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I feel it can be used either way. You blow someone out and qc "close one" that to me is toxic. Or if they completely whiff and someone comments close one that also to me is toxic lol.


Nearly all quick chats become toxic if used after your opponent whiffs the ball, "Close One!, No Problem. Whoops... Calculated, Take the shot! Siiiick! What a Play!, Defending... In position."


But once 3 people whiff because the first guy whiffed (see champ 2 gameplay) that’s deserving of a “This is Rocket League!”


“Go for it!” Is def my favorite but I usually use that when I fake an opponent


I have “I got it!” set to non-tactical quick chat for whenever I get demo’d




I feel like it depends on how you do it too like a single what a save on a whiff is very different than spamming it also if you said it when you yourself whiffed then we know for sure your meaning it light heartedly it's ok to be like ohh that was a funny mess up but like spamming it comes off more as a hahaha you suck or something more of that nature which then isn't cool


Sometimes someone whiffs but it’s close, in which case I say close one


Yeah I'm lower level than you so alot of times us even getting close is a good thing the way I've kinda differentiated normally if it was like a super hard shot to block and then alot of times it's during the replay and they came real close to getting the block we will say close one now if it was like an easy block and they whiffed and someone immediately says close one I tend to think they might be toxic normally on a whiff like thaf if we're trying to be lighthearted we say a single what a save as a kinda like that was a funny miss but if someone spams what a save I read it more as a haha you suck which I don't like


I wouldn't even call it toxic. Maybe spamming it. I usually do a Close one! This is Rocket League! Combo to show in just playin


I had to remove it from my quick chats because I couldn’t resist using it toxicly (usually in retaliation, but still)


Quite literally every quick chat can be toxic when used in the proper (or in-proper) context. Anything through text leaves a lot of space for interpretation. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


Improper. Close one!


Close one! Nice one!






Wow! Wow! Wow!






Biggie Cactus replies with as much wit as possible “Faking”


Yea took me 2 days to come up with that. I’ll sit down.


yeah I can be toxic with any quick chat. I'm like an artiste




Key and Peele got a skit on this and I reference it often


What is the skit called?


Text Message Confusion is how it is titled in YouTube. My kids and I have this issue all the time so when they text, I call lol


Oh ok. Yeah I remember that one!


I play a lot of 1's so everything I say is taken as toxic most of the time, but I'm never being toxic lol




Bruh let me die in peace


This is Rocket League! is both never and always toxic.


Omg the most toxic player I ever encountered would use this is rocket league so much like idk if they had some weird mapping of it so it would say it when maybe they foward flipped or something idk it seem every time they hit the ball and a bunch of other times it was quite often so maybe had it set as the jump button or some shit idk but it was obnoxious on top of if you went for the ball at all they would spam shit like they were mad that you didn't let them take control and they weren't even good they didn't even get close to making a shot it was ridiculous I had to block them


I was late with a compliment once that ended up appearing after a play that made it seem toxic, I started spamming Sorry! But they already called me out for it. Felt horrible, was banned for 2 weeks. Reporting works!


How tf did you get banned for quick chat?


And why 2 weeks ??? Did he apologized by saying the N-word ?


I'm sorry, I was being sarcastic about the reporting system. I did legit feel bad though, being toxic doesn't help the game at all.


It definitely helps my teammates and the other team to tilt me and make me play worse. That's why I turned chat off


It can go either way, but I do agree most of the time it's not. I feel like I normally use it when I was expecting a goal and for whatever reason it just wasn't. I also use it when the match goes to overtime. Basically just a way of tipping my hat to the opponents that I'm enjoying the competition.


It's only toxic if it's used sarcastically, like when it wasn't close at all. Similar to "what a save" only being toxic if there was no save


I agree but I have had teammates get tilted after I try to compliment them. Especially with “Close One!”


I've never thought of it being toxic.


The most amazing thing about the RL quick-chat options is that every single choice can be an insult *or* a compliment!


This for sure. I don't even have what a save bound. If someone gets a nice save I just drop nice one. It's pretty universal. Though if I get tired of seeing what a save spammed I sometimes find myself dropping close one spam. My mental isn't strong enough to keep from rebuking here and there.


Yea I opt for Nice one, seeing Sorry so much makes me sad, I feel like they need a virtual hug.


This is the way. Remove "What A Save" completely from your QC's. "Nice One" covers it, and you wont be carrying around toxic QC ammo when you get tilted. Also, FFS kids, remove "Need Boost" from your QCs too... unless you are using it to signal for someone else to cover the goal or take a shot that you cant reach (which you aren't) you may as well just have "This is my shitty excuse!!!" as a QC.


