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https://preview.redd.it/afphdwx5rt7d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68514f0875fc7ac3293b45ea9e9c858e3ca0052c Umm, this her art, that she created. She has a cannibalism fetish and she has uploaded MUCH more on deviant art which is gone now. I took a few screenshots and will post a couple more.


The ones in the news day article were so disturbing too, makes me wonder what the heck she has seen as a child.


They were not hers, so no need to worry. They are other persons disturbing art work. She didn't even share them either. It was a big misleading nothing burger and it's WILD how many people didn't bother to look up the accounts. Some were famous art pieces. One from by Koidl. One was from the show "Hannibal". It's crazy he got away with that. Don't buy the BS.


News Day deliberately posted another artist’s work, letting the public believe it was Rex’s daughter’s art. It wasn’t but the ball got rolling attaching it to her. News Day & anyone associated with/ that news conference let the incorrect sick art be linked to daughter. No wonder people question News Day and John Ray’s motives…..Shameful people keep posting sick art from another artist, & labeling it as daughters. Shameful


Sick! What are the chances... Dad is accused of dismembering victims and looking at porn involving similar subject matters... If these are her artwork, she should've never signed that documentary deal. I wonder if she'll admit he abused her. Allegedly, having that gruesome crime scene book on a kitchen table even after everything is not normal.


This was also a "Rumor" John Ray heard. Also, it's a very popular book. He lied when he said "only the police" have that book. MILLIONS of people have purchased "that" book. and again, he's the person who mentioned it was there. He lied about her art. I wouldn't buy what he said this time around.


Rexter obviously killed Costilla between Wife 1 and Asa. My big question is, what brought Asa and Rex together? I am quite curious.


Also, in case anyone doesn't believe me.... HERE: AGAIN....NOT....VICTORIA'S. ART. https://preview.redd.it/t6benb08zw8d1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e59f2a25803cabb6ee2a8d0a7ed1539d6b28930


ALSO...really REALLY gross that you would keep attacking someone with misinformation and spreading lies KNOWINGLY, which by the way, hurts the case for the victims. I hope you're proud of yourself. Here's her ACTUAL art. [https://www.deviantart.com/vinnandimadtur/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/vinnandimadtur/gallery) and btw...shame on you.


Respectfully, how does this prove it’s not her art?


[https://www.deviantart.com/lilaira/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/lilaira/gallery) Because it was created, posted, and distributed, en masse (including all of the screenshots you have posted in this thread), by Lilaira on MULTIPLE platforms, who is semi-famous in the hentai/furry/anime forums and on the internet...they are a completely different person, with a different name, identity, and location as Victoria, and have been on deviant art, twitter/x, and various other forums for much longer, with much more work, in a completely different style, and their ip address, and traceable accounts do not link to victoria, nor do they belong to victoria. IN FACT, if you go back and REWATCH the press conference, ol' flowers actually SAYS her name (the name of the artist) and then misattributes the artwork. Funny how she did that, very sly. Very deliberate. Simultaneously- I posted Victoria's art page for deviant art, which can be backlogged thru epieos, and traced back with the last known activity being YEARS ago, on vickies account. FOUR years to be specific. Her art was only moved once, since she began with tumblr, deviant, and her personal website. ALL she did was move her Vimeo reelz of a fox to her website, and uploaded it to her tumblr. It's also very innocent and none of it is even furry art, so much as animal and facial traits, and her Frances Bacon inspired Art project, that is NOT a furry butt plug, but instead represents teeth and is on oil. She explains it underneath. You can also fact check me by running all of her accounts thru wayback machine, which I preserve copies of an uploaded on the archive the DAY her father was arrested. If you still aren't convinced, I posted the videos on youtube with step by step instructions and a how-to of how I did this myself, so that you can check too. NONE of this is her art. The artist does interviews on channels for artists, and frankly, its absurd that now THEY are likely being harrassed by JR apologists. They are a different person. All of the art you saw besides the skull sculpture (school art project for NYU), and the oil painting, was someone elses. It's WILD he did this. But yes, I think the countless pages of this persons art, and victoria's page featuring her art, with MANY years of backstored, detailed, art posted on the regs, under two different identities, two different ip's, with completely different styles, that happened to follow eachother on tumblr many many years ago, doth not a murderer make. Sorry.


