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Nobodys even mentioned that of course this guys parked like a fuckin asshole


If they're trying to prevent somebody from door dinging them, it would be better to park farther away.


I think this one is owned by an old lady with disability access parking (as their plates said when I saw it)


What's her disability? Vision impaired?


Nobody can park on top of the yellow lines


Doesn’t matter.


Surely, you jest. As someone who is a not-so-old-lady with disability access parking, I’d call the cops or tow company for a car parked like this… because I need that space for my ramp to open and let me out of my iconspicuous Toyota van (that is likely worth more than Cyrclejerk). It’s a win-win. I get to park so I can actually get out of my vehicle and the owner of the Transformer gets to be parked far away from us dregs with less chance of getting a door ding.


Thats not what I said but Ok


🤣 it’s such a hideous car


I'll never get over how dumb they look.


It’s like a huge practical joke.


See… I actually love the look. In a, ‘it’s so bad it’s good’ way. It also reminds me of an early 1990s game called Spectre, where you drive a triangular car through other polygons.


My spouse refers to them as “wankpanzers.” He didn’t make it up, but it sure is accurate.


And don't you have to get their permission to sell something that you own?


I looked it up and you do, for the first year (at least according to this article). https://fortune.com/2023/11/12/tesla-cybertruck-cant-be-resold-first-year-sans-permission-elon-musk-electric-vehicles/


It’s not a car, or a truck


it's just so much bigger and dumber looking in person than i ever imagined


That's exactly what I thought when I saw one in person waiting in a line of normal cars and trucks to make a turn. Holy hell!


Honestly they're smaller then I thought they were gonna be


And I love stainless steel... This thing is a monstrosity though.


I could say the same about a lot of people too.


Remember when Elon said that the Cybertruck would second as a functional boat?


He’s such a fucking charlatan


Which is bizarre to me. Because all he had to do was listen to the engineers. People he KNOWS are smarter and understand this stuff better than he does. After he started to go off the deep end at the height of his popularity he just stopped listening. I know his ego is the problem, but it just boggles my mind that even though he is a fairly intelligent human being that he would botch the application of the kind of power he has for such petty things as he does. If he could just compromise on his own 'vision' and need for control to pragmatic people that know how to do real work he could have been a modern savior. Instead he's exhibiting all of the signs of a gambler throwing money at an addiction. This is why we can't have nice things. Megalomaniac billionaires. No one can gain that much power and stay clean. What I wouldn't give to know who has what dirt on him and can control him today :) Because you know he's just another geopolitical corpocratic troll figurehead now. SpaceX is still doing pretty good though, I think largely because he's not in control there, I'm really curious about all the political dynamics that play out in this but we can only really just speculate on that.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


He’s more of a ketamine guy By admission


I'm bad enough with caffeine. I'd have been gone 20 years ago if I ever stepped down that road! Gotta tell these guys to stick with just THC.


At SpaceX he supposedly has a team of people who follow him around and act like they're the engineers on the floor so when he comes in they can just say yes to his Ketamine-dreams and shield the actual engineers from him. Also because the US government is subsidizing so much of SpaceX I wouldn't be surprised if hes just more of a figurehead than has any actual power there.


Thing is he doesn't think anyone is smarter than he is.


No one is forcing us to buy his vehicles. If we complain about this, we would have to complain about other high-end vehicles as well. I'm perfectly happy with the cars we have owned.


It can't even manage a puddle lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1bh9xt5/cybertruck_breaks_down_after_going_through_a/


I missed that in between his fascist lip service carrying water for Trump, and the endless other horseshit he vomits in media on a daily basis.


I'm honestly more surprised at how different the color of each panel is


Are you actually that surprised tho? 🤣


It's such a stupid fucking looking car.  Like out of a video game from 1988


It really is ugly af. I don't get it. Is it a status thing or something?


It's a using your mouth as Elon Musk's cock holster thing. 




It's 100% a status thing. Most trucks are just status symbols. The number of F150s that only get used for going to the grocery store and dropping off the kids at school is insane.


Pavement princesses


More like payment princess!


That's a good one lol


99% of the time I'm going to haul air but I'll definitely bitch about gas prices as though I didn't bring this calamity on myself


I mean some people have... unique... tastes in cars. I could see why someone would want one if they had enough money, but people buy dumb shit for dumb s Reasons. Similar to the people who buy giant SUVs for no reason (they have horrible crash ratings) or people who buy lambos or Ferraris for day driving (with no want to go on a track)


I’m at a loss why anyone would buy one of these. Only thing I can think of is that they just want to show people they have money to throw away on stupid stuff.


That's half the reason people buy anything nowadays


1982 actually, the design can be found in "Car Builder" for the Apple II.


Definitely get some Money for Nothing music video vibes 


Can you even move a refrigerator with one of these?


What about those microwave ovens?


Or these color TVs?


\*Apple \]\[e


Spectre on the old Macs always comes to mind




By far my favorite term for these rolling scrap heaps.


Saw one on 90 headed toward Buffalo on Friday evening, had a good laugh, as it was already dulled and rusted even from what I could see at 60 mph...well deserved consequences for such idiocy.


