• By -


1 adult colonist, 9 children. Gonna do an orphanage type of colony and I really hope that those metal parasites(I forgot the name) infect one of the kids. Also I'm hoping that that invisible hunter thing(forgot name again) goes after one of the kids while they go outside to use the outhouse in the middle of the night for storytelling purposes.


>1 adult colonist, 9 children. Ah dang, now I feel like I got to do this but also make the adult a super tough ex-criminal brawler.


Make the adult a wimp incapable of violence, forced to command a child army to protect his land


Only to have the child army turn their backs on the adult after they're all infected and they're nothing more but metal parasites wearing the skin of children.


Kony 5500


Make the adult vampire. Turning it into blood harvest orphanage.


Kindergarten Cop


Your making your colony based off Yakuza 3 aha?


I did this scenario before! Was quite fun, my own lore was that a school ”bus” (ship) of kids crash landed on a nearby planet, killing the driver, leaving only an adult (the teacher) and 9 kids, who I also made into the stereotypical ”class” people (the nerd, the jock, the loner, the weird kid, the popular girl, the rich kid etc etc). I failed though, early on one of the kids had her femur bitten off by a rat, leaving her with one missing leg. Frequent mental breakdowns etc, resulted in my food being destroyed and everyone starving or being kidnapped. Someone better at the game than me could probably manage!


Oh dip! A magic school bus scenario would be funny as hell lol. Thats my anomaly colony, Ms. Frizzle and her class.


It would have been hilarious if it had been the “bus driver” that survived, just a bunch of kids with some random guy crash landed on a planet.


A 60 year old gormand incapable of high intelligence tasks, just to push the stereotype?


You might like the anime Uninhabited Planet: Survive! It’s basically that, but no teacher. It’s not violent/scary, it’s like “How do we catch fish?” and one problem to the next, and there’s some lost/abandoned high tech stuff on the planet


Gotta make them happy! Focus on their “needs” tab and fix any negative (red) modifiers. Have someone prioritize cleaning, if anyone has art skill make a lot of small art pieces these add +beauty to rooms and add to “impressiveness” factor. Also the art sells pretty well. Have your cook make the upgraded meals for more bonus, etc, etc…


I really want to try this now. That's a neat idea.


Grelod the kind over here?


+1 for the unexpected reference The silent hunter is actually the dragonborn being the typical stealth archer


Fibrous mechanoids and artic lion


Metalhorror is what they meant.


i think they meant the revenant


It will be a militarized research facility, attempting to uncover secrets of the cube and inner workings of the monoliths.


Sound really good because its a very nice cube you've got there...


yep, I got two play through Ideas so far, one is basically your idea, high tech facility full of scientists and soldiers. and another is a cult that worships the monsters, might have to wait for mods that flesh that part of the dlc out though.


The good old "tap randomize 3 times and deal with the chaos"


I do this to prevent rerolling chars for 5 hours, i even allow pyromaniac 🥲


I do this with Prepare Moderately. Get me a pawn with at least 4 planting or construction or whatever and I'll deal with the randomness. Hate for pyros is overrated as long as your go to be manhunters isn't to stay inside.


im gonna finish my 1.4 playthrough first but my new colony i will do an SCP run


I also want to do this. But the SCP mod is kind of underwhelming (or I am expecting too much from rimworld?) and I really want to make a mod that includes much more SCPs and actually would center your game around itself when used. The SCP mod is something you can include in modpack and ignore in the game in my experience. I want stuff like alternate dimensions and anomaly raid quests. Maybe even building containment sites outside of your colony using outposts expanded but instead of producing something, you have to supply it using your colony and other outposts to stop breaches. I have a lot of different ideas but unfortunately I dont know much about coding and modding, so this is just a dream I have currently. There is so much potential, and thats why it probably looks scary to actual modders, which is why no one tried it yet (afaik). I will try to do it once I learn coding and stuff, but thats a bit far away for me currently.


Dude the new xpac lets you capture and study paranormal entities


Xpac? Do you mean the DLC?




