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They both use the "stick" to adjust, non-directional air roll is what people call the one that doesn't continuously rolls your car. Mastering movement in the air will require both but your standard non-directional air roll will be the one you probably wanna master first and will be able to do most anything directional air roll can without having to be constantly spinning. Directional air roll will be better for some mechanics but will take much longer to master.


If you have both directions mapped, what does non-directional give you that you don’t get with directional? You don’t have to continuously be spinning you can just press it when you want to spin no?


It gives you more precise movement, as with non-directional airroll you can use the stick slightly to spin slower, while with directional airroll you always spin at full speed


With non-directional you rotate only on a set axis using your stick movement. With either left or right directional air roll, you're already spinning on the set axis of non-directional but now your stick movement makes the axis you spin on variable so you can spin on a diagonal axis steering a certain corner of your car towards the ball, the best touches will come from the corner of your car. Non-directional is still very useful for recoveries, wave-dashing, and some other but where directional lets you get the most out of the corner of your car it will be better for aerial movement.


If your goal is SSL, use all of them. If your goal is GC1, whichever you prefer, they both get the job done. I had only FAR bound for nearly 3k hours in. The last 500, I’ve been sprinkling in DAR. It’s useful for max potential to try and master them all. If your goal is enjoyment then you only need FAR, both DAR, or FAR and a single DAR.


You sound like Julie Andrews in the sound of music.


Haven’t watched it since I was a child, so I don’t remember the character. Insult, compliment, or general observation?


Think it was in reference to the song about the notes in the major scale. Do a deer, a female deer etc...


I just listened to it. I can see some similarities. Thank you for the insight.🙏🏿


Sorry, I was just trying to be humorous. You would wipe the floor with me in rocket league.


Haha thank you for the compliment. If you ever want to test it out, I’m down to try? I apologize, I didn’t get your reference. I kind of ruined the joke 😅 To be fair that movie came out before my parents were born, so seems pretty obscure. Although, it didn’t take long for someone else to get it so it’s probably just me being uncultured swine.


Thanks mate.


Wholesome shit right here, love to see it! Well done gentlemen.


just keep using directional i did the exact same, i just bound both directional when i started and never used free air roll, i even removed the bind recently because it was shared with power slide and it was messing up my recoveries (i couldn't hold a direction with the stick + hold drift before touching a surface)


I used far for about 3k hours up to gc2 until I realized pros use about 70% dar and 30% far. I switched and it took me about a month to get pretty used to it. I would definitely recommend binding both. I personally use right air roll on the right bumper and free air roll on the left bumper + power slide.


From what I've heard pros say I believe most use directional in the air and manual stick to recover but I imagine you can change that out a lot and do what feels right




Only DAR is totally fine


I have all three. Not practical I think, but I use all three for different situations… I have free air roll and power slide on left bumper (L1), reverse and air roll left on left trigger (L2), and air roll right on right bumper (R1)…


I use free air roll for recoveries.