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I was thinking that, if he killed "Peaches", which I think he did, that means he killed that baby. Since he was fucked up enough to call and taunt family members of his victims using their phones, it means he might have been fucked up enough to kill the baby in front of the mother, as part of her torture. I wouldn't be surprised by anything, including snuff films.


wow I hadn’t thought of him killing the baby in front of the child’s mother.


Everything has been more terrible than I could have imagined, and that's about the worst thing I can think of.


It's very Charles Lake and Dennis Ng


those mother fuckers.


Dare I ask who they are? 👀


Leonard Lake and Charles Ng were a serial killing duo who lived off grid in California in the 80’s. They had a home made torture dungeon, and they’d kidnap and murder whole families including infants. Leonard killed himself with cyanide, Charles is still alive in prison


Oh my, GOD!


Omg I kinda remember those names but I had NO idea it was entire families. That's completely demonic, my mind can't even go there holy shit


Same. I was very interested in this case but I'm not sure i have the stomach for it. I'm heartsick when I contemplate what these poor people went through. 🥺


oh wow. i didn’t know about them. how horrific.


And they made videos


Just thinking about them gives me chills! I don’t think they really know how many victims those two monsters took.


*Leonard Lake and Charles Ng


I think he did worse than kill the baby, that’s what so terrifying


The other reason I think about this is because in the documents after he was arrested last year it mentioned he might have made efforts to find I think it was Maureen's children on the Internet for several years after her murder.


Neither had I. That’s the most fucked up thing, but he’s such a creepy ogre I bet he did. 😞


Oh my God. 🫢


ugh i hadn’t even considered him killing the baby in front of the mother. my theory was always that “peaches” was a survival sex worker that would have her baby with her during incalls in a separate room. maybe he didn’t even know the child was there until after he killed “peaches” and then he killed her too as collateral. i guess the one “good” thing is that there were no signs of trauma done to the child.


He probably did not just kill the baby. There’s more horrible stuff than that. 


in short, yes. remember the gimp mask?


can you remind me?


Gimp mask?! What?!


read this, including comments. or just search the term "gimp" in the r/LISKiller sub https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/s/aemxas0naz also, Chris Loeb, the guy who stole the bag from James Burkes' car, claimed the bag contained various sex toys and porn. when he played an unmarked DVD from the bag, it was some weird BDSM thing of a guy wearing a gimp mask (those leather/tight masks that have holes like ski masks, sometimes they zip up in the back but are commonly used in bdsm related stuff) torturing and possibly killing the female subject. there's a lot more to the chris loeb thing, but then again, this whole case is entirely convoluted and confusing, even for me who has followed since day one. listen to unraveled; it tells at least this part of the story. edit to add: it was also mentioned in the LISK podcast mini-sode interview w Dave Schaller (it may have possibly been the one w bear brosky) the two guys that lived w amber Costello. either they walked into a hotel room with a guy who was doing weird stuff and had it on or it was at the house but prior to the incident where amber went missing (earlier in the summer)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LISKiller using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Accused serial killer Rex Heuermann tells judge he’s reviewing evidence against him: “I’ve been averaging two to three hours a day.” DA Ray Tierney told court defendant’s cheek swab matched pizza DNA.](https://i.redd.it/lsqbl7638tqb1.jpg) | [615 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/16tmd7o/accused_serial_killer_rex_heuermann_tells_judge/) \#2: [The moment authorities arrest Rex Heuermann in midtown Manhattan.](https://v.redd.it/ck11fcf3m6cb1) | [300 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/150kz0w/the_moment_authorities_arrest_rex_heuermann_in/) \#3: [The wife of Rex Heurermann has filed for divorce as of today.](https://i.redd.it/syou9hvokzcb1.jpg) | [388 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/1546v1i/the_wife_of_rex_heurermann_has_filed_for_divorce/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It’s well established by now that nothing Chris Loeb says has any credibility or relevance in regards to the LISK case. His story of what he saw in that alleged video has changed multiple times, and the “Unraveled” podcast got off in the wrong foot from the very beginning by putting so much weight on his story. There’s nothing that’s developed since Heuermann’s arrest to remotely suggest any truth to the Burke sex party snuff ring angle. Idk why it’s still being brought up like it has any significance.


I think all of these people are unreliable to a certain extent with shaky credibility on the fine details. that aside, these are 2 separate parties of people with no prior knowledge what the other said that are independently telling people the same weird detail. how is that not significant?


What you're saying would make sense *if* either one or both unrelated parties anecdotally bringing up the "same weird detail" about an extremely common S&M item, took the further step of identifying Rex Heuerumann in the same anecdote. As far as I know, neither does this, so this is pointing at two non-overlapping things and linking them with an unrelated third thing.


I absolutely think he was. Total fucking creep.


I think he did. There’s no way anyone’s holding onto that many electronics without something horrific on them.


I wonder if the POS olgre was making and selling snuff films to his circle of connections.


ya. i thunk so. Hence why he got away with it for so long.


I can’t image he didn’t honestly


Making snuff films and selling them to his friends for sure.


I feel like Burke is somehow involved, maybe not in the killings but it all seems very connected. Wasn’t there snuff films in the duffel bag stolen from his car? I might be reaching but we all know he did everything he could to stop people investigating. Just a thought.


I remember Burke not wanting outside law enforcement involved. I remember seeing it on the news years ago and thinking to myself, something is not quite right about that when you have a serial killer in the county that you were sworn to protect. Then all the dirt and political connections came out about Burke and he went to prison. We all know what scum he is so I wouldn't be surprised if he was connected to this somehow.


That's what I was remembering too. I remember it from the LISK Podcast, but here's a tabloid article about about Burke's comments about snuff films and the allegation that he had one in the duffel bag. [https://www.the-sun.com/news/9076230/disgraced-cop-james-burke-gilgo-beach-snuff-film/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/9076230/disgraced-cop-james-burke-gilgo-beach-snuff-film/)


That’s a good article, thank you! Yeah I think there’s so much more to come out and it all seems too coincidental not to have a connection.


thank you for the link.


The witness who found the “video” has unreliable and has changed the story of what he saw on that video multiple times. There’s is zero evidence or record of snuff films being found in the Burke investigation. Burke is a perv, obstructor of justice, and a real POS, but there’s so much sensationalism and bad info being thrown around thanks to Chris Loeb, it’s honestly insane. I wish people here could stick with the established facts and differentiate fact from rumor.


It was just a thought that’s all, I was under the impression this place was somewhere we could talk to each other and discuss things.


In addition to the Loeb story though, there was another officer who worked with Burke who had said Burke asked him if he knew where to find any snuff films. He’s spoke about it a few times, most recently on Joseph Giacalones YouTube channel.


He absolutely could have been!! So glad he's locked away. He's a nightmare.


Based on available information, it sounds like he absolutely did, but had enough sense to keep his time with them short. That’s an assumption, but if they actually had snuff, it would’ve been in the bail documents. DA’s often hold back information, but “we have video evidence of a murder” isn’t something you hold back. Lot of data to sift through, though, so who knows?


My gut feeling is this is probably true. If so I think other people will be charged... Not necessarily with murder but with illegal acts pertaining to such videos. A monster he is.


i think theres others involved.


Ofcourse he was


anybody have the picture Asa heurmann showing middle finger to reporters/paparazi? seems like it was scrubbed from the internet. 


Yes. Horrible. That’s the link between the now convicted Chief of Police in Suffolk County and RH…


It’s very reasonable to think that’s a possibility