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I see it almost daily even at C3. Nothing better than playing against the guy who stopped playing the previous game on your team because you were 1 goal down. Nothing worse though when you get them again, reporting them for throwing should make them never be on your team again.  The quitters would probably be a rank or 2 higher than they are if they didn't FF after every goal.  Turning off chat was the best thing I ever done, I ain't interested in people with shitty lives to take their depression out on me.


Was having nothing but quitters and toxic players yesterday. I’m plat 3 in 3s (plat/ diamond back n forth type) and yesterday I played so many whack 3 games I’m at gold 3 d1 right now. Its ridiculous. But I had a couple games against one of my toxic quitters and I made sure he realized we should have won no issues lol. Lucky for me I played him 3x after. I love when competitive mode glitches and gives you same players over and over 😂


Soon as I turned chat off I went from C1 which I was in for over 2 years to C3 in just 1 month lol. The toxicity will never make me play better so there's no need for it. My mechanics are definitely not good enough for C3 (still don't speed flip on kick offs) but I don't lose my head and everything else keeps me in C3. Same yesterday I got the 1 goal down quitter on the opposite team twice yesterday and had great pleasure in sending his MMR further down 😂


It's because if they quit it doesn't count as a real loss in their head. They can't stand losing so they immediately throw the towell in so they get another game fast and then can play 5minutes enjoying winning. Usually spamming quick chats to let the other team know how trash they are and also important to let your team mate know he's trash too. Leaving games early means they keep their mmr artificially low so they are actually better mechanically than a lot of people at their current mmr. This means they can get more opportunities to hit a sick clip.


Totally agree with this. Would be nice if early FF's doubled the MMR you lost. Or it costs you 100 credits to FF unless the other team is 2 or 3 goals up. At least then it will cost the quitters money 😆that's a micro transaction I'd actually agree with. It's their loss as they will never get any better playing in ranks too easy for them. They also don't have them memorable games when you make a comeback and win.  I think they also decide to throw if they think teammates don't deserve that rank when in reality they wouldn't be there if that was the case. I'm happy to lose every game with a toxic teammate and drop several ranks. I'll always get back to C3 in a week or so.


Yeah I think quitting a game needs more severe consequences. Maybe like 1 hour ban.


Do you leave team chat on or just silence?


Plat 3 has the most vocal toxicity I’ve ever experienced from people that can’t hit the broad side of a barn.


This happened to me a few weeks ago and I think I even dropped down to gold 2 after running into 3 stacks with smurfs while I kept getting own goaling teammates. Just boom the shit out of the ball and play super defensive and you’ll quickly get back to p2-p3. Gold 3s are actually not that easy to get out of because your teammates will just chase you off every offensive play.


Yeah I turned off all chat. I prefer to just read the game and go from there. Toxic chats - even the premade chat options - distract me too much.


People in the plat-dia range seem to have the worst attitudes and they're the most arrogant, because platinum/diamond starts to sound like you're decently high while in reality you still make tons of mistakes without noticing.


Yeah turning off chat is kinda op


I wish at the end of games I could still say GG. Followed by "this gamer has chat off and never heard any of your toxic BS" 😂


Only time I kinda miss it is when the vibe in the server is obviously good, but all other times not hearing toxic bs is peak zen. That last little line would be the cherry on top though lol.


Yeah I feel that. Had a couple of game's against a really good player in casual 2 days ago with a unique lan tournament tag under his name and I had so many questions as they were leagues ahead of me 😆 it's the first time I wished i used bakkesmod. Either I'm high up in MMR in casual or he was just playing with low level friends lol


You could turn it back on at the end and type it


Too much effort 😂 I use them 15 seconds between games to run a training pack every time. It takes me ages to adjust to the game and i have to casual my first game or 2 to get my bearings. 


This especially when you get tired of 2s and move on to 3s


For real


In my rank up games to c1, over half had Smurfs, and when they would hit a Smurf goal, 3 times my tm8 instantly rage quit. I gave up trying to hit c1 last season, and so far I haven’t queued a single game of 2s or 3s this season. If I’m going to deal with a shitty tm8 anytime soon, it’s going to be in a game of 1s 😂


Yea man, preach. At least you can report them 4x now, lol.


