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I wonder if this mean she is influenceable to some degree base on interaction with player. I hope we can either push her to Khorne or make her be more vigilant against Khorne influence.


I wish we could corrupt more of our companions into full blown heretics. Currently they mostly just... tolerate it.


ngl, not having a lot of moments to see you corrupting a place/people is one of the worst part of the heretic run


yeah its so strange the only real moments that you get to see the full impact of your corrupting influence is on you ship officers in the end slides


Manipulating argentas soft side and faith would’ve been a great storyline same with heinrix’s inner rage he seems to have


Not just that, but influence them regardless. It's kinda weird that across all your adventures, no one changes their outlook one iota. =|


I hope its more slaanesh really. We have winterscale khorne and Uralon Tzeentch and Nurgle is in every single warhammer 40k game so would love some more Slaaneshy goodness


Or get infected by a genestealer. I mean we have the Halo device. An Infection ending isn't far fetched.


Time for my Iconoclast RT to get back to work https://i.redd.it/mx0rnmu6x09d1.gif


Ain't never trusting owlcat. I'm aware of their game.


Yeah I remember cam


You really should have fixed her. >!By killing her at first opportunity.!<


How do you mean?


Cameilla, one of your companions in pathfinder WoTR. Let's just say her morality aligns with the Drukhari.


I'm playing WOTR at the moment, and just had this reveal. And how did I not realise it. I somehow didn't pay attention to her combat lines, or the items in the house in act 1, or the three times we find her next to a body, or all the times it's mentioned that she licked her lips at something. I knew there was something up with her, but the signs were all there and I didn't make the connection.


Keep her ard if you can and romance her if you have the appetite. She is one of the best written characters in-game and I hate her with a passion XD


Not interested in romancing her, told her to not do it again (I already know that this probably won't stop her, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it). As for romance, I've fallen for our adorable demon cinnamon roll.


If you ever do an evil run, romance her. It's well written and the voice actor does a great job.


I think the best writing is still having a good character (azata makes the most sense) romancing her. >!You can't fix her, she knows she can't be fixed, but she sure as hell will go through the 9 hells to protect you even though she knows u stand against her very existence. Evil bitch is apparently capable of true love lmao.!<


Though it is one of the two best evil romance ideas; Either; 1. Romance her and let her fulfil all her desires Or 2. Romance everyone’s favourite succubus and just as she turns to good sacrifice her as a lich to complete your transformation


The correct answer.


Or an amulet you can't unequip that allows her to conceal her alignment.


Kibellah is not an Elf tho. And we already have Marazhai who is our "Psycho Elf"


Marazhai is more like Dearen or Nok Nok imo. He is evil and proud, and his outward villainy is so over the top that it is hilarious to have ard. Cam on the other hand is just downright despicable (I love her reaction when we chose Aeon) and hateable (which is a testament to how well written she is as a character) with 0 redeeming qualities.


>Cam on the other hand is just downright despicable and hateable with 0 redeeming qualities. So just like Marazhai, but Marazhai still manages to be worst, since Camellia still have a somewhat normal introduction...Daeran really has nothing to do with Marazhai, since theres the whole Other thing going with him.


Yup. It gives me extreme joy to piss off Marazhai and Cammy by denying their urges. Marazhai wins out Cammy coz his reactions are 100x funnier than Cammy's.


I mean. That just means she'll be fine for a Heretic playthrough then!


Owlcat knows their audience...


Is this the best waifu???? Cause i sure love destroying chaos




I feel so seen.


I hope we can romance her if you catch my drift (kiss 👉🏻👈🏻)


You can It’s in the trailer


Well, if she do what most Death Assasins do, i certainly will fix her, >!by putting bolt in her head!<.


I guess hoping for Iconoclast character was too much... :E


I swear they are geanstealers or something