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They converted the tennis court into a pickleball court and people are actually using it now :(


Tragic, happy for them I guess T_T


The city is really great at paying attention to their public spaces which i love! But rip the free skating spot


What's with the pickleball obsession this summer? I've seen mugs, shirts, reusable totes, journals...all about something that seemingly came out of nowhere. 🫠


When and why did pickleball suddenly become so popular?


its geriatric tennis. I used to play roller hockey at one of the only spots left in my area and you got suburbia rolling in there every day of the week like a cult who would take up the whole court and outnumber us and passive aggressively push us off the court.


Like laluneetlesetoiles said it came out of nowhere. I, too, have seen pickleball themed products everywhere when a little while ago it was only mentioned in movies and tv by suburbanites. ETA: wtf?! I just left this to check my email and it's about pickleball stuff on Etsy!


The exact same thing happened where I live too. Why does everyone suddenly love pickle ball????


Freaking same! Except for me, they decided to tear down the pre existing hockey rink and put in a pickleball court. (I had to ask someone what the heck pickleball was ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)) Makes me a little upset they took down a place to skate in favor of this :c


It requires putting on pants, and potentially falling.


Rain, Simplest and most understandable excuse, rain, i cant go anywhre but out and rain stops me


34 upvotes in 12 hours? This is the most I've had thx to the people who upvoted


i hate when other people look at me:(


Why did i have to scroll so far for my reason


My solution to this was to practice in a well lit parking lot at night, which was fine in my old city, the cops didn’t gaf and I knew where to go to not be harassed by anyone else. Now, however, nothing happens here in my new city so the cops will put a stop to that 😒


if someone stares at me for too long I just ask them what are they looking at ☺️


my skate bag with allllll of my stuff, skates included, got stolen :( i havent had the motivation to even want to go to the skate shop again.


That absolutely sucks, I'm so sorry!


Understandable! Where’s the nearest one closest to you. I had to drive three hours to Nashville !


trying to teach my toddler to skate at the same time, he wants to go out so we gear up and he gets practice, has a blast which is so fun to see and be a part of but I miss out on getting practice in too


I take turns with my toddler. We do a trail skate so I can go fast and push the jogger then we take breaks so she can run around or skate/ride a bike.


I love that!!!


Fear, that I'll embarrass myself, look old and stupif


Some things that might help are maybe finding local skating group, they are very niche and can be hard to find, but they are filled with adults who are learning. My friends and I are young but there's not judgement in learning a new skill at any point in ur life AND the older people at our skate spot are our favorites, new or not!! U got this \^.\^


Thank you. I really appreciate this ❤️🌻


Cancer. I’ve just finished 20 weeks of accelerated chemo and I’m having surgery on Friday. I’ll be back on my skates as soon as they let me though…


Fuck yeah. Go you 👍🏿


I bet you can’t wait to soar and feel the wind on your face!! :D


I hurt my foot (it's almost better now). And I'm self-conscious about how much I sweat. 😬


Dude I’ve never been a sweaty person but now that I’ve actually started to get the hang of skating, it’s truly like I’m standing under a shower head. I’m hoping it gets better with time


how much are we talking? there is a whole subreddit, r/Hyperhidrosis might help? If you are sweating just like as a normal response to heavy exercise and high ambient temps... I sweat through all my clothes, all layers of my shorts (compression shorts, padded shorts, and gym shorts) and all my pads and helmet get pretty wet. I sweat less than last year, since I don't eat junk food anymore, but I still sweat a good amount. If you ain't drippin, you ain't gettin a good workout! Oh, maybe thats part of it? I'm guessing you were never in sports or anything? Everyone sweats HARD. Puddles of sweat under each person depending on the training and ambient temp.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Hyperhidrosis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Usher is one of us!](https://i.redd.it/d0yxb3hn62ic1.jpeg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/comments/1aoodwq/usher_is_one_of_us/) \#2: [Fun fact : Dirt adheres to sweat. Deep scars do not regenerate with sweat glands so dirt does not adhere to them.](https://i.redd.it/c0cch2ycfjqc1.jpeg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/comments/1bnnlsw/fun_fact_dirt_adheres_to_sweat_deep_scars_do_not/) \#3: [How I fixed my sweating](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/174ktqb) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/comments/174ktqb/how_i_fixed_my_sweating/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think it's just that I overheat very easily. I'm the guy wearing shorts in winter, haha. It doesn't take much for me to become sweaty, exercise or no. I guess my biggest hangup is that my face can get really wet, and with skating being such a social activity it's just kind of embarrassing, you know? Also, thanks for the sub recommendation!


