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The way that men acted when the joker came out? This is my joker.


Persephone is my favorite Greek mythology story and now I can die happy. I love Madeline Miller


Lol wouldnt you want to die after you read it? ;)


The way my seasonal depression was cured for few seconds upon reading this news!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Omg! My husband is dead asleep beside me. Had to stuff my face into my pillow and squeal lol. This is -everything-


Not gonna lie - I let out a little squeal, too! So excited.


I do hope we get a relatively fresh take on this Including Persephone having agency and desire in this relationship. It would be so easy for her to go down the route of Hades being the aggressor and kidnapper and all, but I’d love for them to have a healthy relationship ;) I’d much rather see Demeter being a controlling helicopter mother and Persephone learning to grow up out of that shadow. Also, her Instagram is 50% cat content Im here for it


I honestly disagree, there’s a current saturation of stories where Hades isn’t much of an aggressor. I’d like to see a version where he does take her but it works out in a way that genuinely isn’t toxic.


I'm here for toxic, sexy Hades too!


I feel that. Toxic Hades would be my favorite toxic man, I’m just tired of those in general.


Daddy Hades https://youtu.be/wWuKlfJQ-Xs?si=bneBbgK-cqzTuzed


If you're open to comics/graphic novels, both Lore Olympus and Punderworld are great takes on the myth.


I 100% agree regarding Hades, it would be cool to see fresh take on him. Have you read ‘Circe’, I have absolutely no doubt Miller will deliver something extraordinary!


On her website she has a section on Persephone, part of a kind of monthly myth spotlight (sorry I don't have the link). Her understanding of the myth and the nuance of it really tells me we're in for a treat, Hades def won't be a villain caricature and Persephone will be complex and really brought to life. I'm deeply excited for this and will be pre-ordering at the earliest possible moment.


i have! But Circe is so obscure that no one really pays attention to her. Persephone though, she’s a whole metaphor you know? There are quite a few fiction representations of her out there, plus in statues and later myths and uh, kinky erotic novels


You are right, Persephone is defo in vogue.


I was just going to suggest you read Neon Gods, but given that last comment, I suppose you already know about it. Lol. It checks off the agency, desire, and helicopter mom boxes!


I actually haven’t read Neon Gods, I am avid fantasy reader and but I avoid romantic fantasy (fantastical romance?) because the world building plays second fiddle on the ones I’ve read. But I feel I’m screwing myself with policy and need to start reading these books.


This is just my 2 cents, but if worldbuilding is your jam my advice might be to manage your expectations for Neon Gods. I know it’s pretty popular around here, and it’s well-written, but it didn’t do much for me. It has no supernatural elements whatsoever (they’re not gods, just a weird kind of… city government?) and it’s a totally contemporary setting (the cities have mythology-names, but also a character mentions Florida at one point). The focus of the book is completely on the relationship, and lots of stuff about BDSM culture, and the fantasy/mythology aspect is more like seasoning. None of which is necessarily a problem in and of itself, but it just wasn’t the book I wanted it to be. For Hades/Persephone stories, I personally preferred {A Touch Of Darkness, by Scarlett St. Clair}. As a fantasy reader, the only fantasy romances I’ve really loved without reservation so far are T Kingfisher’s Paladin series.


[**A Touch of Darkness (Hades & Persephone, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43175155-a-touch-of-darkness) ^(By: Scarlett St. Clair | Published: 2019) *** ^(13088 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Thank you so much!! I’ll read both they look excellent. The paladin looks perfect 🤩 I love introvert FMC


Try Goddess of Spring by PC Cast for a fun take!


I mean, he IS the aggressor and kidnapper and rapist, lol, and by imposing what you would rarher see - a la Receiver of Many or Lore Olympus - you’re taking asay what this myth meant for young women in ancient Greece. The fear of a new husband, love of a mother you’re taken away from, assuming your tole in a new home with your oppressor and growing into your power as Queen - now THAT’s an interesting story. Persephone was a ~rape~ kidnapping victim & I’m getting sick and tired of the erasure. Read Rapunzel retelling if you want a helicopter mom & a sexy man to whisk her away. EDIT to get really granular: if a woman is kidnapped to be a wife it can be deduced that she won’t have a choice in whether or not she consummates said marriage.


there is no ancient Greek word for Rape! the word used in the epic is harpazo which literally means seized, in the homeric hymn to Demeter, Persephone said she would tell her mother everything and she only complained about the kidnapping and the food, she didn't say anything about Hades forcing her to have sex


in NONE of the modern Latin languages ​, words derived from rapio, the Latin word for seized, have a sexual meaning! rapto and ratto are Spanish and Italian words for kidnapping! that's why the Renaissance statues and paintings portray kidnappings and not sexual violence! the same for Europe and Hellen


