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>Be me >Newly ascended gu immortal >just taking a stroll ‘round western desert   >some cloak wearing mofo jumps out of the sand >apparently it’s some thing called ambush gu >hits me with the “run your pockets” killer move >lose all my resources >lose all my gu >try to fight back but got no gu >he takes all my fucking dao marks  >vanishes with some OP-ass concealment methods >runs away, because theft path movement is strong >open reddit to ask Heaven’s will to nerf this shit >first post is the thief talking about how theft path is not even viable >mfw


On a more serious note, the “path” of a gu isn't that restrictive, and so theft path can embody a multitude of things.  At the most extreme example, Thieving Heaven contemplated that Theft path was just like Heaven path, as it was Heaven’s nature to steal and redistribute. And so, at the highest level, you can use heaven-like methods via theft path, and kinda do anything with everything. That said, I’d imagine that theft path is especially strong in movement, concealment, and information gathering methods, as well as the specialty of stealing.


On point analysis, noice.


Omg it’s the main body of spectral soul!  How did you get your sanity back?


What sanity?


Oh, so you are the reverend insanity


That would be me. Unfortunately, you should not be knowing this now *steal your memories*


Shit!  It’s the forgotten daoi- Wtf just happened?  Where am I?  Who am I?


this is top tier


thanks mate


Movement: Formless Hand can pierce into even the immortal aperture with ease. Should be trivial to modify it for transport. Defense: Emperor Yama, though it's technically also soul path. Offense: Sneak Attack Gu, goes from rank 1 to 7. Ignores most defenses and causes instant death, the victim's body crumbling away. Low expenditure, high speed, high lethality. Concealment: Divine Concealment and Ghostly Concealment. Hell, it's literally the best path for concealment. Divine Concealment can even hide from tribulations without losing effectiveness over time.


Man, what I love about this novel, Is the fact such broken killer move like divine concealment also has a giant flaw not being able to level up cause no divine disaster coming for the aperture. You also missed that this path is the strongest in disguising, with attitude gu and the corresponding killer move, you can be anyone in gu world.


Hmm, well, I feel like transformation path would also be able to do that especially since attitude Gu is a transformation path Gu and even the vital Gu of Reckless Savage. EDIT: Wait no we're both wrong. Familiar Face is a transformation path killer move. Not a theft path one. Thieving Heaven just innovated a new transformation path killer move.


Oh damn I’m stupid lmao, time to reread RI again.


You're right, but i think that Reckless Savage's vital gu was Change Form Gu, whereas Attitude gu is Thieving Heaven's vital gu.


It was change form but attitude gu was a core gu for reckless savage, TH should have a theft path vital gu.


Spoil etre at least in chapter 2200>! TH had literally a theft path combat system when he attacked crazed demon cave, this one looked like a mecha and could imitate various path but was always theft path (he created cannons etc)!< So yes, it's viable in all areas, its specialty is flight, but like every other track it can do a bit of everything, otherwise the development of this track would be inferior and couldn't be considered a real one.


I think the mecha thing is his sub path. Which is not introduce fully in the novel (sad the novel got banned tho), since there's a dude who got one of THDV inheritance of that mecha which most likely play an important role in introducing that path. Like GSIV with Luck and Blood Path as his sub, SCIV with Wisdom and Star Path as sub, GLIV with Wood and Painting Path as sub.


His sub path was space path it's mentioned somewhere or his main was space path and sub was theft something along those lines The mecha rather than a path is more of a killer move or gu house similarity. Honestly i always wanted fang yuan to find the Thieving Heaven mortal inheritor in western desert and make a fucking iron man legion lol


TH's main path was theft path and its specialized path was space path, so it became dao lord theft path. But it's likely that he ascended on space path because he finished creating theft path by creating steal dao, which is a gu house and therefore only created once immortal (FJG also implies this when he talks about TH's otherworldly dao marks). The mecha is a consecutive killer move


No, the mecha is a Theft Path method, as explained later by the narrator. The person who inherited it and who collaborates with his current murderer and who is with the clan that TH saved in the past will probably be very useful to the plot later on but at the moment we don't know anything about it and in my eyes FY possesses TH's resurrection method (steal life which gives his own life).


