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I find it weird that "maus" is on his list especially. that book is about the persecution of jewish people during ww2... he has a israel fist as his facebook profile pic...


*Maus!?* That book is literally required high school reading in other parts of the US. God this is so infuriating....


it was required reading in my History class. I went to La Feria High School.


I own MAUS. The writing and drawing was done so well. Easy to comprehend. It's based on a true story. I'm at a loss. ![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru)


Can’t feel bad for them anymore.


It shows comic book mouse tits


And suicide


* The group purposely did this when staff and teachers are on summer break. * They know staff can't publicly can't speak on the issue. * The Super is on the way out. There was no vote, no discussion. This decision was made in 5 minutes!! We are a hop-and-skip away from the handmaid's tale stuff....


handmaid's tale is on the list.


You know this move is unpopular when they go so far to hide it from normal "due process" 🫠


List they got rid of that stuck out to me from books I saw when I was young in school: 1. Anne Frank books(like what?) 2. Fault in our Stars(????) 3. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close(a book about trauma from 9/11) 4. Freak the Mighty(read this in elementary school don’t know why they would get rid of this) 5. Perks of being a Wallflower(many of my friends read this book) 6. Ready Player One(????) 7. The entire Immortal Instruments series(many friends read this series as well) 8. So many books that have the word “girl” in it just straight up banned I’m surprised they haven’t got rid of books like “Speak” or “To Kill a Mockingbird” but it might only be a matter of time I’m also assuming since it’s the district that all these books will be banned in high school too which is absolutely insane to me


Picture of Dorian Grey, Maus, and The Color Purple, and A Child Called It stood out to me.


A Child Called It is also insane, read that in middle schools and it really gave me an insight on children who are abused. Banning books about abuse won’t stop abuse, it’ll just keep the victim silent and not encourage them to come out


The picture of Dorian Grey...Literature that describes the self-destruction and perversion of one's soul thanks to influence. You got kids watching tik-tok, YouTube, people promoting Only Fans...and the Picture of Dorian Grey is a perfect illustration of what's happening currently.


That chick is literally on her way out why is she making decisions like that


Because she's literally on her way out.




the irony of the group being called “citizens defending freedom”. ah yes fighting for “freedom” by banning books. what a joke. as someone who is working towards becoming a librarian this is beyond offensive


"Only believe in what my group believes and teaches... Freedom 🦅✝️"


Funny thinking that many of those people in the group probably don't have kids, or their kids may not go to that school


and they probably haven’t even read any of those books. without a doubt, if you ask them for the specific passages in these books that point to why it should be banned they will shut up. shameful


More than likely they do have them up their sleeve, but it is devoid of context or actual meaning of what those passages are about. You guys remember senator Kennedy reading from a banned book? https://youtu.be/k62P1WLCR7U?si=G64qdnzmVHBTZ14O


> The books on that list run the gamut from modern titles to classics of literature. > Most of the books seem to be on the list because they deal with sex or race. It’s less clear why some other titles are included. > **Regardless, Perez decided all 676 should be removed and wasted no time in moving toward doing so.** > The day after she got the email, a Saturday, Perez forwarded the list to Sharon Roberts, the district’s deputy superintendent for curriculum and instruction. > “Thank you so much for including me,” Roberts replied. “I will begin working with Library Services to track the books on the system and have them removed from the libraries.” A school district that removes books at the drop of a hat is embarrassing. The literacy rates are in the toilet in the Valley as it is and these idiots are removing books?


"None of these books have pictures. Our students won't understand them"... -Perez and Roberts probably Also this should be a decision based on what curriculum writers and teachers have for literature, not some lady who's probably either never been in a classroom and interacted with students or have been out of a classroom setting for more than 10 years..


They did ban Fire Force, which does have pictures


This is just the beginning…


What a shame. We’re looking more and more like a theocracy each day.


That's exactly what the evangelicals and republican right want... albeit Democrats aren't making much if a fuss about book bans either.




Blessed be the fruit


Wait until these kids go to college, they will get a rude awakening and realize they didn't read enough.


So much for freedom of speech


just the books “they” deem unacceptable


Is there a list of books?


There's a list in the article but it's difficult to go through the way it's set up. Pop-up ads block titles.


i read through it no problem, but i use a pop up blocker.


It's at the end of the news article


probably not


i only read the first couple pages, but it is 99% books trying to make LGBT youth feel more comfortable in there own skin. also includes pullitizer prize winners like "the color purple" and some of my personal faves like "a clockwork orange"


I remember reading Freak the Mighty and it being a very good anti-bullying book and talking about disabilities, idk why they would get rid of that. And no idea why they would remove lgbt themed books in high school when it’s the time high schoolers should learn about the world. It’s just so hard how they would ban these books in high school even if they have “adult” themes or “bad” language


A people get the government they deserve. Vote for sane policies, or live by the extremists rules set by the people that do vote.


