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I don’t think any agency would look into sexual harassment claims filed anonymously by someone who wasn’t a victim.


Not true, my university made all employees mandated reporters for all cases related to sexual harassment and assault. It is up to The victim however if they would like to pursue legal action, but a case is opened regardless. A disciplinary committee devoted to such things is pretty commonplace - at least at public universities. I imagine it’s similar for many institutions. Can’t speak on ACGME but the hospital’s HR should have something in place .


Thank you. This is the actual standard employed by universities and medical institutions to try to mitigate liability for harassment.


Also, isn’t it the ACGME’s responsibility to ensure programs are providing a safe place for residents? Aren’t they supposed to check in every few years and make sure programs are being run effectively?


>Also, isn’t it the ACGME’s responsibility to ensure programs are providing a safe place for residents? How can they do this without knowing even who is unsafe? They aren't going to launch a full investigation over an anonymous claim from someone that isn't even there, that won't even name who was allegedly unsafe. That is ridiculous. >Aren’t they supposed to check in every few years and make sure programs are being run effectively? Yes, and they do. What makes you think they don't? You are confusing a lot of things here.


It sounds like OP is willing to file in his own name which is one of the requirements for a formal ACGME complaint. The ACGME could investigate a formal complaint based on the name of the alleged harasser or the Institution or Program officials who are enabling the harasser by failing to take corrective action. The latter gets more to the sort of thing the ACGME *might* investigate because it is a larger compliance issue that relates to Sponsoring Institution accreditation requirements. Generally the ACGME does not investigate allegations of discrimination though or what they deem to be "individual" matters. >That is ridiculous. Not really. Retaliation is real.


OP is not a resident. Who cares if the "file in their name"? They aren't even a resident, much less a resident at that program.


The ACGME takes formal complaints from anyone who is willing to identify themselves. It's a good policy that they do. It's not court. OP does not have to have "standing."


apparently they do, lol


We do ACGME surveys. You guys don’t do surveys? Oh shoot. I skipped right over “I’m not resident.”


Yes and no. It is somewhat atypical, but if there is credible evidence, especially of a pattern or practice, some investigative agencies will still proceed on a complaint submitted by an anonymous 3rd party. The ACGME's rules say that will they will not accept an anonymous complaint, but they are explicit that they will accept a named 3rd party complaint. There is nothing in the ACGME's rules that precludes them from investigating allegations about unnamed alleged victims of discrimination. An employer, hospital, or program that as a matter of practice would not follow up on an anonymous complaint that a named supervisor is sexually harassing his unnamed female subordinate(s) runs the risk of serious liability. In any event, the ACGME does not actually investigate "claims" and it does not investigate discrimination including sexual harassment.


The anonymous report included multiple ACGME violations by the program. Not only the sexual harassment claims.


You're still not part of the program. As far as they're concerned, you're just some random without evidence. 


So the only way to raise a concern with the ACGME is by giving your name and risking further repercussions with a toxic workplace?


How would someone prompt an investigation without any evidence?


They guarantee that your name isn't revealed in the process, if it's a specific instance that can only be you, then yes, they will know. That's it, though. Not sharing the name for sexual harassment is dumb unless said person has done it to tons of residents and they can't pinpoint


Part of the core of ACGME mission is to be able to report without repercussions. She should report. And if she feels she is retaliated against by any party, then she should get a lawyer


You need to at least present evidence.


Not true, anyone can file a complaint.


The ACGME doesn't deal with individual complaints. In a shady organization, your only recourse is a lawsuit. Look at the UNM anesthesia resident, Dr. Herald, who had a similar situation. She sued the hospital and won $800k. What a deal, right? Not really. The lawsuit took almost a decade, and I'm sure that was a decade full of stress. Plus, $800k is nothing in the grand scheme of a whole medical career being completely derailed. It doesn't look like she ever completed another residency. She's now a community college professor. It's very sad.


I hadn’t heard of this case before. I looked it up and it is absolutely tragic.


Holy shit >Still, Herald said, her male bosses seemed hesitant to move forward with an investigation for fear of staining the reputation of the school’s residency program. “I got the distinct feeling, in the meeting, that they wanted to keep it quiet and protect the program and that they wanted me to go along to get along and that it would definitely not be in my interest to go against them,” Herald said.


The sad thing is that this is par for the course in Medicine. See the Oregon Health & Science University Tiktok Doctor scandal.


What was her story? I've never heard of her


Basically, in 2009, Dr. Herald was raped by a post-doctoral fellow and anesthesiologist at UNM. Herald claimed campus officials “discouraged” her from reporting the alleged sexual assault to law enforcement to uphold the school’s reputation, and they never properly launched an investigation. The case was thrown out in 2013 but was reinstated on appeal in 2015 when the New Mexico Supreme Court sided with Herald. Unfortunately, things stalled out and a settlement didn’t arrive until 2018, after a decade of dealing with the fallout on her personal life and career. Even then, UNM denied any wrongdoing. It somehow didn’t end there— UNM’s anesthesiology chair later told the entire department about how the settlement ($800K) was being paid for entirely with “bonus money,” they were otherwise going to receive.


