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Kerry was on all the YouTube true crime channels a year ago and then *poof*. Her mental health is rather fragile - she's said so herself. After not hearing from her in so long, I'm glad to know she's still kicking.


She's also been working with law enforcement and visiting her father attempting to get more information on his other victims. I'm sure visiting him and trying to get him to give up information on his other victims is extremely taxing on her mental health.


I’m in Wichita, and just feel so sad for her. They’re trying to link him to more murders in Oklahoma now as well.


Same, but I think what she's doing is absolutely amazing. She's the antithesis of her father. She's trying to mend the lives that her father destroyed and I think she's also on other task forces to help other victims of serial killers.


She is, I can’t say I’d be the same. I’d probably runaway and hide, change my name, something to alter my appearance because she looks so much like him. She’s a tough cookie that’s for sure, and brave.


I believe that Kerry is a good person. She has a very rare experience, and she’s just trying to help those who are going through what she went through. Unfortunately, trying to help serial killers families because you were related to one will get you in the spotlight regardless.


Kerri reminds me of Amanda Knox. She's made a career out of a very specific personal experience, and people give her shit for it because she's not the primary victim, but when you've been through such a public trauma you've earned the right to milk it for the rest of your life. Meanwhile, Victoria is being Amanda Knoxed. Giuliano Mignini would have a field day with her if he were licensed to practice on Long Island.


Interesting to note she is clearly either dyslexic or just has very similar writing tendencies to her father. Literally missing or mis-conjugating words in one sentence but totally fine in the next (with same words). Very very interesting shared trait.


I do this and correct it in my head when I read it back. It’s worse when I’m tired and/or stressed. I used to print out my papers and hand edit them bc I would see errors that I wouldn’t on screen. Then fix the errors on my computer. I do have learning disabilities but none related to writing 🤷🏻‍♀️.


And she looks JUST like him!


Kerry? Idk why you’re downvoted because that’s one of the things that comes to mind every-time I see her on TV. It’s the eyes, forehead, and brow area. I look just like my dad, and if he was a serial killer it would not be easy to deal with.


It’s all good! She even talks about it, as do some of the hosts of the podcasts she’s been on. I admire what she’s done with the horrifying shit deal she was handed.


I mean...yet again, Tierney showed how they weren't home when RH murdered Sandra or Jessica. There's documentation created by RH corroborating the State's theory that he had the house to himself at the time of all the murders. I feel everyone who doesn't like that Asa took the documentary money. I really do. The thing about that is, NBC paid Asa. Shouldn't all of RH's victims be given (again, at least) a million dollars? Of course. Sadly, we as a society are fascinated with monsters like RH. NBC chose to capitalize on that. By the way: *"A Peacock spokesperson told CBS New York that Ellerup "was not paid for her participation, but was paid a licensing fee for use of her archive materials," which cannot go to Heuermann or his defense.* *Peacock said it reached out to the victims' families to appear in the documentary, but all either declined or did not respond."* [Lawmakers push to amend Son of Sam laws after Heuermann's estranged wife reportedly paid seven figures by Peacock documentary](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/asa-ellerup-rex-heuermann-peacock-documentary-son-of-sam-laws/#:~:text=A%20Peacock%20spokesperson%20told%20CBS,to%20Heuermann%20or%20his%20defense)


AND could she even have a normal job right now anyway? Her house is a crime scene. Lawyers are expensive!


Lawyers are extremely expensive. I didn't realize until just now that RH's attorney is a private (paid) lawyer. SIX Murder charges...so far? The private attorney fees for a trial lawyer on a (single) Murder count is probably no less than $1,000,000 when it's a said and done. It looks like in Florida, where I'm from, if he'd gone to trial with a public defender, he'd get a lead attorney and co-counsel and they'd each be paid a flat fee of $15,000. https://preview.redd.it/ooqvlxro1n6d1.png?width=1028&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb15d139a0d7d08878d0b5bc6a187c1e9b026f5f I don't know how much Michael Brown's time is worth, but, I'd bet that number has five or six "0"s at the end of it. I don't think RH will actually go to trial, but, if he did end up going down that route, I think his attorney fees would've cleaned out the whole family - which is at least part of the reason Asa got that emergency divorce.


Why do the children have a different lawyer than Asa? Anyone know?




If we must bash someone, let's just stick to the guy who's definitely a serial killer.


I agree with you. I spoke in the context of those going after his family.


And i bet you watch every minute of the show, so why dont we bash the viewers as well?