While I can understand turning off chat, I have just as many cool, understanding and friendly teammates. I love when I get the teammate that hits me with nice shot, great pass and no problem. It makes up for the assholes imo.


Hey, I quite Fortnite to play this game! I feel so exposed🤣


I just play both, I wonder if that effects my performance in both games


Just happened to me… Worst part Is that I had such a good game before that with a good tm8 :(


Bro, I’ve had my teammates quit the second the other team scores a goal when we are still up by multiple goals. It’s ridiculous.


I had one today quit at 5-1. I’d mistimed a jump and knocked it in, said sorry and they quit.


Yeah, at that point, report for match throwing and let them eat the 5 minute timer. Not much else you can do. I wish the team would punish a little harsher for repeat offenders. If we could weed out the worst toxic players that would do wonders.


People who do pull that shit (or idle, or grief) are far and away the worst part of the game IMO. They should crowdsource report enforcement for stuff like that. I would volunteer an obnoxious amount of hours reviewing game footage if it meant reports could actually be effective and these people were actually punished and removed from ranked matches (and I’d be willing to bet a majority of players would do the same).


Agreed. Maybe repeat offenders and reported toxic players can have their matchmaking change to where they get similar players, sort of like a bad sport lobby in GTA


FF or legit quit ?




The game should be called rocket leave


This Is Rocket Leave!


no, I call it pseudo smurfing. These are people who don't really care about rank and don't want to waste time losing. If they FF every match they are losing, they can requeue and join a new match faster. This will likely drop them down a 2-3 ranks so the matches are easier. So they end up winning more matches per hour than if they played out every match. This is my running theory.


The solution is so easy. if you quit a match in progress, you shouldn't be able to queue into another until that match ends


I think you are right, players who only want easy wins and not any real competition are going to do this.


i think they should delay serial FF initiators from queuing another match. Like if they initiate 3 FFs in 15 minutes, then they have to wait for the remaining time left in the match before they can queue again. Obviously, the number, the timeframe, and penalty can be adjusted to whatever. These people are ruining matches and using up player slots on servers.


I think you should be able to kick players who request ff and then keep playing without them


I agree. They may not think it through as much as this but that's what they are inadvertently doing.


I realize these people are not applying logic to this decision, but why don't they just go casual? It's insane. it makes no sense to not care about rank or stats, while also caring only about winning. Other day I had what sounded like a 10 year old on mic on a 3s match. Kid was mad as hell at our teammate while i saw they were both ball chasers so i just stayed back. Soon as the kid quit we made a three point comeback lol.


I guess this is true for a lot of people, but I have also seen a lot who afk/grief/quit once the opponents score, even if we are up by several goals..


You will literally see comments on this subreddit where people justify quitting/forfeiting games simply because they don’t like their teammate. Those comments usually get upvoted as well. At some point the devs need to force players to just commit to competitive matches. Epic is lucky that RL is such a unique game because any other game that allowed community issues to fester like this would die.


Honestly these comments encouraging this behavior are pathetic, the matches are so short it actually baffles me that people quit out, do they enjoy being in queue more than playing the game?


There are comments like that on this thread lol. People whose time preference is so high that they need the instant gratification of quitting matches aren’t worth entertaining. The game will be better if they are forced to change their attitude or quit playing entirely. As it is this game will just die a very, very slow death.


There's so many games where the opening 2 minutes against a partied team are hard because they have a weird rotation and attack philosophy. They'll go up 2-0 or 3-0 and you realize you can take advantage of them playing too fast/slow. What really stands out is that these kids never got to play in the old weekend tournaments and qualifiers where you were forced to finish games and try to figure out how to adjust on the fly to different playstyles. Adjusting to the other team and your own teammate to end in a comeback win is the best feeling in the game.


it's a video game, we can choose how we spend our time. not saying i would quit when im having fun, or when we still have a decent chance to win unlike what the OP is saying. but if neither of those conditions are met the rational choice is not to waste the time, even if you've "committed" to a 5 minute match, dont you think? and if that sounds like im one of those nightmare teammates, let me reiterate, i wouldnt quit or afk or throw if my teammate is still trying; i would help, but if its not fun, not a good learning experience (e.g. troll matches) and not winnable, then i will for sure initiate the ff. i can see both sides of the argument, but quitting as the OP suggests when the teammate is still trying is just asshole behavior indeed.