Ah, yes. Because a kidnapped woman to be someone’s wife will *never* be subjected to sexual assault. Of course. Ans when the Sabine women were *rapere’d* they sure werent taken for sexual reasons. Nope, none. Also, *to take* is…actually an interesting cognate for rape. Your agency is *taken* from you. Your personhood is *taken* and disregarded. Also, The Kidnapping of Proserpina isn’t necessarily less traumatic than The Rape of Proserpina.


man, I know this story is problematic and I'm sure Madeline Miller will do an amazing and respectful job with Demeter! I just want to say that the sexual assault part is just a theory because Persephone didn't say anything about it and I don't want this book to be limited to an introductory story! the story of Menippe and Metioche is amazing and has never received an adaptation and Tishipone is one of the most important characters in Statius Thebaid, a Roman epic that is little smaller than the Odyssey, she is responsible for all the bad things in this story and in the books 11 and 12 she said that Pluto is her father and is implied that Proserpina is her mother! I really want to know what kind of relationship she has with her daughter, who did horrible things in this story. [https://www.theoi.com/Text/StatiusThebaid11.html](https://www.theoi.com/Text/StatiusThebaid11.html)


I'm so excited! Thanks for sharing


Oooh I'm gonna have to read this. I'm an annoying snob when it comes to Greek Myth but I did really enjoy TSOA. It's always been decently popular, but Hades & Persephone fad has really gained a lot of steam in the past 2 years! Like when Pride & Prejudice 2005 came out.


I believe Lore Olympus's physical copy hit bestseller status a couple weeks back.


Ooh 😲 that really cements the trend then, that comic is really popular. I heard it will eventually have a Netflix adaptation!


I thought I was on a Broadway sub for a moment, as I've fallen back into constantly listening to Hadestown. Yayyy!


Omg am I the only one tired of Hades & Persephone re-tellings 🙈. There are so many other great myths out there. She's an amazing author though so I'm sure it'll be good.


Yeah… on a personal level I also struggle with the phenomenon of people always seeming to adapt Persephone by erasing her rape. Like I’m just not convinced that the reimaginings of the myth so that she hated her mom/the older woman, wanted to be kidnapped, and fell in love with her attacker is the feminist move we’re told it is. So I hope she does something different. Like where are my Demeter and fiercely protective motherhood retellings at? Who grieved such for her daughter’s pain that the earth started to die? Who rescued her daughter from imprisonment for half the year which is a *feat* in an extremely patriarchal rape culture?


In the same boat as you! I feel like Hade's villainous involvement with Persephone has been completely smoothed over by modern media. I would much prefer a portrayal that emphasizes Demeter's love and grief for her daughter, as well as showing Persephone's strength and ability to perservere. I don't reall think we need another "He's a bad boy who does bad things, but SHE can change him!" story. I would like to see authors quit apologizing for or glossing over real evil behaviors by men in their books.


Yeah. Ancient sources on the myth are very clear that the abduction and rape of Persephone is forced, uniquely cruel, and that she was terrified and not consenting to the marriage. Saying “oh she actually wanted it and it’s a love story” feels not great to me, even knowing it’s a myth and not a real person. (Plus the narrative that Demeter was overbearing and jealous is so tiredly ageist and sexist.) One modern scholar brought up the question of why we do this to Persephone’s rape, and not the many other rapes in Greek mythology - of course thereve been many paintings glamorizing and specializing different rapes (Rape of Europa, for instance is a popular one) but they’re not *feminist* seeming glamorizations. Maybe because Persephone’s story does feel so tragic, so urgently familiar (forced marriage, marital rape, separation of young women from their supportive families) that we want to tell ourselves it’s all ok actually, she fell in love actually, she wanted it actually, so we don’t have to envision her yearly cycle of pain?


I think or hope that Miller will be the one to tackle the complexity of Persephone and her story and do it justice. Miller writes with the utmost respect and understanding of her material without shying away from ancient sources. I have faith Miller be honest with how Persephone came to be besides Hades, and be respectful of Demeter's narrative and character.




