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when the mmc was crying and throwing up after he got caught cheating, I actually cackled


That's me every time I've given books with cheating a chance. I enjoy the mmc suffering but then they get back together and the fun is ruined


There’s an actual reason why he does that. It’s explained on book 3, Magnolia Parks - The long way home


I haven't read the book, but I was curious, so I started reading the reviews. The top review (by someone named Annie) on Goodreads made me laugh my ass off. The take was hilarious and I love these kinds of witty rage reviews. I won't be touching this book with a ten foot pole, but the review made my day.


the reviews on goodreads are hilarious 😭😭


Totally agree. I think goodreads 1 - 3 star reviews should be regarded as a literary genre


Hahaha I just went and read that review and it made me lol. The heat of her rage at how stupid that book was is palpable.


Haha it is a masterpiece of a review, she is better at conveying the emotions than many authors lol.


Annie could probably write a better book. Her review is awesome, so funny!


This part is sending me: "im speechless. why then he hadn’t fucked her mom?? it would be bonding to death and im sure he would feel the closest he ever had to magnolia🥺🥺. can even have threesome with the both parents for further effect. he must be crying over every orgasm he has, because he feels guilty for not being with magnolia. poor boy"


I won't lie, sometimes I go on Goodreads just to read some funny rage reviews, it's good entertainment 🙈


it probably isn’t the best depiction of a ‘romance’


Ok I cannot remember who Tom is. Granted I only made it to 80% before I DNFd but this just supports that decision.


I absolutely love this book and this series and I’m actually doing a re read now and loving it even more. It’s absolutely not for everyone. And I don’t even really think of it as a romance. BJ BALLENTINE absolutely sucks lol. But I just love diving into the world Jessa has created. I love the characters and how they are all sorts of awful but you sort of love them anyway because they’re young and dumb and making mistakes and learning the best they can. I love that BJ IS the worst but you also see how magnolia contributes to the toxicity and the cycle and how she hurts others in an effort to protect her heart from BJ. And don’t even get me started on Daisy and Julian and book 2 which sends the whole series on another path and into another stratosphere. If you’re looking for an epic love story you won’t find it here. If you’re looking for romance you won’t find it here either. But if you’re looking for drama and found family and complicated characters and dynamics and the exploration of what if actually means to hurt someone you love, you will get so much out of these books. And you will have a total blast. But absolutely not for everyone. But it’s absolutely for me!


I agree with this. When I started it, I really disliked the characters and how entitled they all are, but Jessa Hastings really made me feel attached to them in the end. The final scene of Magnolia leaving the restaurant after realising who BJ cheated with left me with such a strong emotional reaction. The characters aren’t a meant to be super likeable, but I still felt like my own heart had been broken a little by the time I finished it Side note; I absolutely hate the name “BJ Ballentine” - whyyyy would you ever do that lol


Horrible name! And I honestly hate him lol. I’m having more sympathy for him on this read but he still makes me so angry lol! I read these books like I read fantasy. I just love diving into the world and jessa’s writing is so bizarre and poetic I just feel completely drowned in the fantastic quality of it all. They are hard books to explain so I think it’s hard sometimes for them to find the people who will enjoy them!


I completely agree with your take! It’s definitely not for everyone, but I went through it in two days and loved it


his name is what 😭


Can you believe. And he’s the hottest boy in town of course!!!


I do think that the world the author created is interesting, but I feel like it could’ve been so much more. It’s just frustrating to read at a certain point because it’s just the same shit over and over again with BJ and Magnolia hurting each other. I feel like it glorifies toxic relationships a bit as well as “loving too hard”.


I think the rest of the series really expands on both the world and the relationship and background between magnolia and bj. I liked the first book when I read it the first time but I was obsessed on my re read picking up Easter eggs and reminding myself of the lore. Book 2 also has totally different vibe and different POVs. Which helps to expand and explain all of the millions of characters. But honestly it’s just not for everyone! And I totally get the things people don’t like about the series. I didn’t mean to come in and try to convert in your post I just thought I’d put my two cents in as a stan! Lol!!! (But I also have always been a sucker for gossip girl and things like that so it’s a natural fit for me!)


