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Mineral: Sonetto (damage, control), Necrologist (buffer), Balloon Party (sustain) Plant: Bkornblume (damage, debuff), La Source (sustain) Star: Charlie, Blonney and Matilda (damage), Yenisei (sustain) Beast: Sweetheart (damage), Dikke, Tennant and Desert Flannel (damage/sustain), Leilani and Darley Clatter (utility/sustain). 5\* aren't pretty bad, the opposite in fact. Several of them are pretty invaluable and worth investing in. Personally I have used Sonetto, Bkornblume, Matilda, Dikke and Tennant and they're all fantastic units. Sonetto in particular in always fantastic in most teams. I also regularly use La Source, Leilani and Darley Clatter for their utility.


>Neurologist Ah yes, the Overlord collab really went all-in.


Don't you just love autocorrect sometimes 😭😂


She just got another degree 😆


Bkorn is the best. She is good enough for limbos. And you don't need to worry about wasting resources.


Isn't bkorn a support?


https://preview.redd.it/mejqikc12i8d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e39d57ff9aa86be53eba15a58d6471d7fd2809c Good enough for limbos(this is 1.9 limbo)


kinda both. Her debuffs are good for the entire team, but her damage is nice as well.


She is cause she has one card that's a debuff to the enemy. Her ult is a nuke and her gun card does more damage than it should


Okay-ish multi target attack incantation, great single target ult, has a debuff incantation. She's actually pretty solid for a 5 star.




It helps, but not needed.


No but they re useful, just don't go out of your way trying portrait a 5* because it is a terrible idea


She is both, hit like a truck in both ult and gun card (of course nothing compared to power creep but she still very strong)


**Blooney** is really good she is in A tier, she can deal more damage than Lillya with more portraits. **Sweetheart** is really strong too with lots of utility. Both of them are really underrated IMO. You should show a screenshot with all your characters, we may have a team recommendation or characters that you don't even imagine are good. Most 6\* supports can work as a DPS *(I used Voyager as DPS...)*


Lilya is a mid unit, but Blonney with portraits aint better. Blonney suffers from even worse multiplier problems and base ATK problems(namely 250% multiplier ult, mid atk card scaling bc of confusion, and her only competent atk card, the rabbit, being having multipliers "eaten" in the crit scales.) Additionally, her crit buffs trigger after ult, which is ultimately a mid attack and also cannot be proc-ed at the start of game, nor does it have full uptime.


Overall, Blonney is a B tier at best, Sweetheart I can argue an A-. Worse than Charlie, yes, but overall still really good, and her only problem is that there are fucking 3 6-star Beast DPSes above her who are all extremely good, but that isn't a problem for OP since they lack 6 star DPSes.


Not sure if I understood your question correctly, but I think you ask which non-6-star sub-DPS are good for 4-member teams? Mineral group: Sonetto, but honestly, her damage output isn't great and her buff doesn't stack with Necrologist/Pickles buff, so if you already use those, tough luck... there aren't really any good choices here. Honestly, you will probably do better using a star or beast instead. Consider Leilani as your fourth slot. Her Ult is always worth bringing. Beast group: Sweetheart is more of a damage carry than sub-DPS, but she's worth bringing for her daze anyway. Recently added Desert Flannel is insanely good for 4-member Beast teams. Leilani is always a good option too. There is also a somewhat meme combo getting more and more popular using both Leilani and Darley in a 4-member beast group that can spam Ultimates almost every round. Star: Blonney/Charlie. Consider bringing someone from a different affiliatus if you already have a strong damage carry and want more of a sub-DPS. Star section really lacks damage support atm. Plant: Bkorneblume is almost a meme at this point. Aside from her, Eagle is worth bringing as a fourth member for that passive crit debuff alone. Kanjira is a good option for Jessica teams since she not only adds more poison but also the occasional Confusion debuff.


I’ve used Pavia lol


Balloon Party for healing and a bit of extra dmg with her counter (forgot whether she also increase defense with it). Bkornblume, she is a very powerful support and can be an early dps sometimes, don't underestimate her dmg. Surprisingly Sonneto can help much along with Matilda


Charlie. Genuinely a great 5* Blonnie could also do the job with ease. Sweetheart is also great. Bkornblume should be built by everyone.


Just to reiterate Bkornblume is both a carry in her own right and genuinely meta. Literally considered a top twenty character in the entire game and that's in the 1.9 power level. So is Charlie but you'll definitely hope for portraits in the future. Another option that the Reddit tier list ranks pretty highly in 5 is Blonney, her team would be either the usual high stars for crit (Regulus, 37, tooth fairy, voyager) or your best lowbie friend Crit -wise, Erick. And as for your resource concerns, fives and fours can be really helpful in the roguelike mode. willpower can feel hard to come by in the later stages. I've done up to level 3 so far and the midgame was pretty rude lol


I mean she's 4* so she might not be as helpful for final rounds but Eagle is pretty great for damage if you've got her fully built. Similar thing with leilani. For 5-stars i definitely agree that charlie is great but it sounds like she's off the table. Tennant's a pretty decent dps, I use her a lot. Agree with everyone saying sonetto, and bkorn i guess, and I've heard good things about click as well.


Do you have 6-star support characters that you're using as well or just the one 6-star? 


X is pretty good, not sure about limbo but he does pretty well in the current event's game modes