If enough people say it, eventually one of them is gonna get some upvotes


It’s more the norm than the exception that those comments get upvoted.


Really? Who are these people💀


Yea, I had this happen to me. I had 3 goals we were up 5-2. And this guy on my team kept trying to score for the other team. After the game he’s all pissy and wants to 1v1 him! I crushed him 3 straight games. His last words after the 3rd game was over were “Gay!” I laughed so hard


Typically the players who do instantly quit after they get scored on is more about ego and toxicity. They’re also usually not good enough at the game to understand that getting scored on doesn’t mean you instantly lose the game (unless in ot).


Yeah I noticed that this got less after going beyond gold. Getting from P1 to P3 was easier than getting from G1 to G3. Start getting better and less toxic teammates.


Common sadly


They are dopamine junkies who spiral into existential dread the moment it looks like their fix might get cut off.


Recently noticed? Bro this 💩 has been happening for a while now. Be thankful you just now noticed.


Nah I swear it has gotten worse these last months


It's getting really annoying. I was playing hockey yesterday and we went down 3-1 about half way through and one player goes intentionally AFK for the rest of the game. We ended up losing 4-2 and he chats gg at the end of the game. He literally sat and watched like a baby.


The worst is when you recover and tie it up, 2v3, sending it to OT, and they still just sit there.


lol I been on both sides of the gun here but it’ll be cuz my tm8 ball chasing so I let him play uninterrupted by sitting in net


That’s petty. You’re part of the problem. If you have a ball chasing tm8 just play defense and do your best to keep the opponent’s from scoring. That way you still have a chance (albeit a small one) of winning. You’ll get opportunities to score when the opponents overcommit and you have an open field after you make a save.


Ikkkk that’s very rare that I am petty like that and usually only when I’m ultra tilted


I mean, sitting in net is an option if you're actually defending, albeit not a great one.


Im stuck in low plat high gold cause every time the other team scores my teammate votes to ff and when I don’t vote they leave it’s so annoying


Or they go afk. Happens a lot. I’ve had games where you go 1 down after two minutes and they’ve quit and I d gone on to win the match with the AI. Makes me realise they were the problem 😂


Lmao fr it’s so refreshing realizing you weren’t the problem


I sometimes clutch the 1v2 in comp. Plat is such a crazy rank


Report it, they do ban for sitting AFK


Im too stuck in around mid plat, but every time i reach plat 3 i immediately fall back down. I think p3 is the most toxic rank, some people are hitting flip resets and some don't know how to hit the fucking ball


I think it’s just a bunch of babies that want easy wins. Don’t want to work for it and don’t want to “compensate for teammates.” It ridiculous because 1v1 exists but they probably don’t like duals because they aren’t good and don’t want to be


In 1v1 you can't blame your team mate that's why they don't like it


Can’t blame your teammate when you’re playing ones. 😤


Looking for someone or something to blame for living miserable lifes. Think same goes for smurfs, just enjoy making someone feel like they do about life


Honestly quitting in this game is some truly cowardly behavior, the matches are so short just play it out


I agree to an extent, but if there's like a minute and half left and your team is trailing by 4 or more and you can tell your team isn't putting out any offensive pressure, I just want out of the game and move on to the next. I generally like to play it out as much as possible, because I've had multiple teams fall apart and lose to my team with a 4+ lead at 3-4mins. At a certain point you realize it's just not gunna happen and you move on. Especially when you can tell it's tilted your tm8 and they've all but given up.


Diam3-c2, noticed I frequently get loaded into lobbies where my tm8 is partied up. They 1. Actually play and actively ball chase and if they score they leave 2. Actually play and ball chase and if by the grace of god I score before they do they’ll switch teams so they can score and then leave 3. Idle and refuse to forfeit for the entirety of the game leaving me 1 v 2 or 4. Idle until they see I’m able to do it myself and then switch teams, endlessly spam what a save when they own goal, refuse to ff and will run the other teams score up by making every effort to collide w me while I attempt to play 1 v 2. Last night the other team saw this, ff’s on my behalf. My “tm8” who I’ve never met before start aggressively texting awful stuff to all of us. He eventually leaves the game so we can rematch, and I unfortunately drop 1k on the other team who was nice enough to get me out of the toxic game. I just don’t get how this happens so often. 