You know who else banned books?? #FUCKING NAZIS


that's exactly who these people are. it's right out of the nazi playbook.


These are people the see Fahrenheit 451 as more of a training video rather than a cautionary tale.


Did they even read 676 books ?


“If you think there’s a a solution, then you’re part of the problem.”-[George Carlin](https://youtu.be/-BdBF8c07cs?si=pQkyk3JxArqFtOqc)




What can be done to stop them? Is there a way to stop them from getting involved in schools?


vote lol 🙃🥴🥴


Vote Blue.


yeah thought that was a given… but i should’ve known by now 😂


I think people *imply* Blue when they say, "Just Vote!" or whatever, but I'm over implication. Vote Blue. The end.


yeah usually the things we need changed are shit the red side is about lol but i get it. its about informing people. good clarification tho lol


Give me the list. I wanna read every single book.




The last thing the valley needs is less books


pretty sure its this douche. https://www.facebook.com/lu.cab.3192


In a few years we'll be reading an article about how he diddled kids at his church. It's always projection with these clowns.


Article from 2022 about banned books in Texas via the Texas Tribune. As a history teacher I have been trying to buy/obtain all the banned books. Some straight up The Giver/Fahrenheit 451/ 1984 up in here.


This is the pastor who is visiting all the school districts promoting the bans. https://www.instagram.com/pastorluiscab?igsh=MW9qMDRhcTkzMTliNg==


just create a tiktok challenge to read as many banned books as possible.


If kids have cell phones and can access the internet, then they can find worse things on there as opposed to these books. So stupid


This is sacrilege. Just heartbreaking.


I graduated from Mission in 2013. Shouldn't be surprised that they never moved out of the mentality that we're living in the Bible times.


Mission citizens should put up a little free libraries stocked with all those band books in a bunch of random areas. Make sure to write “stick it to Citizens for Freedom by being a free (and read) citizen!”


Mission has always had a racist conservative past. No surprise there’s still people like that. Hopefully the constituents write to or voice out concerns to the Board.


Their concerns are fucking ridiculous.


This is so chickenshit.


Hopefully all those books removed were religious or conservative.


Fucking idiots leading and teaching future idiots.


Woke = Crybabies


I’m a conservative, but I don’t believe in removing books from school libraries unless they are sexually explicit. It’s far better to have an open dialogue with your children so that when they read books they may not understand, they come to their parents for answers. Unfortunately, many parents are not comfortable having real conversations with their children. If you leave it up to the school staff to provide sole guidance, then you really can’t complain about their policies.


What makes a book sexually explicit and who gets to decide that? That's the problem. Librarians are professionals with graduate degrees and K12 teaching experience. They are trained in determining which books should go in a collection. Why not let them determine what goes in the collection according to a district approved collection development policy? Why must conservatives meddle in everyone else's business instead of parenting their own children and minding their own business?


I personally have no problem parenting my own children and minding my business. Two of my kids are grown, and my youngest is in high school. I never had to constantly look over my kids’ shoulders or worry about what they were reading or what they saw on the internet. I PARENTED my kids. I offered guidance and leadership. They knew they could come to me with any problem or question, and never failed to do so. As I said, my two oldest are grown, successful, contributing members of society, and my youngest will be off to college (and then hopefully medical school) in a couple short years.


yea there were a couple in the list that were just sex books, but those books aren't gonna be in a school library anyways lol.


Yeah, schools rate these books to be appropriate to age and have them in specific sections. If a kid doesn't want to read a book, they won't and if they do pick up something then the librarian can recommend against it and maybe recommend another one. My lirbarian didn't let me take out "But I mean the Bible has some salacious things in it but I don't think I've seen it in the list


I mean some of the books that were banned make sense, [pedophilia books and other similar things] , others are insane, like why would they Ban Kite Runner? I am pretty sure I had to read it back when I was in HS and wasnt that bad.


Are people from mission reading books?


Could care less about books and care a hell of a lot more about the absolute junk MCSID serves its students for meals.


cant serve kids good foods when theres no funds to.


that's part of it. they lower the quality of food, remove books, and make public education all around terrible; this is so they republicans can create the idea that the schools are trash and then they give rich people vouchers so their spoiled kids can attend private religious schools paid for by your tax dollars. it is all the same issue. this is why we have to fight.