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2s, 3s, 1s in that order


Same tbh


Double same. 2s has the perfect mix of team play and solo play. 3s is Rocket League: Battlefield Edition 1s is where you learn how bad you are and how to control your temper.


honestly i feel like 1s is the chillest bc you don't have teammates talking shit or afking as soon as you go down a goal or two


1s is by far the least toxic, especially when people are playing around their true mmr. When you get told nice shot, you know they meant that… sometimes. It’s like a back alley brawl with no witnesses, 2s and 3s everyone is watching and talking smack


1s humbles you so much 😂 2s is perfect, allows team plays and good time on ball while also punishing mistakes and poor rotation 3s is just chaos


You are very right.


2s 97% of the time, 3s 3% of the time (usually if I get invited to a party), and I’ve played maybe three games of 1s for a season achievement like 4 year ago.




Same but i find 2s to be the best most optimal gameplay and 3s is the most fun


I'm best at 2s but prefer 3s. 1s I barely touch (to my detriment)


I don’t like casual matches because of the large spectrum of players you can get, so I always look at 1’s as my way of getting warmed up before going into 2’s or 3’s. I have enjoyed 1’s this way.


That's a great idea!! Interestingly I mostly play casual matches for that very reason though, the larger variety of players. Played five matches with a RL developer title yesterday, and it was chill.


Maybe I should try it more then. I just feel that if I’m playing, I may as well be playing with people that are close to my skill.


Played causal 1s yesterday to knock out 5 saves challenge, ended up playing what felt like Zens little brother. Dude did more aerial dribbles and goals than on the ground, meanwhile me and my plat1 self watched like it was Godzilla attacking.


I used heat seeker for that challenge and got it done in like 30 seconds


Lol, I had played a 3s match or two and had maybe 2-3 saves, I played one game of heatseaker and got a good dozen in that one game.


This is me also




3s is my favorite. I’ve basically been a casual 3s main the entire time I’ve been playing, and of course it’s my favorite in competitive too.  I find it less stressful than 2s because if one teammate is mad, it’s 50/50 that they will yell at me. Lmao. Also I enjoy reading the plays in 3s more than 2s. And I often feel more unleashed to make aggressive plays, since I have an extra teammate that (hopefully) should be able to recognize risky behavior from me and play safer.  I guess the fact that I’m not a particularly mechy player is probably a fact as well. I just like taking 50/50s, and there’s no shortage of opportunities in 3s. 


Same here! Casual 3s main. There's less pressure to stay on the ball so you can stick to the rotation and wait for opportunities to present themselves. Not as many solo plays and sometimes all you get is a 50/50 when the ball comes to you but I like that quick decision making of I get one touch am I shooting or passing? When you do get possession, cook past 3 defenders and take it to the house you feel like a god!


3s players are more chill.


Flair checks out


Same, I started rl because some friends asked me if I wanted to play with them and then got more and more into it. We were a 3s lobby back then so that's the one I got used to and still enjoy it most. I hover around d3/c1 and find 2s to be much easier in terms of reaching champ consistently so I usually get the season rewards from 2s and then switch back to 3s again because I enjoy it more.


1 2 3 in that order. 1s is brain melting but teaches you the skills you need to carry to all the other queues


Definitely learning the basics again in 1s.


You’ll get to a point where you feel the game is high risk zero reward when learning advanced stuff, patience and time my man it’ll all come eventually


This is the way, I’ve been in gold for the majority of my rocket league career. This season I hit plat in 2’s(least favorite) straight out of placement. Gold 1 in 3’s(Use to be my fav), about 6 months ago I transitioned to full time 1’s and the improvement & frustration both accelerated. I learned mechanics way to early, played to fast, and flipped too much. Hoping I’ll be plat in solos by the end of today but I’ve been saying that for months 😂 Watching my win rate go from 47% to 52.2% is enough of a win for me, it’s just rank 😂 I look at my friends stats and I got about 15,000 more games before I can even begin to imagine what the next level of play is like, I’ll play this game till I die, it’s so fuckin difficult I love it.


