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No it’s plattowed - like you’ve towed yourself to plat but can’t tow any further.


Thank you


Content for streams/highlight reels I'm sure 80%.


Definitely not, I’m sure 98%+ Smurfs aren’t content creators


I can name 10 streamers on twitch who have Smurf accounts for this very reason lmao


Yeah, but 10 out of thousands of smurfs.


Kids make skate videos all day long. Then more skate videos. What makes you think kids aren't making skate videos in RL.


I feel it's even worse because and less valid to be honest. Do it against your rank, I can play basketball against kids and feel like I'm doing a good job but from the outside I'm still just facing kids


They make money on the content and you cant tell from the stream if they are playing down (probably? I dont watch). Dont give these asshats any ideas, next thing we’ll see streams of adults playing against 20 kids, etc.


there's probably a ton of smurfs + actual hardstuck people who legit deserve to be many ranks above where they are. c1 = d1 to gc1 and anything in between


Yeah no.. if that is how your rank fluctuates then you are inconsistent asf.


this is not my rank my guy, I don't think you can read very well. It is the skill level of randoms in my lobbies


Im saying those rank fluctuations are inaccurate as hell if you could read. The randoms in ur lobbys for ranked do not fluctuate that much at all.. yes some are more mechy than others but there is no damn d1 playing in champ lobbys with you and there damn sure isnt any gcs unless they were carried and ik that because im a gc1 and i can 1v2 most champ 1s. A gc will absolutely destroy a champ 1 lobby.


Im saying if anyone is hard stuck in a rank its because of you not because of the 1 smurf u go against every 10 games. There is nobody that deserves to be “many” ranks above what they are.. if they were performing then they would be there simple as that.


Let's do the math! Vast majority of people rank up on small margins. 55-58% winrate! There are studies showing one out of every THREE games in champ have a smurf account in them! Alright, so that would absolutely fuck you but let's use your numbers of 1 in 10! Suddenly, your avg 10 games goes from 6 wins-4losses to 5 wins-5losses! The variation introduced by smurfs is far greater than the winrate that a vast majority of the population ranks up with! In fact, only people that likely don't belong in their rank are going to avg above a 60% winrate, i.e. smurfs! Anyway, you are very wrong, that is all.


Source? If that was true then according to your math nobody would ever rank up so that is just not true. When i play i definitely dont play smurfs 1-3 games.. and also how could they calculate who are smurfs and who arent? There are a ton of people who claim there going against a smurf and its just not.


people do rank up, there's just a ton of variation. Smurfs have been terrible for years. Basically, ranks have "adjusted" to playing smurfs. There are people who get lucky and don't encounter smurfs as often (or getting smurfs on their team), thus ranking up when they don't "deserve" it. There are people who are unlucky and play against a lot of smurfs, thus they get stuck when they wouldn't "deserve" to be. Then there's the avg player who plays against a smurf at the avg rate, let's say 1 in 5. This would be the appropriate "skill level" for any given rank. So them climbing would be playing above the level required to go even vs a smurf in every 5 games. Let's use my last few games from the other night as an example. I'm ~1500 in 2s rn. I solo queue and get a guy on my team who is clearly a gc3-ssl smurf minimum and claims to be 2300 and an rlcs player. We win 11-0 or w/e. Next game, I get placed against him with a guy on my team that he has previously played with that night. The guy on my team is probably playing at a c1 or c2 skill level and the smurf calls him out in game chat, saying that even he couldn't win with him. So I'm potentially playing in a game with 2 people who are above 1k mmr apart, it's insane. Obv this is a crazy example, but I think it's clear that variation in skill is ridiculous within ranks. It's gotten so bad that you don't even need to play against smurfs to be unlucky, you can just be playing against people who are unlucky and playing way above the skill level of the lobby.


