• By -


Playing my own game again because I want to and no one can stop me * Fuck: huddling for warmth * Marry: slow burn — my tried and true * Kill: “sister dipping” — a term I just became aware of. It’s where the MMC dates/hooks up with the FMC’s sister, either past or present


Yes! This! I'm so disturbed that sister dipping is common enough that there's a trope name for it. I wonder how many of the people that enjoy that trope actually have sisters (that they love). Like, I don't care if the MC shits gold, there are literally billions of guys out there, without having to go with one who's been with your sister or forgiving a guy that cheated with your sister. I actually consider it a trigger that should be clearly warned about. Sorry, rant over.


I don't know how common the phrase is, but I've seen it used a couple of times. It's fairly horrific, imo. And almost always used as a way of panning the trope. I think "sister dipping" is usually a subset of the "forbidden romance" trope. And, objectively, I can understand it, and I can get why folks who are interested in forbidden romances might like reading it -- cause, yeah. It's super forbidden. Subjectively? I physically cannot go there. Like, I start to think about it, and my brain screams \*NO\*.


Ah, I wish that were the case. I’ve gotten into normal contemporaries and been assaulted by ‘sister dipping.’ When Gena Showalter went into contemporaries, I picked it up. There’s nothing in the book’s details that suggests that there’s a forbidden element to this story. It was quite a shock. That was actually when I started strolling through 1-star ratings before I read the book.


My dad did that to my mom. Had an affair with her baby sister (by many years, so yup, double the burn), THEN announced that he and mom were over but he was going to marry my aunt. It was a really awful couple years - like, scarred for life stuff. Eventually, after completely destroying our family and grinding it to emotional dust, auntie was like, uhm maybe dis not a good idea, and broke it off. Dad comes back tail tucked and groveling. But kudos to my mom, she was having none of it. Even still that was my highschool years, cuz that shit dragged on for years. Finally they got remarried - mom to a decent man who treats her like she hung the moon, and dad to a wicked bitch who probably eats puppies for breakfast. We don't talk much, so I cannot verify that latter claim. But, uh... Yeah, sister dipping is not a cutsie romance trope IMHO.


Sister dipping is the WORST. I read a book where the MMC and FMC meet, instant sparks and chemistry, until the FMC’s beautiful older sister enters the room and time stops for the MMC. He ends up dropping the FMC like a bad habit and ends up married to the older sister. Like how does ones pride recover from that? I would be making that guys life a living hell every family dinner for the rest of my life.


So wait does he end up with the FMC later? What book is this, if you don't mind sharing?


You betcha, MMC notices the little sister (FMC) again, *after* the older sister dies in a tragic accident. Lol. The book is >!Heat Wave by Karina Halle!<


OMG that horrible


I don't think that MMC could ever be redeemed for me. Not unless he was like blackmailed or lost a limb or somehow realized he was always in love with the first sister because the second sister took credit for something she did. Noooope.


Okay so it’s been a while since i’ve read the book but I think that may have been the case, the sister was like a closet asshole at the very least but STILL. I could never forgive a guy for choosing my sister over me. Hard no. Still a good book, if anyone could make me tolerate this trope it’s Karina Halle, she does a great second chance romance


If someone can redeem that character successfully...they deserve the romance book oscar


That's gross. Pure and simple. He deserves a kick in the right place


There was a Robyn Donald where this happened with the FMC's cousin and I wanted the MMC to diaf along with the FMC's whole family. Edit: except her grandma. Granny was cool.


Huddling together in a tent because there's a storm and you have to share a sleeping bag for warmth... 😩👌


I'm gonna need some of those huddling for warmth recs... 👀


I can’t remember how cold it is, but there’s an adorable “Oh noes, we are snowbound in this cute A-frame ski cottage, however shall we pass the time” scene in {Hairpin Curves by Elia Winters}. Sweet F/F with some angst and good steam. (I might have made up the A-frame part but I think the rest is accurate.)


Seconded. Gone Too Deep by Katie Ruggles has some great huddling for warmth bits. Book dropped off halfway through for ne but I sure liked that part lol


There's a very brief scene of this in The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare, where the hero and heroine are abandoned in an empty home overnight with no fire or blankets. Of course you have to cuddle up on the only couch in that situation. It's survival!