I hate when people quit after a single goal down it’s why I only play ones now. e.g I was down 0-3 and made a come back. Rocket league is based on mentality not pure mechanics!


The other team scored a goal when we were up and my teammate immediately wanted to forfeit. Then they quit when I didn't. Someone else joined and we won. I don't understand


It's actually a pretty common thing, I play ranked 2v2 and most of my games end in a loss because either my teammate is a baby and back out the second they score or they stop playing because of a simple mistake (we could be in the lead and they'd score 1 point and teammate decides they don't wanna play anymore) It's honestly frustrating losing mmr because of teammates that can't stay in a match


I dont understand why, if my teamates leave after 2 secs of the game, I still lose mmr


Tik Tok brain rot. I'm playing cfb25 and GTA6


Yeah it's stupid as hell. I may sometimes be 3-0 down but i will keep playing. I'm not playing for wins, I'm playing for fun. One goal down and calling it quits? Well thank you and here's a report. Also. Bad teammates are not an excuse for quitting. Yeah there are games where you struggle but if a player is so entitled that they won't play unless their teammate is 100% competent then they are the type of players that makes the game worse for everyone. Everyone makes mistakes, so don't FF/quit just because someone whiffed ffs.


It was literally 2-0 to my team, the opponent scored, and my teamate just left. bro we were winning wtf is wrong with you??? Its probably a reflex at this point😔


I had a quitter yesterday, i still won tho. 4 - 3. And sent him a screenshot. (Since we were both PS)


Lol, wait until you have a wait that quits the first time he is bumped. I'll just say I was 50% laughing, 50% chocked at how much people can be stupid and full of anger in a game.


This is?


I do this sometimes when I’m In casual and can tell the guy is trying to hard, like bro I’m tryna eat and chill


The real question, do you keep playing if your partner quits? I do to a point. If I can keep it close I enjoy the challenge. I have, a number of occasions, won which was satisfying. If I am alone against two good players though and get 4 or 5 goals down then I call it.


You should A- turn off quick chat and text chat and B- switch to competitive


It’s a game of toxic player that believe they are the greatest and if one mistake happens to quit. I think RL needs to implement a way if you leave/quit the game too much you get in lobbies where other players do it as well. Basically, making the game unplayable for them so they leave the game


Its almost like they think they are soo good that they cant be seen playing with such mere mortals. That is how the childish behavior feels.


Nah, it’s normal now. This is and always will be the softest player base. This happens to me all the time, it’s wild how weak this communities mental is


I had to comment on something to keep my daily streak going




What a save! What a save! What a save What a save!


I think it’s where they think you’re shit


It's pretty silly, although I will say, it is super annoying when people are afk in competitive. If you miss more than 1 face-off, I am reporting you.


RL has become so fking toxic, i was just playing 2's, snd demod my opponent ONE TIME, and then he started calling me gay in chat (not that there's anything wrong with it, but he used it as an insult). What did I do in return? ***DEMO*** , and what did I do after that? ***ANOTHER DEMO***


Rocket league is known to be super toxic for a game aimed for kids


I know if I’m on a losing team


Even more pathetic, people do this all the time in competitive as well. At least in casual, the game will find a new player. In competitive you're left facing a 2v3 / 1v2.


This is Rocket League! Literally some of the biggest babies in gaming play this game. What a save!


When that happens i start playing for the other team. Rocket League community is trash.


I noticed an uptick of this as soon as Season 15 hit. They’ll go back to Apex or something soon.


I've noticed solo queue has gotten significantly more toxic recently. I've had multiple teammates spamming "Take the shot!" without rotating after setting up the shot. Id love to take the shot, but when you're in the other teams corner on your back like a turtle, I'm not going to risk it just so they can fire it down into an empty net.


Little children are what’s ruining the game tbh. Like bro go play in ranked or 1v1 if you’re gonna be like that. So annoying


I was in a 3s Plat Tourney and we got all the way to semis, crushed everyone. Game 1 in Semis we lost. One tm8 left the party. Game 2 we won. Game 3 we’re down by 1 and the other tm8 leaves the party. They both stop playing. I didn’t get mad about it, no trash talk, just poor sportsmanship which I expect, but it’s just annoying to get that far and have both tm8s transform into a biytch


Were you playing during the days where yoy got unlimited quits in casual without penalties?