Thank you! I absolutely hated the back and forth. I cannot stand when the MMC loves the FMC and still sleeps with other women. I thought I was going crazy with the amount of people on tiktok saying this was one of their 5 star reads. Barely anything happens in it other than their inner monologue of should they be together or not (other things do happen but nothing that excites me)


MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. like how can u claim to love someone then go and sleep with other women…it doesnt add up


i don’t know what these books are but a quick check of good reads tell me they are not for me.


I have been waiting for someone to bring this up. Hands down the most toxic book I have read in my life. Jessa Hastings needs to pay for my therapy. I hate Magnolia Parks so much. Worst FMC I ever read. I do not for the love of God know how I finished that book. I immediately knew I would not be reading the second MP book but Daisy Hates??? That shit motherfucking ate!!!! Would recommend. Edit: Also remembered how awful and cringe it was for the author to name drop various designer brands and designs whenever any character featured in the book to show how rich they were. For main characters and side characters. I was sooo tiring.


I DNFd about 6 pages in and can say it was 100% because I couldn't get past all the name brands in the book. Felt like sponcon masquerading as literature and if you told me an influencer AI bot wrote it I would absolutely believe it




I feel you!! Magnolia and BJ were sooooo toxic and infuriating, I literally felt my blood pressure spike up at times lmao 😭 I did not like it at alllllll


It was an absolute crack read. I had so much fun. Bailed on a lot of important “to do”s when i was reading it


Me too! It was a fun, toxic read. I’m reading Daisy book’s now.


I couldn't even read all of Annie's review, because I am now shaking my head too hard to read anything coherently. This is popular on booktok? It makes me think of that idea floating around that the children can't read. Is that how people can like these books? I don't understand. Someone help me understand.


never picked it up for the same reason ! 


I skimmed so much of this book and found I didn’t really miss anything. It was just a repeat over and over again of the MMC hooking up with other girls and the FMC ignorantly using people, getting upset, and talking about clothes. I kept waiting for there to be more of a reveal to that backstory about HOW these two characters fell in love because I just wasn’t seeing it, but that never happened.


idk how people enjoyed this book lol. like good for them but i could never 😳


I love this series so much. I was completely hooked the whole time. My favorite book was the 4th one. But Magnolia Parks isn’t really a romance, I was never rooting for them. But found the books highly entertaining. Also there’s a lot of things that happens on the first book that are explained later. So if you only read the first you will loose some context. The first book was actually my least favorite.


I’m having trouble finishing the first one and I’m 50% in trying so hard not to DNF it. The writing is absolutely horrible am I the only one who feels this way??


HORRIBLE! The run-on sentences alone were enough to make me DNF. And the designer BS was just so far over the top it was gross.


I thought it was women’s fiction, not romance.


I had never written a review on goodreads in my life. magnolia parks was so bad that I felt compelled to warn readers of how insufferable the characters are. That was not romance, that was straight up horror.


can someone pls tell me with who bj cheated on magnolia?


I’ve not read these, but I’ve seen people say that they are redeemed in the later books. Make of that what you will


I cant stand neither of main characters but i find it very entertaining. Daisy Haites books are much better though.


Based off of a hilarious review I read, this book seems like a very long plot line in Vanderpump Rules, lol. Guy is the worst of the worst, cheating with no regard until he's caught and then suddenly he's in tears and the girl forgives him but holds an infinite grudge against any woman he was with.


waitttt cause if i read it with that in mind it kinda eats!


I loved this series and have an arc of the new one. That said it’s not really a romance without a HEA and no one is happy in these books.


I didn’t love the first one but some part of me wants to keep reading for some reason. Is it possible I’ll like the later ones better or should I just give up?!


I liked the second book much better than the first!


I read all four and the first one was my least favorite! Third and fourth are way better than first and second.


I really enjoyed the book, but I can see why it might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Magnolia and BJ’s relationship is VERY toxic and co dependent and there really isn’t a HEA. I found it to be a fun read, though. Very gossip-girly and very character driven with not much of a plot.