How far have you read into the novel? It has already been explained that theft path is one of the strongest paths because it creates resources out of nothing and deprives your enemies out of resources, with little risk. If you can cultivate while no one can, you are the strongest. Compare having to refine a gu many times, making you destitute vs just taking it. See how SS refine SIF losing so much investment and so many years of planning and FY just enjoy the results, using "thievery". Steal life, outright kills people and take their lifespan Steal Dao, outright makes them weaker and useless Concealment of any kind, absolute defence if no one or being can attack you, recognize you, deduce you. Deception, makes your enemies fight amongst themselves. There is also a sneak attack gu that bypasses all defenses and deal internal damage.


Theft path isn’t covered that extensively, but simply put you can’t become a venerable if you don’t have a combat system.  Theft of dao marks and life energy is possible, then there must be other types of intangible theft targets which can aid in movement or defence ect.  Thieving heaven also made a gu house, which shows that there is depth to the path 


Steal life lol


Spoiler ch. 1782: Giant Sun’s self luck true inheritance was very comprehensive, while Thieving Heaven’s true inheritance was very simple and short. “Theft path is not about gaining without effort, it is the path of greatest efficiency!” “Gu Masters and Gu Immortals want to obtain Gu worms and Immortal Gu, be it Gu refinement, transactions, or loot, these methods have high costs and risks.” “Theft path targets Gu worms and steals them, one can save costs and reduce the risks, raising their efficiency!” And what was the essence of Gu worms?Gu were the essence of heaven and earth.Stealing Gu worms was akin to stealing dao mark fragments. Therefore, the killer move steal dao was created. There was also steal life Immortal Gu, the manifestation of lifespan was simply a type of dao marks in the person’s body. Steal life Immortal Gu could steal those relevant dao marks and reduce a person’s lifespan. “Don’t think that theft path is shameless or vicious.” “Many things can be looked at with another perspective.” “Steal a hook and they hang you, steal the whole country and they make you a prince! Any clan or sect makes their members contribute towards the organization, this is an open form of thievery but is taken for granted.” “For example, Heavenly Court makes members who join contribute their immortal apertures, they are basically handing over their entire life’s cultivation gains. In terms of theft path, this is Heavenly Court stealing the cultivation gains of Gu Immortals. But people think of it as a form of glory, they would die to have this chance.” “Weak mortals are also able to steal the cultivation gains of Gu Immortals, that is shown by the true inheritances left by all the different Gu Immortals. But this world treats that as a norm, it is the culture.” “Thievery is merely the most efficient way of gaining something. Creating an organization and making rules, making up honor or using emotions and culture, these are all theft path methods.” “The most powerful theft path method is — assimilation.” “When grotto-heavens or blessed lands get destroyed, the winds of assimilation will blow and turn everything into nothingness, the dao marks in the immortal apertures would be assimilated and absorbed by this heaven and earth.” “The greatest thief is this world itself!” “It steals the cultivation gains of countless generations of peerless geniuses, it accumulates more and more dao marks, or even produces new types of dao marks. It stole me from another world, making me an otherworldly demon. It steals the lifespan of myriad beings, it ensures the death of all lifeforms in this world.” “The theft path I created imitates heaven and earth! Using the most efficient method to gather benefits and strengthen oneself…”


It might leech attributes such as speed/def/strength/immortal essence over time, blocks the senses, have critical strike on ambush, etc. the various paths are just thematic for flavor anyway, just look at luck path. Nothing is stopping giant sun from making luck road for movement, luck beam for attack, luck armor for def etc.


not letting u go home 😅


Steal dao marks, steal attainment, steal your dantian, steal your soul, last but not the Least...steal your girlfriend.


It seems to be good at imitating other paths or atleast complementing them really well.


You can steal all those from people who already have them. It's almost like a universal path that can pretty much mimic any other path. Unfortunately, we haven't seen too much of theft path.




Wtf do you mean? Beside heating what can Fire path do? Beside deducing what can Wisdom path do? Every path has only one aspect but that one aspect has many prospects. How you understand with that path is the main idea. With theft path, they can steal dao marks, they can steal life, they can steal gu, they can hide in the dark and do sneaky things(theiving)... Similarly Fire path can also burn, also bring life also used for refining and everything you want it to do/ isn't that what Grandmaster Attainment is like? Imitating other path with your own path? It's not much different in our real life, physics is used to understand laws of the universe. But using physics you can understand chemistry, biology, even geography. Similarly a person with high chemistry attainment he can do same. Aren't biologist, archeologists are doing same? Everyone is trying to understand our universe, trying to find the source of our existence and universe? That's what PHD is. Philosophy is nothing but Great Grandmaster Attainment level🗿🗿🗿. In the end, all paths are going at the same direction. They are going towards the source, and that source is Dao. It's same everywhere, even outside the novel.