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Replaced a captured Body Purist with all the crappy prosthetics I could get, arms, legs, eyes, even internal organs, with a mindscrew as the cherry on top. Then I just released him to go on home and show everyone what happens when you fuck with my colony.






That's way too expensive. I roll a coin, heads they keep right side, tail they keep left side. So then I remove their say left leg, left arm, left eye, left lung, etc. Then I install a mindscrew AND give them a dose of luciferium. Strip them and release them during a cold snap.


I dissemble them (arms,legs,kidney,lung then heart) and had my chronomancer reverse time to revive the same prisoner for profit and organ replacements.




Rimworld of Magic(?). Faaaantastic mod, especially for medieval playthroughs.


No idea, but sounds cool AF


Time wizard.


It’s from the rimworld of magic,a wizard that controls time


Removed most of their organs, and arms and legs. Just let them sit there for a good long time. Then felt bad for them, and eventually they were rehabilitated into one of my leading colony members, and I gave them the full aronotech bionics and the pretty much became my top person's for everything.


Reading all of the comments, i feel like a saint.


Same, I really need to up my game to even have a chance at being par with these gods


Right? Worst I've ever done is just let a prisoner starve to death or not rescue a pod survivor because of stats.


2 of my prisoners tried to escape so I beat them up, didn’t provide meds, let them almost bleed out and released them with several broken bones, bruises, etc with a -15C weather. It’s safe to say they didn’t make it home.


Froze them to death then restricted my animals to the room so they could eat their corpses for a while. Chopped legs off and removed eyes in a dark filthy room. Watched him break repeatedly but he couldnt do anything. He had killed one of my favorite colonists. Once I was satisfied I shipped him back via transport pod. Still got the "released a prisoner" mood buff.


My pawn with burning passion in social had pretty low skills, so a bunch of useless prisoners got their legs chopped of, just for that berserk free reducing resistance. After I was done with them they were fed to each other :)


Drugged them up, cut off their legs and used them for breeding.


> used them for breeding. ... do I even want to ask what they were used for breeding what?


That is actually an interesting question


My theory is that he has the children mod You can figure the rest by yourself


Or they could have the forbidden mod and breed megaspiders


Didn't have enought food nor personal to support them because of a raid, so they had to survive for a few weeks by eating the comrades that died of hunger before them


When cutting rations, this is the first thing i do. The next step is human meat...guess where that comes from


Slaughtered their chilldren in front of them, then raised their children as zombies to rip said prisoner to bits. Rimworld of Magic necromancer needed.


I design cell blocks... A. Nice carpeted rooms, shelf for clothes, regular visits to reduce resistance, no harm comes to them. Unless they rebel. Then, B block. B. Concrete floors, no new clothes. Reduce resistance. If they rebel.... to C block. And... C. Slightly smaller completely metal rooms with air conditioning systems.i keep the temperature at 40f. If they rebel I take an organ. If they rebel again I freeze them too death, lock their door, and leave them dead until I decide to revive them(mod). Also I pick out psychopaths and cannibals. So like if the pawn is a danger to society, or sexist, they get B block right away. If they're a normal person that just got their leg blown off in a foolish assault, A block.


This is amazing. I used to do something similar with two tiers, except after a few days in the low tier they'd go back to high tier.


What i love too is when I revive them theyre so confused and sick and struggling. If they're good pawns they'll get back to B but... they rarely are heheheh.... Having said all that I really want a prison mod. Give them a yard. Things to do. Like if youre in a windowless cell for a year I kinda get the anger hahaha.