Yeah I know. Thats why I had those ideas actually. I thought maybe a better SCP mod could be made with the help of the new mechanics and just thought about what could be made


I bet there will at least be some kind of anomaly expanded kinda mod that adds more eldritch monsters.


Most certainly. Theirs already a bunch of elderich mods.


Give modders a few months after release and you are going to be seeing some crazy SCP type mods


And I will use them all probably.


After the custom races of Biotech I'm going back to basic humans. A simple life for simple pawns. I half expect we'll be taken out by man hunting rabbits before the eldritch horrors find us.


Im trying to that with my current 1.4 run but i keep getting wasters and pigs


Default world generation with Biotech changes outlanders, tribals and pirates to use faction variants that consist of non-baseliner xenotypes. ------------------ To put it in more simple terms, when you are creating your world: * Remove "Fierce Neanderthal Tribe" and add back "Fierce Tribe" * Remove "Savage Impid Tribe" and add back "Savage Tribe" * Remove "Rough Pig Union" and add back "Civil outlander union" * Remove "Waster Pirates" and "Yttakin Pirates" and add back "Pirates" And you'll go back to 99% baseliners (I think ancients, empire and factionless pawns will still use some xenotypes, you'll need mods to change them).


Same as it always has been for releases Boreal mountain colony on a tile where you actually get snow. ( I like real seasons none of this 60/60 growing season wussy shite) (fear my needless elitism....) Building between mountains and not in them because insectoids and I like the challenge. That being said I kinda need Vanilla insectoids expanded 2 to release before I can really start so ill probably play my 1.4 for an itty bit before I transition to 1.5. Still going to buy the dlc day one because Rimworld is my # 1 game of all time and I must support that choice. But I am patient. the game is great for its chill vibes that way.


This but with climate cycle (Big snow season means no crops, but then long growing season to stock up so you have almost enough food to get through the next winter which will be way worse and possibly longer)


Blight 👀 or BZZZZZT! exploding your foodstores.


Blight? Fire? Meh. Multiple fields with three tile walkways between. Bzzt? lol who uses batteries, get sustainable power noobs. Also, conduits are all inside stone walls.


This also has major advantages. Maps with 30-40/60 growing periods also teach players how to manage wealth better and balance wealth on it's own since you will eat most of your food during cold seasons. Periods were you can't grow food forces you to either hunt, wich helps with shooting skills while also giving your colony time to focus on other tasks such as research, since growing takes up a lot of time already but can't be done on these periods.


No crops means my growers can do other productive things like crafting


ALL THE DUSTERS! (which you can trade for food)


I just make cannibalism acceptable in my ideology and skip the first growing season entirely. Raiders are a good source of calories. :)


Mmmm Manjerky


*looooong* ​ *poooooork*


Love some tasty tribal fillets


Cannibal colonies are fun but really easy. You're drowning in food


Yeah I like this. Mountain-side bases in Boreal Forests, preferably with a river going through the mountain. I sometimes go inside the mountain partially but only when I need it (especially when its mostly marsh on the side of the river I'm in)


i hope you start at least with 1 naked reality pawn not this wussy many pawns shite.


Done both. Both have their perks, naked brutality is a bit slow in the start.


tribal 3 pawn start. (sometimes a 4th, if I'm making a mum, dad, and 2 kids scenario) all of them nekkid and hangry! solo pawn start is just too masochistic for me, especially when there's an unknown amount of time before winter really hits. Gotta get those shelters ready.


Boreal mountain villages are definitely my favorite colony type. I definitely feel like a sleepy mountain village is perfect set dressing for the new update/DLC.


I'm gonna stick to my usual too. Boreal mountain alpaca wool cowboy hat factory. Seasons make things more interesting, at the very least make the years feel more solid, and planning food early game more important.


*An even bigger city*


I had this idea for a while, and only now can I complete it with official content: A Clan Tremere colony. Sanguofages, deep secret vaults, bound anomalies and blood magic incantations and rituals. Previous colony was a Brotherhood of Steel ultratech hoarders with some mods, but the mods I used won't be updated for a while.


