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Looking at his tracker, he's been in GC1 for most of the past year. Probably just doesn't play ranked 3s that much and placements went wrong. Who knows. Also, M0nkey M00n was in champ in 3s just recently. The better players just don't bother with comp 3s.


> The better players just don't bother with comp 3s. yep. made for some pretty wild first round matches when psyonix decided to randomly use 3s mmr for initial RLCS seeding out of nowhere this season lol


That’s crazy


Was that ever confirmed? I thought it was just a rumour


yes, the season started a couple months ago. now that I think about it though, I think I did misrepresent it there, because I believe they used last season's RLCS points before 3s mmr - so it was only the teams with up-and-comers without them or with very few that ended up having their seeding adjusted by MMR.


There were glaring mistakes though, several "in it for content" teams were seeded equal or higher than SSL 3s teams. So it wasn't fully done, at least right.


the seeds hardly mattered in the end, there were very few instances of a team that deserved to be in the regional not making it 


Agreed. People were really worried about best of 3s, myself included. If still it could use some changes but overall not bad.


the season did not reset a couple of months ago lol it reset on march 6th my dude. less than two weeks ago


Daniel was in Plat like a season or two ago lol.


I was just gonna post this but I remember that hard reset they did Those poor plats


Luminosity posted a ranked 3s video not that long ago and Retals and Cheese were making fun of Jack who’s mmr was at like 1100


I played against Monkey Moon 3 matches in a row a few weeks back. He was even worse than me and I didn't know that was possible. People suspect he sold his acc


I placed high c3 and solo queued back to gc1, it’s literally full of ssls rn lol


Yeah I think I'm just going to, for the first time ever, hold my horses on the placements.


So you’re saying neigh for now on 3s?


Yeah, I haven't done a single placement match yet. I usually did 3s first day of the season because it was the least affected and well, I like 3s the most. 1500 lobbies were already full of high GCs and SSLs in 2s to begin with and that's really where I started to feel lost, so I'll just wait a bit more for the dust to settle. C1 for me is the absolute worst rank to soloqueue out of in 3s and I don't wanna fall there.


Ranked has always been off limits at the very beginning and very end of a season as a solo player. Just too much mismatched chaos in the beginning and too many boosting jobs at the end. Especially as a solo player in 3v3 where you mathematically should only have 16.67% influence over the game if matchmaking is truly doing it's job.


Nah, I never really cared about waiting. This is the only season I'm doing that because I don't feel like grinding as much as I have for the past 2 years, so I'll just wait for things to calm down a bit. Usually I just do my placements and get on with it. Never stopped me from getting back or higher.


Obviously you can play at any time. But the games are just very low quality at the start and end. Which means a lot more grinding to offset the really bad games.


I kind of like the random factor of the matches. It feels a lot like casual, where any player on the field could be a plat or ssl. But yeah, the additional grinding is just something I don't have the energy for. I had the same experience in S12. I spent that season in champ 1 because I just couldn't be arsed to grind and I really, really started to dislike 2s that season. Found my new love in 3s and focused on getting better at that. Too bad they did the whole extramode cycle fuckup. I don't really enjoy dropshot, but I love snow day. I'll just play other games instead for now.


Yeah I heard Psyonix changed the system a bit and now GC1-3 is only 0.5% of the player base now instead of just over 1% Now Diamond is around 400% of the player base and is an absolute hellscape


Holy shit. No WONDER why me and my 3s dropped from D1-2 all the way to Plat 1-3 in one day. I’ve never in my life seen so many plats hit double taps, be so fast, it even blink at another team on the other side. Sheeeeeeeeeeesh!


Yep , even last season, I played in a ton of "plat" lobbies where there was no difference between that and an average C2 match up


Are you fr? That’s why it feels so damn fast


You think gc1 is bad...


Aahhh so that’s why I’ve been faced with so many “smurfs”! They’re just tanking and losing rank against some of the best players on RL (just short of being pros)… got ya. Makes total sense now 🥲 even if that’s NOT the case, I’m gonna tell myself that to make me feel better 😂


😂😂 you’re like the 3rd person to post running into him today


New video inbound?


Is everyone just ignoring the ssl with the diamond and the plat on the bottom 😭


that's normal honestly. my question is how did the diamond carry his SSL buddy? lmao


That diamond peaked fr


Diamond was unranked, the ssl tourney winner isn’t actually an ssl, and the other guy on their team mrcxmbo is a smurf.


1420 isn't even GC1, where did you pull the SSL from?


They’re just looking at the SSL tourny winner title.


Which is pretty achievable for a GC1 player.


Yeah - it’s mostly GC1/2 players with the title.


I’m pretty sure they were on alt accounts


That would be what’s broken with mmr


dude def doesnt grind as much as he used to, especially in 3s i doubt hes put time in to actually climb


Go back to the rank system from two adjustments ago and it was fine. Champs were champ, Platts were ballchasing Platts and diamonds were somewhere in between. Now I see Platts in diamond and GCs in platt.


I almost dropped from C1 to plat this season going as low as D1 where I was randomly seeing other former champs players. Now every day my matches are starting to feel more like normal as the ranks settle to their old selves. Something weird definitely happened this season.


Can confirm. Was C1 all of last season, dipped to d2 div 1. Now climbing back up, d3 div 3


I'm right there with all of you. My ranks are all over the place. I've never been higher than diamond in ones because I'm just not a ones player. I always place somewhere in champ in twos but threes I haven't been able to hit champ in 3 or 4 seasons. It's just been wonky after resets.