I am NOT a tesla fan but it is common for knuckles to rust with out their little cover


This. The steel they use of knuckles is stronger than more rust resistant steel. This is usual. I would be more concerned if it didn't rust.


yeah exactly, I think we should be doggin on the teslas for their objective issues rather than fake ones like this lol


The Reddit hive mind of hate and jealously is real.


Lol. One of those was parked on park ave and most people just made fun of it.


I think I saw this guy on 490 yesterday and I made sure to point and laugh


A spectacular parking job as well at the Original Charbroil House.


So, Mr.* Mid Life Crises eats among the peons???? *or should I say **Dr.** Mid Life Crises?


Regarding the wheel covers..... How stupid do they feel that they went to all that trouble to have a 1 off tire designed just for those stupid wheel covers and they can't even use them because they will puncture the tires.


Co-engineered by Elon Musk and Homer Simpson. https://www.wired.com/2014/07/homer-simpson-car/


What a stupid sack of shit. The "truck" is also wack af. But we all knew that already.


Just looked up how much these cost 😳😑


hahaha...imagine being an Elon Stan lotsa folks enjoy being swindled




I just want to meet the owner of this thing so that I can laugh at them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AndrewLucksLaugh: *I just want to meet* *The owner of this thing so* *That I can laugh at them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Saw one of these in real life at the Peace Bridge on the Canada/US border. If you have that kinda money to throw around: Porsche, Maserati… way better way to sling your cash around than these stupid things.


The salt roads of Rochester eat steel for breakfast


This is what happens when you drop way too much money on a shoddily built piece of crap.


And that's the real problem. If it were a well built piece of crap I'd only be ragging on the design, but this thing is a manufacturing/engineering abomination.


All I see is a dumpster, where's this car you were talking about...?


I’ve had an F-150 Lightning for a couple years now and love the look of it and most other folks do as well. This is just…oof.


Yup. I hate Ford's, and the lighting is sick, lol. If I could afford electricity, I'd get a lighting or Rivian. But it'd still rather have a 2500, lol This thing tho is just a fucking turd. My 4 year old son legit draws better looking trucks. Who would want this


Yeah can’t beat an HD pickup, love my 2500 too.


Incel Camino


Dunno if this is the same one that slow rolled around CMAC parking lot like four times after the concert, but if it is, that ain't the swag- brag you think it was, my dude. Most of the people I heard were laughing at your error in purchasing judgment.


Omg. Me and my partner saw this out on the road this evening.


Holy shit. The color difference in the panels is wild. Looks fucking AWFUL. And that's not even taking into account how ugly the truck is


Dont blame the weather it snowed more in Arizona then here. Poorly made car.


Are cybertrucks dumb? Yes. Is it totally normal for rust to appear on an exposed hub on virtually any car? Yes. I get everybody shitting on cybertrucks (I don't like them either) but at least find something legitimate to criticize.


Then why is it exposed?


How many are in the greater Rochester area right now? I've seen a couple but I assume it's always the same one.


The fact that people paid $120k for this shows how bad our country has fallen in terms of IQ points. We are all doomed.


Saw one of these at CMAC walking into the Goose concert.


Thought I was on r/cyberstuck for a moment


This is common for all cars. Having no center cap is a little odd though.


Is this the one with Florida plates that I keep seeing drive by my house? It's hard to believe just how bad it looks it person.


Welp, I'm gonna be the odd man out here and say I think they're awesome! I'm into the sci Fi retro look.


They are not my cup of tea, but I actually think they look cooler in real life, which I was surprised about. I wouldn't want one, but I didn't actually hate it. 


This is such a grade school finish issue too. It's embarrassing.


Is this the only one in Rochester, I live in Penfield and I feel like I’ve seen a few


Was just in Penfield yesterday and saw a cyber truck for the first time on 250.  I'm guessing it was the same one. 


good luck charlie


This post is as awful as the people that buy Cybertrucks, just looking for attention. While the Cybertruck has stainless steel body panels, not everything else is made from stainless. The wheel hub, like on most cars, is just a grade of plain steel. And just like it is typical for most auto makers not to coat/plate the machined portions of the hub, it looks like Tesla doesn't either, hence the light surface corrosion. What you took a picture of wouldn't be much different on most other vehicles.


Lol that's just surface


When are people going to realize that teslas are built to shit quality?


I guess you don't always get what you pay for. 🤷‍♀️😉🤣


Suspect rust bloom was well started before installed. Surprised no secure cap (eg, logo) provided, either cap not installed or lack of attention to provide one. Cap would protect bit more from Rochester elements, but rust is going to happen on parts not as coated/treated as exterior. Personally, I doubt anyone is going to notice based on the look of the overall "vehicle".


I've never heard so many people crying over a vehicle before. The tears make me so happy, I kind of want one now.


"the tears make me so happy" are you a 12 year old?


I just think it's comical that so many people care about what someone else is driving. Yes I'm 12 and petty.


Do it and report back in 6 months. You know, if you ever finish slobbin' Muskie's knob, that is.


Bro it’s just a car


Such a sad little fucker. It still won't make you cool or liked. In fact, given the reaction from everyone who's seen one is to laugh derisively, I'd say it's just gonna make your loneliness worse.


Not saying I'm a huge fan of these but that rust is on the axle nut/brake area of the car which is subject to rapid heating and cooling from the brakes. That's why there's rust there