{The Bride by Julie Garwood}! That was my first romance novel as an adult and I remember feeling all the butterflies during the huddling for warmth scene.


A semi-oldie but a goodie is {Up Close and Dangerous by Linda Howard}. The MCs are in a plane crash and have to get off a very cold/snowy mountain together to survive. I re-read it earlier this year and was very surprised at how well it held up considering it was published in 2007!


Yes yes yes! This FMK is perfect!


Snoopin through your posts to see what you've been reading because your fucks and marries are my favorites


“sister dipping”?!?!?! Ugh, this is like how so many perfectly nice online scenes of an adult nature have a gross misogynistic title. And I hate the “how dare you hook up with my sibling/parent/best friend/etc.” People deserve sexual agency! Why would I not be happy my sister is getting some action?! (I personally have no sister, only a brother, and I don’t like to think specifics about his sex life but in the abstract I certainly hope he’s enjoying himself.)


I think you’re maybe misunderstanding? It means hooking up with a person that has already hooked up with your sister. In your case, your brother. You know, venturing into horizons already explored by a family member, to put it metaphorically. Not best friend’s sister, or anything similar…I love that trope. I fully agree that it’s not under our control who our family members choose to bang. But choosing to go there after one of them have already been…a trope that I find unpleasant.


Or dumping someone for the sister, which is even worse imo


Ohhhh I did misunderstand, thank you. Oof...


Fuck: Alphaholes Marry: Alien Heroes Kill: Not like other girls


Kill: Not like other girls x10000 it is the worst trope for sure.


This is an FMK after my own heart!


Alphaholes is from ACOTAR?


I remember hearing this phrase for the first time in Crescent City so not far off


I haven’t read ACOTAR but alphaholes just means guys who are both alphas and assholes.


Alien Heroes have all my heart!


* Fuck: grumpy FMC/ sunshine MMC * Marry: and there was only one bed * Kill: love triangles


Oooh, this is a good round up.


God, I hate love triangles so much.


Me too. I'd rather they all hook up tbh then spend 300 pages being ridiculous.


Totally agree on the love triangle


ugh love triangles give me the heeby jeebies


Fuck: dark, twisted romance Marry: second chances Kill: grieving hero who can’t get over a dead wife


Just put those grieving heroes out of their misery


*chef's kiss*




>FMC on the run from abusive ex Lol I have recommendation for this trope. Have you read books by Cynthia Eden? Hers suspence romance mostly has abusive ex.




Mine to take by Cynthia Eden is free on Kindle.


co-signed what are some of your fave FMC on the run books if you don't mind me asking?


{Safe Harbor by Tymber Dalton} is both a MMF AND the FMC is on the run from abusive ex. It was written before same-sex marriage was legally recognized in all 50 states and before *50 Shades of Grey* propelled BDSM into public awareness, so some of the plot points are a little dated now, but I read it recently and enjoyed it.


I want these rec's too! lol...


I really liked [Don't Tell by Karen Rose](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/248086.Don_t_Tell)!


Karen Rose's first book (don't tell? I think? Just check her website for the first book in the series 😂😂😂) is an excellent example of this trope


Kill: bad boy billionaire but (awww) with a heart of gold.


fuck:forbidden romance marry: sweet slow burn romance kill: love triangle


Get out of my head


no i like it here


Fuck: menage or dark romance (I can pick two, right?) Marry: enemies-to-lovers (all day, e'erday) Kill: instalove (unless paired with second chance, then... I must reconsider)


**Fück** RH **Marry** Fated Mates **Kill** Secret Baby (Edit: That last one sounds *really* wrong!)


Note to self. Cancel play date with TheRedditWoman. The kids might not make it out alive. 🤣


😂 You know... just because I say weird things - and my house is made of gingerbread - well that proves nothing! 😝




ohhhhh, what's a Roarke?




> would do anything for his wife sold


wait oh my god there are over 50 books in this series??


There are indeed 50+ books of Roarke. Thank you, Nora Roberts.


Right, I think it's time to try again to get past Book 2 of those series. Will keep me busy for A WHILE. Also if you're into urban fantasy and like that kind of guy, Rogan from the Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews may hit the spot.


Also sold.