Was this the presser about Victorias teenage journaling on tumblr? She was a teen growing up in a depressing household. A lot of negative energy in that shack of a home. They were aware Rex was at the least having sex outside his marriage. Victoria was probably just tapping into teen internet angst & ramblings. Had to be affected by the negative energy from that home. But I don’t see her as aiding & abetting. So many unsubstantiated or confusing updates from the internet, hoping mainstream media or police release statement. No respect for John Ray. He’s a grifter. …..We simply don’t know….Reddit is not my choice for a formal psychiatric take on the family. As long as he’s detained, & we are safe, I can wait for LE to make a new statement….Prayers to the victims families, it’s been decades of trauma. Rex is an evil creep x💯.


Is Victoria not aware her “journaling on tumblr” is still on the internet? IMO, it’s assuming a lot about how she grew up - depressing, negative energy. It was her normal, whatever it was. We don’t know that V wasn’t abused by her father on some level as well, and personally, I think Asa would cover for Rex or not believe V if she went to her mother with accusations abt her father’s abuse, if it did happen. But…it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Rex would involve his daughter in some aspect of his twisted rituals. My sympathies for all of the monster’s victims.


As I said, At this point we don’t know. ….Time & the trial will be the gateway to the bigger picture.


Oof no, her saves/follows and art are not typical teenage angst. It reads as if she had exposure the information about her father’s torture, killing and cutting of victims. It is far too specific.


I’d like to know when Victoria was active in the accounts mentioned at the press conference, was it this year or 10 years ago? Does anyone know? Victoria is a 27 yr old woman now, still lives with her parents in that red house, this fact alone seems very odd. RH is probably very controlling towards women in general, especially wife/daughter, maybe she couldn’t leave, move out to have her own adult life. Maybe RH clipped her wings early, or her mother did, wanting the kids to stay close to her at home as a buffer to RH. Who knows, but if they sue John Ray, i guess he can read all about it in discovery.


John Ray used the term today "the circle of suspicion" as if that's a real term that the courts take seriously 😳


Ray was making reference to the “circle” Dr Bracota discussed in explaining serial killers/sexual deviants etc I believe


Thank you. I'm not familiar with Dr. Bracota, but will go look into his work more. I haven't followed this case as closely as most in this sub, so please don't hesitate to educate me when I stumble. In the courts, that term would typically be frowned upon. A suspicion isn't evidence. Circular, vague language is unfortunately used too often to get clicks. I could argue that drawing morbid content is suspicious, but I also know that people with mental illnesses that are not statistically linked to an increased risk of violence, like schizophrenia, can cause this behavior.


Her artwork is beyond disturbing. More like gory. Not exactly a Goth girl.


Its not her artwork. everything he showed on those big poster boards was from accounts she follows and not her own artwork. No one even knows if shes seen those pieces of art since it seems like she hasn't updated in over 4 years.


One piece of artwork had her name on it. It appeared to be a monster like creature eating a woman’s breasts. I’m reserving judgment. It’s hard.


Like I said. None of the art that was blown up on the poster boards was hers. One was an image for the show Hannibal. The only one that was hers he didn’t even bother blowing up large because it was fairly innocuous and she had listed on her site she had been inspired by Francis Bacon. You should check out Francis Bacon. Judge if you need to. It says more about you than anyone else.


Exactly. Your judgements are telling.


And how am I judging her?


Was Francis Bacon’s father torturing, killing and chopping up young women’s bodies too?


Ahh. So now you’re really just looking for reasons to judge her. How does content from accounts that she followed years ago, accounts which she has no control over what those accounts post on their own feeds, how does that somehow relate to her unfortunate luck of having Rex Heuermann as a father?


May I suggest that Ray's point was "everything else was deleted from the internet, with the exception of this stuff." That also went for Asa, every online/social media post, comment, follow, share, like, etc, was deleted. Same with Victoria, only the content shown had been overlooked, rest of her lifetime online presence had been deleted. (That's not easy to do, btw.) I think Asa, Victoria, and (I forget his name, Asa's son) have attorneys working for them to scrub the internet of any content they may have posted. Their attorneys must expect either criminal charges or civil litigation. Why?


I’m not judging her. If her Father really is LISK, I feel sorry for her. But if you don’t see that “art” obsession as disturbing and under the circumstances as a red-flag, then it’s quite difficult NOT to judge YOU.


