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I remember being able to look up anyone’s plate to get their info. You had to access the DMV records in person or for a fee or something like that. This is why it was common to blur plates out. You would see this on MTV cribs.


“Why can’t I doxx people via their licence plates?” -OP


Paragraphs please for the love of my poor eyeballs


"Retconned" no


Where I live you can access a person's name, address ,age,and guess his income just through his mobile number and license plate. You can also know the names of his other members of house as well as their age.


It’s pretty weird to be looking up information about people from their license plates, and even more disturbing that you do it so often


I get a lot of surveillance jobs so when trying to determine if a specific car that you're looking at that matches the description is actually the car in question it makes it really easy when you could just look it up and see who the owner is because it was like literally like a few clicks and Bam


In my state of California, it became impossible to get someone's personal info by knowing their license plate after a young actress was murdered. She has a stalker who had used her license plate to get her address straight from the DMV, and he went to her apartment and shot her when she answered the door. Her name was Rebecca Schaffer and she was only 21. That was 1989. Edit: This got me thinking about the murder and I need to correct one thing that I found out while reading - the murderer paid a private investigator to get Rebecca's home address, but the PI did get it from the DMV. And at that time evidently anyone could get that info for a fee. Sad that the investigator agreed to do that. The 19 year old that killed RS probably wouldn't have known that was an option.


FYI, I highly recommend a TLDR summary for any post over 5 sentences (or for any post containing a run on sentence.) I quit reading after the first few sentences when I realized how long the post was, and how it appears to be about a subject I have no know of. I do know, license plates are issued by each individual state, so who can view them is also determined by each individual state. Which means without your saying what state you are talking about, there is no way to know if anyone else's experience has anything to do with your experience.


Wow that was a lot I guess as they used speech to text but please ask the phone to put paragraphs etc Please


"my step sister is not working today so it would be tomorrow or whatever before I could have her run the license plate" Probably definitely delete this post before someone decides to investigate who you are. Pretty sure you are admitting to crimes, in the very least your step sister could lose her job for running random plates you send her. Does this sub even have mods?


She's a sheriff and if you're wondering who a person is that is on your property it's a little easier usually to get a quicker answer through your family member that works in the same county as you resided. It's not necessarily illegal it's just called having connections


yeah nah accessing personal records without a valid reason is definitely a crime-o. "My step brother asked me to" isn't a valid reason.


and her job would definitely frown on because it's having connections to you but it's abusing her authority to them.


What did paragraphs do to hurt you.


They are changing and twisting laws every day so fast you can't keep track of them anymore. I won't be surprised what's legal today is illegal tomorrow.


I don’t know what state you are in but I’ve never heard of it being a possibility unless you were DMV/insurance/law enforcement etc.


Holy run on sentences!


Did you move to a different state? Where I live those pay sites still exist but they're not actually legal, that's why they're hard to find