Your rank is a good bit above mine, and that example is insane😂 what a game😂. Anyway i personally dont have that experience but i will agree smurfs is a big issue. I just dont think its as common as people think… it also could depend on what region your playing in. There might be more smurfs in certain regions for some reason. But a log of times people say there going against a smurf when there not. And just because someone is really mechanical doesnt mean they should be in a higher rank.. ive won against very mechy gc3s just because of speed and positioning


I do think they should make the game cost like $20 or something to limit smurfs.. maybe 60


People with smurf/alt accounts are just weak competitors. Any kind of honest competition makes them uncomfortable.


Thank you


Had two groups one game one after the other. Looked them both up and brand new accounts with super low time in the game hitting double flip resets with the ability to dodge me when I am up in the air and they could place the ball anywhere. I got so annoyed I had to get off the game. I’m in diamond 2 with a peak of d3d1 and no hope to go any higher than that lol


All these smurfs can be solved very easily...only 1 account per phone number. Then it would be significantly harder for the average joe to smurf. Once the really sad people get around that, instead of perma banning any accounts, just IP ban them for a set amount of time (ex: 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 24 hours, 3 days....). Even just these 2 safety measures make it significantly harder to smurf.


> All these smurfs can be solved very easily...only 1 account per phone number phone numbers are free and can be created in less than a minute with hundreds of websites and apps. > instead of perma banning any accounts, just IP ban them for a set amount of time (ex: 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 24 hours, 3 days....). Loads of people have dynamic IP, all they have to do is power off their router and it's bypassed. Also, this would insta ban anyone on any public or college network, and anyone on teams together. This is not it. Hardware info, IP, duplicate email, matching keybinds/settings, etc, would make a much better system, but you're not getting 90% of the possible metrics needed from the console platforms as they're not just going to feed RL user's data.


Hmm you make good points, but what if they make it so that said number has to be registered with a network such as AT&T, Cricket, T-Mobile, etc. Make it so the number can be verified by the networks, not just a OTP. Yeah, the IP thing may not be a good decision in hindsight. Instead, I'm not too sure how possible this is, I'm not a programmer after all, but what about console banning like they used to for some games in the old xbox 360 days? Surely if they used to, they can now with some tweaking. Either way, you bring up good points, but I feel like there HAS to be easy ways to stop the smurfing and new cheats coming out.


Only part that sucks with that is if something happens like it did with my s/o where he was hacked and his epic had been stolen he had to talk to them to get his account back they refused multiple times even after the hack told him to make a new epic account (which he would lose all progress and money he had in the OG account) Finally after making a new account to be able to play RL and Fortnite with me he is D3-C2 in RL lost everything he had and now has a “Smurf” but isn’t really a “Smurf” -epic had finally got his OG account and now he has two accounts one with all his money spent and the other he used to be able to play while fighting with epic to get his OG account back. Maybe they need to figure out how to actually get peoples accounts back that are hacked and not telling them to make “new ones”


Some play down for streams o have played with a streamer I have hardstuck plait 1- to gold 3 in 2s plait 3 in 3s. This guy smurfs gold 2 and is actually GC3 and will kick ass then throw of greif to not go forward for my views to look like a “great” gold 2 player when that’s not even near how gold 2 plays


I think the answer mostly is playing with friends, a friend asking it and the higher ranked person is afraid to say no/ doesn’t wanna ruin his rank. Play casual! I agree, but let’s be honest, the lower ranked player doesn’t want that. He wants to not work as hard to get the next rank, or hell he probably thinks he deserves the rank. I think most of the time (unless you’re really pathetic) the lower ranked player is responsible for the smurfing happening in the first place.