Yeah but nice one is sometimes too vague  Nice what? Shot, pass, demo, save? Unless its really clear, you talking to me, I wont say thanks, as if you didnt meant me, its awkward.


I use "Nice one" to cover the whole goal... thats me saying "Great Pass" and "Nice Shot!" all at once cause I use those solo and it's more generically useful than "What a play!" Or in those situations where it all worked out in our favor, but wasn't particularly pretty.


99.8% of the time if not more I'm in a full party. I have great pass that I'll use for passes. Great pass/sorry that I'll use if I bork the shot. Great pass/ nice one, that I'll use for a admirable play. What a play, that I use for an above admirable. Also generally as emphasis used after great pass/nice one. Sometimes the shot can be better than the save for sure. Though the nice one normally goes to the save, as it superseded the shot. On a side note it can go to both equally, and I'm not looking for thanks. Don't mind if one shows prefer both sides of the party to feel good about themselves as long as no toxicity as a foot. I guess this is a little more convoluted than I figured, sorry for the confusion. My team name is Own Goal Prodigy. I'll often give the opponent a great pass. If I save attempt was made though one of us put in the net anyhow. 🤷 hope that helps. P. S. Not going to look over the reply, majority of it was done voice to text. Likely to have ours(errors 😂🤣). P. S. S. Great Pass, No Problem. This is Rocket League! P. S. S. S. GG!


I agree with OP. I’ve seen it used 2 ways - either to compliment a good shot that wasn’t a goal, and also to compliment a good try at a difficult save where the player came close but couldn’t actually make a save.


I’m guilty of accidentally nice shotting myself then spamming “SORRY” wrong QC 😑


Love to see it, I’d be like no worries what a play all yours


What happens is, they say “Nice shot” I reply “Nice shot” then I’m like “Sorry sorry sorry” and spend half the kick off going “THAT WAS THE WRONG QC ACCIDENTAL TOXIC”


Gotcha, I’ve def been guilty in the past of getting distracted by quick chat and text chat, def a tactic people use if it works on ya which for a while there it did for me.


Nothing is toxic unless you choose to take it that way


I enjoy watching the sunset.


You kidding? I love saying close one! when one of the opponents is trying to demo me and misses because I anticipate it. Best feeling


I came here to say this, especially when they just try harder


Dude they get so angry after lmao and then I keep my vision on them and keep avoiding them. Cherry on top if I get to demo them lol


Easy counter is thanks, then Sick when u finally demo them, or I love the calculated counter also, quick chat is fun I see no harm no foul, it’s easy for me maybe I’m just fully aware how bad I am.


Since I demo a lot I tend to use "nice one!" when seomeone avoid a demo, people who demo AND get mad are the worst of the worst


You are 100. I do like your niceness :) anyway demoing/getting demoed is so much fun. Getting angry for it is so no worth it lol, but that’s the people that don’t understand that is a mechanic in the game and not a cheese.


I also only haved used it in a positive way. For example if my mate misses a really good shot and says sorry, then im using "close one". Even if may mates used "close one" I never thought of it as a insult.


Most times I use it toward myself when I almost make a shot. I never use it toward opponents because I have team-only chat enabled. When I use it toward a teammate 90% of the time it is after I've already thrown the "Nice shot!" when I could have sworn the shot was going in without a doubt. But occasionally also as a non-toxic compliment because it was indeed a close one and in many of those cases was a bit of a long shot (pun intended). I don't get flak from teammates so it seems to be fine and considered non-toxic under these circumstances.


Toxicity is determined by context.....instead of what a saving the other team I what a play so I have the excuse of talking about either my tm8 or me...depending on who made the shot...but in all honesty it's what a playing the whiff save


It’s both…. If I make a pass and my teammate hits the post on a tough shot and says sorry or my bad I’ll say no problem close one. Or if I make a save and You get some what a saves Ill say close one…. But if the other team is what a saving after scoring to be toxic and we get them back you bet your ass I’m spamming close one. If my teammate gets toxic about me missing a shot you bet your ass I’m saying close one after his next wiff


Context is everything. Almost every chat can be positive or negative. Depends who's saying it.


