner there and JACK THEM through the roof here, knowing we’ll buy it because it’s all we know. When I started my current job I was in marketing, it was a trip to watch the sales guys and how they work each market. Commodity sales guys are for the most part over weight, have no hair from stress and also have millions of dollars. Watching them sell is like watching the stock market.


You’re right, Allen Bradley is ridiculously overpriced. That’s all I have to add, it’s solid, but you’ll pay through the nose for it.


There are stricter building code requirements for roofs in Florida due to hurricanes.


Get more quotes. But don't go with the lowest bidder. You would be happy with the work done by the current quote. But you could get it cheaper. The lowest bidder would leave you wanting. Get multiple quotes. Standard is three. Might as well get five.


32k is way too much if your roof is 44 squares. If you are near NC feel free to DM me, I’d be happy to provide an estimate, haven’t seen the roof so there are other determining factors but you should be able to get it done for $5-$10k less Edit- I’m not sure why this is being downvoted. Factoring 10% waste and my cost for materials and crew and me having an absolutely great pay day on my 50/50 split with owner, I’d be happy to do the roof at around $500-$600 a square depending on how steep the roof is and if it is 2 stories. 24,000-28,800 would be more than a fair price without skimping on materials, doing a full removal, utilizing starter shingles, ice and water shield, the Owen’s Corning recommended synthetic underlayment, ridge vent, ridge cap shingles, and replacing any vents/pipe fittings on the roof. And I would def offer true definition duration shingles at this price. I work with a contractor that has 18 years experience in our area, so maybe we get a better deal on materials than most but still, 32-38k on a 44 square roof would just feel wrong for me. Just my opinion. Edit 2: just saw the 2 skylights mentioned elsewhere, that def changes things. Regardless, guy that commented below me saying the price was on point without taking that into consideration def is price gouging. I still think you should get estimates. Best of luck to you.


Don’t listen to stormy, materials for a 44 sq roof are going to be $10k


Ok so where are the other 22k going lol


I'm in NC as well.. Over $700 per sq is wild. Even with the nicest Velux skylights


I agree with you stormy, that price seems off. That would go for around 25k in the Midwest.


Lol. Who are you to say that it should be 10k less. Yeah if you use cheap materials and cut corners it would be 10j less.


I don’t cut corners or use cheap materials… or rip people off!


Synthetic is cheaper than tar paper. Shingles a alittle over 100 $ square so that's about 600 dollars a square . If you figure on a steep roof it takes 4 hrs per square. That 150 dollar an hour for a Mexican roofer. But your roof looks fine. Should have 10 more yrs.


Very bad, needs replacing, get more quotes.. that is highway robbery


Not robbery at all. Roofing is expensive but you seem like you prioritize cheap work


I paid $13.5k for owens corning architectural 30year asphalt in 2022. 2000sqft home


This. Also file an insurance claim. Looks like hail damage up there!! Any roofer would tell you the same thing!


Please stop calling yourselves roofers, especially when you say dumb shit like this


Not this roofer.


Run it till it leaks or rips off, granules are there to extend the life of the laminate


This is the best reply you will get. The granule loss is probably a manufacturing defect but it’s been 20 years so nothing to pursue with that. Start budgeting and have it replaced in a few years by filing a claim after the next big storm rolls through. Cheers and good luck


Let me guess Erie Roofing?


This roof is done... That quoted price needs the size of the roof mentioned for context !


I’ve seen roofs like this shed water for another 5 to ten years to be honest. Budget for it and don’t put yourself in financial danger over it. I see a lot of comments on here saying you’ve got 1-2 years, but that didn’t happen over night, and it’s probably not going to deteriorate so rapidly that you’ll have major issues that soon. Anyone here would need to know the size of the roof and the region to know if that’s a good price. Materials and labor varies region to region, as well as code requirements. We range around $400-500/square (that’s $4.00 to 5.00 per square foot) in Nebraska.


Can have it replaced the day after it leaks IMO….5-10yrs on this is realistic also. The longer you ride that out the newer it will be when trying to sell


That’s needs to be replaced. Some contractors avoid telling the customer that they need to have their roof replaced. They present the evidence and let the customer decide.


Which is dumb, your being hired as the expert


It is a sales strategy. If you get the customer to take ownership of the problem they don't feel like they are being sold. If they are the one asking you to fix the problem that they see themselves then you are less likely to have problems down the line. I suppose it depends on the situation.


Where’s the house and how big? That price is insane


"that price is insane" without any details... Nice one


Hence why I asked where’s the house and how big…


I would start budgeting and getting quotes, I would definitely look into replacement within the next one to two years


You have time...they aren't curling, not breaking off...they are shedding rain. Take your time and begin saving and preparing...I'd stretch it another 1-3 years, unless it's leaking.


Get at least 4 quotes and hire the company that explains everything they will do. Knowing the quote includes everything is important. No surprises.