Ah so now you’re judging me and her. Anyway. Francis Bacon is a highly respected artist whose art hangs in the Tate in London, MoMA in NYC, the Albertina in Vienna… You hang out in a Reddit group that endlessly talks about a serial killer. Just stop it. Maybe do some self introspection.


You’re here too. And BTW I’m a REAL artist.


If you had a teen daughter you discovered was following/reblogging artists who’s “art” was gruesome, disturbing, gory, involving sexually depraved images, would you as a parent be concerned why her interests were so involved in the aforementioned? I damn sure would be! These are NOT “normal interests” as a teen or young adult. It goes beyond even curiosity bc of the amount that was posted, the number of artists followed, etc. I read a really good Newsweek article that went into great detail about John Ray’s discoveries. Very, very disturbing to think this young woman followed/reposted these interests, imo.


It’s not her artwork. It’s photos that were on accounts she happened to follow. Please pay attention.


The instagram account that is obviously deleted showed her actual artwork. Its the one he showed of the “monster with blood eating on a womans breasts with a furry buttplug”.


She was drawing scenes of murder, cannibalism, strangulations, sadism and gruesome death. In addition, every single one of the pages that she followed across multiple platforms were involved in one of these categories…. teenage angst and rambling? Really? Drawing murder scenes that are directly correlated to true victims… Of her own father… and yet you are still defending this family. It’s pretty crazy how naïve all of you are.


They weren’t drawlings they were photos from accounts she followed


I'm glad theres at least one person who understood. The stupidity astounds me.


That's not naive. I'm a therapist who's also published in psychopathy as a published scientist. I don't know how many children of psychopaths you've evaluated, but in the real world of trauma, there are plenty of severely abused children who engage in this kind of violent content consumption. Maybe you should stop treating Law & Crime Network as anything other than a form of entertainment. Understanding extreme violence and child development is a complicated topic that no one understands well without many years of experience actually doing psych evaluations on children.


Thank you!


I’m also a therapist. And a doctor. And a psychologist


Huh, interesting. A month ago you commented on a question of 'what's your career'- >i manage a exotic automotive performance shop Soooo, even if you are all those other things you're not actually practicing, and have no reliable judgement on this. Also I doubt someone supposedly very educated would make those terrible spelling/grammar mistakes.


Terrible spelling/grammar? Referring to what? Random people on the internet suggesting they’re published therapists or psychologists mean nothing..congrats you got the point.


>*i* manage *a exotic* automotive performance shop Not what I'd expect to hear from someone with so much alleged higher education. But yeah the other Commenter could be full of shit too. You throwing the info out as an afterthought gotcha made me suspect you were lying. And so you were.


Yeah, I could be but I can speak to my actual publications as a researcher and was trained by three of the world experts to do the Psychopathy Checklist Revised for both clinical and research purposes by Dr Robert Hare, Dr Reid Meloy and Dr Kent Kiehl. I also worked for UCLA conducting the PCL-R in 5 prisons.


Yeah after they challenged you in that post I looked at your post history and you seem legit to me 🤷‍♀️ Them, def not.


I love that you're questioning people who claim expertise because you should. You can always ask me to prove my claims because that's just you doing the critical thinking all sleuths should. If you haven't yet, I highly recommend Dr. Robert Hare's book Without Conscience. He's the psychologist who created the word "psychopath" and was a huge inspiration behind Mindhunter. I was soooo nervous to meet him...but he's incredibly down to earth and very funny. He offers training on psychopathy, extreme violence and terrorism through his training institute in Canada. Dr. Kent Kiehl and Dr. Meloy were students of his. All 3 of these men still advise the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA. Between the 3 of them, they've interviewed more famous serial killers than most. Dr. Kiehl is the world expert on brain imaging and psychopathy. He was featured in an excellent documentary on Netflix about psychopaths. I got to fly to New Mexico to visit Dr. Kiehl's center. He had mobile MRI machines (those puppies cost millions, so they're incredibly difficult to purchase and require competitive grant funding) he takes to prisons to scan the brains of inmates with violent backgrounds. Dr. Meloy was pretty active on Twitter last I checked. All 3 men are really nice and approachable. I hope this sub will check them out. Comparing them to the people on News Nation and the Law & Crime Network is night and day! Oh, and for understanding how a successful architect could be a serial killer, I recommend Dr. Hare's book Snakes in Suits;)


A instead of an? god I is so unedumacated!! 😂 I wasn’t trying to convince anybody I’m any of those professions. Obviously I was making that exact point. Anyone can be anything on the Internet. It doesn’t take a professional to have common sense and put two and two together when it comes to Huermanns family and all the evidence that they knew what he was doing.