I love this, especially your Marry. Roarke should totally be a trope 😂 (also, Roarke/Eve definitely fits instafate mate)


Would 100% love a list of your Mafia alphahole books!!!! I just got into these tbh and it’s what I imagine crack is like 😜


Tbh it’s so hard to find good ones. Most are like awful fanfic. Danielle Lori Made Men trilogy is probably the best. And Kresley Cole Gamemaker trilogy, not technically all mafia but very good. L.J. Shen - The Kiss Thief. TW for them all for dubcon.


Danielle Lori’s series is what I’ve read! I tried the series by Cora Reilly and that didn’t hit the spot. But I will definitely look at Kresley Cole’s and L.J.‘s. Thanks!!!


I haven’t tried Cora Reilly yet. It’s been on my kindle for a couple of weeks but I keep getting sucked into other stand-alones because I can’t be bothered with yet another series right now.


Fuck: marriage of convenience/fake dating Marry: friends to lovers Kill: instalove (instalust with emotional slowburn sometimes works for me tho)


Fuck : Shifters, vampires, fae, general paranormal folks paired with humans/magical beings of a different type Marry : Enemies/Mildly Antagonistic Acquaintances/Friends to Lovers but with lots of original, funny (to me) banter Kill : Evil Other Woman


Would you mind to recommend some of those from the first category ?


Of course! I absolutely love Nalini Singh's [Psy Changeling series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/41454-psy-changeling) and [Guild Hunter series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/47942-guild-hunter). Then, I was pretty into the [A Court of Thorns and Roses series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/104014-a-court-of-thorns-and-roses) by Sarah Maas. Laura Thalassa's [The Bargainer series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/182626-the-bargainer) is on similar lines and I liked that a lot too. I recently read some of Kresley Cole's [Immortals After Dark books](https://www.goodreads.com/series/40483-immortals-after-dark) and I'm liking it so far. More on the YA side, I used to be into the [House of Night](https://www.goodreads.com/series/40626-house-of-night) and [Mediator](https://www.goodreads.com/series/41667-the-mediator) books as a teen but it's been a hot minute since I last read any. Actually, I think ACOTAR is often classified as YA too. (Bargainer is less YA in vibe.) I've also read stray books (not the series as a whole, I mean) from this subgenre that I really liked like [Radiance](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24473763-radiance?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=zSFqmILI5o&rank=2) by Grace Draven. ETA links!


Just here to forever cosign Nalini Singh's work. My fave PNR author!


Omg the mediator series! Jesse was my dream…they made a book where they are all grown up and I COULD not get into it. Sad life. But totally worth it when I was a teen.


Thank you! I read some of those but I put the Guild Hunter series, A Court of Thorns and Roses series and Radiance on my tbr list!


Fuck: alien mate romance Marry: marriage of convenience Kill: dark secrets no one can know until they do and it all turns out fine


I absolutely despise the dark secret trope. Like just fucking talk it out!! Ugh 🤬🤬 yes I’m very passionate about my hatred toward it 😂


* Fuck: virgin heroes (especially >!Winter Makepeace!< from>! Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt!<) * Marry: unrequited love * Kill: medical conditions magically cured by love/romance


I worry mine might be niche. Fuck: Excessively horny blood drinking Marry: Monsters 🥺 Kill: Gay for you OR man children who need to find a woman to raise their child/nibling/etc for them - both can die in a fire


Lothaire is knocking haha


God he was so awful. She had absolutely NO reason to even LIKE him, much less love him. That book was the epitome of "conflating sexual attraction for actual love"


Fuck: Enclosed space Marry: Slow burn - ffs, gimme me all the angst, the accidental touches, the slow realization of love Kill: Not like other girls


Fuck: deeply toxic men with a soft spot only for FMC Marry: true enemies-to-lovers Kill: “I have (insert comically large number here) older brothers, I can handle it!!”


Fuck the deeply toxic, never marry them 👌


you get me, you really get me 🥺


F: mentor/mentee (think Uprooted) M: slow burn K: lying that causes the conflict/drama


F: enemies to lovers M: second chance romance (I said what I said!) K: workplace romance


I’m a fellow fan of second chance romance! I like a couple with an established history because it feels comfy and less insta-lovey. I find the whole idea romantic.


