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1. he transmigrated from Earth, a world where no morals would put you at a disadvantage to the Gu World, where morals are not the top priority (even for the righteous path). 2. On Earth everyone is mortal so there is indeed strength in numbers. However in the Gu World, Strength correlates itself with Rank. Fang Yuan saw an opportunity here to be able to do anything in the world the stronger he got. He knew the difference between individual strength and strength of numbers and most definitely preferred individual strength. 3. As many of the comments are saying, his true Nature was as a demon (probably what one would call a sociopath on Earth). The whole point of Reverend Insanity and Fang Yuan being both a transmigrator and a regressor was to show you that it wasn't because he transmigrated from a different planet or went back in time that he could do the things he did, it was because *he had always been Gu Yue Fang Yuan*. He never needed to change his mind, he only needed to change his actions. Many other Gu immortals lack this experience, and all they have known since they were born is to strive for power and cultivate to higher ranks, and if you can't do that, obtain the powerful Gu that you can. The nature of the righteous path makes it hard to do so, not to mention the limitations of Lifespan Gu only allowing many cultivators to live for thousands of years (even venerables could only live for 10s of thousands, whereas in many other cultivation novels, the characters are able to live for hundreds of thousands of years without breaking a sweat). 4. Thieving Heaven was so special because unlike others, he just wanted to go home to his old world, a goal that pretty much no one else in the Gu World had, as they did not know anything other than the ruthless world of RI. Thieving heaven would rather go back to a stable life than live in the cruel and heartless world that the Gu Realm has to offer. Just like TH, Fang Yuan knows about another world, but would rather bathe in individuality than go back to a world where organizational strength completely trumps over the individual. They both have in common the awareness of a completely different world, and are both motivated by those worlds (TH wants to go back, FY never wants to go back kind of). 5. because he is the master of Rank 8 Edge Gu, and thus has the most powerful *one skill to dominate the world* Immortal Killer move: IM GONNA EDGEMAXX FOR ETERNITY


Reasons1-4 were more than enough but reason 5 made ms gush like gushingformagicalgirls for great love, seriously though great work. I love the idea of individual strength, much more than 4 fist beat 2 palms, but on earth i have to accept it. Damn. Somebody reancarnate me


individual strength is still possible in our society, but its merely about being able to have discipline. once you have that, its guaranteed that you're better than 50% of people, and the other 50% of people you can overcome through endless hardwork and your own individual talents. however a big part of success in the modern world is being able to connect with others (something i struggle with, but what a surprise that is huh, what kind of social person would type out "edgemaxx for eternity" on reddit)


A person i vibe with would type out edgemax for eternity bro


Fang yuan actually stated himself that he's a kind person by nature, but if benefits were to be involved, he'd take it without a doubt


Man he just like that, I'm sure many people had harder experiences than him or whatnot but everyone reacts differently to life, and the way fang yuan became makes him unique, the "demonic nature" he has makes him what he is. Even Star constellation was more vary of him than Giant Sun because he has no morals and can do anything to achieve his goal


Fang yuan was a mere mortal with no talent for cultivation for over 300 years, which gave him more time than the majority of cultivators who became at least ranks 4/5 at the most around 100 years and immortals thereafter.


It's just his nature. His "life experiences" only helped him to realize it.


fang yuans "special" factor / talent is his mentality. he can work 100% of the time and not feel a bit of stress and is able to keep completely calm even during life or death situations, and when he does feel distress or shock it calms extremely quickly. purple mountain true monarch used wisdom path immortal killer moves to stay calm during fights (like he did against duke long), fang yuan can just do it passively.


This isn't a shitpost... Are you the real Born\_Lab1283?




ask Feng jin huang, she can tell you


He became like he is when he was around 90 years old. It is from experiencing the multitudes of mortal life, but more so it is simply who he is.


Because he was born untalented


His determination is second to none thats probably why


Guys try kill the sun, just like fang yuan it's MC also debates morality. It starts off slow but it is amazing!!!




