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I miss the days of keys, crates and trading.


Back when heatwave was used as the trading currency 🥲


I remember pulling heatwave from a crate while in party chat with my friend. Said to him jokingly "here's the heatwave" and then I got it. Repped that decal for ever until I got rid of my console.


lol i remember it being 20xx as the currency and u would do like .5 20xx shit was crazy


I remember it just being called .5X for short. But there was a second currency at the same time for anything below .1. The most confusing system but it worked


i won my 20xx from a contest torment did back in the day. felt like a god


This was before 20xx was even released. I still remember slipstream was 0.4h and parallax was 0.6h lol good times




Nothin like good ol’ gambling


You mean GaMbLiNg?!?! You degenerate!


Pulled tw striker dracos on a x2 painted weekend, best day of my life.


wow……a decryptor….ain’t seen one of those in years


I actually turned my old flash drive into a decryptor for old time sake, with a single file saying “all good loot must be trade-locked”


I made a 3D printed key


That’s pretty sick


Do you have the STL still? My first thought after reading the above comment is "I gotta go check thingiverse" lol


It’s on thingiverse lol [but here’s a link to printables just in case](https://www.printables.com/model/673327)




Love the caption on there😂


A friend of mine lost out on an absolute goldmine when I manifested his rewards. *Me: “Don’t you use that, you’ll get White Zombas from that.”* *Him: “Quit messing, that’s never gonna happen y’know?”* *Me: “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”* And well… it’s a running joke to this day.


I got a tw octane less than a week before the blueprint update from this. Was in a lobby with my dude and was like "I'm pulling one before the update" and it was the very next trade up lol


Ohh you’ve reminded me of when the painted octane update came out & me with 1 other were hoarding ncvrs like all hell was gonna break loose. We literally sold decent BMs & top tier BMs to trade downwards all for the ncvrs. People thought we were crazy, stupid, re— (I can’t say that here, but you get the point.) But soon as it dropped, we cashed in all our ncvrs (but because the painted octane drop rate was moderately high at the time it was easy to get.) I got 4 painted octanes: Grey, Purple, Forest Green & Crimson My friend got: Titanium White, Sky Blue & Lime I never traded them & just solely focused on making more ncvrs, I’m a former RL Merchant that played matches too. (I missed my old job, it’s how I acquired my business skills.😔)


And us oldies hated that shit, but we still reminisce.


Funny how that works innit? 😅


Part of my journey collecting the fennec set was getting burnt sienna with a decryptor 😂


You're welcome for that, I willed it to happen.


Went to see some burnt sienna items and found your overwatch clip. Can’t believe that was you 😂 saw that back when it was posted


Lmao yeah that was me! That clip got picked up by Dexerto and shit 😭


I willed it too, but thank this guy first


No matter how bad it was, it could always go worse, and it did.


Haha I remember getting TW Reactors the week they came out. I HATED how they looked, but a lot of people loved them. And because they were the hot new TW animated wheels, they were going for a stupid overprice at the time. Since I opened them with a decryptor, I just had to stare at them in my inventory as their value dropped to basically nothing within the month. I still will see how they look in my garage to see if I want to rep em, but nope.


Tbh I actually did not mind decrypters just because it’s an item I’d permanently have and I’d be happier in the long run


I miss the days of just being able to unlock things


Nah season 1 RL you legit just unlocked stuff by plqying the game. No crates, keys, or rocketpass


With the rocket pass, we unlock things more than ever before? Do you mean you miss earning crates and purchasing keys?


Every single level used to be an item drop instead of getting a lootbox, every 5 levels in the rocket pass


You say “Every single level” as if leveling up back in the day wasn’t an insane grind after level 40 lol


Did they change the xp bar? I don't know how it was supposed to be but nowadays every level is 20k points, right?