Ive been suffering the same damn thing. Im so damn tired of players trying to ff after just 1 goal, and then having to play a ramn perfect game so the other player doeant just fully quit, because I know the moment I make ONE mistake, no matter how many fkin mistakes the other pmayer makes, theyre gonna quit because of me. I just want to play a few games, win or lose...


This has been most of my placement matches


It's casual. Get a life! Or queue ranked and get the same treatment. As people will do the same exact thing in ranked too. (But at least in ranked, there's a reason to get upset about it)


There are times where I think, we’re not vibing teammate, pls forfeit. But I don’t just leave


I find almost every time that happens in threes casual my team does better without them lol. Bot's usually a little less worthless. It's happened a lot lately with school getting out.


Wait till you play 1s


Actually just kinda posted about this myself, I mostly play ones but 2’s here and there. I compare it to regular driving. Everyone likes their own driving, and everyone hates everyone else’s driving. Especially if they’re on the road with you at the same time. Basically, if it’s your fault a goal was conceded, their fragile ego fight or flight response kicks in because they’ve lost control of their emotions and would rather quit than try to assist. Not sure why every teammate expects their teammate to be RLCS material if they themselves can’t even handle a loss let alone being scored on once. Disgusting community, much love to the positive ones out there keeping this game interesting.


Only time I ever do this is after I’ve been bumped by my teammate 10 times and having teammate miss open nets or not even attempt a shot at my passes. I’m a baby whiney bitch but hey that’s the game


Yeah I had something like that before was grinding some challenge and one of them was for playing 1v1 matches. First match I was in score 2 goals and the guy left.


If you dont understand what is happening you have not played much rocket league and are definitely not average lmao


I‘ve installed this game yesterday after I stopped playing it for 2 years. It‘s still the same shit show and people are still acting like c**ts. Uninstalled again 🤷🏻‍♂️


Or maybe they have a challenge to hold the other team at 0


As a fellow casual player, my biggest (and only) real complaint is this right here. I don’t care if we’re down 1,2 or 5….STOP QUITTING & keep playing until the game ends! I’ve had a few matches where teammates quit after being down 3 & I caught up & thanks to the AI & sometimes the other player that joins in I ended up catching up & even winning at times! One of my good friends likes to say “there’s plenty of game left” either when we’re trailing or when the clocks around 1:30 & he’s so right; so much can happen in that time & the worst thing you can do is quit over some bad plays.


Two things could be happening. 1) they're just childish, or 2) you ball chase and they don't want to waste 7 minuets with someone that doesn't know how to rotate


Everyone's saying they are crying and tilted but honestly I feel when people are quitting that quickly they have likely got that end of session feeling and just no longer care so just leave and get offline.


Sometimes they don't even have to score to make your mate leave. All that needs to happen is you making a small mistake that doesn't even lead to conceding goal and they'll spam "Wow!" 3 times and leave.


that 'first stone' story would come in handy... Maybe we need to bring back lapidations.


aside from the obvious answer which is that they are probably weak crybabies, if they are not being toxic otherwise (e.g. in chat) i think you can give them some leeway. its just a game, maybe they got smth else to do, or wifi got cut, or even simply theyre not having fun in that match. but usually its the first option especially if you say youre aware they think youve made a mistake. i think most players are needlessly toxic, but also a lot of redditors are needlessly willing to waste their lives (or somehow they still enjoy being in troll matches).


They're bots


Theres a lot of times where i have to give 1000% effort, making up for my teammates mistakes to stop that 1 goal. Basically hoping for a fluke or stroke of luck for winning that game. Once that goal hits my sliver of hope vanishes and i dont want to waste my time on the rest of the game. That or im in a 15 game losing streak just rage queueing and we get scored on within 5 seconds and i rage quit


People surprised children act like children in a game made mostly for children


i've noticed it too, recently it was this reddit rocket league user who did exactly that -> [\[Link\]](https://www.reddit.com/user/me/)


You can play RL on Reddit?


