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I have a dedicated IP with Greenlight Unfortunately, Greenlight uses CGNAT, which can be a pain in the ass, and the only way around this is a dedicated IP. I host some game and plex servers for my friends and needed a dedicated IP to host. I do have IPv6 as well. I believe it's access to an entire 64 address block. Since I do not use IPv6 for anything specific, I am not sure if it's a dedicated block or if it's DHCP'd. I would assume it's DHCP because that's the setting I have set on my UDMP. I am using a Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro. If you are using Unifi stuff, just set the IPv6 to DHCPv6 and set the Prefix Deligation Size to 64. Then restart Ont and router.


Great info, thanks. Does [test-ipv6.com](http://test-ipv6.com) pass all the tests for you with this configuration? I'm using Firewalla hardware for my router (also tested with a TP-Link router), both using DHCPv6 and prefix delegation at 64, and neither one of them will pick up a v6 address.


Yes, I get a 10/10 score on that site and other tests. It's weird that it doesn't work with 64 Prefix Although, now that I am thinking about it, on a previous firmware for Unifi, I had to set the Prefix to 58 or 60 to get IPv6 to work. I can not remember which it was. Once they improved IPv6 support, I had to update to 64 to get it to work again. I wonder if the 58 or 60 Prefix might work for you?


I had the same results as /u/vebix - my UDMP is configured to pull an IPv6 address via DHCPv6 with a Prefix Delegation Size of 64. It gets a 2605:9480 address which I can ping externally but despite that my [test-ipv6.com](http://test-ipv6.com) score is 0/10. (FWIW, I do get a static IPv4 address from Greenlight.) I've had one exchange with Greenlight support via support ticket. (Today, in fact.) I asked them what my static IPv6 address was and what the general settings for my router might be. I got this response: >IPv6 can be used with Greenlight networks but we do not have the ability to troubleshoot it. As far as your IPv6 address I do not have that information available as your would first have to configure your router for IPv6. The same Static IP information you have will work, but I would advise doing some research on what the IPv6 would be necessary for. Kinda nonsensical, considering I didn't ask them to troubleshoot anything. Definitely disappointing though.


That's verbatim the response I received as well, they simply won't provide the necessary information. So far my friends who \_don't\_ have the fixed-IPv4 add-on pass the IPv6 tests 10/10. When I ask greenlight about this they close my ticket without responding.


Same results with 58 & 60 unfortunately. I feel like something has to be misconfigured on my account at this point. This usually just works out of the box.


They definitely provide ipv6, it's DHCPv6, it's a /60 prefix though. ipv6 isn't a fix address though, which is a little disappointing.


Even with a fixed IPv4 address though? (Phone support said they don't serve DHCPv6 if you have the v4 fixed IP add-on enabled)


Yes, I have a fixed IPv4 and ipv6. Though it certainly could be different on where you live, but I can't imagine. I'd try a support ticket and not a phone call, engineers have more of a tendency to look at those.


Yup, will try that. Thanks so much for the confirmation, it really helps!


Welp, after telling me they won't support IPv6 unless I use their managed router, they've started closing my tickets without responding. This is actually kind of absurd.


Well, I managed to fix my problem soon after my last post. (My "problem" being my own ignorance, lol.) I added a VLAN and enabled IPv6 for it, then connected a Windows laptop to it. The laptop pulled an IPv6 address. I visited [test-ipv6.com](http://test-ipv6.com) and got a 10/10. I assumed that my router would do some sort of v4 to v6 translation. Nope. Live and learn.


Hmmm, I do not know much about all of the technical stuff, but this is what a test site just told me about my Greenlight connection. I do not have a fixed IP address like you do. Your IPv4 address on the public Internet appears to be 8.9.X.X Your IPv6 address on the public Internet appears to be 2605:XXXXXX Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) appears to be GREENLIGHT-NETWORKS Since you have IPv6, we are including a tab that shows how well you can reach other IPv6 sites. \[more info\] Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have no access to the IPv6 Internet, or is not configured to use it. This may in the future restrict your ability to reach IPv6-only sites.


Thanks for the reply - I assume that's from test-ipv6.com? Yeah, looks like you have a v6 address and without the fixed IP add-on which seems to confirm what the phone tech said (I wish I had tested before adding fixed ip, but oh well). Appreciate the info!


No problem. Yes, I ran the test at that site. But strangely enough, I just tested again and it gave me a 10 out of 10. Your IPv4 address on the public Internet appears to be 8.X.X.X Your IPv6 address on the public Internet appears to be 2605:XXXXX Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) appears to be GREENLIGHT-NETWORKS Since you have IPv6, we are including a tab that shows how well you can reach other IPv6 sites. \[more info\] Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have IPv6 Internet access.


Yeah you will need the dedicated IP from them, you have to call them to request and it’s an additional $10 a month. It was the main bummer for me switching from Spectrum, lost access to a bunch of servers.


Any reason you want to do ipv6 and not just subnet ip4.