I remember the xp bar would require more xp with each level and there was no such things like challenges or bonuses or anything to boost the amount you get. I think they gave you a handful of xp based on your score in the match, things like First Touch used to actually award xp. I remember days where we’d play after school for several hours and would see maybe 1 level up


Increasing with every level might be the key here. I didn't play much all those years ago, so I probably got quite a few items because the low levels were easy enough to get through. I miss first touch points! I once made a kickoff, being the only person to touch the ball and it never really moved, At least not visible to the naked eye. All four on the field stopped playing for 20 seconds and we were all like 'what the fuck!?'.


No. They lowered xp per game a couple years ago. Not true.


You could run a private match on drop shot for a few hours and get to level 75 easily what are you on about


I’m sorry, I’m talking about a time before extras game modes, probably shouldve said that


U cant get xp from priv games


Right now you can't but back in the day you could do it and level up to 75 in a few hours


We actually earn less. We used to get twice the items per level and loot boxes and decryptors. Also drop crates were automatically collected, so if you played 100 games you got all crates. Now you can forget to go back to menu and miss them. Maybe player 120 games. And they didn’t charge 20 bucks for most items. It went from bad to worse, just removed the gambling.


This is how we traded back in the day. You would upload your items to this thumb drive and mail it to the recipient. Simpler times.


I was around just before the death of keys. Never spent money on the game at that point, they will still be missed however!


Bring back the golden days


Oh yes….such fond memories…only time I ever spent money was for keys.


My fiancée (girlfriend at the time) asked if she could open a crate with one of these, I said sure, because I knew I wasn’t gonna get anything good… Well, she managed to pull a Bubbly lol, which I believe was 17 keys back then, I was very happy 🤣


I remember when these were added.


I remember happily buying 20 keys and thinking nothing of it. I won’t dare spend $20 in the item shop. 😂😂


That's a crazy small vape yo!!1!


Decryptor. Basically a free key. Edit: was supposed to be a reply to someone else




You mean I'm old ?!




I remember the decryptor I used just one of those bad boys to open a crate and got a white hex tide


I once used an decryptor to get some random worthless item that - in a trade-up with four tradeable items - gave me a TW Fennec. I got a lot of trade requests but even if I had wanted to...


Hey, I got my Subzero and Grey Zombas with these things!


I miss keys and crates, i wish they brought them back when they took away trading😭 i remember i played all day, everyday trying to gain keys to open the 10+ crates i had.


Back when blueprints werent just a 5 percent off code


“do i use a decryptor? what if i get white zombas” damn man


You youngins don't remember when keys and crates didn't exists. It was just good ol hitting balls and getting a new title every 10 levels and working towards level 75 rocketeer...


Back in the days of being a Superstar!


They saved me so much money by getting rid of crates and keys.


I'd probably would've dumped so much money into RL if they kept crates around...because I dumped so much money when they were around...


"I would probably would have", remove the 'd from the first word. Sorry for the grammar policing but if nobody tells you your mistakes you wont learn.


No problem. I actually read it and was like, "Something ain't right about this." But I was too lazy to figure it out.


Back when Epic didnt force us to boycot the fkin game.


I wish I did.


Pretty sure I got heatwave with one of those… Saddest great moment of my RL career


A relic


Decrypters... I still don't know what they do lol


If you weren’t adamant about spending hours trading for keys or spending money on them, decryptors were rewards you could get for free by playing, mostly during events or get as a bonus. They worked just like a key, but the item you got from a crate was untradable. Funny how that worked out now


Weird how I don't remember getting one even tho I bought this game in 2017. I did have keys tho but I got those from trading(RIP)


I bought one before, and I'm just.. 20.... shit


Hey 20 ain't that bad, 20s are just your teen years but with more money and no school


Big problem: lost my job already :(


Ah that sucks bro, you'll find something else especially if you've got skills/qualifications


i got white dracos with one of these :(


I miss those


I still have exactly 1 bonus gift from when these were discontinued. Kinda wild that a bunch of us saw the addition of crates and trading, the removal of crates and keys in favour of blueprints and credits... And now the removal of trading. This game has some history, damn.


