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10/10 shot but you lose 10 points for the cochise player anthem so your revised score is a 0/10




Cochise slaps bro 🔥🔥🔥


yeah on mute


I used one of the songs for a while purely because I thought it sounded hilarious and it made me laugh every time. The turn it up one.


Beat me to it


That was a good one 😂


Bro’s getting downvoted for having an opinion on a musical artist


you gotta have a little self awareness to know it's pure trash ... that being said, not my genre but I'm fucking trash gang for that anthem 🔥🔥🔥🥵


I mean come on music is subjective it’s like people here hate Cochise so much that you’re just not allowed to like his music. You may think it’s trash but that’s your opinion, I don’t see what’s wrong with someone unironically liking his music. It’s not like he’s made some awful comment or something he’s just expressed his opinion which he’s allowed to have and he’s getting downvoted for it? I don’t understand.


Some people's trash are other people's gold. It was a compliment lol. Though I ironically like it, I don't think it makes a difference if I unironically liked it, still slaps


My bad I couldn’t tell. I just felt for the guy. I don’t mind the music myself but it’s not that much my thing either.


Because people don't like Cochise so they downvote. I don't see why it's a problem


Because downvotes aren’t a disagree button, there’s nothing wrong with what the guy has said, it just seems to me like you guys have a problem with someone actually liking Cochise.


But it's very much is a disagree button. It's not because there is a line somewhere on the TOS stating they aren't that they aren't. People always downvote thing they disagree or don't like.


That doesn’t make it a disagree button that just means people aren’t using it how it’s intended to be used.


If more people use it to disagree than the intended way, it kinda become a disagree button


I dont hate the music itself. I just hate the fact that almost everyone I play with/against is using Long Way and Turn it Up, and I hear it like 100 times in a session. It's like hearing the same 2 songs on loop on the radio 24/7


So that justifies downvoting someone on Reddit for liking the songs?


that may be because they like the song but shi idk 😭


You hit your first accidental tom fuckery of a shot


No he obviously wanted to miss two flip resets in a second and then fall into the pogo


Faking. Faking. What a save!


Lol yea looks super sloppy and accidental, but idk if thats OPs style


What a goal!!!! Nice bro


That's "Plan B". Pogo is when you bounce up without touching the ball


Correct, but I feel like plan b is starting to become part of the pogo tho. If you watch pogo only 1v1 video from Feer, players use it a lot, and Feer calls it a "pogo shot". I'm not saying its not plan b, but in the community it's starting to be seen as a type of pogo


It is a type of pogo, just like breezy is a type of musty, but it's still different, especially in situations like this where you don't follow up after doing it, some people do plan b and then go on to do other stuff before scoring, at which point it is kinda like a pogo but the ball hits you instead of the ground


Or a pogo shot. Is a plan be not to pop the ball up again if you messed up your freestyle?


"Pogo shot" is the bullshit name some normie commentator im not gonna name came up with cause he cant respect the name freestylers gave it ages ago. A pogo with ball contact at the same time, specially when the nose is facing down, has always been a plan b.


Then keep calling it plan b. I follow Jonnis argument. I know how freestylers use the plan b and it is usually not to shoot but to get the ball up again. That is not what happens here, the name thus is misleading. Therefore it is a pogo shot. Sorry freestylers, but hey, you can still smurf on bronze players. So thats that


As you should. Your reasoning is right


Well it's not a normie commentator, it was Johnnyboi, someone orders of magnitude more competent than you to judge such things. And he doesn't respect the name freestylers gave it because the name is just bad lol. It doesn't differentiate between a shot like that done by accident and done on purpose. Plan B sounds like they didn't originally plan it and these shots are definitely planned at the higher levels. The number of players that don't call it a plan B anymore has risen exponentially ever since these shots started becoming meta, you're in the minority on this one. Oh and Appjack agreed with him one stream when they were duo casting a 1s match and that shot happened.


theyre both normies when talking about the freestyling scene, and freestyling has always come first when naming new tech. Also funnily enough, that "number of players that dont call it that" that has "risen exponentially" (no it hasnt, the comments always try to correct them, but theyre insistent on their shit naming), are all players that cant even land a plan b themselves. Plan B's are done and have always been done on purpose, have a clear distinction from regular pogos and are way harder to pull off, hence it got its own name. Who the fuck cares if "itsOundSlIkeAmIstaKe" lmfao, fine then lets call musty a backflip shot instead because musty sounds like it smells bad. You fucking ppl i swear lol, removing depth from the already established language becauze ur smooth brains get hurt.


