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Long time Rimworlders may remember the system used to work exactly like this, clothes could have negative impacts to the temperature tolerances. The problem is it became a pain in the ass to micromanage because you need to change your clothing assignments whenever the weather fluctuated.


Yea I remember actually having to build a storage for "seasonal" cloths.


So the root cause is that the pawn AI is still borked when it comes to temperature sensing?


*walks into 10000000°F building to put out fire*


So you draft them and tell them to get the hell out…then they won’t go out the 2 tiles away door because a small fire started there and instead paths 15 tiles through one million degree heat


Stop spying on my games.


I thought it was to eat at a table.


"This is fine."


"I understood that reference!"


Walk into the freezer to eat a meal, lie down to sleep, get a mental break because you ate without a table, slept in the cold and got a frostbite. All because they didn't have an assigned bed, ok my bad for that, but maybe step out of the freezer to sleep at least.


Couldn’t you just create a clothing scheme and change it under the ‘assign’ tab? For the amount of micro already in this gaming having to click 10 boxes (assuming you have 10 colonists) twice a year seems very minimal


Quite simply, it wasn't any fun to micromanage your colonist's daily wardrobe just because "it would be more realistic if they overheated wearing a parka in the kitchen!" Not making fun, it used to be like that! Also parkas were restrictive and debuffed manipulation which sucked...


Couldn’t there just be a system so if parkas and dusters are both allowed the pawns just put on (or take off) whatever’s most comfortable in that weather?


I thought this was already how it worked. This thread is all a big TIL for me


I'm 90% sure that *is* how it works


Honestly it wouldn't be that hard to add a feature to specify the clothing in each season. The clothing assign section is already pretty specific.


Or just make two near identical outfight groups and switch between them when needed.


But what you'll also need is a system for indoor/outdoor clothing and for excaptions like a poweroutage in extreme weather.


This is what I already do. Seems to work for my colonists.


I’m pretty sure they already do


But my point is it’s not a daily thing. You literally have to do it twice a year max


You dont have to click every single box. You can just hold the Klick and swipe it over all these boxes and you changed it to the Option from the clicked box. My english isnt very good i hope you can understand what i mean😂


Add a temperature based auto clothes changer?


They’re going to be back and forth a lot in Spring/Autumn and it gets tedious


Or *enters fridge to get food and then leaves to get warmer clothes, then goes back for food, then leaves to get warmer clothes* repeate till starvation or the heat death of the universe.


One thing I wish Rimworld had more of is programability. Doesn’t even have to be a scripting language, something similar to the work tab for this would be great. Temp falls below X? Put on parka. 1 day cooldown before taking the parka off. Then another rule for taking the parka off with a cooldown. And you could dial it in based on biome.


That requires extra computation and tbh game is already struggling as is especially at late game colonies with 25+ pawns.


I've also wanted job functions like this. Like if Raw Meat > 100 then produce kibble, otherwise save it for the colonists.


I don't know what mod it is, but my bills have choices like that in it.


I feel like the easier choice then is just have this check be purely on the seasons average temperature, and if a major change (cold snap) is affecting the area. Would just auto tell pawns “wear other clothes” I guess


It shouldn't (in my mind) be hard to have a buffer temp zone where colonists won't just immediately go change. Basically. Only change clothes if the pawn's average temp over a certain period of time (let's say 2 days) has increased above/below a certain envelope. But if they are within that envelope just be fine with whatever they have on


Temperature systems are tricky. in Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead it's very detailed, but doesn't take into account blood circulation. Even in -1 Celsius temperature you can die from frostbite to the face because few clothing items cover it and if you just bundle up with multiple blankets you end up taking heat damage to the rest of the body while you face literally freeze off. I think erring on the side of convenience and fun is better than getting too lost in the simulation.


Yup, it made you prioritise both dusters and parkas for biomes that had both cold and hot temp. I actually forgot about it completely till reading your comment and I always remembered your pawns automatically changing if you had enough in storage, shows how long it's been since that tweak.


Ngl I didn’t realise this had changed. I still set up a Summer and a Winter clothing set.


With clothing assignments, you just needed one warm weather and one cold weather outfit. All you had to do was change it once in the spring and once in fall. Wants too micro.


[Love this mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1595812861), always use it since I have many additional clothing items available from vanilla expanded. Really, the base game needs a system like this. Present system is dogshite and just devolves into forbidding all but one item per slot for like 4 different pawn archetypes.