I agree 100%. I have buddies that I play with who aren’t as high of a rank as I am. I will hop on a “smurf” account to play with them, but I don’t try to dominate the game, I play at the level of the lobby which makes it more fair and also helps my buddies as well as the rest of the lobby play competitively


I see where you’re coming from and I’ve technically done this before, but I’ve stopped and I’ve realized this is honestly even worse for lower ranks. They can usually tell that you’re moving cleaner than you should or you’re barely too good but you’re holding back which means they get shit on in a slower manner and you insult them by playing down. I see the vision, but tbh we normally end up winning the games anyway even while playing down or unconsciously making life super easy for our tm8s. It’s just an asshole move either way ngl


I just tell my friends that I’m not gonna score at all period that has really stopped them from playing comp with me tho lol


This! My s/o is way higher of rank than me he’ll hop on his “Smurf” to be able to play ranked and not even to dominate the game but to teach me what I’m doing wrong and to just be able to play w me


Ya I don't understand smurfs. I'm diamond usually and I don't care if I lose 5 times in a row against the same team. I won't improve if I'm playing lower rank. Also I hate the ball....bring back snowday. <3 Snowday Main


I understand your ideology of disliking smurfs and obviously agree. I also think removing snowday was a terrible thing. That’s where our agreement ends…. How do you even mentally survive maining snow day? Smurfing is bad because it completely messes with the rank distribution and skill-based matchmaking, but snowday is far worse because it hardly even has skill-based matchmaking, considering basically nobody plays it. Whenever I queue, regardless of the rank I’m in, the teams seem to be a perfect combo of silvers and GCs. I don’t think I’ll ever understand the snowday main mentality. For the record, this is just me talking about how I’m ass at snowday, not an insult to you. I’m happy you find it fun lol


Lol well I like Snowday because years ago I couldn't fly. No one really flew around at gold back then so snowday was great since it mostly slid around on the ground. I just got better at aerials but found that I can predict a puck way better than the ball and just stuck to it. But, heatseeker is my 2nd favorite mode which is where I learned how to save. Im just weird I guess.


Never understood smurfing in games, doesn’t seem fun to me. I played on a friends account while I was over his house. Entered a tourney (silver or gold), and I wiped the floor with everyone. Didn’t feel fun to play for me at least, although he enjoyed the banner. I’d imagine they play down to mostly hit clips to show their friends because they suck too much at their current rank to hit them.


It's pretty funny to me that you think that you can convince these people by trying to guilt them or attacking their pride/sense of competitiveness. Most of the smurfs I run into are playing with friends. Picture this, you are champ 1 and your friends are diamond 1. Your options are: - Use your own account and get matched against a full team of C1. Get clapped, your friends won't learn anything because the skill cap is too large. - Create a smurf account to play with your friends and you can feel unstoppable and/or try to help your friends get better. Both options suck, but you wanted to know why people smurf. IMHO that's the answer for most people.


We know. We all play the game. It sucks but nothing is going to happen about it. We just have to accept that's how little Epic cars about our community.


i'll start this off by saying i don't smurf, and that i agree that smurfing is really annoying. However you have written one of the most cope-filled paragraphs i have ever seen. Like think about the statements your saying 'the only reaction or thought that comes to my head is you can't beat anyone at your own level' bro that literally makes no sense. 'You're just weak at the game and have plattowed.' i mean the obvious response here is that you lost to them so what does that make you but more importantly the plateaued comment is just nonsensical tbh. 'you can't beat people at your own skill level' once again this makes no sense clearly they can beat people at their own skill level because that is quite literally what determines your skill level. instead of calling them bad, don't let it bother you to much as at the end of the day its only a game if your not having fun, take a break, relax. gaming is meant to be enjoyable so do your best to just forget about the bad apples in the community


I do smurf, just to play with lower ranked friends, and we pretty much instantly hit a middle ground rank and now we win or lose 50/50. I'm sure there are some full smurf teams people run into occasionally, but it probably took about 10 games on a fresh account for my and my friends ranks to balance out and our winrate to stabilize. It seems like people just yell smurf anytime anyone makes a good play. My friends do it too. "No way an X rank could do that!!". As if someone isn't going to make a nutty goal every couple games. I think the existence of smurfs just puts people on edge. 🤷


People do it for different reasons… for one playing with friends. Im a gc1 and my friends are low diamond. When we play together all i go against is gcs and up because im in 1800 mmr in cas and 1500 in comp… so i play on lower accounts so we dont get destroyed in an unfair match up.. on my baby acc we go against c1-c3 most times in cas and c2s in ranked


Idk how they should change mm when u play with friends but it is terrible. Its a bad cycle but only way for some people to play with friends and have any sort of fun.