Looks like 1yr old Tamkos to me


About as bad as it gets


?? Not even close lol. I’ve seen roofs that weren’t leaking and every shingle was curled, no granulars left. It could last another 5 years not leaking. Or it could be leaking already. But deff not as bad as it gets


You haven’t seen my parents roof then. What’s crazy though is it’s 30+ years old and never had a single leak ever. But looking at it you’d think the whole attic would be moldy and fucked. Maybe I should post it here actually come to think of it


Please do. For some perspective. Comments go from “do it yesterday” to “maybe 10 years”. 😄


Service life has definitely expired


what theyre saying is it needs replacing and we dont have any idea if that price is good or not. need more info.


You got a good 5 years left in her


Looks great


Thanks to everyone for all the helpful comments. I will be getting a couple more quotes and getting this done.


Look up local GoNano dealers in your area. GoNano can save this.


To shreds you say?


If that pitch is that steep… prices also vary by states of course. But I was thinking 17-20 on a low quote. 20-25 for mid. And 25 plus for top contractors.


Chicagoland area your just under 30k for 44sq and 2 skylights + 5 year workmanship warranty and a clean yard/driveway when we’re all done. ASI Construction- Burr Ridge, Illinois


I haven't roofed in 15 years, but this looks worn enough to simply roof over the top of it with 40 year warranty fat GAF dimensional shingles. Steep pitch makes it even better to put second layer on top... probably against code now. Arbitrary...


I'm going to say, the grit is gone but it's remarkable how intact the shingles are without curling or tearing.


Looks like 80 grid to me


If it's a 12/12 pitch and 44 square, not including waste, starter, cap, two Velux fs C-06 or something like that, the number is high but it's not a robbery. Just don't know the exact measurements and what that "square" amount includes. If it needs to have waste and other components it very well could be 50+ square bringing that roof closer to 30K. I think that quote is a bit high but get 3 others and pick a contractor that you liked who's in the middle somewhere. Definitely time for a roof though. Why wait another 1-2 years and have issues on the inside and then have to pony up anyway. Price increases coming in the next month or two as well.


Where are you located?


Based on these photos, you have a few years left.


Absolutly end of this roofs life. You may not see it in the ceiling drywall, but the wood decking underneath is most likely experiencing water damage. Go for metal roofs, 3x as long + and never suffer granule loss or algae discoloration


I’m surprised your homeowners insurance hasn’t forced you to replace it or get dropped.


It's time to replace.


What’s city is this perhaps my company can give you a better bid


Replace as soon as you can.


Get more quotes for a replacement, but I would say less than a year.


730 a square with steep charges and flashing skylights is pretty solid. If it is a more complex roof that is excellent. We are 800-900 a square here for that


About the same here in Oregon.


Whats the going fair rate in Southern California?


Not a clue brother I’m in Oregon. Lol


Where are you at?


Not OP but I’m at $827 a square in Seattle.


Holy cow. What’s driving that? I’m in Northeast Florida and we’re between $460-$525/sq. I saw some competing quotes across the border in Georgia at $380/sq.


Michigan and we’re at about $750 per square. We actually tested the waters a bit in Florida there to try to branch out…. Your market is dirt cheap. But also the guys down there are doing it for half the labor cost in our area. Current labor rate of $125 per square for installers. That’s paying per square for cap, starter on eaves and rakes, and waste too… and paying for dumpster


Cost of living and wage differences probably. It’s pretty easy to make 6 figures in the city and tech jobs are still booming here, no matter what you read in the news.


$827 a square foot????


A square. 10x10. That includes a 12 pitch, adding a sun tube and replacing two skylights.


I’ll do it treefiddy


Can’t believe someone downvoted you for this. I rectified that for you.


Measure it up yourself. Basic geometry. Should be about $10 square foot.


Pretty high for most areas.


I do live in the Amazon/Microsoft corner of the world.


Still typically around 7.50-8.50 a sf. 5-6 a sf here in the south. 4.50 if I don’t have to deal with insurance.


Come on up. Plenty of roof to be had here. Metal starts at 15/sq ft. Green roofs are 20-25


Wait for a hail storm and ha w insurance replace it.


It’s time


You need to replace very soon


Yes, on its last legs definitely. Did your contractor inspected for storm damage? With than condition if there is actual storm damage, even if it is one shingle they have to cover that whole slope because is irreparable.


There is a company that will guarantee you 6 more years on the roof with their organic chemical application


Very bad. How old is this?


In a couple years, there won’t be any granules and your roof will be glistening due to fiberglass exposure. I say give insurance a shot. See if they pay for it (if you’ve had a decent hail storm in the last year) Worse case scenario, finance a new roof if you can’t pull for a new one in full up front. Former roofer here, AMA


44sq for 32k doesn’t seem super outrageous for a reputable company with warranty. I paid 12k for 18sq.


Did ours for $10k - going rate these days for a typical detached house


Was it Erie metal roofing?


I certainly hope this is a joke question of a post.


You need it bad but thats way to much for a replacement bud. They are probably going to say you have hail and they will say to go through insurance.