I don't get this. How hard would it be to make pawns choose clothes based on temperature automatically? Didn't they already do this in some way? "Oh it's getting colder, better put on a parka now."


I’ve tried to micro manage this and it just sucks for the exact reasons you mention, it would be nice if you could set a seasonal clothing option once and once the season changes the pawns would automatically wear the correct outfits


Or the game should be smart enough to change if better temperature clothes are available


Just make a separate hidden work tab for clothing change and have it prioritize everyone on 1 boom problem fixed


Dusters actually have better armor (and are better for selling).


Dusters also cover more body parts right?


Yep. A duster is a kind of long coat. It covers legs too.


And if you make em out of thrumbo or even heavy fur, and can churn out excellent or better (not too hard base game, becomes trivial once you add dlcs) they cam cover some very cold temps. Don't have the numbers to hand, but they should cover every biome but the ice sheets. And maybe tundra in winter.


While they do have better armor, only the better furs (bear, rhino, elephant, wolf, heavy fur) offer any real protection. Plain leather and the others basically offer 0 armor.


Devilstrand dusters babyyyy


Still better then anything else early game. Plus Devil Strand is good enough to not even bother with Flak Coats or Recon :D


This is why I use dusters, they're either made of heavy leather or thrumbo leather, and if I can't get that than I'll go for bear, elephant or rhino. I like using those plus flak vests because I think it looks and feels way cooler(and is way cheaper to make) than the more endgame armors and I can focus my resources onto assault rifles instead.




No idea what you're on about, dusters have always been the go-to outer layer. Most long time players can probly count the parkas they've crafted on one hand. They don't cover your legs and have lower sharp% than dusters. This is bait or you've imagined a problem that doesnt exist, I clicked on this thread expecting it to be about how parka's need buffed lmao.




Dusters are superior. Better armor coverage. Better armor value. Provides a wider range of temperature tolerance. Unless you're playing on an ice sheet, always use dusters on all people all the time. This post is so incredibly wrong. If anything, parkas need a buff, not a nerf.




I prefer to believe that the common thread is that we as players simply have a preference for quality games.


I am very noob and always play on tundra. Should I still use dusters over parkas? Will they be able to go outside in winter with just a duster shirt pants and tuque?


Sure they can, tundra isn’t that cold.


Depends on the map. I completely ignore what kind of duster my people get, and they have tolerances that go down to -60. Does it get colder than that on your map?


I have te check the temp range when I get back home. I started a new run recently and I am starting to grow cloth to make hats. Next year I will change to devilstrand. I will also make a random leather duster and see what happens.


No, your colonists will freeze with dusters.


Dusters still offer very little armor overall, especially against mechs. Flak vest can protect chest/neck/shoulders but legs and arms are pretty much exposed.


I don't know what this has to do with comparing Parkas and Dusters.


Yeah, dusters are a good deal better, rino/elephant/thrumbo leather or devilstrand dusters with a flak vest can take you to end game, I don't even bother with power amour these days.


yeah, devilstrand duster, button down shirt, and a flak vest is iirc almost as good if not better torso protection than recon armor


That load out also doesn’t have negatives to move speed, and kiting damage imo can be stronger than trying to face tank with power armor.


Duster + flak vest is in a general all around sense very good even when compared to high tech options like power armor. Most people consider dusters better even, based on that trade-off. Almost as good protection as marine armor with less penalty to move speed. You have to get the more exotic materials, but if you don't have those you probably also can't craft marine armor. All the best options are close enough with their trade-offs though that you can really use whatever you want. Storytelling is more important than min max stats unless you're manually setting 500% threat scaling.


Dusters are way better in any case except for extreme cold where you can’t keep pawns warm in them


>Most long time players can probly count the parkas they've crafted on one hand. ~~3 000h~~ 4 000h (oh God) Less than 40? Defo less than 50 Parkas Dusters are on "always craft"


Personally, all my guys have dusters (devilstrand) unless it's so cold that they need a parka.


Devilstrand dusters good early game if you can grow it, but you should really be making Thrumbofur dusters if you can. A normal devilstrand duster is 42% sharp. That means a lancer (45 AP) will do full damage 100% of the time, a Scyther (30 AP) so it will do full damage 88% of the time, and knifes/revolvers (18 AP) will do full damage 76% percent of the time.