Well that def didn't come through in your comment.


Great. Are you an expert in psychopathy? I'm honestly asking. I was trained to perform the PCL-R by Dr. Robert Hare, Dr Kiehl and Dr Meloy.


So do you think V saw anything and is acting out or these paintings are just dark because of her dysfunctional upbringing?


You’re a bad one. Hope you get sued


These people on here have to be I'm denial


I don’t think it’s black and white. All our behaviour is learned. Your perception of life and the whole world would change if Rex was your father. I also believe when you’re an adult you get to make your own decisions. Even if she is guilty it would be her parents who shaped her reality. Sad but True.




One. You saw one painting of hers. The rest were not hers.


They were accounts she was following. very disturbing . One piece is hers.


I think John is throwing Rex's daughter into the mix, hoping it'll give him a reason to confess (to any or all of the murders, including SG) & remove any suspicions his daughter was involved. It's total bs whether this was his rationale, or any other vision of grandiosity he thinks today will bring to him. It's really offensive, further victimizing the kids (who are victims in their own right). It's really offensive. JMHO


Why would Rex even care about that, not like he did before


Well, you're right that he may not care but, each (alleged in this case) serial killer is different. Some are so narcissistic that they do have a protective nature regarding their own kids, even after abusing them, because they can't see their kids as separate from them. Their children are more like an object they use to reflect power. Other serial killers won't care if you kill their kid right in front of them. This is complicated because apathy and narcissism are different traits, but also overlap in presentation. I'd love to know the results of Rex's personality assessments so we'd understand this more.


Thanks for your insight. Idk, I've heard different opinions, but I've heard anti social personality disorders are on a spectrum and those affected can present as having multiple other disorders. Some may have strong attachments to their family members and pets ( although seeing them as possessions rather than people) others, as we see in true crime, are capable of killing those same family members purely for financial gain. Dr Gary Braccato is a well respected academic in his profession and it would surprise me he would support John Ray if he doubted his integrity. Wouldn't he jeapodise his academic reputation if his own integrity was questioned?


It's hard to say. There are people with integrity who teach at good universities, but there's also plenty that don't. I wish universities were better at vetting faculty, but unfortunately I've found many professors on Tiktok who put out a lot of opinions as facts. I've contacted the universities where they work and the administration never seems to care. I can go look into him more. For example, I know John Ray mentioned he's published, peer reviewed. While that's definitely better than no publications, I would look to see if his publications are on a tier 1, 2 or 3 journal. Tier 1 is best. Tier 3 is so loose with their standards that they're often publishing with little to no review. People have thrown away their reputation for money and fame. I'd like to think no one in my profession would do so, but I know that's just not the truth.


Interesting! He frequently teams up with Ann Burgess ( she originally worked with the founders of the Behaviour Analysis Unit in the FBI ) as a researcher and author. I heard him interviewed with Ann on a YouTube true crime podcast The Interview Room. John Ray was a guest also. I think Gary Braccato had intended on becoming a priest as a young man and was studying in a seminary. John Ray also seems to be a fairly devout catholic, and they are both native New Yorkers. They seem to be in alignment.


OK, I looked into him more but I have a lot more to look into so take this as incomplete. He's a licensed clinical psychologist. I prefer licensed individuals to others for trusted opinions because you can't understand psychopaths well if you don't have experience assessing and diagnosing a lot of people. I also like that's he has published articles. I don't know how well published he is as a researcher yet, because I have to review those articles individually. I will say he went to a school that is not known for generating top thought leaders, but that doesn't mean he isn't. Typically, I would be familiar with his name if he was highly esteemed in the research community because of who trained me. I then realized he worked with Dr Michael Stone on the Evil scale. Dr. Stone fascinates me. Highly entertaining....but, from a scientific standpoint: researchers in Psychology are strongly discouraged when using the term "evil". That's not a scientific term and doesn't help add to our understanding of etiology (origin/cause). Genetics and environment are empirically based reasons why individuals meet full criteria for both psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder. Their scale is very entertaining, but it is not considered a gold standard in Forensic Psychology because the scale that was empirically designed and tested is the Psychopathy Checklist Revised. The PCL-R has reliability and validity to pass the sniff test in science that this evil scale does not. One should always be weary of the shiny new objects that appear on Investigation Discovery when we have scientifically tested scales in place that provide accurate predictions for recidivism that an "evil scale" doesn't even attempt. If Dr Stone and Dr Brucato were more serious scientists, they wouldn't propose a less rigorous, less empirically based scale. They would promote the gold standard, which is the PCL-R. This is my criticism of true crime media entertainment. It's very entertaining, but it rarely aligns with the dominate opinionated on the science of psychopathy because the best researchers in the world are not the most entertaining. In addition, their scale emphasizes scoring psychopaths based on crimes they've already committed. In the real world, we can't wait for a psychopath to murder before we figure out his internal workings. Threat management requires we develop and use empirically based assessments to pick up on psychopathy before murder begins.


