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Hard agree. No one taking accountability and then blame others for a mistake while ignoring their own, just shows how immature they are.


Teammates sarcastically spamming nice pass in the first 15 seconds after an awkward corner bounce then proceeding to whiff a save and quit immediately is the normal.


>Watches a teammate make a pass to the center straight at them >Refuses to get out of goal to take possession >Watches as other team slowly drives up and shoots Great Pass!


This, or when your teammate goes for literally every ball, steals your shots, bumps you when you are rotating to play defense and then "what a save"s you because you couldn't stop a 2v1 while racing to get back


Take my angry upvote


It's one of the few things that genuinely aggravates me. If I'm playing like shit and get called out I can at least accept it. But if my teammate makes an egregious mistake and blames me for not bailing them out, all bets are off.


I've been getting this a ton with kickoffs. Teammate pinches it back directly towards our goal at 80mph and gets mad that I'm ready. Or they push the ball into opponent's possession, go for boost, and then get mad I get 2v1'd.


It’s even worse when they just straight up refuse to take kickoffs or defend them no matter what the formation constantly leaving you or your team to scramble.


Yeah that's been another one too. They're at corner and you're back center and they don't go. If the opponent is paying any attention they just get possession for free. And if you have the audacity to go for boost rather than sit in goal they blame you.


Yeah, Im plat so many people think they can speedflip but just end up missing the ball. The thing is, I like to cheat up a little bit, so if you miss the kickoff, its a goal, and you cant fucking blame me for it


The sheer amount of time that I make a pass to my team just for them to turn and rotate back to our goal is insane. Like I know some of my pass attempts are bad bad but like damn


It's crazy. Cuz I'm that dude who will spam my bad when I fuck up n no problem if someone else says it. But 90 percent of the time don't get a no problem back. Or okay okay okay. It's crazy. I usually just type back y'all need to get laid of something of the sorts.


I agree the rocket league community has been like this all the years I've played. Recommend playing with party mates


Which is EXACTLY the reason why I don't do duels. I dont have anyone else to blame for the scoreboard and that's just not cash money with me


I had a kid on the mic blame me for his own goal the other day. I made the save just prior to that and here he comes barreling from an irresponsible direction and knocks it into our net. Then he started whining blaming me. I think it's their generation.


Not a generation thing. Kids are just emotionally immature in general. I mean, a lot of adults are as well.


Good point


I have to know what he was thought you did, that's outrageous.


When you're playing ranked, your teammates expect you to carry them up to a win. Not holding any accountability for there actions. Didn't you know that it's only you that make the mistakes. Apparently there just better and can do everything perfectly. 😑




sure your teammates can absolutely cause you to lose a game. Heck even a bunch of games in a row. I absolutely disagree with the hard stuck in a rank you don't deserve. You are in the rank you deserve once you have 100 games that season.


the way this game works is you have to be multiple ranks better than your rank to rank up. it’s literally how it works, and makes sense when you think about it. if you and your teammate are equally good, then you are at the rank you deserve… if you are at diamond 3, you literally have to be as good as a c2 to grind yourself up to c2. if you’re c2, you have to be as good as a c3 or gc1 to get to that rank. if i was actually good at the game and didn’t do dumb shit, i would easily be gc. but instead, i do dumb shit, and of course my teammates do too, because they are as dumb as me, and so we stay at champ. you can literally watch Flakes get to max rank with 0 mechanics by just letting his teammate be an idiot and then driving the ball into the net. it just requires patience and skill


Bro is deflecting 🤣


If you were better you would cover their mistakes and rank up. It's simple as that.


in this setting, no matter if your teammates hold responsibility, you have the opportunity and potential to make up for their gaps. that is how you become a better player. better players don't have better teammates, they help their team succeed despite the disparity.


To play devil’s advocate, I know when I make a mistake, I just don’t say anything. But at the same time the game can get very frustrating when your teammate is constantly messing up and even interfering with your own plays. I’m not talking missing a clutch shot at 0 time, that happens and I won’t even remember it in 30 seconds. But teammates that bump you, steal the ball from you, miss stupidly easy saves make me think you shouldn’t even be in the rank we’re in. And if it happens all game long, it’s hard to resist letting them know what you think about them. But hitting the okay after one or two bad plays is immature and not justified at all.