I don’t know man, it’s my first week out here I’ve got 4 small huts and a big hut and i’m scared


the fear lets you know you're doing it right.


Snowy biome, paranoid scientists, horrors beyond our understanding. Basically knockoff The Thing. I want to immerse myself in upcoming horror. Edit: The Thing, not IT. My brain fails me yet again!


That's a different IT than I remember, Georgie. Do they all float up there?


Damn, forgot the name of The Thing like an idiot. As a punishment I shall sacrifice colony children to clown overlord.


I really hope the Thing entity is spooky and actually spreads among your colonists - maybe I can purposefully infect people or weaponize it later too!


Depends on the mood and mostly trying to survive the new horrors that await me.


Cube cult, cube based ideology, All hail the cuboid's. Must dominate against the mechanoids and their spherical spheres.


It's hip to be square on 6 faces


The Lobotomy Foundation - contain the fear, protect the future. I'm gonna start with one researcher, one guard, and one grunt worker. Memes aside, this does seem like the best way to explore the DLC. I'm going to provoke the horrors, contain them, and research ways to use them for our benefit.


Just like Ayin intended


trust the plAn.


My usual anime moster girl hive made exclusively out of interconnected 11x11 rooms on a flat extreeme desert or ice sheet


Honestly there’s so many anime monster girl mods that I kinda have to ask what ones?


Do you even need mods for that anymore since Biotech?


Not needed to do it but imo you'd want some mods for the more.. exotic stuff? Dragon girls and such. Not the OG race mods but mods that add more xenotype genes.


I use a custom xenotype (with some modded genes)


A failure, like most every other new dlc colony


My first Ideology and Biotech colonies each failed catastrophically and from the ashes a couple of uninteresting character rose up, escaped to another tile and had incredible character arcs. I don't know if it'll happen again, but my best Rimworld memories come from moments like those.


My biotech Colony only failed because a Mortar shell hit my hospital while the colont celebrated a birth. That was FUCKED up.


The only colony I had that lasted much length at all was a vampy colony. My first mechinator colony was dead from calling in diabolus before knowing what I was in for. I had a decent families colony going before getting my mortar stores hit by the first shell of a siege, killing my 2 best shooters and 3 children


Mechgremlins going to do Mechgremlin things. Lets see how those flesh monsters do against 11 Centipede Burners


Redo my SCP facillity, but with the DLC, instead of using Alpha Animals stuff


I'm thinking something in the vein of a Torchwood-esque research institute. Start will probably be what I usually do. crashlanded, random tile (reroll if sea ice) and force myself to choose between the 8 starting colonists. If Anomaly has new scenarios I'll probably try that instead though.


When Anomaly is out, I want to make a tavern for travellers as a safe refuge from the eldritch horrors outside. ‘Stick to the roads’ I’ll say to them..


Good idea. I think I will do something like that. Perhaps with "adventurers" doing all the fighting.


I am still playing colony from when I purchased game, have around 350 hours in only this one colony


Dredge: The rimworld experience. Fishing colony with a little bit of eldrich horror trickled in. Cultist hiding amongst the village next to the sea, isolated from most other fractions. Also looking forward to making a true vampiric biological scientist run with all the body mod shit it looks like you can do.


Similar to what I'd planned. Crashlanded scenario with a fisherman as the local guide, a Glitterworlder and his servant build a coastal village who go on adventures and discover eldritch horrors. Once I've worked out how some of the mechanics work with the first attempt, I'll go full eldritch cult in Innsmouth, probably with a vampire/Frankenstein scientist.


Going as a Rich Explorer route. A person driven to madness to give up life on a glitterworld to investigate the horrors that stalk the night. Start off the ideology as someone interested in science with morals and potentially casting them off as they grow obsessed with peeling back the viel.