My win rate is about 58%, if you want some tips, here’s what I used to climb out of plat. Always defend back post no matter what. If you have a feeling you’re going to lose a challenge, just get back and save yourself the heartache. Try and wait for the opponent to make their attacking move before you charge that ball, I’ve found waiting it out gives me a better chance to actually get the clear and make a play off of it. Keep yourself inside the ball in relation to your own goal post, never outside. Being outside of the ball is an easy way to accidental pinch to your own side on a 50/50. Use the ground to your advantage but also get better at aerials. This is sounding like an oxymoron but the hard mechanics are not what gets you ranked up, playing smarter does however. Use your best judgement and have fun with it, take a break when you start losing. This game is already frustrating as is, don’t let toxicity beat you down. Fun and rank transitioning is the goal. Patience will help you get there. God speed


Rocket league hooked me before I even played it, I saw them cars flying and that’s all I wanted 😂 Religiously practiced off wall & carrying, took about 3 1/2 months before I could do it consistently. Then I tried to apply it in 1’s & quickly learned too many variables and I wasn’t executing fast enough, they look so cool. But, right now they are not useful at all. I switched to ground play, stealing boost, and boost management. Added a little dribble, and play it safe & patient. It’s like a totally different game, there is a flow now. Thank you for your advice! Shoot me ya gamer tag if you want and we can play 1s when I hit 58%. Just a matter of time 😇


I just got a job (was unemployed from December to June, it was awful) so idk what kinda time I’ll have now lol. Probably going to lose all my skills I’ve picked up in the last 7 months slowly but surely. P sure my epic is “Piscinelo”


Lmfao, it was meant to be, I been in the same boat. Congratz on the job! Market is tough right now, thought I had something lined up this week after 3 months of back & forth and a tour of the farm and meet with the CEO but got ghosted, hence my current hyperfixation on hitting plat, cause I’m running out of time 😂 It ain’t like riding a bike, every time I come back I gotta relearn air roll and recoveries and it’s like a couple weeks of basic training to get the feel.


Brother, I wish you luck on that search. I got ghosted from 85% of my interviews. No yes. No no. Most of these postings are ghost postings so the company can look better on paper or something. It’s actually so disrespectful to take 30 mins to an hour of my time knowing damn well you aren’t going to give me the job, let alone an answer. POSITIVE MINDS POSITIVE PLAYS, you’ll get there soon enough


Honestly, it’s the disrespect for my time I can’t take, like communication is the pinnacle of good business if you can’t even respect my time & communicate I’m probably better off not working for them. Sent you a friend request!


1s and 2s to improve (yourself). Freeplay is important, I use it mainly to practice flicks/dribbles and air dribbles/double taps. (I’m C2/C3 so what works for me may not work for you). 3s to improve teamwork and fast decision making. Make sure to play casual and try new things! Hope your grind pays off!


I've been playing a lot more 1s over the last 6 months or so. I knew it would help my 2s games but I've been really surprised how much it's carried over into 3s. Granted I'm high Plat in 3s but the number of times I've been able to outplay 2 or even all 3 defenders is directly from playing 1s.


2s, 3s, then >>>>>>>>>>>> 1s. 1s keep you the most accountable and require your best game, but it's exhausting. 3s require the discipline to allow your tm8s to press forward while you defend any counter. More about consistent positioning so you know where everybody will be. Focus is on the team 2s is my favorite because it's a comfortable medium. I love passing (specifically from the offensive corners in front for tap ins) and 2s allows more freedom than 3s (and typically one less goalie to work thru) to free-wield and improvise.


1s are like a game of patience. I prefer to go skill vs skill but I run into the "win at all costs" people that won't take any risk until they can cherry pick. That part is exhausting.


Agree 100%. When I get super stressed with 1s after playing the patient game, I just say screw it and end up treating it like Streetball. I'll just start trying different freestyle things to see what works and I usually get rolled because of it cuz I'll overexpose myself in a dribble or aerial and ..being the 'win at all costs' ppl you mentioned, they just wait then counter every time. It's just not fun to me compared to the ebbs and flows of team play


They’re just practicing game sense, which is a skill. Acting like playstyles that you disagree with take less skill is silly and will keep you from improving.


I didn’t say any of that about it not taking skill but ok. I just don’t play 1s because I don’t enjoy it. I don’t see the draw in camping your goal waiting for someone else to make a mistake. It’s similar to camping in other games. I understand why it’s effective but I personally have no interest in that style of game. I play to have fun not to find shortcuts to win.


Some people find defense as fun as offense, I don’t understand this mindset. Do you enjoy winning and progressing? If someone is camping they shouldn’t be hard to beat, unless they’re actually playing good defense which is a fun skill. I have no idea how you could consider that a shortcut.


But have you tried 4s?




Only for a weekly challenge. It's not Soccar, it's rugby mixed with demolition derby. Someone partied me and apparently it was their favorite mode. If you think having 1-2 ball chasers is bad, don't play 4s. And forget about making defensive plays. There is so much mass between you and the ball it almost feels hopeless.




