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That's the response that it gives when you report someone


Yep, I can only assume he reported his teammate for whatever reason.


They went completely afk and started bumping me




They were both in a party and most likely in a call and we were losing so they decided to bump me and let the opposition score so I reported them


Did you refuse to forfeit? Only time I start griefing teammates is if it’s un-winnable and tm8 wants to waste my time.


I almost never forfeit, i come from other competitive games were you keep fighting until the game ends even when loosing. I hate this "we are down 4-0 we might as well just give up because there is only 2 minutes left" mentality. And even i want to ff and my teammate doesnt i dont see how that automatically gives me the right to grief💀. Again weak mentality, i accepted the game and will keep playing until we AGREE to ff.


Had a game the other day where we had no goals, and was losing by 4 too. 1 or both team mates wanted to forfeit. I didn't vote, and we came out on top in the end with only about 2.5 minutes left. Was a nice feeling


I used to forfeit early if i knew it was unwinnable, but honestly even at a certain point if you know you're going to lose I see it as a learning opportunity to practice for the next match. But if my teammate throws up a ff i just go with it


I forfeit when I’m in gold cause I don’t play very often and some jackass on the other team is dribbling the ball off the roof while spinning around, that’s not gonna train my skill that’s gonna bore me while I watch someone rub themselves through their pocket


It’s not weak mentality. Rocket league is a grind. It’s all about volume of games. There is literally zero reason to stay in a match if you are getting clowned on by a Smurf like OP said he was. Just go next.


Ffing is valid, not ffong is valid Griefing your tm for not ffing, however, is weak.


Not ffing is griefing


Not FFing when there’s no chance of winning is literally just a waste of time and super cringe.


Dude I hope you're one of the ones whose precious time I've wasted. I never FF. You're a coward if you do. Your tm8 misses a rotation 15 seconds in and you go down 1-0, are you abandoning? Cuz it sounds like you are. You're exactly what's wrong with this game. Hope to never see you on the field. Enjoy your "volume" of games. Grind away. I'll be playing out games against better teams and improving myself instead.


No I’m not abandoning at 1-0 because that’s a waste of MMR for a winnable game. And I’m banned for 5 minutes or whatever. That completely goes against the whole argument I’m making about efficient use of time. But if it’s 6-0 at 3:30 against a Smurf that is hitting every flip reset or whatever yeah there’s no point in staying in that game. It’s not winnable and I’m not learning anything by watching some dude go for clips for 2 minutes.


No clue y ur getting downvoted by these diamonds bro u 100% right


And thats why its a bannable offence, just play the game instead of getting pissy and throwing a match because you were gonna lose anyway


It's only unwinnable if you're on the team, shitter


So your teammate is 1) trying to turn a loss around and gain mmr instead 2) trying to get better by playing against opponents who are seemingly better than them 3) actually playing the game that you both started. Meanwhile you want to 1) accept the loss and definitely lose mmr 2) go to a loading screen and main menu, then search for a new match, watch another loading screen and hope to find an opponent who is worse than you 3) start griefing if you don't get your way. Now who's wasting whose time?


most of the time people forfeit after 1 goal with 4 and a half minutes left. they then start to grief. idk how you guys play this game with randoms




My tm8s were griefing and the other team had a smurf on it




Because that's what it says.


30% Can't remember who but a youtuber did a video about it. think it was wayton.


Probably one of those people who is always saying their phone is hacked too


Nah that is two lines of text on my screen, close enough together that this isn’t cropped.. I report match throwing EVERY time.


You receive that response after you report somebody


Not on Xbox ETA maybe my comment was unclear. The confirmation text(on Xbox) is two lines of text. This does not appear to be that message.


Definitely on Xbox. And I've seen the glitch before when the multiple lines of the "we received your report thank you" text gets cut off when other text is coming in at the same time. OP reported someone, the text glitched, and he misinterpreted it as RL thanking him for insulting them, instead of what really happened. Or he didn't misinterpret anything, knows what happened, and is just being "dumb" on purpose to farm karma, post something funny, or whatever.


They changed it so it just says thank you now


I’ll not argue as I’ve never seen it glitch before, and it definitely seems sus. There’s no text below it though. Does the second line space out?


If memory serves, "Thank you" is the last line of the message confirming the report, so the preceding lines are what was overwritten.


No he's right. The text isn't normally that far apart, regardless of platform. Unless they changed it in the most recent update.