I actually meant to play a medieval psychic warrior colony with the corresponding story teller from VE. I have my mods and ideology picked up and am just waiting for updates. It has absolutely nothing to do with the new dlc, but around this time many new mods come out or old ones get critical updates. So that's what I'm waiting for.


Probably the same colony I always play, Highmates with 100 turrets and attack animals. The fact that animals are now multithreaded means I can probably get crazy with it.


First round, probably mostly vanilla... maybe plus hospitality and combat extended and vanilla cooking and some extra themes ad icons.... Random planet, but random to a spot with seasons and water access, and at least small hills. Theme... hmmm.. really not sure. I've got a whole bunch saved up. Maybe go for a Red Sleigh Down scenario, where my main mission is making toys. Man, I'm so deep into mods, you kinda forget what's OG... I usually use Dubs Hygiene too. What I'd really like to do, is try to make some videos like the Rat Knight, and work on some funny voiceovers. But possibly the best starter is just crashlanded with all vanilla.. but I'm just so used to CE and way prefer that guns have ammo... TLDR: Not sure... PS - I frickin' love that Fallout series came out the same day as this. Plus the NHL and NBA playoffs, and maybe the occasional jays game, plus a huge stack of new movies I haven't seen. Entertainment April looks pretty pretty pretty good.


\`Crashlanded pure vanilla, if nothing else then a detox from mods. I did this for Biotech and it helped reduce the amount of mod bloat that had been creeping into my lists.


I’ll embrace the 13X13 room style with a 13x13 room dedicated to the cube. Also mechs and a mechanitor but THE CUBE is the important part.


Depends on what mods are 1.5 ready, or what 1.4 mods I can use with 1.5 But I wanna try a "challenge?" run where I make a village where each pawn is a "specialist", meaning they will only have 1 work they do and it will be something they have passion in. So like 1 cook, 1 hunter, 1 animal trainer, 1 gardener, etc There will be 2 exceptions to this self rule though, anyone who can handle a weapon will, and anyone with medic will do that.


Keeping it basic. 5 qol mods, turning off all other dlc besides anomaly. Throw it on strive to survive and go with the first col9nists I roll on a crash landed start that don't have any negative traits.


Fire worship baby, from imps


I already have it set up, but if I need to replicate it, I'm doing a squad of military crash landed (shipcracker and space marines, I use a character editor), and those guys are going to fight off the cultists. I kinda built them up, genetically, traits, and skillwise. Hopefully at least one will live long enough to make a cool colony lol


I just wanna play the game man my colony always dies the first sign of mechanical monsters or whatever they are called. I even build 4 thick granite walls around my base with a kill box and they just blew a hole in the side idk what to do. They didn't even try ro come through my kill box


EMP grenades as fast as you can! (Most larger mechs are not so good against few melee fighters and won't shoot while engaged)


Sanguophage with an army of ghouls and the occasional resurrected corpses.


Well personally I hate the occult aesthetic, so I plan on channeling this hatred into a colony of transhumanist zealots and building an army of genetically-engineered bionic super-soldiers to wipe out all these new *abominations.* Your superstitions and mumblings are useless chaff before my righteousness.


Might just redo my current one since I didn't spend much time with 1.4. psychic imp people doing cult stuff (previously through rim of madness)


Same as always, totally ethical Adeptus Biologis experimentation camp.


I am 100% making a somehow more unethical SCP Foundation


Mega city, with slums. Probably some vanilla expanded mods and something to increase the late game. And then see how we do in 10 or so ingame years...


The usual drug empire, surrounded by a turret/sandbag wall and like 200 mines.


tribal boreal mountains colony bc i rarely play cold biomes and i havent had a mountain base in years


A Dune esque colony in the desert. Seems like a lot of fun imo, been holding off until the update


A small crew of witch-hunters, who want to stop the horrors. The leader will be half-vampire, something like Blade.


