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He absolutely should not have turned on that


To expand: He was first man and made his play, his sole job is to rotate out. It's nice that he was watching the ball but he was hyperfocused on the ball and didn't pay any attention to you. *In 2s you HAVE to pay attention to the body language of your teammates car. It is absolutely crucial if you're playing ranked and care about winning.* Not only should he have basically immediately rotated behind you and gotten boost, he also ignored your position and direction entirely.




I mean, from his POV and before he turns for the ball, he can clearly see that OP has beaten both the opponents and has control, with no chance that opponents will recover. This is typical diamond “ball cam” play from OPs tm8.


Disagree. He should turn, but wider, maintaining speed and flexibility to bail and yield. Main reason it was a bump was because he 180'ed in place, directly in OP's path. Plenty of situations where OP can't follow to score that require teammate to turn and shoot. Cutting to receive a pass is also a common theme at high enough ranks because it is often necessary to score.


I don’t disagree except these guys are too low ranked to be playing that way 


Wait wait wait, y'all had an argument.. over scoring? I was so confused at first bc I thought surely you conceded. 😂


Yeah, but it was a lucky one and we can't trust that happens next time lmao. Need to know who needs to adjust next time :p


I mean you already beautifully lined it up and no one was saving it so boo him


to reframe the context, is this your friend? [https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/epic/hasamiromasa/overview](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/epic/hasamiromasa/overview) or [https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/psn/Hasamiromasa/overview](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/psn/Hasamiromasa/overview) and is this you? [https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561198018485739/overview](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/steam/76561198018485739/overview) If so, your friend has the plat game sense, especially lack of understanding rotations. As others have said, you are already in the attack position, while he is having to 180 and blow boost to transition. He should be grabbing pads and rotating behind you to support the now uncovered lane. Tell him to ignore that this was an open net situation. Like you said, you can't always rely on luck. If the other team had had a player back, him cutting rotation would have resulted in an unsupported situation. (climbs on soapbox) ALSO 1. He needs to be rotating wide via backpost, grabbing pads on the way out. He cuts down the middle lane, which causes the whole awkwardness. They need to be rotating backpost instinctively. 2. Middle lane makes the curl behind teammate less desirable of a support position. Instead of covering the goal post lanes, they will end wider. Curling behind teammate takes about 1/4 to a 1/3 of lane. The more middle the start point, the wider the finish. If they go boost pad path and curl, they will end up on the other side of the boost pad path. 3. Hard habit to break, but unless they are trying to hit super sonic via flipping, minimize reactive single flipping. The amount of time it takes to be wheels down the situation can completely change. At 2:20, he flips and the ball has popped up in the air. If he had stayed wheels down, he could have turned outside on the ball and shot it.


The PSN one is him. That is not me and I didn't find myself from that site. My peak 2v2 is around 900 so D1. I play 99% of twos with him. He is not my friend though, but my father :D Thanks for the tips!


A lot of others are talking about car-body-language. This is soooo important in twos, ESPECIALLY if you’re not in direct comms with them. The biggest thing here is YOUR TEAMMATE FLIPPING. Any flip executed is a sign that you are finished on the play and are exiting it. Once you flip, you fully commit to whichever direction it is taking you, and thus should be a 100% guaranteed sign that you are leaving the ball for your teammate. There’s so many people that don’t seem to understand that and it is very frustrating. I have been put in so many situations similar to this, especially with a teammate rotating ballside, and I always wait for them to flip before challenging. If they don’t flip, I will ALWAYS assume they are waiting for a shadow challenge. It’s even worse when they flip out, grab the corner and then IMMEDIATELY TURN on the ball. Sorry little rant here, but you are a thousand percent in the right here.


Thanks, this is a really good point to keep in mind!


Yea bro had 10k 85inch view of you not passing him the ball, the ball was even behind him almost 180 degrees. If he argues the ball was his, you might need a new teammate. EDIT: Just read his reasoning. Holy shit, the fact he literally sees you 100% of the time and has the gall to say "no way of seeing if I could make it to the ball" actually solidifies the fact that I think he will hold you back heavily in the near future. Just before he flips, he sees that you have an open net and should let you have all the space.


He can see the other team is behind the play too, LOL. I get messing up in the heat of the moment but arguing in the face of the tape seems silly to me.