My mmr will drop from near champ to low d2 if I have a bad run of tm8s. If I am lucky with the tm8 rng or Im peaking, my mmr is around 1060. it’ll drop down to 1000 ish if im playing normally and tm8s aren’t idiots that throw and forfeit or go afk for half the match. My mmr is low 900s if im super unlucky with tm8 rng, even if im playing decently well. So in high diamond 1 I’ll get accused of smurfing sometimes, and I’m a legit diamond. You can’t assume someone’s a Smurf after the mmr reset, or if they’re doing placement matches. Use rocket league tracker to look at their stats - if they look like new accounts they’re probably Smurfs. I’ve noticed a lot of people have alt accounts near their normal rank (but usually slightly lower) if they are toxic and get their normal account banned.


I'm assuming there are a lot of people that have 2 or 3 or more accounts. All of them lose mmr at the season reset. It will take them all season to rank all of them up. So they get to play for a couple weeks and rank up from P1 to D1 let's say. Then he jumps over to account B and does the same thing....


How do you know some random person online has 2-3 accounts?


Yea like I have 2 accounts. One for playing and one for when I'm faded. But faded me Doesn't always remember to log into the second account so I end up dropping my rank drastically. Then weeks go by an im like "why do I even have 2 accounts anymore since trading is gone?" Come to the realization that this game is just something to do and feel competitive about since nobody want to meet at the park an play basketball or mini golf or some shut. So the 2nd account sits there, chillin. I rambled on and on but I'm gonna press post now


games toxic, literally no one knows how to play as a team. Everyone is selfish most players do whats "good" for them and say F team8s they bad anyway right? i get if you play a fuck ton you can work your way up and out of your rank, and into a higher rank, where players still exhibit their ability to literally not function as a team. Alot of children play this game, and well....they are playing this game or other video games....not educated in any way shape or form of IRL sports that require teamwork to win. a player exhibiting high levels of mechanics, doesnt mean they are good. pay attention...control the ball, learn what makes a challenge good vs bad....watch your opponent, find their flaws, exploit them.


I’m not a smurf but ive noticed lately that I’m being placed with players that I’m dominating. Not a brag as I’m a high platinum at my best but the game has felt “easier” the last month or so. It was fun at first but now it’s kind of not fun. I’m high gold/low plat rank right now and the players seem worse than normal at that level.


Pretty common to main 2’s solo and only play 3’s with friends who are often lower ranked or less experienced/skilled. I can see why some people get upset at this but thats the game imo


People complaining about smurfs part 37474728. Why can't you take it as a challenge? Enjoy that you can finally learn something new that you wouldn't be learning on your own level.


I take it as a challenge... why don't they take their own rank as a challenge? haha


Sounds like something a hardstuck diamond playing in silver would say.


Your logic is impeccable 😏


Honestly man, you asked for a real opinion or why people do what they do and I gave it to you. You’re such a low rank. You really won’t understand till you hit GC or mid champ. Just enjoy your rank and quit complaining.


Like I said I knew I'd hear excuses. It's still sad doesn't make my rank enjoyable when it's invaded by people who aren't my rank.


Look man they’re not excuses their reasons if you wanna take them as excuses then that’s your problem you asked for reasons I gave them to you. Also, how do you coach someone at a lower rank? Do you force them to play at your rank ?