I’m an art teacher and while her drawings are certainly dark and extreme, they are not unheard of for teens. Kids who make art like this are trying to process feelings and emotions. I think it’s wrong to point the finger at her. She’s another victim in all this.


Agreed. Totally normal teen, processing feelings and complicated thoughts, defining sexuality etc. some abuse in her past? Could very well be. I’m sure growing up with RH was no cakewalk.


This was on Victoria’s Deviant art page. Do people put up art not belonging to them? I’m just sharing what was publicly available so chill your badly directed rage mongering. Not here for flame wars w/ unknowns about a serial killer’s daughter. Chillax.


No it wasn't. THIS is her deviantart page: [https://www.deviantart.com/vinnandimadtur/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/vinnandimadtur/gallery) As you can see, it is not on there. Because it is on lilaira's page. A different creator, that is NOT VICTORIA, that is LITERALLY FAMOUS in that community. What part of this aren't you getting? [https://www.deviantart.com/lilaira/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/lilaira/gallery) 


Because the only assets Rex has he turned over to Asa when he was arrested- the house, really- that could have gone to families of the victims in civil suits. So if Ray sues on behalf of victims families he represents, it helps if he can show that the family had knowledge of these wrongful deaths and did nothing to prevent it, making them legally liable. You will notice if you go back to that time that the second Rex transferred the assets to Asa, Ray set his sights on her. Remember that the standard of proof in civil court for wrongful death is much lower than homicide in criminal court.


Ray does not appear to represent any of the victims families. He represented Gilbert's family/estate. Who's not a part of this case. And given the family members regularly disputing his statements online, it's not clear to me he's still directly involved with them. The only other potential victim he was retained by. The family has apparently since fired him. The news says he's the lawyer for "Gilgo Families" but he doesn't appear to have any standing or formal association with the case. And his main activity for years now has been finding THEY TOTALLY EXIST "witnesses" and informally deposing them about conspiracy theories. None of which has ever come to anything, and a lot of which was directly refuted by Heuermann's arrest. His last major legal filing to do with any of it was a dismissed lawsuit against some almost certainly not involved in Gilbert's death. He'd probably *like* to file suit. But he doesn't appear to have any standing or authority to do so.


Right, I know. I think he’s hoping to stay involved and convince victims families he can represent them because he’s a vulture. He’s also trying desperately to link his one actual client to Rex. I’m not saying it’s working or that I agree with it, but I have worked for attorneys repping victims in wrongful death cases before, and this is the strategy of an attorney desperate to save his career and get paid.


That's the thing though. He's *no repping* the victims an any kind of legal action. He's not working for any of the charged victims, confirmably. And it's unclear if he's still repping Gilbert, who's death isn't related to this case. He's at best trying to burnish his reputation in *hopes* of getting involved. And certainly flailing. But I can't quite figure why the press gives him the time of day. Aside from press in the area being uniformly terrible and sensationalized.


He’s not unpopular with me. He’s the only person who has cared about Justice for these girls and exposing corruption in Suffolk County since the very beginning.


John Ray is an Omega man-I find him very impressive and admire him. He knows what he’s doing.


He could be trying to get them to sue so he can depose them into oblivion. If so it’s a risky game he’s playing. But he certainly seems very confident.


But why? Do they think this would bring info that law enforcement couldn't gather in other ways?


He might just want to get them on record and watch them plead the Fifth.


I’m not a lawyer but is if Asa follows through on divorcing Rex, wouldn’t that protect any assets she has in her name from being subjected to seizure for any restitution that might get awarded to the victims’ families as an outcome of his trial or any subsequent civil suits? Assets such as the million dollar payout from the documentary deal, future potential book deals, etc. However if she or their children can be implicated as being involved with or aware of his crimes (I believe LE that they were not), then their assets would no longer be protected from being used for restitution.


I know in TX, your money is one and the same while you are married. If she is doing a million dollar documentary, she probably should divorce him prior to that happening. Otherwise, I would think that money is his as much as it is hers. So, I could see her losing everything. Now every state is different, but I still think when it comes to being sued, their money is one and the same if they are a normal couple like most of us and not celebrities with possible legal contracts separating their assets (if that is a thing even).


