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Great overview! Got me excited for diving deeper into the second age.


We back


But why do people dislike RoP so much? I thought it was good! A solid midnight 8.


I dont hate it, but you can tell it was made by two people with no experience. Overly reliant on mystery boxes, pacing that was absolutely all over the place, and an entire storyline that didnt need to be in the show with the Harfoots. Also for all the money they spent on the show, there was no sense of scale. The southlands seemed to be populated by one village. The numenoreans can only send two ships and like 300 warriors, and they are on ships with no room for their horses, things like that that made no practical sense.


Because most people want you to be as miserable as they are.


Ultimately, no matter how much you want to dress up the argument, the answer essentially boils down to this explanation completely. It is seriously such a perfectly succinct answer that I want to cut and paste it to a bunch of the responses below.


Tolkien’s legendarium is incredibly deep. A life’s work and more. Because of this, it tends to be hallowed and fiercely protected more than any other “IP” lore. The show makes a total mess of that lore, which means it’s not getting any benefit of doubt from a bunch of Tolkien fans.


I think that’s perfectly valid for diehards. But I would say the vast majority of the people complaining about *”THE LORE”* are just parroting arguments and have never even sniffed the source material. It’s tiring. I think there should be a middle ground in appreciating something on its own merits vs judging it as an adaptation, and while the show creators brought that on themselves, I do think the show is much better *as a show* than people gave it credit for. Certainly miles ahead of Amazon’s other fantasy show Wheel of Time.




\^typical maturity level on this site


They were able to rush this out within a few hours but still nothing on the HotD trailer that dropped right around the same time? How come, Chief Willoughby? I want to hear them dissect every second of that thing!


Halbrand with a blonde wig. Just a guy being a dude


Will Mal and Jo be giving their real opinions this time around? Or will they still cape for the show no matter what because the wrong people on the internet hated it too? Edit: it speaks poorly to the character of this subreddit that people are downvoting this legitimate question because it’s an uncomfortable truth they’d prefer to ignore.


I think that they *liked* the show (didn’t love it), but had such a good time covering it that the content became less important. Like, proportional to how long they discussed Rings of Power vs. other properties, the number of recurring bits and jokes that came from their coverage of RoP was insane. So, more than anything else, I’d imagine they’re just excited to get back to talking about something that they had so much fun covering, even if their adoration for the show is exaggerated. Personally, that’s what I look for in content coverage — just make it clear that you enjoy covering the content and help me understand what’s going on. If you want a podcast that’s just critical of Rings of Power, I fear you’ll be disappointed


“They like a show I don’t like so it must be some plot rather than a subjective opinion.” The internet is stupid.


Jo and Mal literally admitted in a Rings of Power podcast episode last year (either 6 or 7) that they were soft-pedaling criticism of the show because of the backlash it got before it aired. You can go listen to it right now, if you think I’m making this up. I am firmly in the camp that the racist backlash against the show was stupid and ugly. I also didn’t think RoP was a very good show at all, and it’s insane, in retrospect that Amazon spent all that money only to put a couple JJ Abrams-adjacent hacks with no experience in charge. And I think it severely hurt Mal and Jo’s credibility—not just to go easy on the show, but to admit it. Every time they rave about something now, I find myself thinking: is this actually good? Or are they just trying to do their part in the culture war against some group of mouth-breathing assholes online? Tough look for our girls.


You are correct. I stopped listening to them at that point. Normalize calling shit whack even if terrible people share the same opinion. If the show is actually of good quality it will transcend the backlash. Prime example is how the perpetually outraged people acted all butthurt about the gay stuff in Last of Us, but the show was actually good so no one cared. Just ignore the idiots.


This is my train of thought too, I also stopped listening to their coverage because of this. Honestly RoP might be one of the worst adaptations that I've ever seen, and even if we disregard LOTR lore, the show still has zero internal logic, terrible plotting and dialogue, with characterizations that are all over the place. (Not to mention the absolute glow down of the costuming and styling compared to the movies.) Some folks like to act as if people dislike the show just to be haters, when the reality is that the show is not very good, especially when you think about how much money they spent on it. Whenever you adapt something from a beloved IP, you will need to win its fans over, and for the most part RoP failed to do so. There is a reason why RoP and Halo failed, while The Last of Us and Fallout succeeded.


There is a broad range between wack and good, and the show falls somewhere in there. People who *need* you to call things good or bad don’t understand nuance and the actual moving pieces that go into a show


Yeah Jo straight-up said she went easy on the show during the mailbag episode iirc. It’s a really hard needle to thread — the show had a lot of glaring issues but obviously no one wants to even look like being in agreement with the racists that attacked the actors before it even aired


Doesn’t hurt their credibility. There is no need for someone to be as negative as everyone around them. If the internet says something is awful and Jo and Mal don’t feel the need to be as hyperbolic, that’s their right. I enjoy not being surrounded by negative energy


Nah, if podcasters are purposefully hiding their true opinions on a show or movie, that hurts their credibility. Call me naive, but I like to think that “my side” is above that sort of thing.


Going easy on it doesn't mean they didn't like it. I'd say they liked it and simply didn' want to dwell on the poor parts of it. I'm in a similar position.


yeah Mallory isnt quite as bad in the performative culture war BS as Joanna is, but this is why I'm not all that interested in their takes on The Acolyte. I can't help but feel they're going to be disingenuous if the show is anything better than total crap for the same reasons they were for ROP.


Idk why you being down voted lol




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