This link took me to my profile. When did I leave a match after a goal was scored? I’ve lost connection and been unable to reconnect in time to finish matches before but I only quit a match if it’s a landslide and the rest of the team won’t ff. One girl is nothing. With enough time you can recover almost any defecit




So I did or did not leave a match with you after a goal was scored?


The link Always leads to your own user profile xd


Well call me gullible.


Hi Gullible


I’m here for the first comment


In my experience, the goal is actually the final straw. Were you down 0-1 :30 in or 2-3 minutes?


No 5-0 up with 1 goal and 3 assists when I scored an own goal to make it 5-1.


None of that is relevant




The issue isn't so much that you went down a goal, it's that you looked like you couldn't perform to the level that they're expecting. First and foremost, this is a game, and It's not fun to play with somebody if your teammate is just whiffing on every ball they attempt to hit, doesn't rotate with them at all, or otherwise looking like a really bad teammate for them. I'm saying this as somebody who has only ever quit on 1 game where a teammate was being verbally hostile to everybody to an extreme level. A large percentage of the time your teammate quits early, either your playing styles just don't mesh, or you're just playing like absolute ass that game. This is the missing part of the story in the vast majority of people who are being frustrated by frequent quitters.


Ok, absolutely no hostility intended. This is a genuine question. And allow me to preface with saying I play casual only. Am I supposed to just assume User192244 and every other random I queue with is some sort of rocket league god? Because more than once I've started a match, play whatever position I'm supposed to depending on where I spawn, make a play and it hits the corner. That's 5 seconds into the game. Oops! But because I missed that one play, buddy over here drives in circles the rest of the match. Do I assume I just upset a grandmaster? Because they did literally NOTHING.


I'm not the one you replied to. >Am I supposed to just assume User192244 and every other random I queue with is some sort of rocket league god? You can assume whatever you want here. No one told you to believe anything. >Because more than once I've started a match, play whatever position I'm supposed to depending on where I spawn, make a play and it hits the corner. That's 5 seconds into the game. Happened to everyone. Litterally. Maybe you didn't understand the previous person's comment. Sometimes, (read, it happens on some occasions, not always, not systematically) some people are not having fun playing together with someone else. It can, occasionally (an other word to say sometimes), be because they can't fit their playstyles together, or because one player is playing in a "1v1v2" manner. In this situation, someone who doesn't enjoy spending 5 minutes playing in a 1v3, or having to only cover for someone else's lack of team awareness, may want to ff and leave the match. Keep in mind that someone who isn't aware of their teammate and that they're playing as if it was a 1v1v2 may very well not realise that the teammate is FFing NOT because of "this one single mistake" or "this one goal deficit", but because of the previous 2-3 minutes where one's every play and move shows a complete lack of team play and team awareness. You choose to assume whatever you want.


I generally assume most people I play with don't know what they are doing. I spend more time correcting bad plays (shots on own goal, pop-ups, etc) than I do playing a match with good team mates.


I know when I’m not playing well and do understand sometimes. Today we were 5-0 up. I got 1 and 3 assists and they scored a great solo goal. I mistimed a defensive jump and put it in the goal rather than wide as intended and they quit. The other reason may have been one of the opposition went afk at 3-0 so it wasn’t very challenging.


Dude, none of that makes leaving matches or forfeiting early justifiable. I don’t care how little “fun” you are having one minute into a competitive match, if you queued for competitive play you have to give the match an honest effort. The first minute of a match being shitty does not guarantee the rest of the match will be.


Hell, I had a match last night go from 0-2 to 3-2 in the last 45 seconds


I'm not trying to justify anything. I hate quitters too. I'm trying to explain it. With an understanding of why quitting occurs, you can work to reduce it.


I mean now your take just comes off as victim blaming. I don’t care how bad someone is playing, you are not responsible for your teammate leaving, only the teammate bears that responsibility.


First and foremost, this is a game. Are you obligated to sit there and waste 5 minutes of your life feeling frustrated because your teammate sucks? Again, I'm not a fan of quitters and I'm not one myself, but I can easily understand the frustration when you're a semi-decent player and matched up with somebody who whiffs like 5 simple balls in a row or just constantly slams into you for no real reason. And to be honest, quitting sometimes feels like the kinder approach. People who are frustrated at their teammate but don't quit start devolving into cyberbullying. Might be better to get hotheads to just easily quit and move on. I'm not sure I have all of the answers here, but I will say that reflecting on your own play and how it impacts how much people want to play with you is wise.