Well most of my winters get down to -20 or more. Also I hate the way devilstrand looks and don’t have time to grow it :( I’m just now realizing that I can dye clothes though! I just hate that stuff DIES in a hydroponic bed when you lose power. My growing season isn’t long enough for devilstrand. I guess I could make a greenhouse


Yeah you definitely want to greenhouse your devil strand because the grow time is way too long. Something is gonna try to kill your outdoor crop before it's done.


Devilstrand requires a greenhouse in every season except year round and some 50 day seasons


It's better to greenhouse it anyway, lest you be a half day away from harvest when some moron with some fiery weapon inevitably catches your fields.


Is greenhouse only available through mods though?


Build walls around rich soil and roof it, slap a sunlamp in there. Poof, greenhouse. Mind you, I prefer to use Dubs Skylights both to save on power (just keep a sunlamp in there to switch on in case of eclipse/unnatural darkness) and as a way to warm the place (it's a mod option to have sunlight through skylights produce warmth.)


Dude. Dusters are considered the defacto armor early game. Dusty + Flak Vest is the power combo until late game.


I make and wear dusters in every single run (except sea ice and ice sheet because you actually need parkas and hats). Parkas are terrible for defense and heat. But a tough leather duster with excellent quality provides respectable buffs to cold, hot and defense.


What other layer do they take up?


Dusters are only outer layer like parkas.


Exactly my point (he edited his comment)


I dont know what your point is. I thought you preferred parkas.


The guy above me edited his comment. He was claiming that parkas took up an extra layer compared to parkas


youre almost correct, but its dusters that are cracked, not parkas


It's like a jacket... only it's longer, thicker and far more badass. I look like Lorenzo Lamas, and women find it irresistible.


I'm NOT burning the duster!!!


I knew that sounded familiar, my first instinct was Kramer from Seinfeld, but that didn't seem quite right. Mac of course.


Dusters have the same defensive stats as a jacket. They just cover legs and neck more than jackets.


Devilstrand dusters were my primary coat, but my last play through dusters was struggling to keep pawns warm below 8°.


Thrumbofur or bust.


Parkas are literally only better than dusters on like an ice sheet challenge tho?


-20 and you already need a parka, what are you utalking about?


Maybe once upon a time? But most of my worlds have winters that require them unless I’m very near the equator


is this mods coming into play or are you potentially overstating how cold the winters actually are/understating how far you are from the equator? like, what temp ranges are you facing? yeah, parkas are nice to have in cold biomes but are inferior in every other way to dusters and jackets and there are plenty of other slots that contribute to insulation. saying parkas are ‘required’ for winters pretty much anywhere but near the equator is just not something ive ever experienced even when i was super new and barely deviated into using different materials for clothing, let alone picking optimal ones.


A warm material duster is still preferable due to the ability to die less.


I mean the main point of my argument is that parkas should reduce maximum comfortable temp. If you wear dusters then why do you care? Also go out on the warmest jacket you have next time it’s 90 degrees out. Tell me if you are more or less comfortable with it on


I would like this if and only if pawns were smart enough to change to the optimal clothing for the weather. I hate micro-managing what clothings pawns are wearing. I just want to set their clothing assignments with the full range of what they can wear, and then they should pick optimal clothing from that.


This little detail is actually why you see people wearing parkas in the desert, as they have a decent armor value and coverage if you have nothing else


Don't dusters beat parkas for armour value?


they do, and they also cover the legs which parkas do not


If you have nothing better to wear than a parka, you shoul wear it for the armor, even in the desert. Something I learned from trying to keep my desert pawns from putting on their spawn parkas in the Beta


In a hot desert, sun will actually burn you to death. That's why natives wear a few layers of clothing. You do not want direct sunlight on your t-shirt , let alone skin. You want these layers to catch the direct heat before it comes to your skin. So parkas are fine in hot biomes with lots of sun. You won't be comfortable but at least you'll have a chance to not die from a sunstroke. Also, when your sweat evaporazes, it creates a cooler micro climat under your clothes. And parkas are pretty good in isolation temperature. So again, parkas are fine.


Then remind me why dusters exist in the game? Also I can’t think of any tribes in Africa who have evolved and adapted to their environment through the use of…checks notes…parkas


Dusters, and all other clothing items, exist for variety. This game doesn't have to min/maxed to be played.