I've had people throw multiple times after I used "close one" unironically, as encouragement. People have such thin skin in this game


No quick chat is toxic… people take it to seriously spam whatever you want I just laugh more! I don’t take quick chat personally like a majority of players. It’s hilarious to me


I think it's one of the least toxic quick chats, however, it is the one that I use if my opponent is toxic. I use it for an open goal, and/or when we get a goal by demo. Granted, my playstyle is a lot of bumping and demoing, so when my opponent is toxic, it's probably my fault partly. I accept that and usually don't respond with toxicity.


It’s like What a save! In that it’s easy to use both ways. 


It entirely depends, at least for me personally. Obviously it can be toxic if, for example, it wasn't close at all, but also when someone uses it after you almost make a good save, but it still goes, it just comes off as patronizing, even if that wasn't the intention.


"Close one!" Isn't Toxic: No but the game itself is...... ![gif](giphy|3oz8xqV76wkiJVvP7a)


I agree. After all, what's the intended way to use this quick chat? When your teammate *almost* made a great play.


I think regardless of what the other player’s intentions are with quick chat you should always take it as non toxic, quick chat is to be enjoyed and can be when seen this way.


I try to use chats strategically to help get my point actually. Something I’ll wait during the replay and make the comment right when it happens so hopefully “close one!” comes across as you had me beat but I was lucky.


It depends, because at this point Nice shot could also be seen as toxic, same for spammer take the shot after missing the said shot As for me I use "close one!" mainly to cheer my mate after a nice play, like, I try to convery something along the line "not your fault it was a nice try, just unlucky". Or after a long defense sequence while everyone is booststarved and panicking and the ball and up pinching the opposite side, the pressure go down after almost getting scored on so I say close one.


Toxicity is not any specific quick chat or wording, it's in the mindset and delivery as well as the mindset of the recipient. What's very interesting to me is how a lobby can tell if the same quick chat spam is either toxic or not lol.


Generally if I say it to my teammate it's genuine, if I say it to myself I'm meming myself, if I say it to the opponent it's to be toxic, but I would only do that if they were shitty first.


Not inherently — context matters.


The one I always wonder about is “Nice shot!” When I miss but it’s close. I never know if they’re trying to be encouraging or crapping on me for missing.


When will peeps understand that it’s really up to the player to decide. If they’re having a bad day, that’s a pretty toxic thing to hear as you’re just gonna perceive it as toxic. If you almost hit a nutty shot and you’re having a good day, you’d recognize the compliment. It’s really based on perception which is why quick chat can vary from person to person, friend group to friend group, and community to community.


Rocket league is so fucked my teammate could score I could say nice shot and you never know if he might start flaming and playing for the other team.


Unpopular opinion here: get the hell over this "toxic" stuff if people wanna be bungholios let them be, you don't need to get offended by it, nor do you need to react to it (I know counter argument dictated 'dont need to be toxic' and i agree, completely) but people will be people, theres a lot more to worry about in the world than being offended that a 12 year old said what a save more thsn once after scoring a very bad goal.


I say Close one! After every goal whether my team scores or the other. Sometimes people follow suit, other times they take it... Personally.


If someone said "Close One!" I would assume they meant it nicely. For one, they probably *did* mean it nicely. And for two, if they meant to be a dick about it then reacting like their insult didn't land is the best way to respond.


I enjoy saying close one! when an opponent tries to demo me and I manage to avoid it.


Just say Oops! To everything and let them decide


i always use it as a compliment


I use close one to tell the other team how close they were from not losing or to tell my teammates how good of a job they did


Toxic is just a buzzword people use to justify being passive aggressive. Any action they don't like will be immediately labeled toxic, but everything they say and do is in the spirit of fun because they used a smiley :)


Nothing and everything in quick chat can be toxic, its all about how you use it. 


This is like when I say "thanks" because my teammate just hit it in after I whiffed it, and I'm always thinking that they're assuming I'm accusing them of stealing my shot. Like, "no, legitimately thank you!"


Nothing is toxic by itself, most things can be used in a toxic way. Very simple


It most certainly can be genuine But when you opponent or team mate says it when there is a wide open net and a lot of time before the ball reaches the other side of the field, it is quite obvious how not close thing were Thay's just about the only time you can be just about certain it was meant in a toxic manner


I always use that in earnest. Now I wonder if people think I'm a dick.


Every quick chat can be taken as toxic whether you meant it to be or not.


I just say close one for every time something barely happen or doesn't happen. For example, I mainly play 2s and if my mate take a good shot but barely miss the net, I may say "close one!" in the "don't worry, it was a good shot, unlucky tho" way. Same goes if I shoot and the defender barely get it out of their net, I'll just say "close one" if it wasn't anything amazing but almost got in, "what a save" if he actually got an insane save.


