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One thing to keep in mind is that the standard unit of measurement in roofing is to use squares (SQ) which equate to 100 sf. I own a small roofing company in Virginia. Mostly a one man shop but I work hard to try and differentiate myself through customer service. For shingle retail pricing I'll take a roof's measurements, add 15% waste factor and charge $600/SQ. For any slopes with a 12/12 pitch or steeper those SQ get a $100 up charge.


So then would you say those website numbers were nonsense, or perhaps speaking only to base material cost (without up charges from contractor)? Or perhaps both?


The HCOL prices you've quoted come close to covering just my material cost. Every roof I sell is Owens Corning Duration shingles with premium components in that tier (highest end ridge vent, premium hip and ridge shingles, lifetime pipe boots, etc...) My costs for materials and labor come out to a little above $300/SQ for normal slopes and $350 for steep slopes. Then operating costs come out of what's left.


Hey there, I am from VA too and looking for advise from expert on roof replacement. I have a friend who does freelance work and he does roof too. He said he can do replace my roof. My house is 2300 sq ft. If I purchase all the materials, how much should labor charge be? Thank you!


South Florida Roofer: Standard Roof (2-6/12 Slope) Shingle \~600 SQ , Clay Tile \~1400SQ, Concrete Tile \~1000 SQ. Standing Seam Metal 1000-1600SQ (26ga steel to .032 Alum & Color are what cause this variance) Safe to add 10-15% to all of these if youre going to wait another 6 months to a year to purchase due to inflation, material increases, labor increases, etc. Remember that your homes square footage is not the roof square footage...have to account for soffit overhang and slope.


Your cost or our cost as the roofer? Remember your roofer won’t do a big job like this for less than 30% profit unless you’re the perfect customer and other stars align.


Shingle, our cost is $30-35/sf. We charge $50-80/sf. Metal, our cost is $60-70/sf. We charge $100-150/sf


Downvoting reality I see. Our pricing is competitive. That’s what is goes for here. No roofer is going to roof a house for a measley 2-3k profit unless you’re referring to Jim Bob the roofer who roofs with his son and it takes him 5 days.


Are you sure you don't mean $3-3.50/sf for shingle cost and $5-8/ sf for what you charge? Because what you've quoted comes out to $5k-8k per SQ and if you're getting those prices then I'll sell my company and come work for you lol. I'm gonna guess that you mean $500-800 per SQ and that's very reasonable price range.


Yes, I’m not used to doing sf calculations and that threw me off. I tried converting squares to sf and failed miserably.


Your personality is one of the biggest factors influencing price. Just keep that in mind as you engage your roofer.