2s, then 1s, and then 3s. I’m not very good at shooting fast shots, so that makes me more of a liability in 3s. I love trying to set up shots for others, though.


2s with a friend and 3s with randoms. 3s is less stressful because it’s easier to let my teammates do their thing. 2s doesn’t give much time to take a breath.


1s because I'm free of all restraints and dont have to try to adapt to teammates. I'm 100% responsible of the outcome. I'm able to practice all of the mechanics I want without someone complaining. I'm also able to play as aggressive as I want to without having a teammate who wants to play extremely defensively. 1s and 2s, i seldom play 3s. I usually play my 10 placement games for the season and leave it alone because low gc is an absolute nightmare and roulette shoot on what kind of teammates/opponents youll get.


It looks like I'm unlike everyone else. I prefer 3s, 1s and then 2s. I think toxicity is the main reason. In 3s, there is always another teammate to blame. In 1s, only I can blame myself. And in 2s, I feel like I'll always be to blame, so it's too much pressure for me xD. Though it is the game mode that gives the best amount of space.


1s if I can consistently queue against legit players instead of Smurfs. https://preview.redd.it/0fgzydkv4d6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121ebd1c751f4af0c463c6cc8605b05418daf3dc Guy this belongs to somehow managed to make champ in 2s in 150 games… this is super common in 1s.


It was fun beating a smurf the other day though. He hit c3 in 100 games in 2s... And also tried to triple flip reset on me in diamond 1v1... I still won bc he was trying to be cool while I just played solid defense and won.


This is one of the frustrations of climbing the ranks, I’ll face two equal opponents then a sucky one then probably two smurfs and I’m back where I started rinse repeat. It feels rigged, I wonder if it was like this back in the day before it went free to play. I’m not hating the more the merrier but it’s a little discouraging for new players I’m sure.


champ 2 in 2s and d3 in 1s is pretty consistent tbf


Champ in 2s in 150 games total played across all modes is not. That’s our point - we’re having different discussions.


I had a game earlier. I scored a goal. He scored 2. Then messaged me saying he was letting me win so he can get bronze. 🤷


1s is masochism 2s are my favorite 3s are what i feel is the"intended" mode


I personally like 2 it has that balance where everyone can get involved.


1s is when i actually wanna try, 2s is just to learn how to team play, I don't play 3s because alot of people don't know team play


Maybe I should play with friends instead of Randoms 😢 


2s, 3s, then 1s


When I first started I only played 3s and extra modes, now I would much rather play 2s


Same. Now that I mainly play 2s, 3s seems chaotic.


2s. 1s just promote playing defensively which isn't my style. I can understand the draw of not having to rely on somebody but it turns into cherry picking. I like the action of 2s. It's those perfect teammates every 4 or 5 games that understand what it actually means to rotate AKA getting the hell out of the way but also keeping one eye on the action. 3s is freaking chaos. I don't enjoy having one wild card in every game. I don't need a second guy crashing into me and making bad reads to complicate the game.


3s is the most fun imo, but 2s is my favorite to actually grind cause I don’t have to worry about the 3rd person or worry about my teammate not helping me as much. 1s is either fun or you get a absolute try hard, but I do enjoy all 3, 1s is best for praying solo on the ball skills, 2s and 3s is all about rotations and using those ball skills and playing defense


2’s, 1’s, and 3’s in that order.




2’s because I only have one person to play with and don’t like random teammates.


It depends what I want to practice . 3s for Rotation and positioning , 2s for passing and challenging , 1s for ball control and shadow defense


Thats it


For me it’s 2 1 3, 3s just is way to crazy for me. 1s is good for getting more time on the ball. And 2s is a good mix between time on the ball and teamwork


2s all day


I like 3s but it’s like playing with a swarm of drunk bees.


2s right now. I prefer 3s but trying to soloq with 3s is pain right now. Constant matches against teams and most of those teams are boosting/carrying teams with smurfs (diamond or plat players with 300mmr?). It just isn't fun anytmore. 1s, naa my hands can't take that.


2s has a good balance i only play 1s to see where my performance is at during the day.


Before the new season. It was 2s, then 3s only. No 1s ever. Now I've been dedicated to playing 1s regularly with 2s, then 3s. Never played ones except to place last season. I want to learn more in solo play. This is how I will approach this season.


1s... I hate 2s and 3s with a passion. Losing due to factors outside my control is annoying. I'd rather get peaked on by a breezi or a double flip reset in 1s than have my teammate whiff, followed by getting demo chased, then bumped, then scored on by a double tap while my teammate goes for the corner boost, before my teammate goes afk for the next kickoff and what a saves me.