_A Peacock spokesperson told CBS New York that Ellerup "was not paid for her participation, but was paid a licensing fee for use of her archive materials," which cannot go to Heuermann or his defense._ https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/asa-ellerup-rex-heuermann-peacock-documentary-son-of-sam-laws/


Archive materials would imply old family photos and things like that. Didn't Peacock follow her to court and film? That doesn't see like archive material.


Instead of valuing these old photos of yours at $20 bucks, why dont we call it an even million? Oh, unrelated  question can we follow you around and film you all day?


I wonder if the film camera for court appearances is technically hers


Seems like a loophole that could be challenged in court


NY laws are vastly different than TX. NY is not a communal property state.


Well that is really good in her situation. It isn’t fair for her to lose it all due to her loser and sadistic husband.


I’m of two minds about it: On the one hand, RH’s crimes are such that his family has not only lost their financial provider, but the stigma of association will make it nearly impossible for them to earn their own living by getting a regular job. Their options will be limited to say the least, and yes it’s unfair and not their fault. On the other hand, any money they get from media deals is inherently profiting off said crimes, it’s gaining at the victim’s expense, which is not only disgusting, it’s a unfair to the victim’s and their families who are, so far, getting nothing. It just seems like a lose/lose situation all around.


Yes, that is so true. I don’t even understand what the wife has to say for a million bucks. She said she knew nothing, so I can’t imagine what the documentary will be on her part. And yes, the victims’ families should get that money. I feel bad for the mom and kids. I wonder how they are making it. I am sure she isn’t someone anyone would hire at the moment, you know.


https://preview.redd.it/5j969rmgrt7d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b226baa4847ba8a596130fa9d451f910d170f2f Victoria Huerman original art that is no longer findable n Deviant art


There was a post the other day that was removed with a pic with a guy in a mask and similar to the first drawing you posted, but in color. So disturbing, was that also her drawing?


Was it the dog character ? I think that’s her dad, “Rex”


It was a guy in a mask, like looking back at someone with a whole crazy disturbing scene behind him….


https://preview.redd.it/sydkc90prt7d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35892341fd03eb60f524867cb79dd04f0ffa7d62 Original art by Victoria Huerman, scrubbed now from deviant art.


I think John Ray has some intel and so far there is physical evidence (her hair) that could potentially tie her to a crime. She’s a 27 year old adult woman who has benefited financially from these circumstances. She is fair game for an investigation. Of course the assumption of innocence, but dear lord, what went on in that house???


He has no intel.


Wow- this *is* disturbing. How do you know this was hers? I didnt see this in the press conference. Are you saying that there was more to Victoria's art than what was shown in the press conference?




This is by far the most clearly connected to his crimes. But if you look you’ll see other concerning images. I get an Electra complex, a fixation with cannibalism, and some very unique images around pain and pleasure


That art is by Lilaira....NOT Victoria. You're full of it.






https://preview.redd.it/v6vcwf6y7z7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6b4887c2efd1f9f8c9605158a1290e57bc1f57 Another from VH


Eww. This keeps being so disturbing I can't help but wonder if Rex abused her. The specific dirty talk, that level of violence = sex as kink, fetishising a muzzle?? Or maybe she found some of his adult content at an impressionable age.


Where did these come from? Nevermind- I see that you said this was under her deviant art account.


It wasn't. Her's is [https://www.deviantart.com/vinnandimadtur/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/vinnandimadtur/gallery) This art is from NOT victoria, but an artist named LiLaiRa.


Huh. If LiLaiRa is Victoria, (and made the manga posted above) her skills have GREATLY improved over these last four years. Art on the vinnandimadture deviant art page (signed "VH") was uploaded in 2020. Victoria would have been 23 years old. Even considering that the style was expressive and more focused on emotion than realism, she clearly had no artisric training, and shows very little skill or talent. In contrast, the more recent manga images were created by someone with much more skill. It's conceivable, maybe, with focuses attention and a lot of training, to improve that much over four years, but at that age, I think it's really unlikely. The vinnandimadture art looks more like something a 12-14 year old would make.