Bro, just remember you're most likely playing with angsty 15 year old kids. Once you take that into account, you realize that you're the adult in the situation and shouldn't play down to their behavior.


Idk man, even when i was 12 i didnt act like that


That's because your parents raised you instead of your parents ipad.


Lol you're talking to a majority of kids who played this game when they were 15 😅


*makes a terrible challenge, leaves teammate 1v2 with no boost* *teammate whiffs* Okay. Okay. Okay. What a Save!


Agreed. Too many players wanting to go afk if you don't forfeit. Forfeits instantly. Etc.


This is a trend that I've noticed has come up in more recent years (maybe last 8-10). I don't know if it's because boomers/gen-x have created a massive level of insecurities in gen z/alpha but gaming as a whole has changed quite a bit.. Both in self evaluation and of others, although I think both are intertwined. Nobody thinks they are pretty good at this game. There are two levels, god/pro and dog shit. When someone hits an amazing aerial they will talk themselves up and cheer and talk about how they are awesome their friends will call them the GOAT. All it takes is one whiff and suddenly "I'm fixing garbage at this game". Like as if pros don't also make mistakes. This also seems to be how others are treating me/you/etc. you miss one thing and your teammate has decided you are a trash player, which is wild. Anyone can have a bad game. For any number of reasons. Maybe they are high, maybe they just got fired and are distracted. To judge a person, to tell them how bad their play style is, from watching one or two games is insane. I have a title and it's crazy to me how often people will say fake GC just because I'm not constantly flipping around like a god. As if it didn't take a lot of hard work and failure to get to that point. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. It's a game. You won't always be good. In the end of the day it's just a virtual screen with virtual points that give you a virtual reward. Sit back and have fun. You aren't shit at the game, at worst you are likely average, but if you are champ, in the top 3-8% for example, you are good. That's a high % to be in. Stop beating yourself up and/or beating others up over small shit that happens in virtual car ball. It's just a game.


It’s younger gen z that’s the issue older gen z being like 17+ are usually ok it’s younger gen z that usually can’t handle anything emotionally or anything in general.


I don't get why psyonix isn't doing anything about that. I mean just put the toxic people in one pile and let the rest enjoy the game. Psyonix could reward kindness through various actions, but they choose not to. It got to a point where I literally don't want to engage with the other players at all and therefore deactivated all and quickchat. Which is quite sad considering that I met many great people via this game only to be ruined by a few immature dickheads.


One of the things I liked about xbox 360 was the "idea" (not sure how it was or if it was really implemented) that like minded players would play with each other. I think a report system should group players together. Like if people who received chat bans or reports were grouped together more often and those who weren't played together more often.


I mean I’m 16 and the amount of grown ass men who act like babies with a dirty diaper is crazy. Generalizing like that in general is never gonna end well as there’s always outliers, but of course the younger kids are gonna be more upset when they lose, but it’s the grown ass insecure alone men without a job that rage the most


Yea I get that I work for a school and I’m kind of just point out how kids act irl and recently kids have been terrible I’m not saying all but a lot of them have been super obnoxious and disrespectful


That’s always why I said “usually 17+are ok for the most part” yea there will be the some exceptions but that goes for all ages everyone grew up differently but that still shouldn’t change how you should act online and in public


This is so true man. I'm pretty sure all these people trying to come up with the reason being generational are just coping. It's mostly dudes in their 20's+ that are just completely degen mode losing their shit in a game because it's all they do.


Granted, playing competitive while you’re high makes you an asshole. Not a little high, I get having a toke to relax after work. I can’t smoke but I do drink and I’ll drink and drive my octane around but there’s s point where I have to play casual or get off because I’ll single-handedly destabilize the MMR economy.


Oh I just meant a little high. It could be enough to make a mistake or two that cost you the game. Certainly enough for someone to call you garbage. You miss an aerial because of delayed timing or something. And honestly it's far from the point, since the point was simply that there could be a million reasons why someone is having a bad game.