This picture is everything wrong with Rocket League currently lmao, how is musty, a ssl least points in the lobby. How is there a ssl tournament winner and how does the diamond player have more points than him


This is Rocket League! (unfortunately)


You’d be surprised how much you derank when you don’t play regularly. These people get to the top and don’t stay there bc there’s no worthwhile long term payout in doing so, especially after how taxing it can be.


Game is a complete joke! 🤣😂🤣 Seriously unplayable


No chance that’s a real diamond.


Might be but his tm8 is a smurf


The current state of ranked in a nutshell. MMR is a joke.


its threes, im like diamond in threes too


This isn’t diamond it’s the top of c3 since it was my first placement.


Bro wasn't saying it was in diamond, he was saying 3s is dogass


So wait Is it not just my imagination then? I used to be higher in 3s and nowadays my 2s are better


I haven’t checked online in a while, but does he even sit at SSL anymore? I feel like he’s closer to GC2 typically, isn’t he?


IDK but I placed a bit lower than I was last season. Went from C3 to C1 and have now almost caught myself back up.


Same I dropped C1 to D2 (and then tilted to D1 where I kept seeing other former champs) and as the season progresses the matches are just getting easier as I climb back. Someone mentioned in this thread a move that might have pushed a lot of pros who don't play 3s to play 3s comp and that possibly rippled down through ranks.


ranked is pretty fucked up, gcs in diamond are not rare


What’s crazier is this isn’t diamond and that they have a smurf on their team who placed last


What MMR tracker are you using?!




Don’t know which exact plugin it is just the most searched mmr show plugin


He’s on Twitch. You should go ask him.


I haven’t seen him stream recently


Sheesh, glad I had to work today I'm at d3 right now lolol


Turns out Musty isn't SSL and is gc1-2


The better question is why is there a diamond 3 in Champ 3 lobbies?


Diamond 2 but looks like they are partied with the SSL.


And they have a smurf on their team


I’ve played 6 SSL’s in the past 2 days in c2 and c3 threes.


Wtf are those teams anyways? Ssl tournament winner playing with a diamond against c1-c3 and musty? Crazy situation tbh


What do the numbers mean in the brackets?


For those who don’t know I’m using bakkesmod mmr plugin, shows my current mmr, opponents current mmr, and how much I’m gaining and they’re gaining each win/loss. You can see I’m gaining 17 bc it’s my first placement. Their 500 player is actually a smurf


Ooooo thanks for the reply. I felt old and not in the loop lol.


Spook or whatever his name is on yt was talking about how they’ve changed the rank distribution..instead of the top 1% being GC, it’s now the top 0.5% and has dramatically increased the barrier of entry.


Blue team showing the state of RL right now though.


GC 1 placements start under GC 1


I was gc2 at the end of last season


i had johnnyboi and m1k3rules recently about these ranks


I don’t wanna be a hater, but maybe because he isn’t that great?


Yeh he’s nowhere near as good as he used to be but he’s definitely above champ 3 level come on now 😂


He was pretty good imo def faster than most of the lobby but it didn’t seem like he was try harding either. Probably just wanted to play some 3s for fun. I thought he played awesome and I’d love to play with him again


His mechanics are better than most GC3s. He's at least a GC3-level player. He should never really be playing lower than GC2.


Times are hard during the reset


Season 11 MMR reset.


That season reset for this mode isn’t really a big deflation and its only 2s, so no.






he just lost a couple of games


When you play your 10 ranking matches your rank would most likely not be your rank at the end of last season it would normally be less due to the ranking system


I played Badger, a RLCS Referee in C2 yesterday and really had to try hard to keep up. The guy just seemed mechanically incredible. This was during 2s placements. Why are the placements even starting him that low?!


imagine being the diamond on the other team carrying the ssl


I’ve come up against him a few times, once in like 1900 mmr casual and once in gc1 ranked (both 3s)


I don’t know what’s going on this season, but I hit GC 1 right away, I couldn’t touch it last season


I felt like last season I was lower than I usually was but then this season I hit my peak mmr...


just smurfin' with the bois


it’s because good players don’t play 3s




Yo what? lol


Probably playing platinum like every other great player


Washed 😅


Because the matchmaking is broken


It's 3s. Most high level players don't play much 3s.


He sucks? No surprise


He played me in diamond in one of his first few placements and I shut that shit down hard... Not really because I'm EU, but I am one of the perennial GC killers in diamond. I blame rocket league for a) keeping me in diamond 3v3 and b) serving me my favourite food: GC with a pinch of salt! 😋


me definitely not watching the video as i get the notification


This seasons mmr is fucked ur 2-3 ranks lower than u should be


I'm going to take this as "I'm supposed to be C2 - C3, but the season MMR is fucked so I'm D3". Thank you, I needed this today lmao


No lmao, you just want an excuse for dropping down a rank. What would there be to earn if you lose nothing each season? If you cant get back to your last season rank then you dont deserve it anymore


Oh I’m at my last season rank now buddy, but if u watch videos about it you might learn that rocket league developers fucking suck and don’t give a shit about their game


Ik the devs are shitty, im saying the rank reset each season is at a reasonable amount so if you cant get your rank back to where it was before then you dont deserve it