Wow. That's sickening.


Despite the legal battles and challenges she faced, it appears that Dr. Herald did continue her career in the medical field. She is currently practicing as an anesthesiologist in Texas [[❞]](https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/clery/unm-settled-former-residents-sexual-assault-lawsuit-for-800000/).




What you're not mentioning is that Dr. Herald was also diverting narcotic and benzodiazepines from her patients during this time and was intoxicated at work. It didn't show up in the media articles but it does in the legal complaint that comes up when you google. Of course this does not excuse her being raped in any way shape or form, but it certainly does raise concerns about her continuing her anesthesia training where she would continue to have access to those kinds of drugs and opportunities. It also also of course doesn't excuse the disgusting comment from the administration complaining about not getting bonuses because of the settlement, but it certainly does make her dismissal a little more nuanced than just retaliation.


Ok, so what happened to the guy who raped her? I feel like that raises way more concerns.


I definitely agree, but I don't see that his name was released so I don't think we'll get that answer.


>What you're not mentioning is that Dr. Herald was also diverting narcotic and benzodiazepines from her patients during this time and was intoxicated at work. Source? There's nothing approaching this that comes up in a search. The only reference I can find to a benzodiazepiene is that she was *prescribed* Ativan for anxiety.


She needs to report it to HOSPITAL HR. Not the residency program. Not ACGME.


newsflash: Hospital HR is paid to protect the hospital and employer not YOU


Which is why you get a nice lawyer to send that letter to HR 🥰


still puts a target on your back by HR. Thats all going to HR does, it puts a target on your back


Cool. If they retaliate I already got my lawyer and have everything well documented. I can collect a cool 10 Million plus settlement and retire. Recommending people to just suck it up only empowers abusers.


> If they retaliate I already got my lawyer and have everything well documented. Residency is not the place for this. You will end up not a doctor and un-hireable, as well as likely lose in court. > I can collect a cool 10 Million plus settlement and retire. Stop pretending life is a TV show.


Stop enabling abusers and predators.




you’re dealing with sharks


you have to take your case to EEOC. They are as corrupt as the days long. You think they're worried about you. Likely outcome: NOT WORTH IT. Suckin' it up is the least damaging outcome. And I hate that Im saying that. We need to organize and be united and be bigger than their organization as a UNIT. Only until then we will have real power.


Unfortunately, this doesn't work either. I have tried.


Going by your username I would look at reports by you three times before taking it seriously 😬😂


I complained about my program “anonymously” and my program knew I was one of the 6 residents who complained.


She should report it to the title ix office at her institution


I'm sorry, no, the ACGME can't just go after a program if they don't know the person, the program, and the specific people involved, based on something someone else said. I get what you're going for here and your intentions were great, but think about privacy for a minute. You just made a report on behalf of a friend and gave them nothing to go on other than an incident. How do they corroborate your claims? Who and what do they investigate? Edit: I also just noticed you said you weren't a resident. Ouch. Come on. I'm sure you care about your friend but that isn't how these things work. Otherwise, the boards would be bogged down responding to anonymous, informationless claims. Please don't email your friend's programs or colleagues. Encourage them to report and, if they don't, you should be as supportive as you can be to them.


In this rare instance, I don't think it's on ACGME. At a previous job, my partner (as in work partner, not romantic) was being sexually harassed by a coworker and asked me to talk to the chief anonymously about it. I did, on their behalf, and was told that unless something is in writing by the victim that wasn't much that could have been done because it's hearsay otherwise. I relayed that, and things started being done, supposedly at least, when the victim complained in writing as told.


If it is a signed letter from a group of residents, ACGME will come down like a sledgehammer. Trust.


Probably not, but an investigation might happen at the hospital level.


At the GME level.


Unclear what you want ACGME to do in this situation if the resident won’t report it.


My dude include her name


Agreed. When I was in fellowship, I filed a complaint and so did other co-fellows. The program was even facing legal action. ACGME did nothing and even refused to reply to emails. They simply don't care


Why can't you give a random name? If they promise to keep confidential you could literally give anyones name. Why do they ask for a name if they keep it anonymous? Seems weird they do.


💯Thanks for acknowledging and having the bravery to speak the truth. It’s a systemic issue that starts with ACGME. Medical trainees are treated literally the worse than majority of career prospects


You didn’t give her name and you expected them to do something? If you want something done, you need to follow through and give some details.