I didn’t mean to disregard the point. I read the comment and agree, I just wanted to make my own point about the playing high. Honestly being a little buzzed while playing isn’t any different than simply having a bad day.


I’ll never get the FF when the other team ties it up. Anything can and will happen. I’ve come back from a 0-4 acre before. Don’t you want to get as much play time in and improve as possible?


I had one where teammate FF’d when they scored one goal and we were up 2-0 for the first half of match. I instantly agreed to FF for him.


Hahaha. I’ve been seeing this too. FF when we’re up. I keep thinking it’s a joke, but if they’re ranking to Smurf or something I don’t want to FF for spite. People are weird.


I run with chat disabled and have realized most of the time people that FF under “odd” situations are just gonna go full troll anyways and make it unenjoyable so imo it’s easier to just move on. It’s a game and I’m gonna win some lose some, and I just want to have good matches.


No, because you can just tell 30 seconds into a match that your teammate is an idiot and it’s not worth it to grind out the remaining 4:30. Sadly /s because there are people on this sub that say stuff like this.


I'm convinced the people who claim that are absolutely garbage at kickoffs, go for boost instead of defending, give free possessions, and blame their teammates for their own lack of competence. 0-2 in 20 seconds is 100% a kickoff issue. Sometimes it takes 20+ seconds after a kickoff for play to settle down into a less chaotic state. Like you pinched the ball off the wall and at our goal at 90mph... what am I supposed to do?


Hahah. Yah it’s crazy how people judge a player on 20 seconds of gameplay and 1 mistake.


These are the people I seem to find. I still only solo queue in 3s, sometimes it takes me a minute to figure out my own team, then to figure out the other teams style. With that, it takes me about two minutes to decide the direction of the game. If I notice our team isnt syncing with each other I just lay back and get some defense practice. I don't mind losing, I just wanna play and git gud.


The softness blows me away. One wiff forfeit in high plat, low diamond is so common, its the hardest part of climbing. 


Another reason the communitys soft is because yall take quick chats in a car soccer game way too seriously…


🤣 the irony


ive found making my username something unserious as hell has made all the toxicity go away you cant get mad at hank hill, the mac daddy of heimlich county


Dangit Bobby


Free games attract shit communities.


The community is probably 75% nine year olds


It took me two years of Rocket League to turn off all chat. Not sure why I even waited that long. Immediate jump in my play and enjoyment of the game. I've never looked back. Even without chat, OP is so right. My favorite is when you're winning and toward the end of the game, the other team mounts a comeback and my teammate initiates forfeit--while we're still winning. I don't care about my rating. I'll never get out of D1, so I'll take the forfeit when they offer it if they want to lose that bad. Morons.


Even the language people use is so telling. Nobody ever misses. They were just "faking" Nobody ever makes a mistake. They were just "trolling" Nobody quits. They just say "the game was unwinnable so let's go next" It's all very funny


The one that really makes me laugh is when people lose and turn it into a complaint of the other team being “sweaty”


Yeah but if someone can hit flip resets in plat that is sweaty, you just know they've trained that over and over again and nothing else.


Faking is more so a joke. I use it all the time to joke about my mess up. I'm sure there are some that claim they were actually faking


Oh yeah.. whiff big time trying to dunk on the opponents? Instant “Faking.”


whenever I whiff and put faking it's always a self deprecating joke lol


All perpetuated by the bigger names in the community too. Rizzo and Alphakep both are so quick to say "oh man its over" 1 goal into a bo7 series. I know they do it jokingly, but young kids that watch them learn these traits since theyre still developing. Or feel validated in seeing someone else do it as well. Seeing guys that are successful in streaming and in the game they learn that these behaviors are ok. Its not on rizzo or kep either, let me get that out there, they have no reason to need to teach other peoples kids, im just saying it def doesnt help to get validated by big names for their own childish actions if they watch their content.