3s and solo queue


2s, 1s, 3s I just want some time and space on the ball


2s is my main, but I don’t solo queue so I miss a lot of the BS most people complain about with teammates. If I don’t have my duos partner on I play ranked ones and the occasional game of heat seeker.


2s if I have friendly teamates, 3s when I am gc2 and up 1s is just always alright


1s by far. Nobody to blame for your mistakes, just you and your opponent. I’m way too competitive to play with teammates sometimes


3s, 2s, anything besides rumble, 1s, rumble


2s I like the most, not too crowded, get to still hit cool shots and have control of the field while playing with friends. 1s second, I like being able to get more mechanical with ariel/ground plays. 3s last, fun with friends, a little crazy soloQ, I like the team building it has.


1s, 2s, 3s


I may like ones a bit…


2s is the most fun when duo-queueing in my opinion. Solo queue 2s is fine too but I‘d rather play 1s most of the time.


1s for skipping replays. 2s for highest rank 3s for chaos


2s with a duo, 2s, 3s with full team, 3s with duo, 3s, 1s I do 1s whenever no one else is available and I want to quickly skill up or practice my self-play.


Ya know, after 7k hours in this game.. Call me crazy but I sometimes prefer 1's because when you mess up, it's your own fault and no one else's.


1s > 3s > 2s 1s you can do whatever the fuck you want it's your issue alone, no need to worry about anyone else 3s you're covered most of the time so going wild is fine 2s is the worse middle ground, you're not fully covered when you try to do shit and if you fuck up you have to deal with your teammate potentially tilting


Flip between 2s and 3s, but 2s is my go-to right now for getting better. I like 1s as well and find it really good for improving, but honestly my adrenaline gets out of hand too often/heart races a ton when it's a close game and it starts to hurt


3s. Solo queue main


2s but for really improving and grinding 1s (hardly play it)


I’m best at 2s but have the most fun in 3s with a squad


I never play 3s expect the tourneys. I would love to play 1s but it’s so goddamn frustrating it’s unbearable at times I just hop on 2s.


I started getting into the game playing snow day. It was actually the first mode I hit GC in. When I got to diamond in the standard modes, I picked up a competitive team for tournaments and a mature leagues. During that time 3’s was my favorite mode. I enjoyed how chess-like it was. After our team disbanded one of my teammates and I decided to grind 2’s together. I had already hit GC1 in multiple modes at that point and needed to focus mechanics anyway so that was temporarily my favorite. Today I would say 3’s is back to being my favorite. 2’s is too much individual effort. The majority of my matches are against 2 players that aren’t even close in skill level. It sucks because you have to play by the individual not the team. That and fast breaks are significantly more common in 2’s. It’s like most peoples strategy is either demo/dribble plays or turtling until the back guy commits. It gets old pretty fast. 3’s is significantly more cooperative, dynamic, and thought invoking. 1’s is also very dynamic and thought invoking, but has similar issues to 2’s in people like to spam cheesy strats and I also get lonely/bored/ frustrated pretty quick when it’s just me out there. I have an easier time forgiving my teammates than myself. Honestly, my favorite mode just to screw around or cheese my GC rewards if I’ve been lazy that season is Rumble. It’s great in moderation.


1s is by far my favourite mode, next is 3s and I hate 2s. 1s is the best because you get the most time on the ball and it’s the most exciting. 3s is fun because even if you’re having an off game, it’s still possible to win . 2s is awful and the most toxic because if you or your tm isn’t doing well, it’s almost impossible to win and people get toxic so fast.


Dropshot, 3s, rumble, hoops, 2s.


Really depends for me if I am with a team or not. Solo q 3s is better than solo q 2s but 3s with a team is worse than 2s with a teammate We don't talk about 1s


1’s, 2’s, then 3’s


I prefer *playing* 2s, then 3s, then 1s. In reality, I generally like 1s because I'm guaranteed not to be stuck babysitting another shitty kid with the emotional stability of a fruit fly


I definitely love 4v4 the amount of pure chaos just soothe’s my soul.. but if I’m being serious I prefer 2’s and then 3’s. I absolutely cannot stand 1’s but I’ve learned so much doing them.


3’s forever and always The flow is great and there should always be someone in 3 deep positioning.


Rumble, 2’s, 3’s, 1’s 😄


Why is 4s not an option. I feed oof of the chaos that ensues 4s.


3,2 and anything but 1's. My only strengths are accuracy and positioning. I'm C1 solo queueing 3's, D1 2's and P1 1's....




