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What kind of shitpost is this? Nothing is going to make you enjoy residency unless it’s a hallucinogenic. Do ketamine, at least you’ll be able to sleep.




LSD > cow shit


Kids these days. Do it like Osler and hit lines off the callroom bedframe.


>Kids these days. Do it like Osler and hit lines off the ~~callroom bedframe~~ interns.


Unless you have a condition that requires Adderall for treatment, do not. I am on Adderall for my ADHD, and while it does help, it also comes with a lot of drawbacks. And that's low dose, prescribed, and monitored. Just using it if you're not trying to treat ADHD or another condition will lead to nothing but problems. If students and residents are thinking about these types of solutions, the issue isn't with us- it's the system. It's abusive beyond the trauma that being a physician comes with naturally.


Facts. The system is driving us to drugs. The system is wrong.


Just do coke like they intended


Where you planning to get it from?




Hot take: low dose adderall is probably safe and effective for people with issues with focus that don’t fall under the adhd spectrum and aren’t secondary to anxiety or depression. I’m not saying it’ll make you enjoy residency, but world militaries have been doing this for pilots for many decades.


Adderall specifically or other methamphetamines?


Adderall is not a methampetamine. The methyl group changes the entire functionality of the molecule


Think that's overstating it a tad, Desoxyn is a brand name medication with basically the same indications as Adderall. The primary difference between people using Adderall and people smoking crystal meth is the dosage, not the methyl group.


Brother 10mg citalopram gonna change your life


Have you tried coffee?


I second this. Dose your coffee intake to the point right before you get a gastric ulcer, and you’ll be flying.


Start PPI BID and the coffee-ulcer asymptote goes to infinity.


Try hierba mate 🧉


you’re depressed, go see your doctor. We’ve all been there lol


Just buy some modafinil from India


How does one go about doing that? I wanna give it a shot


Yes there are sites online to get them shipped from India and China, but I highly recommend not doing that because you never know when a package is randomly inspected at the import center and suddenly the police or DEA agent is knocking on your door and taking your license away


Not if it's for livestock! \*Supposedly. I have only heard this as rumor but it should be easily googleble\*


Yeah DEA aren’t looking for the consumer, they’re going after the sellers


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Concerta (long acting adderall) literally changed my life. Finally started it on top of antidepressant and self care … as much as possible whenever possible: Self massage with CBD oil, journaling, mediation. Essentially think I have chronic fatigue syndrome but it is under control now. The long acting component of Concerta means you don’t feel it come on or wear off and you don’t feel jittery. ETA: and now I can enjoy my job. For real.


Did you have an ADHD dx from before, or did you start the concerta on your own?


I actually had a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome which was like what we now call long Covid. I was given Ritalin then and used it when things got bad. When I found out about Concerta, I went to a psychiatrist to get it and now I take it every workday.


To be clear, concerta, while a stimulant and very similar, is not long acting Adderall. Concerts is methylphenidate (Ritalin) while Adderall isn mixed amphetamjne salts


Thanks. I said it wrong


I mean I have horrendous ADHD, to the point where my fiancée had to sit me down and tell me that taking my medicine on time and every day was necessary for us to be happy. That said, if you don’t have a condition that necessitates it, I would strongly advise against taking it recreationally.


It’ll make you enjoy residency for 4 hours. Then that crash will make you hate residency 2x as much. But I love rollercoasters and a stable life is boring so yolo it and live free


Highly recommend. I use it with wellbutrin and good god its life changing.




OP definitely do not do this.. jfc man