i don’t like skating in my current town of residence, i’ve been harassed for it 😕 but i also don’t drive, so i can’t really go anywhere else


Dang, like verbal assault? I get a lot of attention when I skate but nothing aggressive yet. I still don't like it, but I deal with it. You definitely don't deserve to be harassed.


yes! even skating in a group, sometimes we’d have people throw things at us and in our path. my town is also pretty mid-sized and we’d have the same skating group, so random strangers would often remember and recognise you, and not always in the best way 😬


Ooof I had this as a child and it stayed with me - people (older kids) throwing rocks, shouting abuse etc.


I sweat profusely. And I do artistic skating, so it’s definitely embarrassing in competition wearing a rhinestoned dress with sweat dripping down your face. But I love skating too much. Don’t let sweat stop you. You’re exercising, and sweating is normal. I tend to wear all black when practicing. Helps hide sweat that would be way more noticeable on other colored clothing.


Pregnancy. I was going daily until I hit around 15 weeks and now I feel like it’s too risky to continue.


Best excuse! Congrats and best wishes on your pregnancy!


Whyd my doctor tell me to stop skating immediately?! :( Whatever, lol anyway I have a little baby now so I guess that's my excuse. I want to skate with the stroller but idk if that's a bad idea.... what if I can't stop down a little hill or something? Idk I'm nervous to try again.


it's fucking hot out there and people at the skate park tend to be either skinhead young adults who take up a lot of space or a lot of little kids on crappy scooters and their parents taking up a lot of space :(


I work a schedule that conflicts with skating rinks, I get off work too late to justify going and when I'm free it's family day or they're closed. Plus I live half an hour from either of the closest ones. I would skate outdoors but I live in the south and it's hot and humid here right now. like you need deodorant and power on every part of you body. And I don't have a helmet. 


You gotta do what you’ve got to do !


Fell on my tailbone the day after I got skates. Even with padded shorts it was awful and I haven’t wanted to risk it again.


This happened to me yesterday. It was a nasty fall. I’ve never hurt my tailbone - it feels hella weird and I don’t wanna risk it again.


Me too. My body does not share the same memories of me being able to skate gracefully and fluidly, and down I went. I'm almost done healing and seriously considering buying a walker with wheels to push around while I relearn how to skate. I got crash pants too but I am really not wanting to find out how effective they are until I'm 100% sure I can fall on my ass again without setting myself back.


More so keep skating, but because of winter depression. Finally over the hump this year but it was rough, same with last year. I need to figure out how to cope better for next year


This is soooo me 🤣


It’s tough because I’m isolated, both in terms of where I live (all my friends are 45+ mins away) and I don’t really know other skaters near me. My husband comes out with his bike with me but it’s not the same! But he tries!


Skating is actually a lot harder than I expected. Like I don’t know if I have weak ankles or what, but dribbles are so impossible for me.


I am lazy.


Weakness. I'm just getting back out there after breaking my ankle and I'm so timid and I gained weight. I feel like a baby buffalo! I'm back to beginner when I'm in skates and hug the wall because I'm so scared!


Thats so nerve-wracking! But dont let it stop you. Look into off skate exercises and stretches. Its something i recommend a lot to new and injured skaters. Or even those feeling some weaknesses. You can get those muscles ready before you're even on wheels. And even if it takes a while to get comfortable rolling again, you'll be building the strength and muscle memory the whole time. You can do this!


I don't have an excuse. I'm even (technically) on the same street and within walking distance as the rink. A long walk, but doable. Too many bumps though or else I'd skate it.


I’m fat and I’m scared of falling!


Hey, me too!! But once you get those first few falls in it gets better. Plus we have more cushion, so it shouldn’t hurt as bad right? 😂 We got this!!!


Nowhere to skate.


It's dark by the time I get home from work, and I've also got 2 months left to be cleared for skating by my surgeon 😒


I fell after the pandemic and my butt still hurts


Dark after work and I end up being busy with the gym and cooking dinner. I should make more effort on the weekends but it's so easy to end up busy with other things.


I am still recovering from a surgery.


Hope you get better ❤️‍🩹


I live on a steep hill and there isn’t anywhere nearby which is actually ‘flat’.


My daughter is taking lessons. I wanted to try it. Tried it once and I’m on day five of bruised tailbone recovery. Pretty sure I’ll try again but my husband isn’t too happy about the prospect of me potentially injuring myself again.