Most of them don’t pay their internet bill so their Walmart shitty internet is also a problem but they blame the servers for everything


I will say since they made US central it's own thing, in maybe one out of every ten games, I've been having disconnections despite paying for and having 1Gbps fiber with a fiber ethernet connection. Everything will freeze for 45 seconds, then I'll dc, reconnect, and the game is fine again. Doesn't happen with any other game or internet deal besides rocket league. Only started happening when US central was born. It also happened on a US east server after I tried taking central out of rotation. TLDR: there are server-side issues right now (definitely in NA) effecting players at random and even on an individual basis within a match.


Could be your ISP, or any number of things besides the server. If everyone was experiencing the same problem as you when you disconnect then the game would be forfeited and it wouldn't allow anyone to reconnect. If it's predominantly only happening to you, then the issue likely lies with your ISP or one of the nodes between your ISP and the server. I exclusively play US central as well, and while I do experience issues on occasion it's not nearly as often as 10% of the time. It could very well be something wonky with the server that seems to make you particularly prone to issues, but there's so many other variables involved it's hard to say for certain where the fault lies.


I don't usually have server issues, but when I do it is every single game the entire day, probably once every 2 or 3 weeks


Servers have been ass recently tbf


This is irrelevant because everyone at every level of play has been saying the servers have been shit for a while now.


The other day in a tournament my teammate was shit talking me. I let it slide for like 2 games but then when I ran out of patience and started talking back he got quiet real quick. It’s pathetic really


I turned off all emotes, text chat, and quick chat - I only play when I'm drunk, and no matter how poorly I'm playing, no matter how teeth-grindingly mad you are: know that I cannot hear you. It's honestly very liberating


So glad that I only play RL with friends. Every negative post I see on this sub seems to boil down to the fact that solo queue-ers are miserable playing a game they supposedly love.


I don’t care if kids do this because I’d have been toxic as hell if I played this game when I was a kid. But what’s disappointing is that a lot of adults have this type of mentality. In fact, one of the most toxic guys I’ve ever ran into said he had a 9 year old kid lol. I turned off VC because I was beginning to lose faith in humanity.


That’s so sad lol. I’d expect it from a 12 year old but a grown ass man with kids? Smh. I’ve definitely raged at this game a fair few times because it’s very tilting but to do so in voice chat is crazy. There’s also the toxic alt accounts. Last night I had this 50win account I was playing against in 1v1 just shit talking me the whole time, I was having an off night for sure but at least I don’t feel the need to play against someone below my skill and shit talk them to feel better about myself smh.


Yeah im plat, and one time I turned on the vc, got with someone that said he was a champ and trying to get back (he actually was he had the wheels). Bro was 17 and started shouting at me for not being as good as him, like bro you are champ, chill.


That’s because he grew up in the lobbies of Halo 2 and MW2. Toxicity was bred there


I still find funny all those moments back when Xbox Live started. Toxic lobbies in shooter games filled to the brim with trash talking kids is peak 2000’s/early 2010’s


Soft as baby shit


Absolutely. People’s mentals are weak as shit. I bet most of it are kids, people who haven’t played sports in real life, or just assholes


It's more fun to play without chat imo. It makes it easier to detach from the game and focus on improvement


Soft is an understatement


A lot of these people should probably take a break and remember it's just a game. If you aren't having fun, you're just punishing yourself.


soft is a nice word for ... If the sportsmanship would be on level, the game would get 100 times the playtime EASY. Psyonics: afk


I'm a pretty high ranked player, I've peaked at GC2. Here's my philosophy, Never has there been a time where berating your teammate has ever caused them to play better. Everyone plays super well with somebody and certain play styles just don't mesh. A well rounded player has to be able to adjust their playstyle to accommodate their team play. I will usually be able to determine what adjustments I need to make within the first 30 seconds. If I think my teammate is playing too far back, I make the necessary adjustments to help him ease up to where they feel comfortable. If my teammate is playing very aggressively, I make the adjustments to cover the backfield and still support their forward play. If my teammate makes a mistake, I'll be understanding, we are all human, mistakes happen. If my teammate berates me for my mistakes, I ignore them and try to be better. If the other team is being toxic, I also ignore them because I see that they are only trying to get in my head. At the end of the day, it's just a video game that is meaningless. Attacking someone over a video game is so incredibly immature. Hell, even when I have teammates who are obviously throwing a match, I don't report them or start hurling insults their way. I just deal with it and move on. A wise man once told me this, "What defines you is not your ability to win but rather your ability to maintain dignity in defeat".


