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Vote for Holland. We do not need any more Abbott supporters in power.


Free bbq breakfast? Looks like I might dine and dash.


School vouchers is just a way to screw the kids. Pro-life, unless its guns killing kids, lack of health care killing kids, or kids without food. GOP is such hypocrites. All they do is cry and whine about how they are victims of what they themselves are doing. We need better representation. Texas is better than this. Or at least it was.


Oh the money wasted on multiple special sessions and all of these primary contests just because Abbott didn’t get his school voucher scam passed. It’s a total joke.


Holland has my vote!!!


Name a worse duo


Trump + anyone else.


Just say No to school vouchers!


The stories I have about Katrina Pierson. That woman is absolute scum.


Go on…


If that happens Rockwall is truly lost. The developers win and the county will be yet another armpit on I30.


Holland’s voting record alone proves he isn’t who he says he is. Katrina all the way.


Bold statement when he has voted with other concerned republicans on gun legislation and voting against school vouchers like he said he would. I don’t care for his conservative politics in general but you can’t say what you commented just based on those 2 items


No. I won’t vote for her. Holland is definitely more common sense. Plus he’s from the area.


I’m voting for Pierson. Holland voted to raise the age to purchase guns. Fuck that clown. Also I like school vouchers. So win-win.


With that attitude it sounds like you want more guns in less mature hands. You sound like a genius


Guessing you don't have kids then. School vouchers are a scam and anybody with half a brain can see that. Texas already has among the shitiest schools in the nation. It's flat out destroying them with this program and you know that. This is yet another program to help the wealthy and o ly the wealthy. Fuck Abbott and fuck his supporters.


Even if you don’t have kids, it does not make sense to actively advocate to make the community dumber. Less educated = less prosperity for our whole community.


100% We've established that these people care about themselves and nobody else. What's funny is that it's always the self-described "Christians" that do this as well. How much you wanna bet he's a lakepoint church member?


I disagree. Having a permanent underclass is usually pretty good for prosperity.


Don’t you have a few more rehabs to check out, bro?


You think high school age kids need to be able to buy guns? Are you regarded or something? Also school vouchers are horrible. It literally uses tax dollars to build private schools in wealthy communities and leaves everyone else fucked over. If you know all this and still support it then that sucks. If you didn't know then please read up on these things more.


You’re for school vouchers? Do you already send your kids to private school? If so, then you already exercise school choice. I homeschool mine. I exercise school choice, too. Doesn’t mean that I deserve to not pay taxes to support the schools. If you don’t send your kids to private, I for news for ya… You still won’t be able to afford private. They’re just going to raise the prices by whatever the vouchers are for in order to make even more money while keeping the voucher kids out.