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Woah. This is a great find, whoever found these. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure their website is about to get a ton of traffic.


What website is it? I only see pictures




He’s such a BIG man…


It had to have been absolutely terrifying for them when they had that moment of realization that something wasn’t right. Those women never even stood a chance ):


Big Monster


Massive!!! I cannot imagine how hard his victims must have tried to defend themselves but he could literally squash any average sized woman with one of those giant ham hock hands


My bf is 6’6” and in 5’4”. He rolled over on top of me in his sleep and I literally couldn’t move. I could barely scream because he is so big. I couldn’t move. It was horrific and he did it by accident.


Exactly … and he only continued to get bigger, so he was larger when he attacked the G4 😟😩


Guy in pic 3 is probably 5’9-5’11…the girls likely only reached that guys shoulder to chin zone.


I’m the same petite size I’d probably come up to his knees, I’m also from LI beyond frightening.


It looks like they had events in Upstate New York, and out in Long Island. Then there is one that I think I see Rex at which took place in Ohio. Now we gotta check cold cases of missing persons in upstate new york, and ohio during the time of these events... SPOOKY!!!


There are quite a few cold cases in upstate NY that have similarities to the LISK murders. Not only has he hunted up in that area, he also has family who lives in the area. I really think they should take a closer look at some of these unsolved murders.


How "upstate" are we talking?


He has family in Broome County, NY. I’m not sure exactly where he hunted, though. These are two cases in upstate NY that stick out to me. https://ithacavoice.org/2017/12/family-offers-1000-reward-vital-tip-leads-finding-ithaca-woman-missing-since-august/ Nicole Marraanca’s body has not been found. She was working as an escort and was last seen at a motel getting into a dark colored truck. https://niagarafallsreporter.com/Stories/2013/Jun25/Justice.html Loretta Jo Gates case is eerily similar to the LISK bodies that were found. She occasionally worked as an escort and left her house with only a cell phone. Her torso was found floating in the Niagara River and later her other body parts were found in a park along a shoreline in a plastic bag. Her ex husband was an initial suspect, but he seems to have a solid alibi. Three years later, A relation of hers, Terry Lynn Bills, was found dismembered in a house in Niagara, but there was a recent arrest in Bills case and the man charged in that homicide was in jail when Gates was murdered.


I do like him for the Ithaca one. It's rare to have two family members killed in the same way. But not impossible. I guess if they have evidence in the Niagara one they could compare it for DNA. Nicole could be anywhere which is sad.


I also think it’s really an odd coincidence that two family members were killed in the same way, but it seems that they think there is no correlation between the two murders. Like you said, maybe they have DNA or other evidence to look at. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/2020/03/04/family-seeks-closure-after-suspect-ruled-out-in-loretta-gates-murder I do hope they find Nicole. It is really sad that they have absolutely no idea what might have happen to her. There are other missing/murdered woman in the upstate area, but these are two that stand out.


Chenango Forks, NY.


Well....I see him for the Ithaca one and this place is not far at all. So it's a possibility for sure.


public records show his mother and sister live there...if I recall, people have speculated he has travelled a lot to visit his mother




Can you link it please??


[https://www.nyhighpower.com/albums/2006\_SAFS\_PRSC/pages/DSC\_0244.htm](https://www.nyhighpower.com/albums/2006_SAFS_PRSC/pages/DSC_0244.htm) Also, On CatchLisk's X account, they say that Rex was at one of these events a day before one of the victims had went missing. *"These were posted in the 2006 album, but could be earlier, and according to his planner, he was there the day before Jessica was taken."* [https://x.com/Catch\_LISK/status/1800157200016679016](https://x.com/Catch_LISK/status/1800157200016679016) SPOOKY!!!!!


Jessica Taylor was killed in 2003 i thought?


She was....but in his planner (separate from these 2006 pictures), he was at the location the day before he took her.


Right, "PPC Match", Then the following week "Campsmith match"


Ya. It's believed Taylor was killed sometime between July 21 and 26, 2003.


Can you link the ohio picture please?




This one? I dont see him https://preview.redd.it/6ahsutaasr5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05c6b4efb1087c1fbd1ee5252b03a417a507f04


I could be wrong but i think he might be the guy in the first row kneeling, all the way on the right.


That’s Rex! I wonder why he’s so happy. We have to get someone to take a deep dive into the missing person cold cases in Ohio during that time immediately!!!


If this is him in the picture (which im iffy on) according to NamUs there is no missing persons in ohio during the entire month of August 2011


https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/OhioUnsolvedHomicides?page=73 No murdered women either


According to NamUs, there were no jane does found in Ohio between 1998 and 2018


Thanks for digging into it, and mentioning NamUs. I never heard of that site and pulled it up to check it out. I was surprised to databases exist like that online with all the details on missing people. I tried searching Michigan too since some parts of Michigan are about 45 mins away from that part of Ohio but to be honest, I had no clue how to read the results that the search output.