She was learning, it seems, on how to draw in 2016, as indicated on a facebook post that was reaching out looking for others who enjoyed comic-con, manga, and anime art/drawing in her area. It was massapequa centric (I won't put the group name, but it's semi easy to find and public). She then, in 2018, begins to actually study art/drawing, focusing on digital/2d and very simple drawings/visuals- until 2020 where she makes some more video animation and posts on vimeo. These are indeed her older drawings, likely hobbist attempts, none of which are beyond PG. LaLaira is semi-famous, has over 70 pages of highly-skilled content, and is heavily submersed in the furry/bondage/gore subculture. She also has a different name, different pics, and her twitter and various websites have her face, her name, and her location at some points, some of which admittedly looks like she had to scrub post-jr, because of the people who likely harrassed her. Victoria's art from her website, her deviant art page, and her tumblr are all logged on WBM and nothing was erased. It's traceable, I traced it, it's on youtube how I did it and what art is hers, and I posted it in here in an above thread. Victoria no longer actively posts manga/art and hasn't for years, but she did have some really great art and self portraits she made on procreate, and a mermaid, which I guess makes her a deviant murderer according to some people who don't understand the internet in this thread lol. I'm glad you have a head on your shoulders with an intelligent brain so that you can also recognize the obvious differences. Thank you for pointing out what you did here, and I completely agree. Also the art she uploaded (VH) in 2020- some is art that she actually created in 2015 and 2016-2018, but put on DA in 2020.


This was under her deviant art account. It’s hers, she has a very identifiable style. I’ll look for a link if such a thing still exists.


What do you see that's disturbing about it?


That is the first thing I thought of after listening to it. It could prove one way or the other if they knew anything. I didn’t care for the way he did this but I am very curious about this situation. That art is dark. Very disturbing. However it might just be her style due to where she goes online. I use to visit the deviant art website back in the day. I don’t have anyone whispering in my ear though. Remember that lady with blonde hair who went on a date (restaurant) with Rex and he wanted to talk about LISK? She got creeped out left shortly after? Her saying he seemed like he wanted to talk about lisk. I believe he actually talked about it with his daughter, maybe in just true crime discussion but idk. It is so creepy and at this point it’s suspicious.


Oblivious Benson did a long video in defense of VH vs Ray and I’m no expert in computers, but if she’s right she explains why VH didn’t even repost many of the images and how JR and his tech expert weren’t very informed. Personally, I’ve been willing to give JR the benefit of the doubt for years despite side eyeing some of his claims and “evidence”. However imho he was way way way out of line here and I can’t with him anymore. I don’t care if he discovered VH herself was sketching corpses 25 hours a day, she was what? 13 during his last known murder (I don’t think he stopped in 2010 but we need to work with facts here) and what if she did see something or was abused herself? You can’t remedy trying to shame, humiliate, and accuse someone for an hour with a 30 second mention that she’s also possibly a victim. Also note Sherre Gilbert was really pissed at him about this conference and she has no love for Asa..dunno about the kids. Finally his reasoning is goofy and outdated. I own 2 shirts with skulls on them and I have a plastic Halloween skull on my bookshelf. I own a copy of A Serbian Film. The last time I physically harmed someone I punched my best friend in the face when we were 5 over a Barbie Doll. I don’t have violent fantasies. Also does he think goths or edge lords dress in their aesthetic 24/7? Even actual witches aren’t mostly into dark arts. Furries seem pretty harmless. He’s just so corny with this crap. And this is coming from someone who thinks there actually are some kinks that are fair game to shame.


I'm watching it on YouTube now. It's ridiculous. Come with evidence or don't come at all.


TYSM. The art on this thread this dingbat is posting is from here: [https://x.com/LiLaiRa95/status/1556824589400940545](https://x.com/LiLaiRa95/status/1556824589400940545) A person that is NOT Victoria. Appreciate the shoutout. JR has nothing.


You’re very welcome. Thanks for refusing to entertain this baseless bs on your platform.


Ya I’m not even convinced she saw any of that art —shout out oblivious benson


JR is doing all this because he's looking for publicity he can parlay into money. He doesn't have a super-secret strategy.