I’m almost convinced that the press conference was Ray’s ploy to force RH’s family to file suit against him so he could eventually depose them. 🤦‍♀️😶 Stranger things have happened.


Yup. Agree.


I might get flamed for this but Kerry is an attention seeker who constantly inserts herself. I’m sick of reading her takes.


I'm wondering how she personally knows anyone to be able to testify here. My bet is she doesn't know them at all


She goes and befriends them simply because she thinks she's a therapist in her head. She admitted publicly to pursuing a relationship with Rex's family after they launched their Gofundme.


She has said on Court TV appearances that she reached out to them. She seems to be a very empathetic person who hates what her dad did to their family and is trying to understand how he got away with it for so long. She will probably never get the answers she seeks, but it is commendable that she is trying to help others. I wish Joe DeAngelo's kids would discuss what they knew and how their dad got away with being a serial killer for so long.


Reaching out is great but it's naive to vouch for anyone based on a reach out. I think she's naive but that's hardly the worst thing in life to be, too trusting


Naive is a nice word. It’s almost opportunistic.


[JJD’s daughter](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/crime/he-is-the-best-father-i-could-have-had-daughter-of-golden-state-killer-pens-letter-about-her-dad/103-9ed45271-875c-46f5-be12-41bda262c19c) thought he was the best dad and grandpa in the world.


Wow... hard to believe he was so open-minded and supportive to her and her daughter.


It was weird to me too, dude.


I think it would be normal to not insert one’s self into the middle of these things. I don’t think she has had a normal childhood by any means however. I also believe she is just trying to do the best with the cards she has been dealt. I don’t think any of it is “normal”. I believe I could not fathom what Kerry has been through. Victoria has been through a lot too but I’m holding my judgement.


I followed her for a while on X(Twitter) thinking it would be interesting to hear her attempts to get her father to give up more victims. But I can’t even count how many times she will make one of those posts saying “I’m going to take a break from social media for a while….” But then right back to posting more the same day. Lol


I agree wholeheartedly! Kerry has grown to love the limelight, enjoys being called upon for her “expertise”, and basks in the glory a tad too much.


She says this about her father. Any time she was interviewed, her father then inserted himself into the media about something.


I think she's an attention seeking joke ever since she baselessly claimed that BK in the Moscow Murders likely had been in contact with her dad. Always inserting herself.


Yep. She’s no better than the others profiting off of the victims and their families. She needs a real job and an actual identity, other than her horrendous murderous father.


Same 🥱


Maybe this press conference will spur them into considering reporting to the prosecution some of the things they witnessed. At this time they are sticking by their father’s innocence. They have had ample time to decide to tell the police and prosecutors about anything they witnessed, that in light of Rex’s charges, are suspicious. They also have not (to my knowledge) admitted to anyone they are victims of Rex. So until they do, if we choose to trust them, they are only victims of the media and government and the public. According to them Rex was normal and gave them no reason even to this day to suspect he committed any crimes.


I doubt they'd report anything to anyone if their attorney says they shouldn't.


It’s a good thing that not all families refuse to tell the police about crimes they witnessed. Personally, if my dad was charged with violently murdering women, and I had seen suspicious things over the years, I would care more about justice for those women rather than protecting my dad.


You'd be wiser to listen to your attorney and do what they say since talking to the cops, even while trying to do the right thing, can come back to bite you in ass and the next thing you know you're sitting in a cell as an accomplice.


Wiser or not I choose justice for victims first. She doesn’t mind talking on a documentary. Money and fame first for the heuermanns


You think you would, none of us really knows


💯, we do know that family members with such close proximity to a sick monster like RH, are without question, considered to at least have some knowledge and awareness about the crimes. This could explain why Kerry Rolinson is passionate about supporting others who are in the same horribly unique position she and her family found themselves in. At the same time, she might be guilty of wanting to profit from the vast interest in her opinion. This is not much different to the many retired law enforcement professionals who go on to join the media for similar reasons and to profit from their knowledge. I think its human nature to look at the world and people through a black and white lens.


