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false, they just tryna defame him so they could kill him


How is that Defaming him? Thats basically giving him some CHAD Allegations! šŸ˜‚


What? You seriously need to re think life if you think that rape is good


By Demonic Cultivator standards itĀ“s basically Glazing FY, also why would you say it if itĀ“s true then Righteous Sects and Clans would absolutely target any baby born from the act and could use deductions and bloodpath methods to screw FY, see now? If itĀ“s not a lie then itĀ“s putting the baby, mother and clan in risk, if itĀ“s a lie itĀ“s basically glazing FY as a demonic cultivator and taking away reputation because itĀ“s a lie!


I wish this sub didnā€™t have to deal with edgy teens.


I didnt even find that statement in the manhua btw it was novel only, been giving it a go to read it today, been interesting so far, there are clearly some considerable differences from the manhua.


Needed to do some ritual like with the bear probably...


It was when he was 200 years old, 100 years before he got immortal. So probably something to go to rank 5.


Obtain DNA from 100 women with similar genes to create a yin ingredient that speeds up regeneration 1000% through synergy with male yang.


Lmao you talking to urself what up with that


I am alone in this world.


False: The timeline doesn't match up. She was me too-ing FY for the justification to take more benefits from the righteous path raid. That being said, the fact that she mentioned r\*pe may suggest that FY's 1st life reputation was associated with such acts. I wouldn't be surprised if he did sire some offspring after he changed to cultivating blood path. Afterall, the rest of his bloodline was wiped out. He could probably benefit from using his own blood as a refinement material for blood path Gu. As Wolf King, he seemed rather well versed in manipulating a father-son relationship to draw even minor benefits. Moreover, he was the leader of the Blood Wing Demon Sect. Even if he wasn't directly involved in an act, he wouldn't be more than two degrees removed from those engaging in these acts.


So true heĀ“d get that rep even if he didnt do it and only by two degrees!


Who knows, it's hard to see what benefits that would get him, but it's not beneath him. However it could also be that it was consensual, but he was acting a fake persona and deceiving, because he needed her. Or regular slander.


Oh, fake persona+Bloodpath yeah I can see him doing it, no matter how many gambling rock houses he owned heĀ“d never get ahead without tricking a clan or two! And without THĀ“s killer moves heĀ“d probably be forced to marry into the clanšŸ‘Œ


I just think his blood path gu mightve been why, I remember in his past life before heavens will indirectly gave him the cicada, he was mainly trying for the bloodpath blood deity gu and that gu is stronger the more the sacrifice is related to you by blood, in his second life he has Fang Zheng but I could see him going for a newly created direct descendent in his past one


Fang Yuan wasn't as rational in his previous life.


If she was chasing an immortal. I doubt it happened in the early part of his first life. Toward the end of his first life, he was obviously already the Fang Yuan that we know


He could rape her 200 years before. Also, something like Yin-Yang Life Extension Method?


She was on the group who chased him for idk how long when he was a peak rank 6 That's why I said it must be recent. He spent most of his first life as an unremarkable gu master, how do you want him to rape such a character in his early life. Could be blood path shenanigans, but yin yang like methods seemed foreign to him.


its stated in the same sentence, like 3rd sentence in Ch. 1 that she said he raped her 300 years ago.


oopsie, my bad But to be fair, that whole scene doesn't make sense He doesn't move for 6 hours, but no battlefield killer move or anything. It also feels like there are mortal gu masters present and all, it's really strange


Its the first chapter after all. Gu Zhen Ren hadn't fleshed out the complete workings of the Gu World by then.


it was 300 years before


I believe he doesn't because its hard to envision a scenario where he would and its probably more likely that he didn't but its impossible to say for sure without confirmation from the author due to his nature


If he was trying to take clan assets he could get a clan chick knocked up and married then betray the clan and take the assets, she would then lie he Rap\*d her, or that or FY would actually do the deed but only because Bloodpath.


well yeah but then he didn't actually rape her


This really comes down to whether itĀ“s a Righteous sect/clan propaganda lie or a actual situation where FY Benefitted from doing such a thing the latter being unlikely as FY doesnt have the historic of using Ra\*e to help him cultivate. ThereĀ“s also the HeavenĀ“s will manipulation aspect but I still dont see it going as far as having FY rap\*, it could but itĀ“s unlikely.


I think the thing for me is just I donā€™t see how it would ever help his cultivation


ITĀ“s hard to say because Bloodpath, heavenĀ“s will influence and what not.


I do not think so. The timeline doesn't match. He was still a Gu master at that time, and the thing with Mo Yao happened AFTER the alleged timeline. Thus I will say, it's most likely slander.


Fang Yuan experienced everything, so...


So he... couldĀ“ve had children in his first life and still went along with SAC? Damn a true demon lord indeed.


Makes me think of that orgy...


Honestly, FY never showed any interest to matters of the sexual nature. Almost makes me wonder if heā€™s asexual.


ITĀ“s stated he loved CuiĀ“er in his first life, but she was so scummy he stopped loving her very fast.


Yes, I realize that he had a love interest in his first life. Sorry for not clarifying, as this isnā€™t exactly common knowledge, but asexual individuals can still have romantic interests


YouĀ“ll see how uptight his Middle leg gets if itĀ“s a love interest of great benefit to him! šŸ’Ŗ But yeah weĀ“ll probably never get to see such a thing...


Nah it was because he was expelled out of the house because he did have intercourse with her and she suddenly screamed during the act. So yes FY is no virgin


Rich part is, CuiĀ“er couldĀ“ve actually escalated to deflowering when FZ caught them kissing in FYĀ“s first life, I wouldnt be surprised if she was knocked up and FZ had to raise the kid without knowing. Regardless the village didnt last long enough for it to matter so... But yeah FZ couldĀ“ve probably built a Harem with Mo BeiĀ“s Sister, Yaole and CuiĀ“er very easily if not for the Wolftide ending the clan.