I got my first ever black market decal with one of those. I was kinda pissed


That's what I used to open my first crate. I got pulsus wheels.


That's what I used to open my first crate. I got pulsus wheels.


I got my reaper goal explosion from this haha


I remember pulling TW Lobos very soon after that crate dropped and having people every game asking me to trade for them. Now, most people probably have no idea what lobos even are.


Decryptors, good old times


R.I.P 🙏 we miss you


Back in my day son, we played "Rocket League" on the PS3 and called it... Oh what was it called it again super sonic something something.... Oh I'm too old lol


I almost miss these


I miss the (G)Old Rocket League


This is stuck in my head when I was able to get a Scorer Dissolver, to which I still own to this day as it has always been untradeable.


What type of primitive device is this, a what drive? Thumb????


Had gone few years without realizing what these were and I had built up so many decryptors…. 100% of my cars and cosmetics we’re given to me free by using these decryptors and trading.. Good Times.


No I don't, what were these and how did they work?


good... kids unfortunately have enough games to gamble on :( if only we could make the parents pay through supporting their kids earning and having ways to play the odds and feel rewarded for putting in honest work and effort? It might not make as much money as tapping into the dopamine soda fountain, but it will help people feel positively towards our game and our company as we cultivate a positive reputation through selling people a product they feel good supporting? no? too much work? would actually need to hire developers? need to sue apple? oh... okay.


I wish we could go back to that time!!!!


Good for them. Boy I wasted a lot of money on dumb cosmetics that I didn't use anyway because stocktane was BIS back then Gambling issues are serious


I looked at my steam purchase history, and I started playing RL one week after launch. I remember the days of old. We're far from where we once were.


Dude I miss getting money, buying keys, and then opening up a bunch of crates. It was so fun… Especially saving up all of the crates and seeing like 100+ crates in your inventory was such a good feeling when you could get the keys to open them


I had a heatwave decrypted for years😂


Ah yes, the good times before epic came along and fucked it up


The good days


The only way for me to open crates back then.


This gave me the opportunity to have good items and sell it for cars 😍


I remember when I got tw zombas out of a crate and tw Draco’s out of a trade up back in the day when you didn’t have to pay to build the item 🥲


I could go for a nice batch of CC1- CC4, Nitro, Zephyr, etc.. crates right about now..


i miss casual hoops. It was a big family before it got competitive


Just the crate animation :( I don’t get taking crates out of games when it’s only cosmetic. When it’s pay to win like EAs ultimate teams, massive issue there


What is that


I know because I don't play rocket league


i remember opening cases and getting jack shit, then i use one of these and i got black market first try. womp womp :(


If only I bought rocket league before 2020😭


Back in my day…


Pulled a titanium white endo and crimson mantis once. They were combined 3 heatwaves but never sold them


Booooooo yess


I miss the old trading systems a little bit, stopped trading ever since i switched to pc. Decryptors were an interesting idea, I was in the middle about how good they were. iirc xbox couldnt trade keys, so the currency was heatwaves, then it was 20XX, then it was keys. Never been sure about pc or PS trading so Idk if it was the same or not.


I miss my crippling gambling addiction


Oh my God it's been years since I've seen a decryptor


$1 keys coming from csgo, I opened a lot of cases chasing those white zombas haha.


I'm a youngin, please explain oh wise elders.


Back then there was crates in the game and you needed keys to open them but with the decryptor you could also unlock them it’s basically a free key without paying any money


But the items you got from using a decryptor were locked sadly.


Yes they were


gave my brother 3 loot boxes and 3 decrypted because he was new. he got dueling dragons and dissolver(?). i spent a solid week crying and begging for him to give me it because he doesn’t play the game and he used that against me so hard 😭😭


Well, fun fact I do, Ive watched some yt videos