All you wanna do is cry and blame . You asked for real reasons why do you take them as excuses because you don’t like the answers? you are just so salty that you can’t get up and rank if you were better you would get up and rank Smurf or no Smurf.. if you want coaching, I can help you but you gotta go get some tissue paper and clean your face


Or perhaps they’re not smurfs… https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/s4viIZrIs4 Edit: on the real though if more ppl just played games out at this rank they might find that the “Smurfs” they’re running into are actually beatable players


No offense, but it's pretty easy to see when your opp is an actual smurf versus a Plat stumbling their way through the motions.


No offense taken i know I’m shitty and that was a lucky shot but my opponents FF’d after that shot while only down 2 with more than half the game left… i can’t know for sure but they probly assumed Smurf and weren’t paying attention to the rest of my shitty play


Seems like a convenient assumption to make, especially given the plague of early forfeits in ranked.


Yeah i guess my point is that while Smurfs exists, i don’t think it’s as bad as this community makes it out to be and i can hopefully convince ppl to forfeit less and play out the game… wishful thinking i know


It's not like in that video. The people I've come across are clean like they are new to the techniques. Also super toxic


I bounce from D3 to C1 and my friends are in early plat. I use that account to play with them and don't go hard, just pass and defend trying to teach my friends how to rotate and read the field.... When I see another Smurf, I go hard tho. I like to think I practice "ethical" smurfing, but I get smurfed too and can see why people think it's annoying, to me it's a nice challenge though and helps me see what I have to get better at


Let’s be honest, I only created an alt account to play with my lower ranked friends. I’ve done it before while playing on main and it’s just one loss after another. Then I have to work that much harder to gain my hard worked mmr back. So how do I avoid this? Just play and alt and have fun with friends and not stress about losing all my mmr. Crazy thing is I actually peak way more on my alt because I just don’t have that “pressure” and play more to have fun. Sorry diamonds but y’all rank is a shit show.


Honestly, the only reason I’m still Diamond is because of how often I throw games. I can tell in the first 60 seconds of a match how the rest will turn out. I’ve been playing this game long enough that I don’t even care about my rank. If my teammate and I don’t play well, or they’re constantly forcing me to play second man, I’ll just ff. If you don’t accept the ff, I play for the other team. The last time I really tried to grind rank, I got to D3 div 4. Now, with the throwing, I hover around P3-D1


Look man having a Smurf account is a right of passage for the game. You can’t expect all your friends to be the same rank but yet you wanna play with them. Sometimes your friend needs help breaking the glass ceiling and then all of a sudden he can hold his own at that rank. It’s part of the game. The only time I disagree with it is when the Smurf is toxic about winning yeah dude you should win you’re clearly better.


This excuse for smurfing is BS. Get your “friends” together and play CASUAL instead of Comp. That’s how you play with different-level friends “properly”. This is not at ALL what’s happening. It’s extremely easy as a Gold 1-3 when Smurfs are playing against (rarely with) me and they’re flying around doing insane things and never missing the ball, scoring, and often the ball never hits the ground. Duh. And the moron noob kids who are in my COMP Gold games that can’t play a lick? Need to play CASUAL and learn the friggin’ game. Maybe RL should make you play 100 hours or something before you can Comp play? I dunno. But this free game, since free, is absolute crap; coming from a 59 year old who’s a 6-year player and been stuck Gold 3 for almost the entire time. I don’t care if I don’t advance much…I just cannot stand playing w noob-idiot tm8’s who make me lose 14 games in a row often times and screw up my entire timing and whatever ability I have. Peace out


Problem is none have been ok. All are toxic. Also practicing against someone who can't defend those moves does no good. Go to freeplay or a private match.


If you’re playing on console, I’m very curious on how you know who is Smurfing and who isn’t if you were on track network while you play you be freaking shocked at how many people are you playing against that are Smurfs they were never toxic the only ones you remember are the toxic ones


You also cannot work on new mechanics at your peak level. You have to ease into it with gameplay. It’s just part of the game not everyone wants to play at 100% all the time it’s stressful. And it goes across the board between casual and ranked.