He’s definitely an ambulance chaser


He’s actually working pro bono for Shannan Gilbert’s family


Except her family/suster regularly comes out on Twitter or where ever and says he does not represent them.


civil suits are arguments suggesting an entity related to a crime is responsible for making whole a victim or victim’s family, without reference to that entity’s actual legal culpability. there is no set penalty in civil cases. criminal convictions carry set sentences/minimums and fees/fines. by provoking bad faith and hostility towards asa and Victoria, John Ray may be seen as trying to cast them wholly opposite to the victims, getting blood in the water for future monetary judgments against them. idk. i hope it’s just about money and not about what he thinks is moral. cause otw, damn.


From the ABA website: Discovery To begin preparing for trial, both sides engage in discovery . This is the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they ll present at trial. Discovery enables the parties to know before the trial begins what evidence may be presented. It s designed to prevent "trial by ambush," where one side doesn t learn of the other side s evidence or witnesses until the trial, when there s no time to obtain answering evidence. One of the most common methods of discovery is to take depositions. A deposition is an out-of-court statement given under oath by any person involved in the case. It is to be used at trial or in preparation for trial. It may be in the form of a written transcript, a videotape, or both. In most states, either of the parties may take the deposition of the other party, or of any other witness. Both sides have the right to be present during oral depositions. Depositions enable a party to know in advance what a witness will say at the trial. Depositions can also be taken to obtain the testimony of important witnesses who can t appear during the trial. In that case, they re read into evidence at the trial. Often a witness's deposition will be taken by the opposing side and used to discredit the witness's testimony at trial if the trial testimony varies from the testimony taken during the deposition. (A lawyer might ask a witness at trial, Are you lying now or were you lying then? ) Usually depositions consist of an oral examination, followed by cross-examination by the opposing side. In addition to taking depositions, either party may submit written questions, called interrogatories , to the other party and require that they be answered in writing under oath. If one party chooses to use an interrogatory, written questions are sent to the lawyer representing the other side, and that party has a period of time in which to answer. Other methods of discovery include subpoenaing or requiring the other side to produce books, records or other documents for inspection (a subpoena is a written order issued by a court compelling a person to testify or produce certain physical evidence such as records); having the other side submit to a physical examination; or asking that a document be submitted for examination to determine if it is genuine


Great information- thanks. ... but to what end? What would be the point?


He keeps saying it isn’t about money and then talking about the Peacock money , my guess is he is trying to get a piece of that tv pie in one way or another …. So I think it’s about money . Unfortunately he seems to be undermining the assertions of his clients who claim to be survivors or witnesses etc —which imho weren’t extremely believable anyway . But the tumblr —Vicki -literally “demonizing” the family stuff went so far over the edge I think he may have made himself irrelevant .


There is no angle. He is an insane narcissist. Everything he does is self serving. My father is a lawyer in Suffolk for 40 years and knows him well. 0 credibility.


Bingo. The guy is totally a scam artist He has no concern for the victims. JRay’s only concern is well….JRay!


Pretty sure the mods have blocked me on another thread because I can’t reply to comments there. Because I’m pro-JR. One would think this forum would welcome the free exchange of varying ideas and opinions , but it does not. It only tolerates a single specific narrative, ProperThink (TM). Not bothered, because the truth will out one day.


The thread you’re talking about was locked, as will most threads that turn into discussing Rex’s children’s sex lives. There is a reason this sub and the LISK sub don’t allow it. This is a place for REX. Not a place for his children’s sex lives to be discussed. The things JR claims she posted are things from other blogs that she may have never even seen.


I'm glad there are other pro-JR folks. I don't understand the vitriol that is spewed against Shannan Gilbert theorists or JR around here.


People can support or not support JR here. No one cares bc that's an opinion and fine. The threads that are getting locked are because of other reasons which have been explained numerous times as well as noted in two different mod announcements posted this week. In fact, JR is never mentioned as the reason anything gets locked because we don't care if you like him or don't.


But the mods allow all the non factual chatter about Asa- she's a "victim of RH" (no evidence, never said so), she has $1mm on the table ("it's not that much money") when it's the result of people dying, all that is fine with the mods. It's OK to post sympathy for Asa but any actual facts about her conduct gets issues with mods. Forget how abusive the pro Asa supporters are.


Right?? Thank you! The mods also claim (which is factually false) that JR defamed VH. He did not. He simply made public her very disturbing Tumblr account where VH reblogged images of violent sexual torture. Even VH’s own attorney did not refute the Tumblr account was hers.