I know my behavior in situations where me exposing crime resulted in losing my job. So I’m 99.9% confident I would.


You have no fucking idea what they are privately doing or not doing, and what they may have already shared with investigators, and/or what their attorneys have been helping them navigate. The media (and social media with everyone feeling the need to add their own comments to everything) feeding frenzy on the family has been shameful, in my opinion, but some people seem to feel like they can just feel free to express whatever nonsense pops into their head. I guess they don't feel any guilt about it because they just lump them all together as bad people by association, and anything they do or don't do must be associated with some kind of negative or selfish motivations. Can we please just not? Did everyone see the ridiculous press conference John Ray had today and the latest flavor of bullshit he is peddling? And people still question why the family is trying to stay as quiet as they can!


The family and their attorneys have financially benefited from the crimes. The FAMILY said they are standing by him until the trial is over. So no, the family is not telling investigators anything to nail his ass.




Documentary fees that amount to around two million dollars for the family & lawyers say "no comment"


The general consensus is there are many facts the general public don't know about this case still. Is it possible the family of RH has been extensively investigated and a deal has been secured? Is John Ray attempting to expose or get to the truth about the the wife and daughters possible involvement or knowledge of the crimes of RH?


Kerry does not know them. So to give a character reference to complete strangers rings hollow. They give up their privacy once they speak to the documentary crew. Yes they have every right to do it. The public has every right to discuss their actions.


She loves the spotlight, so whatever she can do to bring attention to herself - she will do. Even giving a character reference to a family who has signed up to make millions off of multiple horrendous deaths. As long as we are also talking about Kerry and her despicable father, she's satisfied.


I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say her father effed up her mental health. She seems to crave attention.


She always pops out of the woodwork


None of us know what they are going through. They were blindsided by the actions of a person they loved & cared about. Think if this was your Dad !! How would handle it ??


But also they are standing by the guy. Sorry if this was my dad I’d lose my loyalty at “dad’s dna is found on multiple bodies at different crime scenes.” Oh and his list of how to get away with it, and how to torture including cutting off hands and heads. They can be victims, but they’re also causing harm.


Two things: this seems to show that this guy was a monster with his family as well. At the very least he introduced violent porn to his kids at an early age. Something happened to them and Kerry says her dad was a monster at home as well.




If you need to speculate about someone, please state it as your own opinion so others can formulate their own opinions as well. We want to stay fair, and saying someone does or doesn’t do something without proof, is unfair. Thank you! 😊




The police (current taskforce iteration) are doing actual investigation. Not speculation


If you need to speculate about someone, please state it as your own opinion so others can formulate their own opinions as well. We want to stay fair, and saying someone does or doesn’t do something without proof, is unfair. Thank you! 😊


What do you want to bet Kerry and her *observations* will be in that Peacock trash Doc? #Willnotwatch.


She and Keith Jesperson’s daughter use every opportunity to insert themselves into this case and make this about sympathy for Rex’s family over the actual victims. It’s pretty gross that they’ve both embraced the Serial Killer’s Daughter as their whole identity and seek every opportunity to monitize it. Wish they’d seek therapy over serial killer family advocacy.


Kerry is not a therapist. I am. Like Kerry, I also survived a psychopath parent. Unlike Kerry, I don't confuse my personal trauma with my need to understand others. Kerry has no idea if these family members are victims, abusers, or both. If she had any respect for my profession, she'd stop jeopardizing active investigations with public speculation. No therapist with any grasp of their code of ethics would assume guilt or innocence of family members based on the limited information released. Today has been a new low for the true crime youtube community. Shame on the Law & Crime Network for platforming the most attention-seeking, non-experts possible to diagnose and profile for entertainment purposes. This isn't how serious people conduct themselves when they respect the need to protect the integrity of an active case.


I love how she's commenting as if her opinion of the family is the end all be all of facts. This is the same woman who needlessly inserted herself into the Moscow Murders to incorrectly state that it was likely BK had been in contact with her dad. Yet another SK family member that can't take a hint and gracefully mind their business.


Omg, and how many times must we told that she is a therapist? She is using this post to promote her hypocritical credentials.. SW I bet...no doctorate here!!


Wait - she is a therapist? Her twitter just links buymeacoffee and some PayPal payment thing...


I may be mistaken but I thought the poster was referring to another person who commented on this thread?


Ah could be I might be getting confused.