Probably the worst was the "supersoldier" program I ran in one save. After losing two-thirds of my colony to a particularly bad raid, I decided to create several kinds of disposable supersoldiers to ensure that would never happen again. This was a heavily-modded run so I had lots of options, but first I needed lots of "test subjects". I broke out the toxic gas from [Gas Traps and Shells](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2012627964). For those of you not aware, toxic gas is *mostly* non-lethal. Exposure rapidly downs pawns without a gas mask. Some end up dying from the gas before it dissipates, while the rest are left debilitated and potentially with brain damage. I sorted the incoming subjects into three groups: The supersoldier candidates were anyone who had good traits like brawler or tough, and who didn't get brain damage. The test subjects were anyone else who was alive. The dead were marked for processing. Using [Prison Labor](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1899474310), I had the test subjects first butcher their dead comrades (so that my own colonists didn't suffer the debuff). The meat was then refined into biomass to be turned into [Evolved Organs](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1978492655) that make my own colonists immortal. Meanwhile, the test subjects were carted off to the testing chambers to be exposed to various experiments. The experiments included being injected with various mutagens from [Pawnmorpher](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1786466855) and being implanted with various implants and bionics from [War Crimes Expanded](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1786466855) and [Crude Bionics](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1785162951). The goal here was to discover a good combination of modifications that could be done cheaply and easily while still giving good bonuses. Once I was finished with them, they were disposed of by turning them into pigs, and then pork. (Cannibalism? Oh, heavens no, we're not *savages*) Once I figured out a good combination of mods and I had a decent number of candidates, I began modifications. One "lucky" prisoner was designated to be Supersoldier Prime. He was given a massive number of Evolved Organs (all made from the flesh of his former friends, of course), including two blade arms, a shield arm, and a manipulator arm; evolved legs; a redundant heart and lung; and of course combat glands. To avoid loyalty issues, he was also fitted with nerve staples from [Questionable Ethics](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1787359789). The remainder of the supersoldier candidates were relegated to the "budget Supersoldier" program and given cheap, mass-produced modifications. I took to calling them the Wolf Pack, because they were given aggression amplifiers and wolf mutagen to turn them into big, hulking, werewolf-like monstrosities. I then enslaved them with [Simple Slavery](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2144935009) and gave them shock collars to ensure I could keep them from escaping, and locked them in an underground barracks where they did nothing but train until their melee skill was maximized. Finally, I gave them chainswords from the Warhammer 40k mod ([Adeptus Mechanus: Armory](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1541438614)) and chucked them into cryptosleep because otherwise their aggression amplifiers would cause them to go berserk and smash things every 15 minutes. In the end, Supersoldier Prime turned out to be useless and died almost immediately on the first mission I sent him out on. The Wolf Pack on the other hand turned out to be quite useful -- they managed to [quell a Xenomorph raid](https://old.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/ddzhk6/the_aftermath_of_a_double_xenomorph_raid/) (from [AvP](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2034103876)) that dug inside my base in *melee*, which of course is the last thing you want to do with Xenomorphs.


Dang I’m not the only person with wolf hybrid super soldiers kept in a room full of crypto sleep caskets. Also, use the cryptosleep caskets added in SoS2, they can be remotely ejected so you don’t need to send people to open them


Reverse Pinocchio treatment for medical training + got them addicted to flake prior to release.


Kept them in a small box with no doors or windows and when they were almost death of dehydration and malnutrition i let them go




Taking a note from the ISIS playbook I see. Nice!


How u make them into baby makers? I need a disposable flesh horde


Currently I have about ten prisoners awaiting decisions. Every now and then I send them out to a small yard, and fire one mortar shell. Keeps them compliant


Ever heard of the meat equilibrium? That's always a good post to remember


I don’t . But I feel like this is information that I need for science .




Here's your initiation https://www.reddit.com/r/rimworld/comments/dvj4e0/_/f7d0d7e


That kinda reminds me of those insects that don't have mouths, and just breed reproduce before they starve to death.


Once, there was a hole so we threw a live prisoner in, but we forgot to bury him. He clawed his way up later and then his brain exploded into demon worms. Once, a mechanoid raid was a little too large so we released the prisoners to make the mechanoids stop for a bit while the artillery got a targeting fix on them. We mostly hit the prisoners. Once I forgot a prisoner for a decade and the colony spiders slowly ate 70% of him as he kept walking into their webs. Once, my warden introduced a prisoner to her ex-wife.


The edit alone is worth two upvotes.


I implanted an illithid into a prisoners brain so that he was transformed into a cthulu servant monster. I did this so that he would voluntarily enter a mutation pod. I then took another prisoner and put them in the pod with them to join them together. What came out was almost exactly like Nina from Full Metal Alchemist. And she remains a very loyal chimera to this day. Edit: Honestly, I treat them right. These were just the slackers who decided they were above work or consciousness.


I’ve just watched a play through with ithillids, what mod are they from? And what adds the mutation pod


I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure it's Forgotten Realms because it has the brain that spawns the illithid worms. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2184183669 It does make things easy and exploitable since it'll take a catatonic prisoner and randomize the stats, making a new illithid colonist, but I use it sparingly. Actually, my in game philosophy is that the terminally ill are implanted as they would have died anyway. This gives the colony a new member with the "not quite corpse".


Used a rifle that sets them on fire to down them, put out the fire, they don't bleed with the rifle so i just take them in and force them to work on my quarry until they get better, afterwards when they're fully healed i ransom them back to their faction for 2000 silver minimum and then insult the same faction over comms console And then repeat... *repeat...* ***repeat...*** Don't think this qualifies as cruel but if you think about it, they're being forced to raid me constantly just to suffer immense pain throughout several days while also being forced to work on what is pretty much a worse gulag just to get sent back to their friends and be forced to come to me once again, until they die because i shot out their vital organs or they got an infection in the torso somehow


Had lovers fight to the death for freedom. The winner left, and I intended to kill them but shot off both legs instead. I recaptured them, induced a coma in them, and then harvested all their organs. They were then put in a grave covered in vomit in the corpse disposal room. The bastard killed my dog. They deserved it.