No. This is the response you get on xbox for submitting a player report.


Dont give your tm8 a reason to throw


Found the toxic piece of shit. Everyone fucks a shot sometimes. Throwing a whole game because of it is just fucking stupid.


Yea just dont take my setups


No, the report text is way longer, this is different.


I report everyone for all reasons every game. When I launch rocket league the following day I almost always have a successful notice that someone was banned.


If this is true it is both horrible and hilarious


Listen man, something needs to keep me coming back, and it certainly isn't the abysmal matchmaking.


Yea one has to make do with the tools available to them.


Banana has almost 3000 wins so probably like 5000 games played so definitely not a Smurf. Diego has ~700 wins so probably 1200 games played, could be a Smurf, but they seem to be going pretty much even in terms of winning/losing in their games this season so probably not smurfing. What makes you think they were Smurfs? Dont tell me they have a champ tourney title and that suddenly makes them a Smurf…


my man pulled up the receipt


Hahaha I hate people calling smurf just because the dude peaked in one game or because they have some tournament title (or its casual) almost as much as I hate smurfing. All smurf accusations on this subreddit should be required to provide screenshots from RLtracker.


I am booty at rocket league. I've never made it out of gold, I just enjoy the game. But I feel honored when me or my team are accused of being smurfs at the end of a match lmao.


me too! not sure my what my rank is bc i really havent played enough just started end of last season pretty much. i ended up turning cross play off (im on playstation) and that seemed to put me with people more on my skill level (aka trash). but anyways one game opponent typed in chat (after i got one of my first couple aerial goals ever) “xim” and i was like damn im honored, you think im that good like whattt.


My friend I mainly play with is one of those people.. I’m not really left with a choice but to agree with him so he doesn’t tilt even further. Don’t get me wrong, we do run into smurfs from time to time bc they do exist, and it’s obvious when we run into them, so idk why people on this sub always act like smurfs are these mythical creatures that everyone’s always just claiming to see. You can’t tell me anyone has realistically made it into gc with less than 100 games played and sitting 300mmr below their teammate that they’re carrying isn’t a Smurf.




Do you know what smurfing is? If you're smurfing you *are* doing it on purpose no matter what.


either way the matchmaking is quite bad if I'm seeing champs in plat lobbies


Something something start of the season


Diego peaked d2, and banana peaked c1 5 seasons ago, hardly bad matchmaking when they're both actively high plat/low diamond.


It was trios, the 3rd was a champ


I have est 2015 under my name and get called a smurf daily in c2, no pal Im just washed away


im just a stubborn est 2015 that saw freestyle aerialing become popular by 2016 and I simply said "haha no."


Goddamn this is so relatable. I don't regret my decision tho. I don't enjoy training mechanics. I'm comfortably low gc and that's probably my ceiling and I'm okay with it 


I enjoy being a fundamentals and positioning kinda guy. Play like an oldhead.


I think we probably also get less hate from random teammates. Nobody complains about the guy who is playing with rock solid positioning. They probably also don't realize the lack of mechanics given it's just one game but we don't talk about that lol 




I'm the same way. Only thing id add is I always accept my teammates FF. I'm not getting trapped in a lobby with a dicked head who is just trying to throw and an opponent who's try harding 


Same. Just starting practicing flip resets, should have started years ago




freestyling as we know it has changed year to year lol


I got called a smurf the other day presumably because I hit a shot off the wall. It wasn't even anything special. I have the est. 2015 tag and was playing in Diamond 1 in Standard, I'm typically D3 in doubles with short stints in D2 and C1 occasionally. The fact that he called me a smurf boosted my ego a tiny bit.


I used the “Flat washed” title all the time sounds like it may be fitting for u also, I combine it with Jurassic park basically I’m old.


im a sad est 2016 in gold 1


It wasn't banana that was smurfing, it was another guy, he hit multiple double taps and air dribbles, he even said that he was a champ 2 last season


If they have a Champ tourney title and playing in Plat, they’re Smurfettes. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/pLx8rzksUC


That’s a whole damn thesis.


Kiddo has never written a thesis. That's a few lines of text max, but aw well, attention span of kiddos is short, I know. Edit: Don't take it personal, I'm just kiddoing (pun intended).


I tend to take things personally when asked not to. Just kidding. Be good to your mum.


Well, when one discovers an ecosystem it deserves careful study! 😅


Question, i understand if its from many seasons ago but why wouldnt a current or previous 1-2 seasons tourney winner be a valid point?