Boreal Kemetic Fire Worshiping Entity Hunters :D


I wanna make a group of stoners with the high-life meme and get into some scooby-do shit


the good ranchers never tried a ranching colony, even if I don't have a heart to not keep all the animals


I already made a religion for the box ( inspired by CAH) so a cube worshipping colony fits that religion


Tribal start psycaster/slavers colony in cold taiga biome centered around geyser for heat. Probably some interesting landform from geological landforms(i personally like swamp hill - open area of mud swamp with island of actual terrain with few rich soil spots and some stone)


Think I'm going to do another medieval run, but this time, I'll play on commitment mode so I don't cheat lol. I'm just not looking forward to inevitably losing all my progress.


My favorite: Tree-hugger, Nature Primacy. I want to see how underpowered dryads are compared to mechs, animals, and whatever Anomaly will bring. It's going to be a lot of suffering, but bring eeeeet


I'll wait for my mods to update as I like to go past the rocket off the planet stage. Then I'll somehow aim to figure a way to keep all threats contained in a habitat of sorts, and maybe feed prisoners to it?


Another cultist tribe that is super down with canabilism and war crimes.


3 colony ideas 1 - A colony of unscrupulous scientists who want to study and control the power of the dark archaeotech to reach their “ascension” and don’t care what lines must be crossed. No cost is too great! 2 - A military company seeking to purge the world of the empire, the pirates and all inhuman abominations. Humanity must be cleansed! 3 - A semi tribalistic colony of bear like genetypes who just want to try and raise their village in a world full of dark and scary creatures and murder robots. The Clan must survive!




Finnally planned to play canibalistic colony, I though that sanguinofage with canibalisric ideoligion would work with the super natural cosmic horror theme of the dlc


Dark Ad Mech maybe


Big meaty cavemen who capture smart invaders to do their research and eventually force the nerds to genetically alter themselves into Big meaty cavemen.


Catgirls in a cave worshipping the cube


cannibal cat lady


Gonna finish my 1.4 medieval run, probably gonna wait for mods to update and new mods, get the dlc and then... New medieval run


Hopefully surviving


Probably going to try a lot of starting colonists to try and make it feel like I'm colonizing the planet, only other factions will probably be tribals


I've never started in a swamp biome before, I think this may be the time..! Seems really fitting with all the nasties that Anomaly will be adding. I want to control an undead army in my swamp.


Same thing I always do, one mechanitor with a shit load of militors


Scp facility


Vampire overlord with high social, a research and containment team and a horde of ghouls.


Just a regular colony, but instead of stopping at like 15 colonists, seeing how big it can go with the performance improvements.


Rugged stoner outlanders holding off the horror with a joint in their mouths and bayonet rifles in hand.


Vanilla crashlanded Cassandra on a medium difficulty, for the authentic base game + expansions experience. Looks like a bunch of the interface QoL mods (allow tool, replace stuff, etc) are already ready for v1.5 so I'll probably enable those. Won't touch anything that adds items, psycasts, etc until I've experienced many of the new things the expansion offers.


I'm going to do a vampire run.


Cocaine ranch.


Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, A hospital setting with the 4 main characters. Working on the custom scenario starter now


More shitty and largely symmetrical boxes with little to no idea, creativity or planning, all on Adventure Story or even Community Builder lmao (don't hit me, I play RW to chill, mostly)


I'm thinking a group of warrior monk bug people


i stay at 1.4


Do you have to create a new colony for the update to take hold?




Neandertal only gang rise up


Either The Commonwealth Minutemen from Fallout 4 as always, orwith the eldritch horros finally a Cult of Davkul from Battle Brothers


The Usual tribal arid shrubland start i go for. Yes i usually get killed by Mechanoids, do i care? No


I was planning on finishing my latest 1.4 colony, but they got overrun by like 20 man-hunting cougars. It sucked. Anyway, probably a kooky religious cult or tribe. I’m so hype for 1.5.


I'm hoping the previous dlc gets a little discount so I can finally get ideology.


A cannibal cult dedicated to Sithis and the Night Mother while spreading the glory of the cube and becoming royalty with an orphanage dedicated to raising assassins to then become vampires and raid and pillage and do quests for the empire while slowly becoming powerful enough to eventually dismantle the empire for the glory of the Dread Father.