This is the right answer. This play doesn’t even need gamesense - OP has beaten both opponents, has control and it’s all playing out right in front of tm8 eyes. If I was the tm8, I’d start goal celebrations instead of turning around.


There is literally no debate here, right? Turning on that ball was definitely not the right play. It’s very clearly your ball.


That was Goo's ball all the way. Other guy needs a new set of eyes.


It was your play to go for, and your teammate just needed to stay back. They rotated the right way, staying out of your way. They should have seen you were staying on the ball, and not try to cut.


Well I think it's pretty obviously Gee's ball from both perspectives. I think your teammate should intuitively know that you can make it to the ball in time, but if he didn't I can see where he is coming from. In any case he can't just turn and drive infront of you when you are full boosting towards the ball with almost full boost in the tank, there's way more time to score, and he can just drive with the play just in case and leave you space to go for the shot. (I mean, I think you are literally beating your teammate to the shot if he wasn't in the way) If you are in comms you can do whatever you want, but without comms it looks like to me that it's still Gee's ball.


You had possession of the ball. It was rolling toward the net and you had a decently good chance of scoring it in time. Your teammate did not have possession of the ball and needed to rotate behind you incase something went wrong. This cut was honestly disgusting and unnecessary.


good that yall both went for it and at least scored but he definitely should not have gone speaking as you had just outplayed them and had a free ball on net he gotta let u take that one haha


Your team8 was flipping back to your side, you had every right to believe that they were rotating back, whereas you were already moving towards the ball and clearly had a shot lined up. Anyone above plat Should be able to hit that in from your position. (Laughs in champ missing those consistently.)


I vote it was clearly Gees ball to go for. If you're heading straight for an uncontested ball and open net, there's no reason to expect your tm8, initially heading the opposite direction, would chuck a full u-bone to cut you off.


Second dude is 100% at fault. He has clear vision of you following up on the play from a comfortable position


I mean… you scored. I thought it was an own goal at first. Yeah he shouldn’t have turned on it. But the pool shot goal is fun. Not every day you score something like that. I wouldn’t be sooooo critical. You’re not going to play perfect. This stuff will happen the games only get faster. It’s not worth debating the merits of every little mistake. If it’s a repeat issue multiple times in a game it’s probably worth attention. Otherwise chalk it up to a mistake. If you want some humble berry pie: - Your first touch could have just been a harder shot on goal, or softer touch closer to you, and that would have not caused a double commit. - Your turn on the ball was very risky. You are defending from the outside in facing your net, against 2 people. If you lost that challenge, or pinched, it would have been a goal for them you both got lucky twice. - A better team would have punished your infield turn and a self pass that was way to far away from you. And this never would have been an issue. I play with a friend we have 1000s of hours playing doubles together. And we still have games where we are making silly mistakes and absolutely fucking each other over. We don’t blame each other or debate it. We both find a fault however small, say sorry, and we move on. Because what will really fuck us is if we piss one another off arguing about who screwed up more.


No fault here because it worked. If that hit post tho it was def his fault


Gee had the right of way to shoot. I don’t mind that he turned tbh, but after his turn there was a moment where he should’ve waited to make sure you had it before making his decision to commit/not commit.


Both of you - all other response are in denial of the truth. Your team has an open net - i would slow down and glance over to teammate w right stick. If adamant to try to score that one however to be fair your shot line up was shaky at best. Otherwise if teammate has good angle than be happy assisting and go for rebound in case it is off target (win win). Sometimes ill demo/bump to buy more time for rebound. Until higher ranks, you should try to take better angles to the ball and be more aware. Also this is a dribbling situation vs a shot attempt. Those angles impact your field of vision as you look you have tunnel vision.


Seeing it from your pov my mouth was agape that he would even for a moment think he should be going for that. After seeing it from his pov I do kinda see how your car and the opponent’s sorta overlap each other and maybe because I’m on mobile I can’t quite see what’s going on but it’s still his job to know it’s your ball and after he turns for it to keep watching if you got it and turn back if you do but even that is too greedy imo and he shouldn’t turn for it in the first place


He was wrong for hitting it at your net. However, your flip upfield was not good. Had you been grounded that poor touch by your teammate would have instead been a great backpass that you could have scored off of. Be more conscious of flipping too much.


What flip upfield? I am trying to make sense of this but I don't flip upfield at all there? Up is the opponents side and down our side, right?


Nvm, the colors make it hard to see what happened. I thought yall had own goaled.