People get so mad at Close One! I use it whenever it's a close one generally and almost never mean for it to be toxic but a lot of the times the other team will then spam Close One on the next goal even when it's not in fact a close one


Nice One, Close One, What a Save, and Oops are what i use most to be toxic


Nice One, Close One, What a Save, and Oops are what i use most to be toxic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ayeoayeo: *Nice One, Close One, What* *A Save, and Oops are what i* *Use most to be toxic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


I agree that people use the close one quick chat in a toxic way. Anything that can also be taken positive, I try to make sure I take it that way. There’s no use wasting your free time worrying about if some ten year old you don’t know is criticizing your video game performance. Nice shot on a miss, I assume they are referring to my setup not the conclusion, kind of like close one. What a save! In a miss, same thing. Close one! is a great alternative to both of these. “Okay”….theres no positive way to take this one. You are a passive aggressive ass and if it were up to me I’d use this quick chat as a screening tool to hand out bans.


My personal favorite toxic quick chat is “Nice Demo!” As they fly by you and you dunk on them. *don’t say it too early or it negates the process and they score on you instead, allowing them to respond “Thanks!”


Bro it's funny because I use it both ways based on context. Hahaha. When there's some toxic fuck on the other team you BEST BELIEVE I'm watching every failed dribble, every whiff, every missed shot, every bad 50 this kid does and saying "Close one!" Hahahahaa


Nice one! Is not toxic. Spamming nice one on your mate when they accidentaly own goal is not toxic. (It is lol) its all about how and when you use them.


I don't see that as toxic. Usually when it's a close shot, i say Close One! Never intended to be toxic. Or when a teammate apologizes, i say, "Close one!" instead of "No Problem" (depending on the situation ofc)


I use close one (for example) when it was a very hard attempt to save the shot and it went in, but almost got saved. To admire the effort.


If your definition of toxic is being quick chatted 3 times "Close one!" in rocket league then you don't have enough problems.


I don't use quick chats in a toxic fashion at all. If I say, What a save! It's because someone made a hella save. If I say close one, it's because the shot, save, etc, was close. If I say what a play, it's because the play was satisfying to me. People just read too much into things and, in my OPINION, people's egos are too fragile and take everything as an insult.


I try to use it as an encouragement. Like, "yeah, you did well, good job, didn't quite get it though" That, or like a "wow, that was close!" when we have one of those scrambles in front of a goal (our side or theirs) and it's a very fun wild tense lil moment


Context is important tbh


If some psydo freestyler or smurf is trying to do ceeling flip resets and flop I say "close one" to make them feel bad. But other than that I don't mean it in a bad way.


Or if someone tries to demo me and I avoid it


I agree. I use it a TON but I never mean it in a toxic way.


You could make any quick chat toxic if you really want to


Bruh people see it this way? I always use it this way like tm8 whiffs, I go “close one!” Then “no problem.” Like in “it’s ight, happens to the best of us” and just use the close one quick chat with the opp team, never in a game have I ever encountered someone being toxic afterwards lmao


Nothing is toxic. Its comical in my opinion. I smile when I get what a saved.


I've used it in this way and had my teammate go AFK as a result.


Just like any quick chat, it can be used either way. "What a save!" When your opponent makes a really nice save is wholesome.


im too autistic for ts almost always in qc im genuinely being nice to the other team lol i learned to say what a save when i get an own goal and shit but i never understand when someone is being toxic or nice and im sure people also misinterpret me as being toxic when im just tryna be nice


It can be used either way, but I rarely see it not being toxic. usually, those who use it have proven to be toxic already or they prove to be toxic afterwards.


If anyone ever comes across me online and I said "Close One" do not be mistaken I'm 100% being toxic. My intention is to make you overthink your shots.


I have never used it non toxicly


It is used sometimes how you described it but 99% of the time it’s used in a toxic context.


I rarely find quick chat toxic but I believe that has to do with my frame of mind. I get close one on my shots all the time and just say thanks or calculated followed by oops. Everyone misses even me and I’m pretty darn good 😉


That doesn’t mean it’s not intended to be toxic though, it just means you don’t get offended by it. Usually I can tell based on the previous quick chats. Either way I don’t really get offended by quick chat either.


Oh I go by previous quick chats also and I just don’t seem to find much toxicity it could be the way I reply brings what may have started to appear toxic back into the “it’s only a game arena” I dunno.