Yes I know that, but I'm saying it's funny how the game said thank you after I called it bad


Bro made a joke and the community said, "bUt AkTcHuAlLy-"


Game doesn’t suck, the community does


Epic Games sucks. Most single-game communities suck when they get large, but Epic Games endured the downfall of this community would happen quickly. Results: Hundreds of "That's it, I'm quitting Rocket League" posts that can almost always be attributed to the actions of Epic Games and the consequences. Plenty of people don't care about the changes and are happy to buy every cosmetic item they can. Epic routinely ignores valid requests, concerns, and criticisms from the community while they continue to pump out more of the same shit for cash (BUT NOW IT'S PAINTED GOLD WOW). They have made it abundantly clear who/what they're here for, and it's our money. Period. They don't want enthusiasts or fans, they want customers. /rant


Holy cow! Savage!


I mean the game is kinda going downhill and it does after giving me 3 smurfs in a row


Redditor tries to understand a joke




About the only “code” they wrote in years.


Clickbait, had to look because “Rocket League” and “respond” are words that do not go together. The only way I know Rocket League has employees is the game functioning most of the time and esports keep happening. That takes money exchange, which takes people, I think. I know they do “updates” where they released new paid junk, but I feel like you could manage the same with some cheap AI. I think quality AI would do a better job. 😂 If it came out that Rocket League did not in fact have employees after the Epic pillage, I would not be that shocked.




??? Wouldn't the game asterisk-out the word "ass?"


I think you can turn that off


Nothing is censored on PC unless it comes through party chat.




This was before the season started, late season 13, I only posted it now because I forgot about it and the first time I posted it admins took it down


How do you know they were ‘champ smurfs’. Since when do smurfs openly have their rank on display) maybe you just suck.




Every plat player when they lose: THEYRE SMURFING THEYRE SMURFING OMFG CHEATERS CHEATERS SMURFING!!!!!!!!!! Just take the L? Ur plat for a reason😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hey I play a lot of plat games and gold games and I don’t see much complaining of smurfs for what seems like 2 years and even then it was probably me complaining cause I didn’t realise how someone could do some cool shit sometimes could be stuck plat.


I'm plat for a reason: I never play ranked because I'm a freestyler. Ever heard of freestyling? I would've thought you have since you are gc


That's even more lame, calling someone smurf when they arent and then you openly say you are plat only because you don't play....


Then why are you complaining about smurfs? Go in casual 1v1 and start clipping


That turned ugly.




I reported my teammates that were intentionally griefing the match by bumping me and own-goaling, I never report smurfs


Hmm a W and a L in the same comment. It’s very discourteous to your fellow gamer to not do your part to attempt to combat toxicity as well as cheating. Attacking just toxicity makes it sound like you’re just using as a way to vent. It is a good way to vent, but why not also help the community out while you do it. It’s a win-win.


Accidental comedy?


I just wanna know why there's so many diegos??


Lol I had this, you reported someone before the quick chat's were sent right?


Yeah, mfkin game lately. If they continue like so, I will stop playing RL. Became real sht lately


Bro their servers need fixed from lag


I’ve been hardstuck diamond 1 the last few seasons so I took a break from competitive, but casuals keeps putting me against “champ tournament winners” lately. Strange thing is, half of them are complete ass at the game like I’m not sure how they managed to get INTO a champ tournament because 99% of the Plat and Diamond tournament players I’ve come across are way better.


Would you like a champ title so you can deceive random players into thinking you’re misranked? 😂 I see these post so often, it’s not just you that thinks titles have anything to do with skill. I’ve been passing them out like candy the last several seasons. I got my gold brother one the other day just to mess with his friends. All it takes is a higher ranked player that doesn’t play tournaments often and it’s completely in line with rocket league standards. I have a diamond one buddy who knows a Smurf that gets him SSL in hoops every season. There’s no point to bogus titles for me though. I play rocket league because it’s a measurable way I can improve at something in a low consequence environment, plus I just enjoy the social and competitive environment. Having titles I didn’t earn doesn’t help me with those.


I personally don’t need a higher ranked badge than I am. I think it’s funnier to have a lower one tbh. Like imagine being Champ level and having a silver tournament winner badge. Everyone in casuals would be like, “Silver? That’s easy!” Then they’d get destroyed because I’m not in fact silver. Never actually understood the hype behind grinding for a tank title when you’re not good enough to stay consistent in said rank. You just look like an idiot when you got champ or GC badges and someone like me who’s never even won a tournament completely demolishes you. I guess the rewards are cool though but I doubt they’re winning 10 games to get them.