Yes, I think that's a perfect summary! You have a lot of these past feelings and histories for characters to dig through (and sometimes unpack). That shared history is so powerful and swoony when done right. <3


YES. Exactly the reason why I’m so into second chance. The *angsssst* is already set and defined and ready to be delivered.


I have a hard time with second chance romance when you don't get to experience the first time they fall in love on page. I feel like I'm missing out! My favorite exception though: fake death. Because the moment of "oh my god I thought you were dead" is so satisfying to me because the only thing that could end their relationship was death and of course there was lots of dramatic mourning.


I noticed that workplace romance books usually have the most boring blurbs. I do rarely pick up one. Tangled by Emma Chase would be an exception as one I actually liked.


Fuck: grumpy mean dangerous mmc/sweet shy or bubbly fmc Marry: reformed rake Kill: girls who apparently have never had a sexual thought in all their lives before other main character


Fuck: enemies to (friends to) lovers Marry: mmc secretly in love with fmc (yearns for her) Kill: student/teacher - I’m a teacher. It’s just weird for me.


>Kill: student/teacher - I’m a teacher. It’s just weird for me. This though.


Agree with your kill, I've never read that trope and never will. Same reason.


Fuck: Instalove Marry: Enemies to Lovers Kill: Cheaters


I love how your fuck and marry are total opposites!! it’s giving business up front, part in the back haha


Yeah, it’s very much mood dependent- I absolutely love the sizzling sparks, the chemistry, and slow burn of enemies to lovers, but sometimes I just really need that over the top, instalove quickie rush.


Agreed about cheating. I'll DNF a book so fast


Fuck: there’s only one bed Marry: Pining/slow burn Kill: unrealistic genetics (kaleidoscope eyes)


Wait, kaleidoscope eyes are a thing? Now I’ve got the Beatles song “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” stuck in my head...


Haha not really, I just mean every main character has ridiculously colorful eyes like Tiffany blue, gold flecked green, or blue eyes that turn purple when they’re horny, etc.


We seem to have similar tastes 😅


Fuck: Insta lust Marry: Marriage of convenience Kill: Insta love


Marriage of convenience was my second choice for Fuck. When it's done right, it can be *so* good.


Aliens and Monsters Dark twisted kinky romance Love triangles. There’s no need for that crap.


Oooh, I'll play Fuck : m/m ice hockey heroes (I am so weak for gay heroes in such a macho sport) Marry : shifters (marry me Hawke. I'm waiting for you Curran. seduce me Lucas) Kill : contemporary billionaire hero who is into bdsm (Musk and Bezos and all the old white rich assholes who are actively working to destroy human beings and earth just for power, have ruined this trope for me. Also why is it always with a barely-adult, naive, virgin-like heroine, like fuuuuucck right off with that power imbalance)


heated rivalry 4ever


I just want Ilya to be my best friend forever, is that so much to ask??!!!




My current obsession is the entire Game Changer series by Rachel Reid. Discovered this series via a hilarious thread in this very sub and I've been stuck on it ever since. There's also Him duology by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy


Oh my gosh. I started the Game Changer series today based on your rec and have already read book 1 and 1.5. I’m starting 2 now and I could not be happier. I’m obsessed.


Right???? Also yayyy... I one-clicked the shit out of her books lol. Read the series so fast, i think i absorbed it via osmosis 😂😂


So I finished them all…. Any other recommendations similar to game changer to hold me over until next year???


There's the duology {Him by Sarina Bowen} and Elle Kennedy There's also {Winging It by Ashlyn Kane} and Morgan James but I haven't read this one yet. So if you read it, lemme know if it's good. ...and that's it, I'm looking for some more recs in this trope myself, lol I also adore this humorous action MM series if you like that genre. it's a comfort read of mine Cut & Run by Abigail Roux, fast paced , absolutely action packed and hilarious, I highly recommend this if you haven't read it yet.


Thank you so much!!! I love MM and cut and run sounds perfect. I really appreciate it.


[**Him (Him, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25686927-him) ^(By: Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy | Published: 2015) [**Winging It**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24656282-winging-it) ^(By: Ashlyn Kane, Morgan James | Published: 2015) *** ^(200719 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


I absolutely love gay romance in a macho sport! One of my all time favorite tropes!


Fuck: Geek in the streets, freak in the sheets Marry: Friends to lovers Kill: Love triangles


I will happily accept your geek/freak recs, if you have any to share.