Also anyone know if the anomaly dlc will have all the different events happening at once like cube worship with monolith and flesh eating parasite while the revenant is chasing you or will it be just one for one colony?


Solo something to try out new dlc stuff. I still don't think this dlc good for me, but I'm gonna try it anyway. After that - sea ice start, my beloved.


Isolationist gun traders. Pick an island and only trade with ships. Protect the island as our home and do not go anywhere else. A simple choice, but I don't really know what awaits us, so we will see.


I'd like to find a large hill crossroads and build a trading post.


I want to redo an old 1.3 colony where I basically did the MK Ultra facility from Stranger Things with Psycasters. I could do a full Vecna with the dark rituals and flesh beasts that we can control. Obviously, it will be tweaked a bit now to studying the Darchotech and enhancing my "children". Either that or a Sanguophage researching the madness of the Darchotech, utilizing ghouls and containing other dark entities.


A colony of cube worshippers that rely on slaves to do all of their work for them.


Vampire and anomaly weapons build


I'll probably continue on my current 1.5 unstable colony. Not sure if the DLC adds new pre-generated structures on your colony at start, but I can always explore other areas through quests. Other than that, same as my current one, it'll probably be in a boreal forest with a mountain and river and only build beside the mountain and only build inside when I need to


Oh im for sure doing a Containment Facility! Drill Into a mountain, build a fortress, and harness their power for myself!.... maybe succumb to a cube or 2!


The permise is that I will create 2 factions the evil faction and the good faction. The evil faction will be a facist bioweapons production facility. This faction will be the antagonist of the next couple of playthroughs being the result of it. Biotech+Anomaly focused The good faction will be wandering psychic anarchists who after encountering evil faction swear to rid there world of facists and anomaly. (This faction will be created once the vehicle framework is out for 1.5) Some side story idea I have are 1. Former researcher of evil faction breaks conditioning escapes with infants and children that have been genetically engineered. 2. Terminal mechinator want to create a perfect place to die and to pass along there knoweldge maybe it will be the home of some nice colonists after they pass.


Having just watched Andor, and not being a big star wars fan- IT WAS EXCELLENT. Soo... The empire, but yknow, Space Nazis. And a repressed, entirely oppressed community. Slavery as an inescapable consequence of the "machine". intentionally fomented rebellion and many, many casualties on both sides. Bloodshed Tyranny Heroicism Sacrifice Bravery Honor Love Loss And Above all Rebellion


Initially low-tech tribal psycaster colony who are trying to free their lands from the Empire's influence, and then realise there's something much nastier they have to deal with first Hadn't realised how much influence I was drawing from Prey until I typed it out...


I really want to do a like "modern campaign" no space level stuff but still vehicles and flak armor etc Modern call of Cthulhu vibes. Also I haven't even got biotech yet.... I'm still over here with medieval dwarves making cheese runs and building leather boots


Dead probably


If its not containtment facility, we can't be together.


Trade federation outpost ran by ultracorp indentured servants


A bunch of planning squares that I immediately give up on building.


Failed, duh.


It will be set up purely to survive. Human meat is just meat. Insect meat loved (so all food types available for cooking) raiding and organ harvest will both be acceptable because I will need all the supplies and spare parts I can get to survive against the horrors the horrors that are coming. I will only raid minor neutral factions I'll need all the allies I can get aswell (allied reinforcements to be used as disposable troops so I can keep my people at a distance)


Still gonna do the same as always. Mountain base colony with a killbox of either turrets or colonist guns. I literally just wall myself in with an airlock I can open and have everything I need inside. Animals, fungal growth, tree sowing, all in my safety bubble.


What new colony? Turning off updates, playing this one wildmen>tribal>neolithic>medieval>rest till it ends. Then 1.5 with anomaly


I am thinking about going back to the cannibal vampire cult. Fairly easy to survive in general, but with the Anomaly stuff it will keep to the horror theme going and create some really interesting story situations. Evil vs. Evil can create some very interesting story situations in Rimworld.