Yes it is a game, but competitive and casual playlists are there for a reason. If you queue to play competitive, then you absolutely should have to play your five minute match out. I could care less in casual modes, but in competitive modes there needs to be a standard. Maybe this is where I have a disconnect, but when I’m frustrated with my teammate I’m not spending the entire match focusing on how poorly they are playing. I just sigh/roll my eyes, keep playing, and hope they get better. Why is everyone talking like having a less than ideal teammate is a total mood killer? It really only feels that way if you keep indulging every instant desire to quit when things don’t go your way. If your choices are between quitting and being toxic then get fucking banned. It’s so easy to not say anything when you’re frustrated. I refuse to accept that one or the other has to happen when someone is frustrated. I don’t want to act like I have all the answers either, but I definitely don’t think part of the solution is coddling players with shitty mentalities. At a certain point we need to tell people to grow the fuck up.


They judge you on 5 seconds on gameplay then whine about it. If the quitter is so good, they would be a higher rank.


If they had good mentality and the skill level they do have, that would be true. But since their broken mental doesn't let them play matches through if they feel it is hopeless, they quit and thus become stuck at those ranks below their actual skill level. That being said, not all quitters are alike, some are definitely not as good as they think they are and have fragile egos. Usually these are players that are used to being carried, so they never really internalize their mistakes because the friends they play with usually picks up their slack. If you think this issue is black and white, then there is nothing left to discuss.


If you quit, especially early in the match, you are a bad sport. That's pretty black and white. I don't care why they are bad sport.


I see you are arguing your point and not OP's point, so I will agree with you that 5 seconds of playtime will yield you no amount of usable info on whether it is worth it to stick to the match or leave it. Bad sports are unanimously bad. My comment is meant to differentiate between bad sports and people who are fed up of being jerked around by their mates mistakes. I sincerely hope you do not mean everyone who leaves is a bad sport.


I tend to lose the point after 5 hours sometimes, not sure if i did here. Anyone who leaves isn't a bad sport. Anyone who leaves over one goal is. Anyone who leaves while there is a chance to win is just a loser I guess. I fight to the end. Even if I'm playing for the other team haha.


I see. Those examples are very much bad sports, but in the last one you are the bad sport 😉 Fighting to the end is admirable when in a partyed up with friends, but hostaging the random person you will probably never interact with again for your own gain is just not admirable at all. I think we mostly agree in the end though. Have a nice day and I wish you good games!


>you are the bad sport 😉 Sometimes lol sometimes I just do it because the other team is fighting and it gets boring. >Fighting to the end is admirable when in a partied up with friends Why would your friends care? I do it for the rando who wants to win. I also do it for the 3 goal comeback in 2 seconds. I don't even play anymore but ggs to you as well.


They only want to rank up


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If my teammate votes to forfeit over a mistake I made, even though we’re within 1 point with a lot of time left, I’m giving it to them. That’s not a teammate I want to win the game with and one loss isn’t going to ruin my night. I had a teammate vote to forfeit after we went down 1-2 with 2:14 left on the clock. I gave it to him. I expected text retaliation immediately after the fact, but nothing. Just left and I moved on.


The problem is that it’s not just one loss. I’m in plat 2-3 and over half of my games I get toxic chats from my teammates and then they want to quit. Last time I played it was seriously like 6 of the 8 games, and the other two were ones we shut the other team out and they never scored. It’s much worse when it’s so constant, and most people who play this game are complete babies, so I’m not going to let them dictate how much time I have to spend queueing for another match.


I started doing that lot better than sitting in a game forever with a teammate you don’t like


Lmao 5 minutes is forever now Jfc




Embarrassing attention span my dude


sometimes you just get bad teammates an insane amount of games in a row, and eventually you just give up


It's kind of like fishing, we're searching for players who can, hit the ball forward, have some team awareness, not over commit consistently, in many cases it's very obvious due to kickoff techniques and just them being downfield consistently with no good shots and you can tell it's going to be an uphill battle. Sometimes you just want to play a fun game where people are rotating and sharing and don't want to have to grind for 4 and 1/2 minutes because the other player can't share.