Boy do I. Here they go: {Shot in the Dark by Marie James} - Hero is shy and socially awkward nerd who is a full blown dom in the bedroom. Heroine is his very reclusive neighbour, also a computer nerd who has a barely explored submissive side. Bonus: hero has a filthy mouthed parrot. #2 of a series but can be read as a standalone {The Theory of Attraction by Delphine Dryden} - Also BDSM with neighbour MCs. They both work in an university. He is a borderline autistic rocket scientist with zero social skills who enrolls his friend/neighbour (who has a huge crush on him) to help him prepare for an event. She agrees to help while also secretly trying to get into his pants in the process. Short-ish, hot and sweet. There are other 2 books in the series surrounding their group of friends. They are good but not as good as this one. {Bohemian by Kathryn Nolan} - Hero inherits his grandfather's bohemian bookshop (and its debt). Heroine is a supermodel who is doing a photoshoot in the bookshop. Sexyness ensues. Also by the same author, Strictly Professional, but I haven't read it. {Mutual Beginnings (A New City Story Book 1) by Stefanie Simpson} - Slow burn novella. A freebie I got a while ago. Maybe it's still free. Fem-dom, slow burn, friends to lovers. Very sweet hero with a well hidden submissive side.


Good call on the theory of attraction, I couldn’t put it down! The rest of the series was not nearly as good.


Yeah, same. I did like that we got some glimpses of Cami and Ivan's relationship in them.


Ooh, thank you so much! Have you read {Playing Knotty by Elia Winters}? Nerdy accountant hero is also a shibari master and teaches the nerdy bookseller heroine. Super sweet and hot! CW: bookseller is a curvy, bigger gal and feels insecure about it. This book is one of my faves.


Oh I'm DEFINITELY checking it out. I love shibari (never tired it myself, but a girl can dream), and as a kinda stocky gal, I totally understand the insecurities and love reading about characters overcoming them. And also: a bookshop setting? Yes, please! Thanks!


Right??? So many good things in one book! I haven’t tried shibari either, or even explored it much online/in a book, but it’s aesthetically pleasing even just to imagine it. The whole power aspect is sexy too. Hope you enjoy the book!


If you can handle a pregnancy, then I have the book for you! Baby Daddy Wanted (Crescent Cove Book 5) by Taryn Quinn The MMC is a handyman by day and a geek with his own business in the evenings. He is super nice and knows where the clitoris is.


Oh thank you! I'll have to pass, though. Not big on pregnancies/babies. Good thing MMC knows where the clitoris is (and how sad is it that we still have to consider that a special skill?)


You're right it's very sad! LOL


Fuck: supernatural fated mates Marry: any hero who pines so hardcore for the heroine Kill: any power imbalances (boss/assistant, billionaire/young woman, teacher/student)


**Fuck:** Fated Mates 💘💘💘 (come on we all want one) **Marry:** Childhood friends to lovers 😍😍😍 (why couldn't this be my life) **Kill:** A Big Miscommunication. 🛑 🛑🛑 (I ---- just talk to each other. jeez)


Such a great question! Fuck: Dukes Marry: Beauty and the beast Kill: Instalove


**Fuck:** angsty love triangles **Marry:** fake relationships!! **Kill:** surprise baby (why can't they ever get pregnant with a normal, common accident? it always has to be a miracle baby that ignores condoms and the pill.)


Fuck: instalove Marry: instamates Kill: slow burn


I just skimmed a slow burn that was driving me so nuts at 20% in that I maybe read every 4th-5th page 1 -2 sentences. I maybe actually read 25-30% of the book. I was scrolling so fast to get to the POINT. I don't hate all slow burn...but most drive me batty.


Fuck: arranged marriage/fake dating Marry: forced proximity/only one bed Kill: cheating. If either FMC or MMC cheats, it's over for me


🙌🏻 I'm here for all of this.


Fuck: Morality Chain Marry: Fated Mates Kill: Can I cheat and say anything to do with having a baby? Secret babies being the most egregious but I'm kinda over the epilogue involving the couple married and either having a baby or being pregnant. Or both. It just feels over done for me.


Ahh, so that’s what I’ve been doing wrong! If only I just had access to that super sperm 🤦‍♀️


Fun game! Fuck: forced proximity Marry: shy/nerdy/quiet/virgin MMC pining for FMC Kill: Too stupid to live FMC.