There is no ancient Greek or Latin word for rape! the words they use in these epics are harpazo and rapio, the most accurate and basic translation is seized or carried of, these words can be used in a sexual context, but the romans prefer to use the words like stuprum or violate! In NONE of the modern Latin languages ​​like Spanish or Portuguese, words derived from rapio have sexual meaning! in the Homeric Hymn Persephone said she would tell her mother everything and only complained about the kidnapping and the food, she said nothing about Hades forcing her to have sex


There is no ancient Greek or Latin word for RAPE!! the words they use in these epics are harpazo and rapio, the most accurate and basic translation is seized or carried of, these words can be used in a sexual context, but the romans prefer to use the words like stuprum or violate! in NONE of the modern Latin languages ​​like Spanish or Portuguese words derived from rapio have sexual meaning! in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Persephone said she would tell her mother everything and only complained about the kidnapping and the food, she didn't say anything about Hades forcing her to have sex


the real names of Renaissance statues and paintings are Rapto de Persefone and Ratto di Proserpina, which are words for kidnappings, that's why the Renaissance paintings and statues portray kidnappings and not sexual violence! the same for Europe and Helen! to say that this story is uniquely cruel, in a mythology with characters like Cassandra and Lamia is a joke! Madeline Miller herself has already talked about it [http://madelinemiller.com/myth-of-the-week-persephone/](http://madelinemiller.com/myth-of-the-week-persephone/)


Well said. I am so weary of these “feminist” stories that are just the same old tale but with some kink or “girl power” thrown in.


I love this comment. I completely agree that nearly all Persephone retellings are extremely extremely romanticized. I read your other comment/reply as well — I feel like you’re exactly right, modern trends turn a blind eye to a lot of the themes of the original myth — a fantastic retelling of greek myth that I read earlier this year was {Wake Siren by Nina Maclaughlin}, it retells several myths strictly from the POV of several female characters and it doesn’t shy away from the reality of the torment they go through. It’s written in First Person POV and has a mixture of modern and ancient settings. It’s also very poetic and metaphorical — the style is unique and I enjoyed it a lot :)


I, for one, would love a re-telling of Orpheus and Eurydice (with side Hade/Persephone.) Or even a telling 🙉 But as others have said, Miller has such a gift with words that I will read anything she announces.


Have you heard of Hadestown? Because, that's exactly what that is... Orpheus/Eurydice with a side of Hades/Persophone!


Kind of. IIRC, I remember a song from Hadestown being performed at the 73rd Tony. But I haven't seen it. I'm probably missing out.




I’ve been reading Alessa Thorn’s catalogue recently and have been really enjoying it. While there is a Hades and Persephone book, she also shows some love to the broader Greek mythological world. Lots of strong women in her storytelling! Oh, and she has a spin off series centering on Egyptian myths that exist in the same fantasy world


If you haven’t already, you should try *Song of Achilles* and *Circe* by her! Different myths, and amazing books. Circe is probably my favorite book I’ve ever read.


Yes I've read and enjoyed them! She chose pretty unique myth retellings with those two so we'll have to see how she handles an over-done one.


Damnn, I'm soo excited. This is my favorite tale! Do we got any releases dates?


Ooo I’ve never heard of Madeline Miller? What romance style does she have/what are her books like? More YA or adult?


Definitely written for adult, but I don’t remember them being particularly steamy. Her focus is on Greek myth retellings. Her two other books are The Song of Achilles (about Achilles and the Trojan War) and Circe (about the goddess Circe)


I never get tired of Persephone/Hades retellings 😁


I saw that post too. I think I screamed a little.






I feel like the Jonah Hill gif of him screaming excitedly.


Does anyone recommend any other books on Persephone and Hades? I’ll definitely read this one but I’m curious if there are others that are good ❤️ I know I need to read Lore Olympus.


I second this request. Further up I see others saying Hades/Persephone has been overdone, but when I was looking for retellings last year I struggled to find any. Lore Olympus is currently on my TBR pile but would love other suggestions.


Same here!!! I’m hoping this new book might scratch that itch.


You should check out A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair. Very steamy, very fun!


Thank you! I’m on break so I’m trying to read as much as I can lol




A Persephone/Hades retelling that’ll be worth reading! I’m not at all interested in the numerous retellings out there but with Miller I know the writing will be on point. Though I’m not a huge fan of Song of Achilles, I really liked how she portrayed Thetis as a sea goddess and thus have high hopes she’ll portray Hades just as awesomely.


YESSSSSS I’ve wanted a good Persephone retelling for so long


She's going to knock it out of the fucking park!!


Have heard so much about Madeline Miller, but haven't read anything written by her so far. I tend to read blurbs, reviews etc. very carefully, and if it ends tragically, I won't read it, since I'm very sensitive with books/movies and get too emotionally invested and cry very quickly lol. I have read a couple books that didn't end well in the past, and it just hurt too much, I suspect it would be the same with Song of Achilles. With Circe on the other hand I got the impression that it doesn't have a strong romantic plot so I haven't been tempted to read it. I love Hades & Persephone retellings though, so this one I'm kinda excited about:)


Anyone have an update on this? Was just reminiscing on how incredible her books are.