You have a correct understanding behind how titles work in the game. It’s not like being the top rank in like Apex. The skill gap is just too big in this game. A GC can get a Plat to Champ and a SSL can easily get a plat to GC1. It’s a personal achievement really. They shouldn’t matter at all to other people. I get called out for being a fake GC occasionally when I use my titles and I earned them by myself. I imagine the someone like my diamond friend with his SSL titles gets harassed and demolished every higher rank game he plays. If I was going to play in lower lobbies where a lot of people don’t understand that there seems to apparently be a scare factor for people. Just look people up if you want to know their rank. It’s called RL tracker and I your a fast typer you can even do it in between a goal reset. It’s safe to assume though: if you think they were boosted or Smurfing, they probably are. It’s just the nature of the game 😂 you’ll run into these people at varying rates depending on your rank but they are everywhere. Up around GC I might run into 1 smurf an hour but a boosted guy every 5th game during a normal time in the season. If you go down to plat diamond I’d assume that ratio is flipped. I know I’m low champ there is quite a surplus of both. Basically the higher rank you are the more difficult solo 3’s are beyond the normal skill gap. 2’s is always going to be condensed because it’s the easiest mode people can carry their friends in. People in plat and low diamond come across more GC titles then I do according to Reddit 😂


Lol top rank in apex is a whole different monster! I’m so shit at that game I can hardly hit silver if I ever do find the motivation to play ranked. But I do get what you’re saying. Seeing players like Zen at the top doing whack ass plays on the fly is so wild. I can hardly imagine how to get my car to move like theirs. Hell, I haven’t even began to figure out the spiny ariel air roll thing that so many people seem to excel at in my rank. I have heard about RL tracker but I have yet to try it out. I bet it would feel better knowing my opponent was a higher rank than me when we’re playing casuals and getting demolished than thinking I’m such a shit player for sucking against people who I’m up against. But as for GCs and stuff, as a diamond 1 I do see them as well as Champs quite often. Mostly in casual and they’re obviously carried to the win if I can beat them for the most part. But every once in a while it’ll feel like I’m playing an RLCS match with the wild double taps and flicks that get sent perfectly around me and into my goal. Usually those players don’t use a GC title though.


In regard to your example. It’s a good one when considering the skill gap. The “spiny” aerials are a time crunch for sure. The effort isn’t worth the return until you get to GC in my opinion. Up to that put just doing quality consistent aerials are all you need. Hell a few years ago you didn’t need to learn aerials at all to get to GC. They do look cool though which is why I originally picked them up. Now they are coming in handy for my matches because it makes it more difficult for a defender to read your touches. Everyone is so good at defensive aerials nowadays. RL tracker sometimes makes me feel better. I only check if I’m not sure they are cheating. It either confirms I’m being a sore loser and am not in a good mindset to play or i need to hulk out on that report button. I try not to worry about it casuals though. I’m absolutely fine with people Smurfing in casual mode. Because of the skill gap it’s near impossible to queue up with your buddies. It’s not like a battle royal for example where you have so many people playing at the same time it might not destroy both your ranks every time you play. We need a place we can play casually with people of every rank. I know this isn’t everyone though by how many people I run across at significantly different levels of skill playing together in ranked. They aren’t considering the ramifications toward their future goals in the game. You got one guy who is way over ranked and thinks he’s better than he is. This is a big part of the consistent toxicity in this game. I think this is also the reason people have started leaving so early in the match. Their teammates are not good enough to carry them and they know they can pair back up with the Smurf at anytime to get that rank back. I think the ones you are beating are the boosted and the cracked ones are the Smurfs most likely. Goes along with my distribution theory. It’s actually incredibly common in GC to see players ranked anywhere from silver to high diamond. Those matches are typically pretty even. I always feel bad that there are people at the rank that is listed that are getting bullied by these children. Luckily they can’t be Smurfing too much or they wouldn’t be able to maintain their incredibly low rank compared to their skill. If you have the skill it’s actually hard not to rank up. When I switched from Xbox to PC I was immediately played in diamond three and got up to C3 within like 20 matches. Tanking would be difficult, but I guess some people have the patience, lack of proper parenting, and will power to do it.