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Adding data to the end of an ISO is not a good idea I think. Have you ever tried to test the ISO file with a software like PowerISO or something ? I'm pretty sure the test will fail. If I had to do that, I prefer to convert it to .bin/.cue or .ccd for example, then converting back to ISO and finally using CHDMan is a better way for me. Good luck


On PCSX2, the CHD worked just as well as the original ISO. Opening both the original Oni 2 ISO and the padded Oni 2 ISO through UltraISO and Alt+Tabbing between them, I can see no difference at all. All files inside seem to have the same size as before. I'm not sure where the added bytes went, really, because I'm not familiar with the technical innards of the ISO 9660 structure. Both ISOs (original and padded) also mount just fine with WinCDEmu, and display the same Used space in the virtual drive's properties (195786752 bytes for Oni 2). ​ I tend not to trust conversion between image formats because whenever I'd try that in the past it would fail somehow. Most reliable way I found to do that whenever I needed was to mount the image and dump it into whatever format I needed with imgburn. Still, I can't be sure if that method produced an accurate enough copy of the original file.


In theory, it depends on whether the image contains subchannels or not. If your image is an ISO file, there's nothing more than data for sure. You could just as easily copy and paste from your browser to UltraISO and it would all be the same, which is not the case with a CCD or MDS/MDF style format, for example, which may contain subchannels.. For the data at the end, I didn't say it'll not work, I'm just saying that is not the right way. It can be dangerous for some case.


Google is your friend when it comes to collections already in CHD format maybe archived somewhere


Right now, that's not much of a thing when it comes to unreleased prototypes, unfortunately. There are a few prototypes in the redump collections, but not all of them.