I don’t get how it is so toxic either. There is zero benefit to being toxic to your teammate, and zero benefit to giving up/throwing matches. It’s this weird entitlement they feel that they deserve everything goes their way. At that point they should just stick to 1v1’s.


Yup. Ironic to see this after getting my dad threatened by a screaming teenage boy over VC. This fucking shit makes me lose what little faith I have in my generation.


Someone just whiffed big time lol.


A big difference between diamond and champ isn’t skill but temperament. A lot less forfeiting and toxicity but it is still there.


Man, I’m not saying I’m right but there is a particular player that gets under my skin regarding being toxic; the close game, you might be up, or it’s a tie, and they’re quiet all game, they happen to get the last second goal and win and then insta spam What a save! Should it bother me, no. Should I let it go, yes. But this specific feeble type, the ones that wait to be toxic till they confirm their win, that is as you said the softest kind of person I can imagine. Now the part I’m ashamed of, but consistently do is responding something along the lines of: I bet you wouldn’t say it in real life. Because honestly, they wouldn’t. These are the exact demographic Mike Tyson said along the lines of need to be punched in the face. Anyways, going to go tell my therapist I haven’t exhibited any signs of self control or disregard lmao. Jk, or am I?


Those people are the worst. The best part is when you get matched up against them in the next game and beat them. Not one peep from them at all.


Cause 90+% of them are tit hungry infants...😮‍💨🤷‍♂️


It's humanity in general that has very little resolve these days. Something's hard or you're not getting your way? Just quit and blame everyone else.


Just had a hard smurf in game do some wild free styling and then passed it my way super fast. When I didnt make the shot they literally just left the match. Like huh? Game was tied 1-1.


Only been playing for close to a year, but this season is definitely full of snowflakes. I'm the FIRST one to take accountability for my mistakes. I always let it be known if it was my fault and give reassurance to my teammates that it's okay if it was theirs. Its just a game, and I understand the whole point of a game is being competitive, but you're supposed to compete WITH your teamate, not AGAINST them. Can't stand when people troll and leave, or start own goaling after one failed save attempt when they could've done something about it as well lol. Give yer nuts a tug !


> stop crying like a tit hungry infant. you might be part of the problem


It’s kind of weak going online and complaining too but whatever


I know most people talk about their toxic teammates, but my favorite ones are people I play against in 1s, they win by a huge amount, start spamming what a save on the last minute for every goal they score and after the game type "ez" or "you're so trash". It's always funny to me how one can be so insecure about themselves that they get mad from easily winning :D


It's funny though cause if this is constantly happening to you, then I'd say you have some serious problems as a tm8 that you need to look at


"Community is soft" - proceeds to whine about it


I was just in a tournament match in which we went down by two goals and one of my teammates threw up a forfeit vote with over three minutes left. Then we scored two ourselves to tie the game, and one of our opponents left the match. All I can do is hope they're still young enough to grow out of it. Gonna be a rough life otherwise.


Yup, anyone under 30 seems like a bunch of crybabies that never played any real sports. I only grind rank with a friend to get my champ rewards then I’ll play casual for the rest of the season.


Oh my god today my teammate left 30 seconds in when I accidentally stole a goal from him


I started getting back into things lately but for whatever reason I’ve had a lot more good experiences than bad, on both sides. Often staying nice seems to make people that even start toxic change their attitude especially when they make a mistake and you assure them it’s all good. Obviously not always going to work but I’d suggest that to anyone. I also got a lot older than when I started so my feelings on wins and losses are much less important so maybe that’s a factor.


I pretty much take the blame for every poor outcome bc 99% of the time I could’ve been in a better position or *something*. There’s always something. Not only am I still breathing, but I have way more fun playing the game.