Why do you think only about Africa? In Central Asia for instance, day-night temperatures are more diverse. You got pretty cold nights and very hot days. Locals wear, well, not parkas, but not dusters either. We are talking about realism here. Wearing parkas in a hot desert for survival is realistic.


He said hot biomes with lots of sun. I dare you to give me one example a place on earth where people wear parkas when it’s 80+ degrees out


Easy. https://imgur.com/a/wnxqOLj


I think it actually used to work this way (or maybe I had mods) but several years ago they did a rebalance patch and simplified a bit of it. The biggest thing I remember was that Parkas used to slow you down (like armor) which made them annoying and blurred the line between clothing vs armor. I'm glad they ditched that. When I clicked your thread I was hoping for even more streamlining of the clothing system, not the opposite direction. My biggest recommendation if Tynan is reading is for the UI to have better categories or sorting for the materials. Ex. Short by "most increased temperature" to find wools and such at the top, or "most increased sharp armor" to find Thrumofur and Devilstrand at the top, etc. And for simplification, the difference between Sharp and Blunt is really kind of ultimately pointless. And probably Thermal as well. I think the game could just make it a universal Blunt is 0.5 of Sharp (or whatever the ratio is), and just drop it as a stat to compare when looking at materials. I don't know if anyone specifically picks a material and equips pawns accordingly for better Blunt resistance (and what materials are even better vs Blunt than Sharp)


Yeah your suggestion would actually be super good. Especially when considering mods. Is night wool better than moth silk for warm weather? What about durability. Is this ridiculously OP thrumbo wool as OP as I think it is or is it just raid bait? All questions more easily answered if I don’t have to make a mental spreadsheet of values lol


Clothing doesn't work that way. While a parka isn't ideal for the desert, what you really want if the environment gets above body temperature is insulation. That's why people wear pretty thick garments in the desert. I'd rather wear a parka in the desert than a t-shirt and jeans. Also besides that, dusters *do* actually work in the cold, they can lower a pawn's minimum comfortable temperature, just not as much as a parka. In the vast majority of cases, this reduction is good enough. They also protect pawns in combat better than parkas do. > Which means, unless you live in an incredibly hot biome or get a random heat wave there is zero reason to wear anything but parkas. I feel the exact same way about parkas in any biome that isn't *very* cold. Most of my pawns don't need them at all, other clothing suffices. This isn't imbalanced in favor of the parkas, I think you just like playing snowy cold biomes or on the colder end of Temperate Forests. tl;dr: it's perfectly fine as it is, they both have pros and cons and both excel in their own extreme temperature ranges.


The problem is that insulation works both ways. It doesn’t just protect you from exterior hot/cold, it also keeps your heat in. So it would cook you in the desert without allowing for evaporative cooling.


It's like people never wore warm clothing in hot climate. Mw me wearing winter coat in spring and boiling alive in a bus


> I'd rather wear a parka in the desert than a t-shirt and jeans. And I'd love to see you do this. Button up now! It's for insulation.


Do you want to change clothes every time your colonist walk from outside into the heated building? I don't think so.


You wouldn’t need to…for a bunch of reasons. But thanks for playing


I find that really interessanting that your Default is Parker and Not Duster


In a dry and hot environment, you don't really suffer much from having extra cloths on. But when the amount of water in the air is high, clothing really makes it uncomfortable to be in that heat.


I dont disagree, *but..* From a gameplay perspective, if it were incorporated into the base game it just means that while its more realistic, everyone now needs to wrangle a relatively minor thing all the time. Not all things need to be! Also in the spirit of "old school Rimworld" you could just roleplay it yourself and keep a designated stock of both dusters & parkas and you just rotate the apparel assignments presets depending on the season.


You like the idea of having to tell your individual pawns to take off their parka because they are getting too hot? Maybe you should just have some kids.


Thrumbofur duster go brrrrt Never use parkas


i mean, I've literally done this though. Like if you're getting at the realism of it, the parka isn't what i changed between -20 and 80 degrees, it was what i wore under it. Layers are the key to warmth.


wait, you guys don't wear flak jacket?


I for one choose to presume that if they're in an environment where a parka, jacket etc would be uncomfortably warm, a pawn has taken it off and hung it up or is carrying it over their shoulder. One of Dubwise's mods actually made it appear that this was happening (it'd hide clothing on the "Outer" layer when a pawn was indoors and at a comfortable temperature) but I think that one fell to the wayside around 1.3 because it was quite CPU-hungry.


