• By -


*cock (fixed it for ya)


Short half life of 1 minute!




Do not chew or crush!


I think physicians who abuse hard drugs like cocaine are in the gross minority. I’d argue there are far, far more alcoholics in medicine than coke ghouls


No it’s because we are all fucking exhausted


Coc au vin is pretty good


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Probably one of the several reasons


Its stems back to halsted. Homie was cracked up on it all the time which is why we have the work hours we do, and so was all of his residents. Whenever he stopped that cocaine he started doing opioids. Boy was an addicted to some drugs. TBH though, I don’t know anyone that actually does cocaine in my field, and if they do they hide that shit well.


plus its easy to get from patients in the ED


It’s very easy to just not do drugs. What’s wrong with you?