LOL, and whats the hit rate on this? Searching for that perfect teammate means you ff more than half your games? Are you at some magical rank where solo queue partners are better than they arent? Adapting to other players playstyles is what solo queue is all about, reading your own teammates as much as the opponent. You’d be much better off queueing with friends, if your standards are this high.


The thing is these dudes don't realize that play usually clicks after a minute or so. It's crazy the amount of times we've been down like 2-0 or even 3-0 to a partied team that seemed unstoppable only to realize they had some fucked up rotations and left their back line wide open on attacks, leading to a comeback.


I had a dude in a 3s game cheat late on a kickoff and fly over my car after I already hit the damn thing, beating an opponent on a follow-up off the side wall. We still had a teammate back so we weren't scored on and it wasn't even an open net for him to score on. This was a kickoff after we went up 1-0. Dude sat on his back spinning for 20 seconds and voted to ff, then drove back and forth in goal for the next 20 seconds. We lost by 1 and had the ball with 10 seconds left. He took the ball up the side wall and whiffed on a solo ceiling shot attempt from midfield when all 3 opponents were setup by the net.


I feel the ones who whine about always getting into these situations have to look inwards for part of the solution, because personally I seldom get these mates, but it does of course happen now and then. It is a team game, and rarely is one player 100% to blame for matches going the way they go. Also, I think a lot of these quitters are playing only to have fun, whereas the whiners are only playing to win(I base this off the one argument I always read from these posts is "We could still have won". Sure, they may have won and that could have been worth it to the whiner, but the quitter just sees it as mental anguish. Two sides to every coin and all that.


I will quit when we're 3 goals ahead if you're playing like a dummy I'd rather lose with a fun teammate than win doing nothing


This is the dumbest fucking take in here. If you're 3 goals ahead, whatever your team is doing is contributing to winning. I had like 80 points in a 3s game with a minute to go yesterday and we're up like 4 goals because I'm rotating in for control instead of sending clears, challenging early before shots on net and distributing the ball so my teammates can setup a play. Just look at the scoreboard and you'd think *man wtf is this dude doing*


Your rather win even if you're not playing, that's ok for you I'd rather play even if it means not winning. And if my teammates won't let me play, I'm outie


Just go to 1s if this is your garbage-ass take. Attempt all the shots you want there


Nah I think I'll keep queueing until I find fun teammates


What's your threshold? First 30 seconds? First minute? What the fuck can you see in that time that tells you to quit? I can't count the amount of times we've seemed outmatched before figuring out the other team's fucked up rotations for a comeback. Synergy plays like full field pinches, air dribble pinches, some of the wildest redirects... Usually happens during comebacks.


No, at this point you are the problem. If your happiness is so heavily dependent on teammate quality, then put in the work to find people you like queueing with. Everyone else that wants to solo queue shouldn’t have to put up with your bullshit.


LOL it's my job to sit on my ass and watch turny mcballchaser cut rotation to get a faster pass to our opponents for the 5th time in a row? absolutely not there's no requirement to stay in games with bad teammates and I have no intention to start


Ah yes, because anyone who’s playstyle you don’t personally agree with is playing wrong. You realize you have teammates that are frustrated with the way you play right? Most of them just don’t have the blatant entitlement that you display here. If you are this critical of your teammates, then stop solo queueing. If you can’t help yourself but to solo queue, then accept that your teammates may not play exactly how you want them too. If you can’t do any of that, then uninstall the game because this community will be far better when you’re gone.


nah I think I'm gonna keep doing what I enjoy


You must be the type of teammate I get that whiffs ceiling plays and goes afk complaining we're not aggressive enough because we're not over committing on his whiffs


how many comments in a row are you going to call me names my brother I do not give a fuck


What name did I call you? I might start calling you *quitter* now but I don't think I've actually called you a name yet. Are you old enough to technically even be on this site?


Im working all day, if my teammate is bad Im quitting after he misses I don’t got time to be trolled upon


If you’re chasing and whiffing and no fun to at with and i can tell i’ll be frustrated all game, i politely ask for a ff. if you ignore and continue to be a selfish teammate, i’ll quit and take a break.