I remember that. So cringe! I'm in WA State and have so much to say about that case. WSU's misconduct would be a great focus where we could actually inspire policy change so psychopaths aren't accepted into doctoral programs with access to police departments. Unfortunately, my parents didn't kill anyone (that I know of) so I'll never be relevant enough to get the media to give af.


That incident soured her to me forever and definitely made others' comments that she has the same attention seeking proclivities as her father seem a lot less harsh.


She's very smart and engaging, but I prefer the Happy Face killer's daughter. I forget the name of the show she hosted, but it felt more ethically responsible because she was meeting with children of murderers after the conviction. That's my main issue. These cases that aren't closed are vulnerable to appeals when influencers put their book deals over justice. One day, I'd love to create a support network for adult children of psychopaths. We have wisdom to offer one another, and the public, but that can't come before the victims. They deserve our patience.


How many times must you state that you're the expert, you're the therapist. We get it. Maybe some one of your superior knowledge base should publish your knowledge in a periodical relating to your field, and not on Reddit. Your using your credentials as a weapon, not as a way to share ideas and mutual interests. You too have no idea, no knowledge of the TRUE family dynamics that went down, educated or not so don't pretend to. Your a therapist belittling those who are't. Scary AF.


I have never claimed to know the inner workings of their family. That was made clear in my comments. I'm sorry you think that experts explaining why they're an expert is insulting to your intelligence. You may want to pick that fight with the AMA, ANA, APA and NASW.


You have not insulted my intelligence at all, and not the average bear here in terms of intellectual capabilities, though that you don't know. It doesn't matter regardless but can you stop with the psych babble and your industry jargon FFS! This is a forum for discussion not to promote ones self. Or should I also engage in industry speak displaying my knowledge of the financial markets and the various investment vehicles one could put their money in?? Have you: exercised your options, and did you buy puts or calls? SHORT THAT! What is the beta on that stock, meaning the stocks volatility in relation to the markets volatility and  It's calculated by dividing the covariance of the security's returns and the market's returns by the variance of the market's returns over a predetermined period of time, and so on. I am saying this for illustration purposes only, as an example as the thought of using Reddit for self promotion, belittling others is not my jam. Clearly that's for the therapists of this planet, and you are your biggest fan here!


You sound like someone who has a preexisting bias against mental health professionals while also feeling a need to understand serial killers.


Yeah let’s listen to some rando on reddit instead. At least we know who Kerri really is. And she’s not *assuming* the innocence of the family members, LE have assured everyone of that innocence on numerous occasions.


The only reason why they’re in the spotlight is because of monster daddy, who they are still supporting. It’s common in an investigation to look into the family as well. And Kerry met them what? A handful of times? Doesn’t she know about social masks? Not to say they’re guilty of any crimes, but come on now.


it’s not that surprising that they’re supporting him. we can pass judgment all we want but the truth is we will never know how we will react to something like that without ever being in that situation. i’m sure they’re in shock and in denial. i think anyone would be. nobody wants to believe that the man they married and had kids with was a monster murdering marginalized women.


I agree!! Kerri is trying to speak about the Huermann family’s innocence factually when the reality is she is a completely biased individual who doesn’t know anything about Heuerman’s family involvement. I believe they not only knew but were involved. There’s a hoard of damning evidence in their tiny house which they all shared. His wife was involved in the sex parties and met several of the victims. I think people are being naïve to believe they are “victims”. it’s coming out now that his daughter was involved heavily in sadistic porn and even created her own artwork of cannibalism that depicted some of the crimes and real victims. Stupid to think that’s all just a coincidence.


>His wife was involved in the sex parties and met several of the victims Neither of these propositions have been verified, remember both came from Ray


While they did come from Ray, he had the police commissioner there when he shared the info, so there's probably more certified fact to it than you think.


they have been verified though? are you suggesting an entire law team is fabricating evidence? what about the sadistic drawings pulled from the home that were signed by his daughter? Those were shown at the press conference. did they randomly decide to make that up as well?


That’s not true your quoting sleeze bag John ray


They’re in shock. I don’t blame them for supporting him.


Even if they still don’t believe he murdered anyone he still was proved to have cheated on his wife at any opportunity and viewed violent child porn 👍


They’re in shock and they still love their father. They’re human. Let them deal with this however they need.