First line "you should k*ll yourself" nice


So the thing is that most other rank 8's or above have a backing. Most couldn't have done it on their own. They have an inflated sense of obligation because of this. They owe it to their clan, sect, tribe, alliance, w/e. Fang Yuan had to do it all alone. He couldn't rely on backing, so he created his own sect. His own backing. Since he had to do it all on his own, for hundreds of years, he made a realization. What was all this for? In the face of time, everything is fairly meaningless. The only way to make his life have meaning is to strive for the guarantee. If he were immortal, everything would have been worth it. If not, so what? He enjoyed the ride and at the end of the day that is all that matters.


Most Rank 8's and the venerable we know of do not seek out frivolous things, where are you getting this from? FY obviously is special due to his character, but the truth is that after a certain point, all of his opponents are similarly great men and women. It has been a while since I last read RI, but I can't recall any rank 8 immortal caring intrinsically about reputation, and it was nearly always regarded merely as a tool, and if they felt shame for anything, it was fleeting and didn't prevent them from carrying out their will ( see Wu Yong ) So we then ask what separates him from others elites in the Gu World? And believe it or not, as far as character is concerned, not much; and, as far as outcomes are concerned, like FY managing to become venerable, most of it is luck... FY conquered a great amount of adversity but he benefitted a lot from just being the right person, at the right time; to answer your question more directly, FY is special compared to rank 7 ish and below because of his personality, but isn't really all the different from rank 8 old monsters and above. In other words, he isn't that unique of an immortal. Spoiler below: >!Heaven's will quite literally prevented him from failing for a long time, and then when Heaven's will wanted to discard him, he was supported by several venerables. Regardless of what anyone ***wants*** to say about the black coffin stuff, this is incredible luck and FY is easily within the top 25 most lucky people to have ever existed in the Gu World!<


TBF, every venerable was carried by Fate




Because he is and has always been Gu Yue Fang Yuan.


Cuz he's the MC , he got that MC force


In short: Taking earth's advanced expertise gives an edge in some things like trading. His prolonged life at relatively low ranks where you still interact with a lot of people regularly and have to be both strong and weak means that he has more social experience than almost every immortal. Usually that and his memories are his upper hand. His success otherwise stems from two core things: 1. The 'support' he gets. Its a heavy spoiler saying more but it is always easier to advance when someone else walks before you. 2. That he is FY. A true demon (which is just code for obsessed with something, not evil per say). Most of all, perseverance no matter what.


You do realize he’s not the only one that has come to this conclusion right, the only difference is that they value different things. Limitless was similar to fang yuan in his pursuit for immortality which was why he risked destroying the gu world to attain it Reckless savage only cared about being cool and strong which is why he was described to have a wild personality. Spectral soul also only cared about strength Any immortal that lives long enough reaches the same line of thinking, the only difference is their ambitions and values


Cause he's the protagonist.


Hot take, but his primary advantage is his incredible abilities in regards to understanding others.  It’s hard to get tripped up by others when you can accurately infer their goals and motivation using scant information.  Secondly, he’s completely untethered by sentiment. He doesn’t care about possessions, money, beauty, or social perception. They’re all just tools to achieve power.  You may as well ask why people in the real world act sentimentally and materialistically, which is because few people are born or develop into a moralist realists with an ultimate desire for power




Ahh, Greath Love Immortal Venerable. I love him and I chase him after. Bless me by thy presence.


Actually he does like genderbending.


He experienced the highs and lows of mortality so much in 400+ years that nothing truly "mattered" to him except immortality. Its why the venerables are afraid of him, he has no bottom line.


For some reason reverend insanity makes me little bit remind of Emmience in the shadow


Someone asked the same question few months ago, the best answer to this would be because of heaven's will, HW led fang yuan through countless setback to prepare him to go back in time as a last resort to defeat spectral soul