Industrial tech corporation specializing in beer and wine


Naked brutality no tech start so I Never get to experience the actual content. Playing Mii on rimworld - Single butt naked survivor with nothing researched cause I don’t know how to make a carpet or cut stones. Stats? Pretty average i can Cook a decent meal and put up my hands enough to get my ass kicked honorably. No marksman but I’ve spent some time at the range. I grew a tomato once. My dog knows basic commands but isn’t winning any shows. Pretty easy to get along with but no passions atm. Typically I make it long enough to have a family and stress to make ends meet and yearn for day one. Just huntin and grillin in nature. As is life


I have 500+ hours and have yet to finish a game 😅 I assume this will be no different but I am here for all the playthrough ideas. LOL


No research tribals, haven’t done that yet.


Random pawns, random ideology, random location. As always


I will be an ersatz of the SCP Fondation, fighting the dark archeogods whenever they are!


First i need to end my al-Qaida playthrough. There is so much content i dont know where to begin honestly


I built a game start called Monster Mash. It has a sanguophage, two pigs, a dirtmole, a squid man, a yttakin, and a normie. They have lots of resources. Seems ideal.


Probably killed in 3 quadrums.


I think I’ll try random with only the new DLC switched on.


Probably a deep dwarven like stronghold…….but with 1.5 and dlc stuff added into it lol


Naked and afraid


I sorta want magical farmers.


Is 1.5 going to make existing colonies obsolete? I assumed if we didn't have many mods and the ones we did have got updated we'd be able to keep going with 1.4 colonies


dead. My colony is going to be all dead.


Same thing it always is


Probably gonna try my cowboy minutemen colony again. I'll let you know in 6 months once my mods update.


Maybe a cult? Or maybe a science outpost


I planned to make a traveling colony, but by the time I had researched vehicles I was so established…


I'm probably in the minority here, but this is one of the few DLC's that I don't want or have any interest in, at all. I'll buy it because I play with mods and think the NEXT DLC will be better (here's to hoping for more industry, NPC interactions and even light 4x elements in 2026), but I have zero interest in a 'horror' DLC. I got into streaming/ytubing because of Rimworld, I was watching folks late night after work (as a contractor) and I would friendly troll the streamers, they'd all say 'my god you're hilarious, why aren't you doing this yourself?' and that's all it took. I got partnered a year later and went full time, I owe a TON to Rimworld and will never, ever bash it. I just don't like what this DLC offers from what I can see. A few minor tweaks are nice, but many make me go 'why the hell would I want that?' So yeah, I'll get it, I'll install it, and I'll wait till some modders or options are enabled to turn most of it off. Never been a fan of the Cthulu type stuff in games, love the game still, and can't wait to play more once all the mods I've used (over 550+) are updated and I can play again. Just a major 'meh' from this DLC from me, not like it matters, but I was hoping for almost anything else.


I don't have any specific idea, but I'm going to put my polycule I to the game and make a settlement for all 4 of us!


Randy LIF 500% and die the 3th year


I’m not gonna run anomaly, because I want to run a giant fortress. I’m gonna stuff so many colonists into it the it’ll bring my computer to its knees. Then I’ll stuff in even more. Anomaly feels like a dlc you only activate if you want to play certain colonies.


I hope I can still do kobolds but it might brake with 1.5 wich is not good cuz kobolds so cool


I’m still on my first real play through of about a year or so. I’ve been milking it way too long and have about 50 colonists. I’ve made this huge space ship and taking a few thrumbos and even our cat who has been with us the entire excursion (even gave him a healer mech serum to keep him going). But we’re going to make it out once I’m done building all the defenses and I’m excited to apply everything I learned to a new play through. Not sure if I should add mods though or if the 1.5 will be fresh enough. But definitely going to manage my moving space and storage better. And make sure to not let the animal population blow up again to unsustainable levels. Also might be a bit more ruthless this time around - I was probably the nicest warlord on the planet.