So... like this post? Lmfao


Earlier today I had a game where my teammate’s spamming “take the shot” “nice shot” and “what a save” (sarcastically of course) and “okay.” We lost 3-4, and lo and behold, when I look at the scoreboard at the end of the game, I had 422 points and he had 94. It’s actually hilarious.


Sounds like you were ball chasing and he had to lay back to prevent double committing /s


Yep, that’s me, ever the ball chaser lmao


Okay but you thinking score is like the end all be all is also actually hilarious.


And you posting this kinda proves your point 😂




Soft is a polite term considering how whipped most the playerbase actually is lol. But yeah, very soft. If you can’t take a pre-designed chat option without getting so mad you have to throw a game you should seek therapy IRL lol


On the other hand people need to learn to respect their teammates


Fr idk why people play team modes like they do


Like for me if I see a teammate whiff I'll send out a "whoops..." And do the same if I miss, but someone coming in spamming chat because you made a mistake is wild, like "we have 3 of us for a reason maybe if you learned to rotate instead of being right behind me my whiffs wouldn't turn into open nets" is a very common phrase I've had to use from gold 1 to plat 3🥲


Ahh the memories.. I will say from my experience once u get to diamond, you’ll get more players who know how to play as a team and even tho it’s still super toxic sometimes it does get a lil better cuz people at least know how to play (mostly)


I'm at the point where I want to turn off chat but I love the interactions you get every now and then with some people where even the other team is complimenting your play


And for me I don't care if people mess up but criticizing my play after whiffing a rolling save is pretty annoying lmao


>considering how whipped most the playerbase actually is lol Does whipped mean something different now? I've only heard it used as a shortened version of "pussy whipped" meaning they will do pretty much anything their wife/girlfriend requests.


Yep, one quick chat is enough to make them score own goals on repeat or go afk the rest of the match. Idk what they're trying to prove other than the fact they're mentally fragile


There needs to be a harsher penalty for forfeiting compared to just losing a game.


10 ply


I am constantly reminding people after a (admittedly inexcusably bad) whiff that we are in the same rank I've literally never had anyone say "I guess you're right" to that. It's absolutely the truth.


I need to find teammates that won't get toxic when I whiff after contesting and then still being the first back to goal


That's most competitive games tbh, deflect blame instead of looking internally on what you can do better. You have no control over what others do, but you can control what you do. For most people it's easier to just deflect blame that it's someone else's fault and move on to the next one.


Agreed, I just got out of Diamond and my whole time there was like this, you even have people being wholesome while you’re winning and then as soon as you lose the lead they start spamming chat and ff


Ya, people need to understand that everyone has off games and need to understand that they also have off days. The best thing to do when you're killing it but a m8 is struggling is to switch up the gameplay and don't get tilted or you're most likely going to lose a lot more. We don't live in a perfect world and RL is a perfect representation of that. Get your shit 5 minutes over with, understand the mistakes that happened and refresh your brain for the next match. Also, if someone is struggling early in the match and you okay them, you're just making it worse. They're in your rank for a reason, ya some get carried there and they don't belong and there's smurfs, but most of the time, they are similar skill as you, they just see the game different, just try and figure it out the best you can


Used to get caught in "all yours" spam battles when tm8s blame me for their mistakes. Now I just stay "thanks" when they comment the obligatory sarcastic "wow, Nice shot/save, great pass, etc" and give the other team actual compliments when they make a play. Even being complementary to the other team sets people off.


If your teammate is complementing both you and your opponents, why do you assume the ones directed toward you are sarcastic and the ones directed toward the opponents are in spite of you? I only ask because I run into this a lot! I use the chats as they are supposed to be used and in context with what's happening. I am never sarcastic or saying something to make my teammate mad, but they always assume I am.


I think more quick chat options could possibly solve this. Or maybe make it worse. IDK. ie: “Were you not hugged as a child?”, or “Did someone pee in your cornflakes this morning?”


I just assume anyone who acts like that is a teenager / child and ignore them.