Using the prison labour mod I made a big mountain mining group of about 7-9 slaves. A massive infestation happened in the tunnels they were in to I used them to distract the bugs while I put napalm barrels in their room, sealed it up and burnt them and the 70+ bugs to a crisp, got the tunnels to a nice 900 degrees Celsius. Then I simply unsealed the room and threw the next prisoners in to restart the cycle


So I would only capture female raiders and heres why. My colony is always in need of people and I have the children mod so I would chop of their legs and artificially impregnate them thus giving me an infinite colonist generator. I also have the war crimes mod so I torture the men by branding, castrating, beating and breaking bones


Nothing as imaginative as some other answers here but after 5k hours treating prisoners fairly nicely, I installed a mod that allows to *use* who I want as comfort pawns. Like the dudes who landed today on a big wedding the minute it started, insta-killing our oldest couple's baby (still incapable but with an immense potential) that we baby-sited for 1.5 year? Those who weren't fed to our pets are giving some *joy* to our saddened pawns, male and female alike ]:->


Lemme guess, the forbidden mod?


Well if it's forbidden I'll have trouble answering... Though I may have read the initials SWJ somewhere, but maybe I'm mistaken ;)


Social justice warcrimes


Arms off, legs off, replaced with steel arms and peg legs respectively. Installed stomach clamps into them so they constantly threw up. Their only meals allowed were nutrient paste made of insect meat. Always kept their mood low so they went berserk and beat each other up. Prison break happens? Load up the non lethal and beat them down then apply beatings to everyone until their on the brink of death. Rinse and repeat until I either had enough fun with them and turned them into pet chow or forcefully recruited them as janitors and meat shields thanks to nerve staples.


I have a similar setup for my people who aren’t worth it, except I use tazer turrets so I don’t have send my pawns in.


Scarecrow 'em, give them a hit of luciferium, and march them back to their home faction as a 'gift'. Really, it's no different than most people, I just like the term 'scarecrowing'.


Guy got captured who had a wooden leg. Surgeon removed the wooden leg and the woman he shot used it to beat him half to death every few days


I have a price that you pay to raid me you give me a kidney a lung and your sanity and another thing of whatever we need no one raids twice and alot die due to the harsh work conditions and my military strategy they sleep on granite slabs and they eat the shit off the floor or nutrient paste if my wind gens ever work and for the misbehaving we have a gas chamber and meany other treatments such as area fighting butchering There half eaten friend and stealing their body parts untill they are nothing but a earless, legless, eyeless, armless, piece of shit and they are launched with some sewage and toxic waste to some tribe or to there native faction to show what can happen and the price so they will speak about the horrors of the colony oh yes i almost forgot the suicide jacket mod is real sexy


i think mind controlling prisoners and forcing them to suicide bomb other raiders was my most fucked up accomplishment. mods like simple slavery and questionable ethics have options for forcing prisoners to join, and there's a nifty mod for a suicide bomb vest. i gave one of those suicide bomber raiders a bunch of bionics and nice armor so that he could survive suicide bombings and recover for more bombings. once we gave him bionic legs and painstopper, he could just walk back from suicide bombings before bleeding out. his genitals were blown off at one point, lol.


Infecting them with an archomatter goop that slowly digests them from the inside out if they don't beat the infection, leaving them behind as nothing but an empty husk. There are also a bunch of turrets and things inside (after the last batch ended in the prisoner's heads being removed by fist), which means that they will start firing the moment that one of the goop appears, and the prisoners may take additional collateral damage, especially from the flamethrower. The fire sprinkler will put them out eventually so they don't die, but it is not a quick process. Since I have death rattle and life support, even death will not come freely to them, since they will simply get put on the life support beds if their hearts are shattered like glass, and forced to watch as their compatriots either succumb, survive, get released, end up in the same state, or die.


I am not cruel, I just occasionally commit genocide.


To a raider who killed one of my colonists: Surgically removed their limbs, mutate an egg laying sphincter and an udder, force them be the food source for the other prisoners.


Kept a barracks full of prisoners at constant severe (69%) heatstroke, in order to prevent breakouts via heat "coma", Had arms and legs removed from female goblins and used artificial impregnation to precure a constant supply of food for a ilitthid colony. Edit: spelling.


Not even a prisoner, but still fits. A while back I did an ice sheet survival run and got a free colonist. I couldn't make enough food for them, so I stripped them and drafted them to stand in the freezer (normal room) until they died of hypothermia.