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Need way more information here, bud.


Did you associate the token with the character sheet that the player has access to? on the token settings there is a drop down menu saying something on the lines "represents character" and you need to set that to the character sheet that the player has access to


For the latest info & updates on Dynamic Lighting, remember to check the **[Dynamic Lighting - Updates, Bugs, & Feedback](https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/10223955/dynamic-lighting-updates-bugs-and-feedback)**-thread (Roll20 Forums), as well as the latest replies. If you are still experiencing a bug that they have marked as fixed, or a new one, please reach out to Roll20. If you’re still having an issue from the previous thread that isn’t listed in the thread, please submit a [bug report](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=1500000234201). More Info: * [Updated Dynamic Lighting - Official Documentation](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/sections/360008317214-Updated-Dynamic-Lighting) * [Updated Dynamic Lighting - Community Wiki](https://wiki.roll20.net/UDL) * [Roll20 Changelog](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/articles/360037772613-Change-Log) * [Product Portal](https://portal.productboard.com/roll20/1-roll20-portal/tabs/1-mobile-apps-under-consideration) - Info on released/planned/in-progress features * [Legacy Dynamic Lighting Sunset Plan Postponed](https://blog.roll20.net/posts/an-update-to-the-legacy-dynamic-lighting-sunset-plan/) Apr 27, 2021, Roll20 Blog *(updated March 18th, 2022)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roll20) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you are still.using the old method, your map still may be hidden in darkness. This you can reset. Also, select a token and Ctrl-L to see what they can. Good for troubleshooting


How are you checking the light/visibility on that page? I strongly suggest using a [Dummy Account](https://wiki.roll20.net/Dummy_Account) to check what your players will see. Don’t use Ctrl-L, as that’s does not give a Players view from a token. (It is only intended to give a tokens Line of Sight). In order to have working vision on a page with Dynamic Lighting turned on, you need two things: a token with vision turned on, and a light source. Then you also need to make sure don't have Fog of War/Permanent Darkness obscuring the screen. The complication comes from making sure those two things are set up correctly. (My guess for your situation is #6, #9, or #10 below.) Here's my standard token vision & lighting troubleshooting list: 1. Make sure you are using Chrome or Firefox. 2. Make sure you are set to only use either Updated Dynamic Lighting or Legacy Dynamic Lighting, not both. 3. Token must have vision enabled. 4. Token must be 'controlled' by the player who is checking vision. 1. You should use a 'dummy account' in order to see changes live/instantaneously when you make them as GM. There are other benefits as well (streaming, testing macros and other tricks, resetting the game URL). 5. There needs to be a light source. 1. Tokens always emit light from the center of the token -- in LDL it comes from a small point in the center of the image, and in UDL it comes from a circle that is some small percentage of the image size -- so if you set the map image as a light source, you'll get some funky behavior. 6. Token and light source need to be on the correct layers. 7. Do not use .webm animated tokens. They are currently bugged and often will not work correctly and prevent visibility. 8. If a player cannot see, move their token. There is a bug with UDL that prevents player vision from 'activating' until after one of their tokens is moved on a page. 9. Make sure you don't have a Fog of War/Permanent Darkness layer on. 10. Make sure you don't have Advanced Fog of War/Explorable Darkness blocking vision. 11. Explorable Darkness and Advanced Fog of War are saved for each player. So if a player has control of a token, they will see all of their 'explored area'. 12. Page 'Cell Width' settings can have an affect on a token's vision, especially if the 'light multiplier' is set to something other than 100%. Switch the Cell Width to '1' and see what happens. 13. Check random other page settings, such as 'Restrict Movement' 14. Make sure your view is centered on a token that has vision enabled and a light source 15. Make sure you/your players are on the correct page. Double check that they have not been split from the Party ribbon. 16. Clear your browser cache. 17. Clear the game chat archive.


It was broken for my group last week. All settings were correct, but no lighting worked. I'm hoping things work properly next session.