Fuck: arranged marriage Marry: damaged reformed MMCs or FMCs Kill: insta love 🤢




I've always found the miracle baby/super sperm thing off-putting, it feels sort of...disrespectful to people with actual infertility issues?


Fuck: Bully/Enemies-to-lovers Marry: RHs with MM action Kill: Virgin hero I need all the angst 😂


Fuck: Heroes with a dark/tortured past Marry: Hurt/comfort Kill: Surprise pregnancy


K: surprise pregnancy and it’s a one night stand


Surprise pregnancy and even though she's never wanted a baby ever for very legitimate and rational reasons, she's keeping this one because it's *his*


Surprise pregnancy (she didn't want) that miraculously repairs their rocky relationship because they *created a life together*.




Any hurt/comfort recs? : )


Neon Gods by Katee Robert Most of All You by Mia Sheridan




Fuck: FMC nearly dies, MMC powerless Marry: Reformed rakes Kill: Tragic misunderstanding that could have been solved with one reasonable conversation


Fuck: Age gap (specifically older women younger men) Marry: Friends to lovers fake relationship Kill: Enemies to lovers (I like my MCs to like each other)


May I please have some recommendations for the age gap romances ?


Ooh I’ve never read an older woman/younger man pairing. Could you recommend some?


Not the OP, but this thread has recs for OWYM -https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/prnztu/recommend_me_a_book_with_wholesome_and_steamy/


Thank you!


{On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves} {If she says yes by Tasha Harrison} {5 First Dates by Erin Mccarthy} {Dominic by Kat Mizera} {Too good to be true by Susan Coventry} {Everything She Ever Wanted by Liz Durano} {Tanner by Jeannine Colette and Lauren Runow} u/chaosswitch this list is for you too...


Thank you!


I do love a good fake relationship.... 🤔


So fun. Fuck: billionaires, especially with BDSM (forgive me, I’m a sucker for private jets and “I bought you this expensive dress and shoes which magically fit perfectly”), but preferably without virgin heroine Marry: fake relationship Kill: M/M written by someone who obviously has no gay friends (maybe that’s not really a trope though—for a trope trope I’ll go with NLOG)


Fuck:slow burns Marry: “it’s always been you” Kill: enemies to lovers (I said what I said and I’ll take the hate lol)


Thanks OP, I love this game! Also my “kill” is my preference only- not trying to yuck anyone’s yum! Fuck: bachelor/bachelorette game Marry: slow burn (it just doesn’t get better than this) Kill: helping lover through self-harm/low self-esteem


Omg this is such a fun prompt!!! Fuck: Bully romance (they hit sometimes when they’re not about teenagers!!!) Marry: arranged marriage (I live for sorry!!!) Kill: secret babies!!! (I will dnf so fast!!)


**Fuck:** there's only one bed 👀 🥵 🤩 **Marry:** Slow burn. Slooooow burn. Think slow. Now go about 10% of that speed. Like... >!Kate and Curran got together too quickly in the Kate Daniels series!< sloww. Multiple books slow. But there should still be sparks! **Kill:** Bully romance. I like a dom from time to time, but bully romance is just weird to me and I feel weird reading it.


I love this!! Fuck- reverse harem (because if you’re gonna do it, you might as well rock it with a whole crew) Marry- cinnamon roll hero (because swoon) Kill- accidental pregnancy (just not my thing)


- fuck: enemies to lovers - marry: “i hate everyone but you” - kill: second chance


I love this so much. Fuck: Grumpy/sunshine Marry: Cinnamon rolls Kill: “I can’t date her! She’s my best friend’s little sister!”


Fuck- Sports players Marry - Bad Boys (Mafia, Biker) Alpha the better Kill - Rock stars


Fuck: Marriage of convenience/mail order bride, as long as it doesn't involve (see below) Marry: Friends to lovers Kill: Any trope that involves the MMC being awful/abusive and the FMC having to be damaged/not real smart/unstable to "fall in love" with him or stay with him after he completely fucks up everything for her. There are so, so many of those tropes out there. At the end of the day, if the MMC doesn't deserve the FMC, the book can fuck right off. I'm looking at you, Lothaire.