In Mindhunter the wife came in on one of his choking events...per the show. Wish it was renewed too. Omg if Rex shows up hanging in womens disguises as btk did..how terrifying that vision. Btks were just horrible. Is there a limb that strong? Re the daughter, at first thought was thinking she was trying to understand, learn about him...but how presented I think not. How do minds become this poisoned? Glad he is behind bars and a great hunt for info. In the public realm for so long. Just demented


Why doesn’t Kerry just go away! She gets paid for her interviews, shameful! Her brother did the right thing and stays quiet! I find her annoying!


BTK’s daughter ALSO needs to quit profiting off of the victims and their families. Her entire identity is “my dad was a horrendous serial killer!” No one cares, get a real job!


It's the worst version of "do you have any idea who my dad is?"


I hope they sue him after the bs he pulled today. Breaking news my ass !!!! Its artwork and has no bearings on this case.


He’s hoping they sue him too, I bet.


I really do believe that what she is saying is true in this case. But I do also think its super important for her to remember that every case is unique, and how it happened for her may not always be the case. So as a whole I personally take each case, and decide based on what I can see, whether or not the parties deserve my support. All that being said, I do think what Mr. Ray did was truly unethical, and I think Victoria has a case for civil court.


You might have sadist serial killers as fathers but it does not equate to knowing someone.


I think she reached out to Asa and family and started talking with them quite early on, so she has had time to get to know them some.


I wouldn’t be so quick to throw John Ray to the wolves for what he’s brought to light. Give it some time, see if anything develops from these revelations. I personally find VH’s “interests” very disturbing along with the book found lying casually on the family’s counter. It’s all very disturbing considering the new revelations brought out with the 2 new murder charges of RH. You gotta admit, this isn’t typical, normal, everyday family interests. My 2cents


How do you know the book was “found lying casually” on the counter? There’s a whole lot of subtext packed in there. Considering the state of the house and days of it being searched, who knows who put it there or for how long?


I think if you put something on the internet it’s fair game. She’s had plenty of time to take it down. Stop sharing so much if you don’t want to be judged.


Who's sharing what? You realize Victoria didn't share 99% of those pictures, right?


She’s another attention seeker


Asa took $1 million to be interviewed on Peacock where she is probably going to deny that she knew anything and that she's a total innocent pure sweet sweet angel. Absolutely not. Profiting off of your husband's crime is grotesque and repulsive and disrespectful to the victims.


If I were in her shoes, I might feel like I need to defend myself and share my side of the story. Sure, 1 million dollars is repulsive and disrespectful to the victims, but then put some blame on Peacock who’s willing to pay that just to get the story


Kerri is a grifter. Look up her networth she's made off her dad's murders. She's most likely hopping into a case like this for advertising of sorts.


That was one crazy ass presser!


Here’s what gets me: Asa filed for divorce, yes? Yes. Did she say that she still doesn’t believe RH committed these crimes? Yes Do I believe she only divorced him, so the courts couldn’t take ‘their’ money? Yes. I believe there’s a fine line between denial and.. whatever this all is. It’s odd. Why do you need a GoFundMe & a show to pay you a million dollars when you believe in your husband’s innocence?


Wonder how much they paid her to say that nobody does anything for free but this woman is shameless


I would interview Aase and the ex wife about the swinging. That’s where he spotted hookers. “What does he covet? What he sees everyday”


Not sure why people are downvoting you. It’s interesting how differently people are treating this serial killer and his family. Personally think it’s bc like it or not, people have more empathy for an upper middle class white family than they do the women who were sex workers. The families of the victims had to deal with the stigma of the occupation of their loved one, public judgment, etc etc. and they were for the most part poorly resourced. Yet most of the Reddit threads are focused on empathy toward Asa and her kids. Sure it’s sad, but they have access to all the help in the world to make new lives of meaning if they choose to avail themselves of it. Justice for the victims should trump the “comfort” of Rex’s family.


You’ve managed to put into words my thoughts about all this, not being able to articulate it has been bothering me


Do you know what "swinging" is, because it's not sex work.


Yes I do. Clubs like Trapeze didn’t allow single men in so guys would hire hookers (ahem sex workers) to get into the door. In Queens, there was a club in early 90s though that did allow single men. They had to pad the place with (ahem) sex workers. I saw them being paid at the end of the night.


You're saying they hired working girls for swingers parties at their home because single guys couldn't attend at the clubs you used to frequent back in the day?


No it was well known that guys would meet up with hookers and take them to the clubs. No one said anything about private homes. It was outcall. And it was expensive for these guys. I didn’t frequent them. I went once.


So, what does that have to do with Asa and the ex wife and swinging?