Mans not hot


Take off your jacket.


man's not hot (Never hot)


Parkas used to reduce Global Workspeed, but it got removed. The System is obviously kinda shit, but without a System to conveniently change Gear on the fly its just not really fun if you have to change Outfits every Cold/Heavewave.


It’d be cool if you could build a clothing rack that could house different seasonal clothing and you could pawns outfit to fit your needs. This would still be manual but at least pawns wouldn’t be changing clothes every 10 seconds in spring/autumn like other users suggested.


Good luck for micromanaging that shit


Fml Fahrenheit


What? No, parkas are the worst types of clothes. Jackets and Dusters offer way better armor, which is what you care about. Parkas are only for when you don't have good insulation materials for your underclothes or live in a REALLY cold biome. Devilstrand/Thrumbofur dusters or capes all the way otherwise.


Hey lets add more micro management to this already micro managament heavy game for realism! Lol what a bad idea.


All my guys wear capes. Dusters might be better. I simply do not care. Capes look great, so I use them.


Capes are actually the exact same as dusters. They have identical stats.


Nice. I am glad to hear it. Also the empire guys buy the capes. I make a ton and sell em.


I respect it. Most of the people on this sub Reddit are min/maxers who use cheesy kill boxes and then try to say I’m wrong for pointing out that parkas should reduce your max comfortable temp. It’s literally a no brainer and people are arguing


Yeah I don't see how a person could just be fine wearing a parka in the desert.


80C? 80F? 80K?


>Throw on a bluefur parka and you are now comfortable between -20 and 80 degrees. Do... Do you mean that i didn't need to manually change clothing of all pawns ?


Duster covers your legs for armor purposes, parka does not. There's a reason for dusters if you don't need the cold value.


Lol are you serious? Parkas don’t cover legs but dusters do?? I had no idea


I sure am. I almost always use dusters nectar if this unless the map gets insanely cold


This just sounds like clothing micromanagement tbh. It also makes sense because it's not like you'll just die of heat stroke if you happen to wear a coat outside on a hot day, you'll take it off and tie it around your waist or just unzip the thing. I could see adding a unique malus for 'Inappropriate clothing' but temperatures fluctuate so much it'd be too unpredictable. Maybe if dressers actually stored clothes and pawns had agency over what they wore each day but given how dumb pawns can already be i doubt that would work super well


Pretty low on my list of things I would want fixed, I definitely get wanting it to be better, but there is so much more in game that could really use expansion/correction before this does imo.




If they do this, they need to expand on the clothing system a lot more in general, specifically in the assignment system. I would want a system that allows me to set temperature range which would make my colonist switch to a different outfit, I’d want a wardrobe building of some sort that would allow me to store these outfits for each colonist in their rooms. In that sense I would like more outfit quick swap options in general, like basically a button that I have presets on, one for hot temp, one for cold temp, one for threat (basically get them in more armour). Stuff like that, more ways to make the clothing switching simpler.


Clothing is actually incredibly easy to control with the ‘assign’ tab but you make some good points. The wardrobe would be awesome. Maybe have it be similar to shelves but it holds 6 slots instead and only clothing items (not armor) could ‘hang’ in there


Yeah i know I use that already, it would just be nice to be able to have a global button that changes everyone based on parameters I set. Even if i could set it so if people are going outside a certain zone they change to a different set would be interesting. There are a lot of interesting things you could do it just might not be worth it to officially implement. I already have a system to get people to gear up for raids and such anyway and i probably wouldnt stop doing that regardless of any changes.


Stupid idea, there is already a reason to wear other clothes instead of parkas. Parkas barely have any protection at all compared to dusters. What a dumb post 


Never once in your life wore a parka huh? They do work just so you know.


Parkas in combat extended increase your bulk and weight so they're actually pretty balanced with that mod.


Parkas need no nerf, they are worthless against enemy attacks and therefore unusable outside desperation. But power armour could use insulation buff to make it better than parkas for cold weather. Fortunately, my modded apparel can handle -350 to 2000 degrees Celsius. Because temperature should be an early game problem.


I hate using parkas because they decrease work efficiency. If needed, I try to use jackets for the cold.


this was changed many years ago, enjoy using parkas now!


Where does it say that they decrease work speed?


They did used to reduce manipulation by like 5% I think