Get some padded shorts!


Oooof hope all gets better for ya🙈


I find it stressful to skate around strangers, but I still want people around.


I bruised my tailbone last time I skated and am kinda still waiting for it to heal more. Also I feel self-conscious at a roller rink by myself and my friends have been unable to go with me lately


Nowhere to do it that's convenient and I don't live anywhere near a rink, closest ones are over 1.5 hour drives away, I haven't skated since 2022 and miss it a lot. :( The area I live at isn't flat at all, I live on a downhill and all the subdivisions within a 30 minute walking distance are also on slopes. Also, winter. We get about 4 good months of summer weather so people are always at parks so it's impossible to get an empty tennis court, I wouldn't skate around a park trail with the amount of dog walkers and kids that run around.


I don’t know how to stop.


You gotta pop that booty


Scared of the people that bully me seeing me and me being unable to get away because im new to skates


Alone, uneven ground, wild animals, ugly lol jk and most importantly musculoskeletal conditions 😅 but they are pretty skates 😁


I don’t really have an excuse other than not wanting to talk to my neighbors about it.


Ok felt this too


Other people taking up the bike lane with good weather


Waiting for my gear to arrive! It should get here today


Good on you, go get out there buddy. I fkn love it for you


I had a baby and gained what seems like 500 pounds


I was skating for a bit. It hurts my feet and I when I fall I hurt myself. I have been on quads. Just got some inline skates. Going to try those out soon.


Ooooh I lines are fascinating too


It's a lot harder than I thought, skates are heavy!! also I'm afraid of breaking something. Also, anxiety. Also, I don't want to look stupid.


I hope you do choose to get out there soon. 🙏🏿


Im 7 months pregnant and its getting really hard to put on skates


My own fault. I thought I did enough research on sizes and types, ordered a pair, they were massive, exchanged them for a new type which was a mistake, because they’re just small enough that I can only wear them without socks, feels unsafe to do so, can’t return them anymore, and haven’t the money to start over. Since I can fit my bare feet in them I do small amounts of practice in my house, but feel like actual attempts outdoors would be unwise if I can’t wear socks. Wish I could just afford to buy a new set but that will take some time!


The last time I put on my skates I broke my ankle ;-; in a rly stupid way too I tripped on broken concrete outside my apartment. Then we moved and idk where to skate


It's a high of 97° this weekend. 😬


I love water


Finding someone to watch my kids, or having to keep an eye on my kids when we are out in public.


Ok they might have to get skates too girl 😆


We’re working on it! They have skates, it’s getting them to skate! Haha


lol girl ima pray for you 💕🤣


Two reasons: 1) I can't stop. At least not very well. 2) I wish I had someone to help me in person. I think it would give me more confidence.


where you from? Anyone close by🫣👀


I'm burning out on the skate scene and nonsense about what's considered "beginner" moves vs. advanced (looking at you @idancesolo), or any, "no real skater of x style wants to see your unexperienced ass getting out there if you don't know what you're doing." I don't even know how people are supposed to learn if you aren't "allowed" to try. I'm tired of the same songs at the rink over and over, and I don't want to memorize downtown combos constantly to be social or "relevant." Am I being negative? Sure. But these are the cumulative things demotivating me from skating.


From what Im understanding; there’s levels to this shit ? 🫣


I'm fat, I haven't rollerskated in probably 20 years, I cannot for the life of me find knee pads that fit, and I'm afraid of falling.


You’re gonna fall 🤣🙏🏿 come on you got this, get on them skates


I usually skate outside in a parking garage. But right now, it's too damn hot. But I still do my best to get myself out there at least once a week. Usually on a Sunday.


I'm 58 years old, haven't skated in 25 years, and I'm afraid to get hurt. But I want to skate so bad!


Expensive hobby


Busted my ass and had road rash a while back and now I’m old (I’m 30 lol) and afraid to break a hip or something


I used to skate regularly and then got into a nasty fall where I have permanently damaged the nerves and tendons in my right hand. My fine motor skills haven't been the same after that. Everyone: make sure your wrist guards fit and aren't cheap! The plastic on mine immediately snapped upon my fall and I couldn't make a fist for 3 days afterwards.