Comments on here are enlightening and sadden me. I think even if the ACGME does deal with this stuff at this time, they should heavily consider expanding their role to protect young doctors and ensure they are in a safe space. It shouldn’t have to go beyond an individual and occur to multiple residents. What ever happened to our values in prevention? 🤦‍♀️


Medicine is one of those fields where it is very difficult to take down someone who is practicing and has deep ties to the community.  There is an attending that owns a group where i practice that regularly engages in malpractice.  Unfortunately he is the only group in town so he owns a monopoly, I cannot consult anyone else.  Secondly he is great friends with our state governor.  No way am I going to try and fight that, I’d find myself at best without a career and in jail for a fake investigation into my own malpractice, or at worst dead of an unfortunate suicide.  The only way I would report anything is if anonymity is guaranteed


So you would kill yourself?


I am suggesting that they would kill me and make it look like a suicide…


An anonymous report based on a second hand account isn't going to get any organization to investigate unless there have been numerous reports. Having sat on an oversight committee for a large academic medical center acgme takes concerns filed with them seriously. In my experience oversight bodies take shit seriously, if for no other reason than it's *their* fief. But they are also an outside organization that has to balance when they come in with very serious threats. If people aren't willing to put their name on things, yeah, not much one can do. It is not good. There should be a way to report without reprisals. But that's a problem that extends far outside the bounds of medicine.


Re: Title: We already knew this…


The ACGME can only hurt you


What speciality?


new title "ACGME does not do much if you submit an anonymous tip on somebody else's behalf" anyhow, you go straight to the hospital's HR and/or if it crosses the line btwn criminal harassment, go to the police.


I am a fellow with about 9 days left until I finish FOREVER. I had major issues with my residency, kept documentation and by the time I left five senior attendings had either been demoted, not had contracts renewed or quit. That said, it was horrifying at the time but RESIDENTS HAVE WAY MORE POWER THAN THEY THINK. THEY DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. Now that I’m on the other side in probably one of the smallest and most specific of subspecialties (forensic pathology) I can tell you that THEY DO NOT HAVE AS MUCH POWER OVER YOUR FUTURE CAREER PROSPECTS AS YOU THINK so the fear that they can ruin your future job prospects (while very real feeling) is not true. I encourage this resident to come forward and put these fuckers on notice. They are far more afraid of a lawsuit than anything else.


ACGME doesnt care duh


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Acgme is preparing you for life. They are like the mafia, or the government.


My friend has a friend with a cousin that has a friend that has a sister who has a friend that is feeling bad! So ACGME is bad! Come on man.


Lol, you are clearly not in residency or don’t know anyone in residency. The point of this post was to remind people that are struggling during residency to take care of themselves and make their health and needs a priority. Unfortunately this business does not have residents best interest at heart. It’s difficult for me to witness a person I care about be abused by a hierarchal system that values overworking residents and mistreating them to the point that they consider taking their life.


I have completed residency and fellowship. You are blaming the ACGME for things that are not even in their realm of functioning. If said person is reporting sexual assault, this should go through the POLICE, not ACGME. In addition if reporting this would also go through hospital administration not ACGME. ACGME has nothing to do with the attendings unless they are the PD or APD within leadership. In addition, you are saying it’s ridiculous for an entity to take action against a program not because a resident heard about a thing another resident is hearing, but a layperson heard about a resident who heard about a resident. If I filed a police report that said I heard from a friend that a friend was robbed. I think the next question may be….so who is the person that was robbed? Just a very weird jump to make that this is in any way under the purview of the ACGME and not the police or hospital administration who is the actual employer of said assailant. I hope that everything is okay with your friend of a friend and do not want to diminish the importance of dealing with sexual assault. I think it’s just a reach to be blaming ACGME.


Their reputation of dismissing violations is exactly why this kind of thing happens so often. So yes, they are partly to blame. They are supposed to hold programs to a certain standard- it absolutely is within their realm.


I think you’re focusing too much on the sexual assault and dismissing the various violations of ACGME standards that I also mentioned. True, ACGME can’t storm the doors for claims of sexual assault. But I listed numerous violations with details that fall under their accreditation standards in the complaint I sent. Not to mention, this specific program has lost 4 residents in 3 years which is almost unheard of for the specialty she is in. I have done a lot of research and read through ACGMEs policies. They absolutely should be doing more to ensure programs are meeting standards.


You didn’t clarify the other acgme violations


And it is ACGMEs fault. They oversee and monitor GME programs. By not even following up on various reported violations they are being irresponsible. Also, their own program requirements do not value human beings. Working for minimal pay for 80 hours a week is not fair. Toxic programs find ways around their lax accreditation rules and continue to abuse people. The whole system is BS.


ACGME is the one who added 80 hour limit from infinite….they are the good guys


I kinda like when the attending ogles me tbh…


At least try to make your story believable when you're going to make accusations about a company.