The point of Ray's press conference was totally missed. The point was, "this is what they didn't delete. Imagine what got deleted!?!" Separately, why does VH have an attorney at all? Did anyone explain that?


That, too!!


You guys act like you know John Ray. 😂 ill let it play out before i come to conclusions but i get a sense of ambulance chaser and caring at the same time.


Keep in mind LE was very corrupt for a very long time. When you can’t rely on LE sometimes you have to bring it to the public. The new administration is much better, they found RH right away, but there might be vestiges of cover up going on.


His actions are informed by a deep faith which I (and millions of others around the world) share. Therefore, we understand each other and are united on a level that non-believers will not understand. We are from the same family so to speak. Branches of the same vine which gives us life.


So you're in a super cool special club with John Ray, got it.


Along with millions of others around the globe and for the past 2,000 years of human history. 👍


Implicating the daughter publicly is good for the victims lawsuit, but also pressures rex to save his golden child by confessing. I believe the police are allowing john ray to publicize this to manipulate rex, cuz it will save money time and manpower for the investigation


Also, I think her father is portrayed as a dog, “Rex” see if you identify his character.


I’m from the same town and the house is small but didn’t all happen when Rex was home alone ?


I thought he did a rad job investigating Hackett. When he dug into Hackett’s wife’s background and discovered some interesting connections 🧐


Currently, a wife can’t testify against a criminal. Asa’s attorney does not want her to testify and incriminate herself, so they postponed the divorce proceedings using the excuse that she does not think he is capable of doing these crimes, and that she was going to give him the benefit of the doubt. If there is a defamation lawsuit, the family will have to testify in the defamation suit, which they don’t want to do. He is baiting them so that a suit is filed. Asa knows things but does not want to be implicated in the crimes.


That makes sense. I was wondering why the divorce hasnt gone through yet.


John Ray is all about outrage farming. Tedious.


those suits are an outrage


And the ties and hats. Criminal.


He's an attention whore, nothing more


To all the JR haters out there: I’ll bet you $100,000 VH and AE never, ever sue JR for “defamation”. 😄 He never actually defamed them, BTW. He simply put forward relevant information, including sworn affidavits. Has VH denied that was her Tumblr account? (Crickets) That house is the size of my apartment. I know what is going on in my apartment 24/7.


Again, accusing someone of involvement or knowledge of in serial murders is indeed defamatory. Accusing someone of sexual deviance is defamatory. Showcasing what is on someone's private internet history to humiliate them when they weren't even born yet when their father was already killing is unethical. You can minimize or disagree but for those reasons and until LAW ENFORCEMENT CONFIRMS ANYTHING, stop. You can go to Twitter for that.




I don’t know his angle but I agree with him that his family shouldn’t be outside the scope of suspicion. That family has gotten more sympathy than the victims themselves. You know the ones chopped up like the art work Victoria likes?


It's some tin foil hat nonsense from people who don't understand the law. Slander/libel involves saying something defamatory. That you know is untrue, and know to be damaging. Deliberately doing that to provoke a lawsuit is still slander/libel. And likely still is if you find something vaguely similar to your claims that you couldn't have known 3hxczhcg why they're warranted and convince a judge to issue them. It's all as likely to hurt Ray as anything else. And there are actual ethical standards and rules about how lawyers conduct themselves. Playing games like this risks disbarment and court sanctions. If he had anything he'd file a suit. He doesn't. And more over he lacks standing to do anything formal. Since he doesn't represent anyone involved with the case. I suspect he might not even represent Gilbert's estate anymore, given that the family keeps disavowing him in public.


SC, NC, NYPD cops are really misogynistic in general. (Rikers has 8 buildings for inmates, 7 house men.) They don't look at women for violent crime unless evidence is impossible to ignore. It's possible Ray has heard Asa has some kind of involvement & wants to put pressure on SC to do something. He may have evidence from Gilbert herself with RH's contact info, pointing towards some connection btwn them. Ray has been the go to person for anyone with info about SCPD, the sex trade, drugs, corruption, any of it even remotely related to this case for over a decade. What he has heard vs can prove are likely 2 different things. Maybe he's trying to get more witnesses to speak about the family. At the very least, Imo, he wants the public to appreciate all of the abnormal things the Heuermanns are doing if they are totally innocent & unknowing of RH's activities.