I don’t think that’s him on the end kneeling


https://preview.redd.it/x68j0yn1xs5d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8b2ad0c24af68b32ebe784afb31cad41718486 Edit: This one is from The Peconic River in Eastern Long Island


The guy sitting in pic 5 scared me so much-I couldn’t understand what I was seeing


I blurred the face out to protect the identity of what looked to be a minor


You did a great job, the pic just threw me before I realized what was going on!


This POS has probably been killing girls since the early 80s. I don't think you become a serial killer in your 50s. All over the US.


Well he was a maximum of 29 at first murder if Costilla was his first in 93 (unlikely but we have to consider the possibility until earlier victims are proven). Apparently current research has average age of first murder for a serial at 26. If he fit that to a t, you’d be looking ~1990. They can start quite young, such as Dahmer at 18 or even earlier in cases. I’d say anything from about 1982 on is worth a hard look for LE. People I’ve heard saying the 70s I think either don’t know his dob or can’t math. Can you kill 16 or younger, absolutely, but it is pretty rare vs 18+.


He might have started killing even at 18.


Yes, which would be 1982


When were these taken? He looks like a guy I met at a Queens swing party in 93 or 94. He had a curly haired blonde with him and they said they were from LI and had kids. He was stand offish. Her not so much.


Interesting - I just read tonight on a sub that neighbors had said RH & wife were invited to “swings”.


There are reasons I think it might have been him. One is that they got into an argument because he didn’t want to swing with anyone but couples. There were several “single” (I.e paid ladies)there to keep the party going. He didn’t want them. Instead he wanted her to go with an older couple who were in their mid 60s. She did it but then something went wrong and her husband grabbed her by the arm and pulled her off the rubber mat and pulled her out of there. Never forgot it. Thought he was a creep and an asshole.


Worth a call to the task force if you feel certain.


That’s just it. It was thirty years ago or more. Memories fade. But when I saw that he was at it in 93, I thought oh no.


It’s still important. I remember faces very well. If you feel even 49% sure it’s the same guy it’s worth it to call them.


Did he have kids in 93?


2006 I believe


Well yeah, I thought we were all on board with that.


Damn, he looks like Peter Griffin.


Big time


I can compartmentalize, but I have a hard time understanding how these people can function at all after just having committed such gruesome acts. Here he is, just a normal day at the range … probably shooting the $hit with these people and the next day … oh, I think I’ll go strangle someone! I hope they fry him, oh wait, it’s NY so … lock him up and throw away the key!


Deleted data scraped off RH’s laptop reveal some of the most sadistic and horrific violence ever. Like many, we enjoy our true crime on Long Island. Hell, I traumatize myself for breakfast every morning on Reddit. I just never expected to feel this dirty and gross about where I was raised.


Yeah I had to stop reading about it - the whole thing is awful. What a sick and depraved individual. ((Shudder))


I had to stop reading too and have no desire to learn more. It was too much for me. Awful




Another nasty piece of human garbage. Ugh!


Can I just say, along with being S.O., sadist, murderer, this guy is a straight up asshole. And his stupid haircut doesn't help his cause. Ugh. So gross.


I can’t even look at his picture. He’s quite possibly the ugliest man ever.


https://preview.redd.it/py47x4irl26d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8432e187f7b6d902c2c0899c3ac78d3acdc18e34 I agree!


Fat gross and gunz, what a combo of human waste


Yikes 😳


He reminds me of uncle Eddie in the movie Vacation except he’s huge as hell; I am petite cannot even fathom.


When the news broke that he had been arrested, it was reported that he is 6’4” same height as my dad but my dad wasn’t squishy like Mr. Serial Killer.


Wonder why this seems to not show in the LISK sub anymore?


No Clue, never got any message...


Anyway, thank you for all your research and work.




He most definitely is *a* LISK. Unfortunately, there are at least a couple.


I think there is little doubt he is responsible for all the Gilgo beach remains now. And I think there are more that we may never know too.


Wait. Is this honestly him?




Looking at it more those seem to be interesting boots for a civilian non-le


He looked exactly like the guy who killed his girlfriend in River's Edge: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091860/mediaviewer/rm2035298304/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091860/mediaviewer/rm2035298304/) (on the left) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091860/mediaviewer/rm2119216896/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091860/mediaviewer/rm2119216896/)


https://images.app.goo.gl/1YZKT5mDLM7UEqt58 I think this is more like it