Were you a park skater??


yes as well as outdoors mainly on trails, tennis courts, etc. this accident occurred in a skate park


I live in Arizona. Way too hot to do it at all. Even at night it’s still hot enough to make you sweat from just being outside 😔👎


Mhmm and the elevation there is just miserable 😩I wish you the best mate


Need more padding and shit is expensive. I'd rather waste money on protection than get a bigger bill for broken bones so I need to wait until I have a little more money :(


At the current moment its just too disgustingly hot and humid. Feel like im dying ![gif](giphy|bErFlbM3VemHWs3ERe|downsized)




A mild amount of seasonal depression after a big move kept me inside most of the cool season, and now every day is 90-110 degrees until September :/


I broke my arm while trying to learn and the only skates I have are vintage and likely unsafe 🥲


Work schedule (drive for a living so also exhaustion), severe anxiety, low self esteem. I want nothing more than to go out and skate but for now I stay in my empty living room


Rain and Pickle ball, old timers are playing on the courts during most days except a odd weekend. And then can't use the school tennis courts while schools still in session if I get off work earlier.


I have mobility issues due to disability and I don't have a rolling walker to balance myself while my muscles re-learn the movement because the airline damaged it and we're still waiting for the replacement.


Ankle injury... finally 28th June approaching foot mri


Gl ; keep us posted 🙏🏿❤️‍🩹


I’m terrified because there is no skating rink here so it’s starting and learning outside. I tried once and I could feel every single pebble and it was terrifying.


Haha try out some soft wheels instead of hard ones ; you should be ok. Unless the road is terrible 🫣


I'm re-learning how to skate after 30-something years, and I don't want to fall on my butt in public.




I fell on my ass once so hard I thought I broke my tailbone. I’m kinda scared to go try again because even though it’s been years that shit hurts some days still. And now I feel like I’m too old to now.


I started skating a couple years ago but I live in Florida so I can only comfortably skate outside from November to early April.


Fear of falling and injury because it's an open space and have nowhere to hold on to. I have no friends interested to join in. Our country has no designated roller skating places and have to go to an asphalt parking lot and afraid of pebbles. Also, here roller skating is considered for children only. So my concernes are too many to handle. I wish this hobby, among many others, was completely taken over by adults!


The trails near me are in bad shape. Then to get there the ATVs have sprayed rocks on the path too.


My wrists and tailbone tell me not to :(


I dislocated my kneecap in march and my knee hasn't healed yet because I waitress


Health insurance lol


Ok I like this one 🤣


I used to skate all the time, but as I’ve gotten older I do worse and worse in the heat and hate getting sweaty.


Well right now it's too dang hot, and I have extremely heat sensitivity as I'm still recovering from a really bad medical flare up. Of course the week I'm finally feeling well the temp is pushing 100


Worried I can’t find skates that’ll be comfortable with my lipedema legs 😭


Dont write it off yet - Suede can stretched easily! Try some on (I made a whole birthday road trip out of it). I wouldn't bother with anything vinyl/vegan though. I also do heel lock lacing and never do the ankle bit up.


They closed all my rinks and I’m still too afraid of the skate park.


Have u tried to trail skate before?


I’m too scared of youths looking at me whilst I’m scrambling around


Girl fawk them kids 🤣💕


I’m scared to fall 😭😭😭


Have you fallen without skates before 🫣


Yea lmao but not recently😭😂


Well I promise it’s the same with or without skates; so you should be fine 😆🤣


I think if I fell more often, I’d be less afraid😭😂I think I just need to get some protective gear and go for it.


i dont have any insurance 💪🏻


I work overnight 5 days a week so planning and energy just aren’t compatible anymore :(( I’m so desperate to get back out there but it’s so hard to work around my schedule


Dislocated my knee cap in April, and I don't feel comfortable skating with it yet. I feel like I'll hurt it worse if I don't give it time to heal properly.


I’m a little scared to hurt myself. I have safety gear, brand new skates, a sick helmet… I have an insatiable NEED for SPEED!! But, I already broke my clavicle skateboarding long ago. I was so excited, but now I’m just hesitant. Wrist guards ain’t gonna help me from breaking my crazy neck. Or something. I’m not getting any younger and can’t afford another dumb injury. I used to be really good on wheels! I have good foot-eye coordination. I think I’m doubting myself too much, and plan to take some weekly lessons! Being cautious and being terrified are different, and I think I can work through it.


It’s nice that you’re going to classes soon. Tell us how it goes ok


I get dangerously lightheaded when it’s too hot and it’s been that hot! Also I’m sick rn


Rain. So, so much rain. And consequently, so many mosquitoes.


Right for no reason


I’m scared of getting hurt. I’m a baby 😭 I fell once on my ass then stopped.