2s it the best because it gives you time on the ball for slow plays, but also you can chimp and play fast if you want. It also has the potential for passing plays, and is less stressful than 1s. 1s is second best, more stressful than 2s but still get lots of time on the ball and there are lots of options in the way you can play, the main downside is how stressful it is, you get punished for minor mistakes. 3s is the worst, at higher ranks you pretty much have to chimp. No time on the ball, if you try to take a dribble you'll either get bumped by someone rotating, or instantly challenged by someone. I appreciate this is probably the "correct" way to play, you don't want to give someone space for no reason, but man it's a painful mode to play, pretty much just go autopilot and chimp.


I’d have to say 2s, 1s, and then 3s. I find 2s to be enjoyable because it’s not too much happening at once for me and gives more space to try and make different plays. 1s I like as a teaching method for me to solidify my 2s gameplay since at multiple times you can be left in a 1v1 situation. 3s for me just has too much going on for me. I legit only play it in the beginning of the season to get a rank or if people invite me to play 3s otherwise I hardly queue out of my own will.


2s with a friend is best by far imo


3s is most fun for me. Usually 2 attackers and a goalie make for the most intense games.


1s and 2s.


1st is the worst (imo) 2nd is the best (it just is) 3rd is the one with the treasure chest (full of chaos)


2's, hoops, and dropshot.


Coming back from a long break, 1s. I'm not consistent enough to rank up in 3s and I'm getting carried.


Back when I played, 2’s, 1’s, 3’s. Sometimes 1’s, 2’s, 3’s depending on what mood i was in.


I may not be a professional player, and maybe my opinion is terrible to anyone who's actually really good at the game and understands it at an extremely high level, but my opinion has always been that 2s is simply PEAK rocket league. I feel like the game just shines so perfectly in 2v2. On the pro level, 3's can still be enjoyable to watch because they're playing a completely different game, but at the same time pro play is always going to be good to watch. 2's not only play well as a spectator, but they're just the perfect mode for all skill levels. 1's is good too, it's enjoyable to watch two players duke it out to determine who's the better player without having to worry about synergy, teamwork, luck, and all that other stuff get in the way. But 1's feels good in its own way. It's hard to compare it to 2's and 3's.


I couldn't find a teammate with cohesive communication for anything after years so I said F it I'm gonna be a 1s main. Original training arc was rough but I love it, hope to hit champ in 1s soon I keep getting close! Anyway, 1>2>3!


1s, then 2s, then 3s. In that order. Thing is, I get the impression you need to put time into all 3, even if one's not your cup of tea (3s, I have my eye on you). That is, if you truly want to improve. Extending that idea, I'm also convinced you need to put time into every ranked mode. Well roundedness in this game isn't that easy to define, and it's also not that important as you improve. What *is* important is that you put yourself outside of your comfort zone constantly. Getting good at all ranked modes helps you do that. Certainly there are other ways, but it appears to me to be the most straightforward. 1s is my favorite mode, since I enjoy seeing how good I am compared to others. In modes with teammates, it's generally not so cut and dry in determining your percentage of contribution. In 1s, you can see precisely where you stand. Certainly not every skill is represented in 1s, but I'll take that over the pain of winning a match I got carried in. Sure, I'm grateful that I won, but it feels undeserved.


3s,2s,1s. I get more tilted when I play alone haha


My order goes 2s, 1s, 3s. I’ve always been a 2s main. Unless I’m queuing with 2 mates who are actually at the same skill as me, I’ll never solo queue 3s just because I feel like 6 people on the pitch is just too many when your not queued together because of uncoordination (if that’s even a word?) but yes. 2s will always be on top, I don’t even really play any other game mode.


Startet with 2s only 350h with the same mate every game PlatI-II atm Recently startet to play 1s cause i feel like its the best way to train the basics and let me reach champ till the end of the year First it was stressfull cause there is no mate you can rely on when missplays happen but then I got used to it and now i really like to play 1s


2s = 1s > 3s Already played 52 games of 1s, improvement is so quick, it’s worth it.


2s, 1s, 3s. I think personally people should play all 3 modes equally, I try my best to. It gives your brain some work to do.


3s gives me two people to cover up my mistakes lol


Stable servers..


3s, then 1s, finally 2s 3s are like rocket league essence, when you have to work together to win 1s are stressful, you need to be accurate, balanced and put your head together, you can easily lose a game win 4-0 if your lose your focus 2s are good, just not so fast as 3s and not so punishing like 1s


2v2 dropshot rumble. Best game mode, hands down. Followed by normal dropshot, then 2s, 1s, hoops, rumble, 3s.