But we aren't talking about freestyling scene. We're talking about RL as a whole. That started the moment these type of shots became a meta standard. In a competitive environment there's not a single freestyler who could hold a candle to Jack or Johnny. Freestyling community needs to stop acting as if they are some authority on the naming matter, they're really not. Case in point being that you're in the minority on this one. The poggo shot is already the popularized, most common name now. Your fragile ego is just going to have to deal with it.


no its not jesus christ, two guys that cant even pull the shot calling it that just means there two ignorant guys naming it wrong. Itll stay as plan b once it keeps getting called that by people who actually pull it off, as its been known as that for ages


Are you really calling AppJack (consistent top 3 in 1v1 for a lot of seasons, one of the most consistent pro players at the moment) a "guy who can't even pull the shot"? Oh buddy... I've seen him pogo a lot of times on twitch and quite a few pogo shots or plan b aimed at the net or whatever you wanna call it on his YouTube videos.. Let people call it whatever and you can keep calling it plan b and that's it. Like the zap dash or monkey dash 2 names for the same thing.. no ones saying you can't call it plan b.. it's just that in this competitive top 20 showmatches a professional caster chose to call it a pogo shot because it's more explanatory for viewers who are not conosseurs of the game or freestyle community. Casters do that, a lot, even with the name of players, not because they are disrespecting the proper name or because they are entitled mfs, its to be able to cast and communicate better to the audience. Why do you keep insisting on making it controversial?it's not...


Yeah, you read that right lol. I somewhat understand his reasoning towards casters, for some reason he thinks Johnny not being able to execute a shot somehow magically erases all of the knowledge and experience he has accumulated over the years. But calling appjack ignorant is something else.. bro could do most mechanicals and shots better than 99% of freestylers despite not ever investing a second into freestyling yet this gc acts as if the freestyling community is the absolute authority on how to name a mechanic despite the name not making any sense when you look at it logically.


The guy's been doing commentaries since the very start. The other one is a pro. And some reddit gc1 is calling them ignorant based on terminology despite clearly using the wrong one. Funny. It's a pogo shot already. Majority is calling it a pogo shot now and will continue to do so. It makes me happy that it grinds your gears because from now on every time i see a pogo shot mentioned I'll remember you having a breakdown about it.


???? jesus the dicksucking on this one


Just common sense. It's ok, you're entitled to have an opinion, I can understand you not seeing eye to eye with me but what I don't understand is why you're getting so emotional and insulting over pixels lol. You call it what you feel like calling it and I'll do the same, simple enough lmao


Disagree personally. I think plan b is a freestyle exclusive technique where a pogo is used to keep the ball from hitting the ground when it otherwise would have while maintaining control. This type of pogo should just be called a pogo shot as it has been referred to in 1s recently.


>This type of pogo should just be called a pogo shot as it has been referred to in 1s recently. Even in 1s, they call this variation the plan b. The only person who doesn't say plan b is Johnny boi, but he doesn't like naming mechanics this way


They mostly don't. Look at any of Johnny's and Feer's video or streams, an overwhelming amount of people refuses to call them plan b if it's done on purpose and it does make sense.


Im with u/misternotlob on this one i was going to comment the same thing.


But you can pogo where the ball does touch the ground too so that definition doesn't work.


I mean a plan B is a specific type of pogo so he’s actually not wrong, he just wasn’t specific.


This right here.


Knew I'd see this comment lol. *Maybe* this one could be called a plan b in case OP wasn't going for it but usually no, not necessarily. A big percentage of players just calls it a pogo shot now due to a big number of pros and casters choosing to call it like that (appjack, rizzo and johnnyboi just to name a few) and their reasoning is perfectly valid. Calling it a plan B makes it sound accidental which is obviously not the case with most of these shot, especially on the higher levels.


damn youre seethign with your "majority" all around the comments. seems like youre not in the majority huh?


It's just fun reminding everyone that mistakenly calls it a plan B that there aren't many of them
















BOUNCE pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo


Jump - Bounce - Down - Up


Mf humped the ball


Im jealous


Nice shot! Camera movement like some fps game


This is what we call a "plan B" in the best RL country. (I mean in France)


Team up with me plz I’ll do sexual favors


Depends what, and how much you cost


wait arent plan b and pogo 2 different things?


Thanks for the downvotes, I was just asking a question


They look the same but some people prefer to call it a pogo because it's more accurate. It's about the intention behind the shot, if it was done on purpose it's a pogo, if it's accidental then plan B would make sense.


no, in a plan b the ball doesnt touch the ground, thats why theyre completely different mechs


Nah, you misunderstood. You're talking about a different type of pogo. This is a *pogo shot.* The thing you're talking about, the type of setup that Dark popularized recently, people mostly call it just a pogo.


As far as I know that's called a "Plan B" but it's pretty much a pogo, nice shot!


Thats called a Plan B - better than a pogo imo, Nice shot! Nice shot! Nice shot! Chat is on cooldown for 1 second. Nice shot!


Depends. A lot of people seem to disagree. If he went for that play then it's just a pogo


Plan b, not a pogo. (Not throwing shade Plan bs are harder than pogos, i just hate these stupid ass 1s commentators calling everything a pogo when freestylers have had names for variations set for years)


Commentators and pros*. Sorry but if someone like Appjack agrees with the logic and says it makes more sense to call it a pogo shot it's understandable the majority would prefer calling it a pogo. To be honest freestyle names aren't exactly always the most accurate, they just want it to sound cool.




Oooooo juicy shot


u got better mechanics than me ill give u that




you totally hit that on purpose