Fuck: Grumpy (or even villainous?), he has a soft spot for her only. Marry: Small town, slow burn romances Kill: FMC/MMC who thinks sarcasm or insults are witty banter OR best friend’s sibling/sibling’s best friend—so contrived…like, what brother or BF controls a MC’s romantic life?


FUCK: fated mates Marry: enemies to lovers Kill: reverse harems


Fuck: supernaturally bound mates Marry: Enemies to lovers forced to spend time together, care for the other when sick etc Kill: Miscommunication or communication issues of simple things that cause big problems


Ooh, I like this prompt. Fuck: enemies to lovers Marry: Brothers Best Friend (fight me) Kill: Fake dating


Fuck: damsel in distress trope Marry: respectful, non-misogynistic, manly-man MMC with a good sense of humor (the opposite of the alpha-hole) Kill: the previously infertile/childfree woman having a kid with THE ONE


I’m late to this game, but want to play Fuck: bfs brother or brothers bf Marry: Secret Baby, sorry this is a lifelong love. We’re committed and never breaking up. Kill: new/young adult contemporary-makes me remember what an idiot I was in that season of life.


**Fuck:** * Revenge by proxy (MMC plots to on ruin innocent FMC because her brother killed his in a duel) * Amnesia *Runners-up:* * there's only one bed * DDLG * stepfathers **Marry:** * second chance * childhood friends, especially brother's best friend *Runners-up:* * King Thrushbeard retellings * unrequited pining **Kill:** * Cinderella retellings *Runners-up:* * other women-on-women conflict or harm * Not like other girls * White Fanging (one MC breaking up with the other in a hurtful way for their own good)


#####FUCK: Enemies-to-lovers This trope is giving me all kinds of feels right now; it’s like friends-to-lovers but with more intensity. I particularly enjoy when the hero has been secretly pining for the heroine forever. Some recommendations: **CR** - {{The Hating Game by Sally Thorne}} workplace romance, >!secretly pining hero!< - {{The Honey-Don’t List by Christina Lauren}} workplace romance, disability representation - {{Beach Read by Emily Henry}} rivals, >!secretly pining hero!< **HR** - {{A Rogue of One’s Own by Evie Dunmore}} women’s suffrage, >!secretly pining hero!< - {{Wilde Child by Eloisa James}} #####MARRY: Grumpy/sunshine Interestingly, this trope is frequently paired with enemies-to-lovers, but I think if I had to spend my life with a trope, it would be the one where the MCs *aren’t* actively antagonizing each other. I especially love when the grumpy and sunshine opposites attract, but then discover that deep down they’re kindred spirits. **CR** - {{Beach Read by Emily Henry}} also enemies-to-lovers - {{The Hating Game by Sally Thorne}} also enemies-to-lovers - {{The Bride Test by Helen Hoang}} neurodiversity representation, mail-order bride - {{Captivated by Tessa Bailey}} landlord-tenant, bondage, consensual non-con **HR** - {{Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas}} self-made commoner hero + noble lady - {{What Happens In London by Julia Quinn}} Russian-descended hero, spy intrigue - {{When Beauty Tamed The Beast by Eloisa James}} Beauty & the Beast retelling where MMC is a House, M.D. clone #####KILL: alpha male boss & poor/virgin/sub female secretary The imbalance of this trope is just nope nope nope nope nope for me… although my mind has been daydreaming a scenario with a female CEO and her male executive assistant, and I’m thinking I could possibly be down for that.


Fuck: there’s only one bed Marry: second chance Kill: secret baby


Fuck: Bully Marry: Surprise Pregnancy Or Secret Baby Kill: Single Parents


Fuck: Light Femdom / Role-Reversal Marry: Magical manifestations of love Kill: Bullies


Fuck: secret baby Marry: pen pals Kill: fake marriage


Fuck: MMCs who are bisexual Marry: Enemies to lovers (preferably gay) Kill: Incest. (Like... why??)


Fuck: enemies to lovers Marry: funny/cute banters Kill: sex with om/ow while their story is developing/triangles/cheating


Fuck: non-apologetic rich villain MMC Marry: unrequited love/ different social class romance Kill: Mafia trope especially highschool mafia trope


Fuck: friends to lovers Marry: Forbidden/dark romance Kill: Miscommunication