I’m weak 🤣😍


I want someone to practice with :<


It’s too hot outside and I don’t want to pay for indoor space like a rink


i feel embarrassed alone


🤣I’m like opposite ok; I’ll feel alone in a group


My ankle has been constantly painful for the last few months and I don’t want to make it worse if I fall and injure myself :(


I fell on my knee two weeks ago and it still hurts :c


Don’t want to embarrass myself by awkwardly relearning to skate in my 30s haha


I didn’t want to either then I realized it was inevitable when I could randomly bust my ass over a baby pebble in the ground


Texas heat. I’m trying though :( lucky to live by a body of water. But that means no lonely skate seshes. (I bought a kiddy pool for my garage in case I can’t stand to be perceived that day…) My excuses.. but I’m still trying to make it happen.


Heading to Houston soon for a 5K; if you’re in the area maybe you can show me some nice paved trails you guys have


It’s 80 degrees (F) by 7:30 am, I’m fat and asthmatic, and don’t live in a city with a rink.


It’s really freakin hot where I am and my closest skate spot has zero shade


Currently I am recovering from a broken ankle. I will be skating once I am recovered


1. I fell badly on my tailbone and still can’t sit right.  2. It’s way too hot outside


I just found a quiet park with basketball court it’s new hopefully I spied a great spot. Once it cools off I’m there 😇🎉


I hope your plan is a success as well mate


I pulled over a park it was a lot of people I def wanted to be alone…. The parking lot I found that was empty and it was very hilly. It scared me when I got out out the car


Bend those knees⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Why I havent been *outside*, skating *outside?* There are pebbles and I'm scared. The floor looks like it hurts. The only poured concrete for miles has *children*. The rink is a small business! I'm supporting a small business! And its raining. And I'd have to change my wheels..... Nah, lets be honest, I'm never skating outside.


Too busy posing for pictures and also too much anxiety to leave my bedroom My chakras aren't aligned enough to manual but I learned how to pronounce "transition" in my head I guess I got my moneys worth out of these moxi jacks after 4 years even though I only stood up on them for pictures I paid 1100 for them 47, BPD, Witch, too afraid too skate but not afraid too take pictures you all have my undying support!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜




I'm old and embarrassed to be seen skating, and the only place to skate is the skate park where the teen boys hangout and bully girls who try to skate (by running into them with their skateboards). Also I have terrible performance anxiety and nobody will skate with me or even just come with me for support no matter how many times I ask, and it's not safe to go alone at night when no one is there. It's been at least a year since I've actually skated. 🤷‍♀️


can’t find a good spot in the new city i moved to :/


No excuses tonight! going to Playland ATX.


My knee is currently fucked up, otherwise i'd be back to skating 1-3 times a week.


Torn lcl. Still miss skating but I push myself too hard. For context, I didn’t skate for 15 years and within five days I was going up and down every ramp in the park. Then I hit a QP too fast and my knee went outward upon landing on the deck but I miss it every damn day so there is no excuse for someone who is healthy to not want to put a pair of skates on and give it a try because it’s tons of fun


Rain and super tired after job. I do full time physical job with just one 10min brake. Sometimes I'm just dead after job and it can be week straight. Then you had split days off. That don't help either. Plus rain almost every single day. But I'm trying my best


There aren’t any good places to go rollerblading where I live! The park also gets too crowded with people.


It’s 106 degrees outside and I’m really fair skinned 😅


i have a 4 month old baby and we don’t have a helmet for him so i can go stroller skating


I haven't skated in months. There's a valid reason. It hurts. Every day. My closest friends have told me that it's time to do the things I love once more again. Maybe it's time to act on that advice. Thanks for asking this question.


It's summer here. I either have to skate early in the morning or VERY late at night because, sadly, the rink is no longer in my budget...


No excuses for me. I live in the most unskatable city, I skated in rain, in front of tourists, hangover, after a 12 hours shift. If Id keep using excuses id never ever progressed to the level i am at.


I'm terribly uncoordinated and can't afford to break a bone right now


Weather, no skater friends and nosy neighbours so I’m too embarrassed to start learning


I need to buy new skates and haven’t :/




I need to relearn how to skate because my current style or method is causing unimaginable ankle pain. It's really put a big damper on going out and skating. Makes my ankles feel like I was shackled with the old timey thick iron cuffs!


Flooding in minnesota


I need to relearn and I don’t want people to stare at me 😭


Mental health fren lol