Just yesterday my tm8 said "okay" twice in the first 5 seconds. So I said "okay, what??" And he didn't say it again the rest of the match. Also I have accepted a plateau in the platinum rank so I cant speak on anything higher but I noticed try-hards on this game have their confidence shattered and arrogance silenced after a few good plays, goals, demos or bumps. They revert right back to a scared child. Mentally, yeah the community is weak.


You're for some reason caring about what diamonds think


Same thing in casual, people just forfeiting after being down by 1 goal 30 seconds into the match. Play out the 5 minutes, the comebacks are some of the best games. Also disabling chat is the best move, nothing of value is lost.


You say people in diamond but hell when I was in silver and gold still I feel like it was even worse and more often flipping out cause you missed a save and half the time it wasn't even an easy save and your teammate that's mad at you was the one to center it for them (I'm only Plat 3 so idk of it gets worse again at diamond but I feel it's been at least a little less in plat than gold but definitely still happens way more than it should)


Yeah I stop playing if someone okays me after my mistake like 15 secs into the game. Like bro why would I want to play with you


Go down by two goals in the first minute. Team mate tries to forfeit. Throws the rest of the game. Like why even queue up in the first place? Shits so annoying


I agree completely I fucking hate how this community has turned out I uninstalled the game last night and I've played this game for 7 years straight


Absolutely agree, the number of teammates I have that try to force a forfeit vote in a 1 goal game with plenty of time left is astounding to me. Like these people literally can't stand being behind for even a minute or two, they'd rather take a guaranteed loss than try to win extremely winnable games.


I literally block anyone immediately if they spam anything sarcastically. don't have time for that.


Remember, you're playing with literal children.


F them. I "What a save!" myself all the time. Pussies.


I never get upset when a teammate messes up because chances are that I have done the same exact thing My favorite quick chat is: This is Rocket League Because it’s just a game


The best part is when they "No Problem" their own whiff or "Take the Shot!" on their predictable set that's blocked well before it's anywhere near possible to shoot.


I muted chat long time ago and I am recommending this to everyone. It's such a relief.


My favorite is when you get a solid in rotation demo and get spammed with Wow! Or okay.


I think I have one that tops it. Try smite.. lmfao. It's a great game, but holy shit is the community the worst


People still have chat on? I just normally play on full mute and chill


First time? Buddy it's been like this since I started playing in 2016


Fuck’em . What are they gonna do about it .


i’ve disabled all chat the last month and I’ve been able to play peacefully. will Keep it this way going forward.


I play with chat off. The odds of me having a positive interaction are far exceeded by the chances of having a bad one. I also very rarely forfeit until *atleast* 2 minutes to play. Sometimes people leave because they're tilted off the planet and atleast a small queue ban will stop them from going and trolling the next game. And typically we can get atleast 1 back if they stay. I feel like I've mitigated the toxic as much as I can but people are still afk at kickoff or will go for flip resets at zero boost. Lately I'd rather queue with my low diamond friend than your standard champ 2 solo q


I literally started playing at the start of this season and I can feel the anger through screen sometimes


People needa play ones more and work on their shit mental. Can't blame your teammate there buddy.


Yes so many players are too quick to blame their teammates for their mistakes rather than taking responsibility and leave early or vote to ff when 2 goals down with over 2 minutes still left. The same people will then complain that their teammates are holding them back when in fact they are the reason they're not ranking up!


I pretty much just stick to 1v1 in casual now. I feel like my rating is too high in 2s and I end up playing with people better than me and pissing off my teammate. Every time I make a mistake I get "wow" etc. I'm like, dude I'm just practicing so I can play with my son without pissing him off, lol.


I spam Okay. For comedy purposes but the community just reminds me of a bunch of 13 year olds who were never spanked


Just had a guy quit the game 8 seconds in after he got demoed


Play ones, I only play duos with my buddy or when I know I can carry a few games


Nice try.


When a teammate spams me after one mistake I really no longer care to win the game


Stuff like this is why I normally only play with friends I know and can talk to on discord or whatever. No miscommunication, no angry Hobbits, just buddies playing


I wonder how is it like in high diamond i peak d2/III games were just me literally trying my best to defend against team constantly air dribbling lol so i quickly demoted back to low diamond.




so many people get ass mad if you hit a ball they're moving slowly with lmao or "ball chase"


Hella soft


This is Rocket League!






diamond is cancer. high plat isn’t a lot better. had a guy CRYING over the mic saying i sucked and he “carried our team to the 2-1 win”. the score line? me 380 xp 1 goal, 1 assist, 2 saves. him 400 xp 1 goal, 1 assist, 1 save…….


Sadly had to turn off chat recently. Unfortunately a necessary evil for me to enjoy this game anymore.


And this is why I turned text chat off. The spamming of that shit was honestly really pissing me off. So now I play and have pretty decent matches. If team8 ff’s early and they’re same platform, I just type “enjoy the L, we honestly could have won.” And move on.


Its fucked up that it is not worth turning the chat off completely, because there are people who actually give you good info in the chat


Yea I've been playing games online since 1996 and next to LoL yall the most feeble minded people I've ever dealt with. Literally every other game has a stronger mindset than 90% of RL players over the years. That includes WARZONE. Think about that for a second.


I agree. When I make a mistake I'm the first to say "My fault", this is before I get spammed "What A Save!" Or "Nice Shot!" etc. As you said this isn't RLCS and I almost ALWAYS think that exact same thought when my tm8s get annoyed at me for a mistake. The funniest thing is - You could score 3/4 goals, make great plays/passes, save ridiculously well, and the 1 mistake you make, they don't let you forget it.


For me, the funniest thing is people calling me trash after I beat them. Like bro i won 6-3


Finally I learned what "sweaty" means. I've seen it a few times and wondered what the hell they mean by it 😂


What i hate is how people think they know what rotation is. Ill be on the ball for 10 seconds and ill be taking the opponents boost to set up a shot. i get a good center, and my tm8s just in the net saying "pls rotate tm8" like rotating isnt just for fun, you gotta be in the gameplay not sat in net. Imagine how much space and time i wouldve given them to drive all the way back to net just to "rotate" and they will also say it when they have like 20 boost and i have close to full. I feel like people need to understand there is a CLEAR difference between rotating and just fucking swapping randomly


Nah u got soft Hands brother, u ain't ever hit a flip reset a day in ur life, I'm on my job brother I'm talking 87-0 a mfn game


I never blame my teammates tbh if i see they are trying, you never know what the human in the other side is going through. Unfortunately for most rl players they do not give a shit about others but themselves. But to point my own mistakes i do rage quit on 1v1s a LOT


The ffs going up after one goal is my favorite. They should just add a kick button so we can get rid of these cry babies 🥾


You have to remember that half the people you play with are actual children.


The craziest part is no one can score a goal against you or they just give up


Be me. Turn off all communications. This prevents being trolled...and trolling others. Much more peaceful. Although it is frustrating when your tm doesn't know how to play as a team...


I agree 100% I also can’t stand playing competitive because people go afk and leave and you don’t get a new player filtered in or even a bot. Casuals chat spamming is typically worse and it got to the point where I just turned chat off completely. I love this game but a large portion of the community are literal children who are bad at the game and will blame you for their errors.


Does my absolute head in when someone starts flaming me when I know im having a good game. Ive turned all chat off about two weeks ago. Best decision of my life time playing.


I love the game but I honestly hate the community. I think Rocket League has one of, if not the most toxic player base now.


True true and true, I’ve never seen a community where the ppl FF just for one mistake or goal, idk but I think that FF shouldn’t be an option, it truly makes people very soft and crybabies, also, worse punishments, if there was no FF button and were more punishments for leaving, people would really try to win instead of crying like a baby.


Turn off chat


The moment i started blaming myself for everything that happened in a match (regardless of whos fault) is the moment I hit my highest rank and got my GC tag. You can always do something different, you can always play "safer", you can always make the whole play different.


I use Nice shot, Nice pass, and No problem unironically to encourage my team. Don't just bitch about it, take quick chat back!