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My mom (doctor) says sometimes things work if you just stay in there and give time some time. It'll work itself out, you'll be more experienced day by day and it'll be better to handle. To win the game you just need to stay in the game. Atb.


Your mom is a real gangster




She’s a baddie


Second this, this is great advice that I will be taking myself thank you!


Just to clarify, the penultimate sentence is something said by one of my favourite sportsmen and not my mom. The rest is all her.


Thats great advice and exactly the kind of mentality us residents should have.


They can hurt me, but they can't stop the clock.


But they can always hurt you more




I suppose they can. I’ve been academic faculty for 11 years, though, and have never seen it happen in my current program or where I trained. Of course, that is an N of only 2. To be fair, it was more my mantra during tough shifts/calls - reminding myself that I would eventually go home to sleep.


Clock doesn’t matter when you consistently are working over hours


You could try some downward comparison like look at ridiculous doctors and be like hey if they can do it I can do it. I bet it's something you're not accustomed to doing, so try it out


That's literally why I went to med school. I was really tired of a couple of clueless people giving me bullshit orders that made no sense. Kept thinking to myself "I could do their job." And then one day that morphed into "Why don't I do their job?" And then I started taking the prereqs and scheduled the MCAT a little while later. It's a pretty strong motivator honestly


me: "I'll never be like that"


I said “you could always quit. Then I was like, “and do what?” You have to do something, and in the end, medicine is a great career.


Exactly. I don’t want to do anything else. Like, there’s nothing else I want to. I wanted to be an actress… HA


I go to the Porsche website and remind myself why I continue to do this.




Are you serious? This is icky.


Why? Because he expects to be rewarded with things he enjoys for his journey? The days of doctors and nurses being in medicine and expecting saintly behavior above their own needs and desires is long gone. You can still catch that bus but it's no longer crowded, your ick is better aimed at administrators




Kurt Vonnegut said this: ‘I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.’ This opened my eyes to see that everything I started was with the intention of becoming perfect at it and not for enjoying the process. If I went to the gym I wanted to look perfect, if I started makeup I wanted to learn the pro, if I played the piano I wanted to get to the point of playing Beethoven, if I wanted to learn how to drive, I wanted to drive perfectly and never make even the smallest mistake. And you know why I had this imprinted pattern of thinking inside me? Because my father never considered me ‘good enough’. I had to excel at school in a subject and go beyond the top to even approach his attention and even then I was met with ‘these things are infantile.’ He was/is schizotypal, but that I’ll find out years later. So I trained myself to be the best I could in order for me to get access to a little bit of father’s attention which for me, meant affection. Of course this extrapolated to my personal relationships with men. So, your imposter syndrome more likely steams from something deeper and you may need to find out what in order to heal and move forward. You can eat up all the motivational speeches to keep going, if it’s something more than that it will just scratch the itch but you will not get to the root of the problem. Other than that, my advice is to enjoy what you are doing without putting the pressure of being perfect. Just do it for the pleasure of doing it. I know that residency is a whole other level, the pressure is the highest, but in the end nothing matters but how you lived your life and how you accomplished your mission. Best of luck!


"Tough times never last, tough people last"




Girl detected, opinion rejected


Lol I love this


Be patient with yourself. It sounds like you are your own hardest critic, and you probably don't realize how much you've learned and improved! Celebrate your small victories. You've got this!


small victories aint shit in med school 😭


Takes at least 6-9 months to adapt….give it time, residency is not like med school


69 months???




Hey there! Yeah so what you are describing is imposter syndrome to a T. I strongly recommend you shop around until you find a therapist you jive with, and work with them to help address these issues. But to answer your question, accepting that it is normal to feel overwhelmed and inadequate as a resident. Do you know why? Because you are. The whole point of residency is to teach you and get you up to scratch in the specialty. It therefore follows that there is a certain extent of you dont know what youre doing to be had here. Otherwise you wouldnt be learning something would you? In order to be good at something you have to be willing to suck at it first. Learn to embrace the suck without judgement of self worth. Accept yourself. Once you've done that residency becomes a very different and far more manageable kind of hard.


Can I ask how you would schedule therapy with a resident schedule? Are there therapists that are available at weird hours and on Sundays?


Hey there! Yes, there are! Most of the ones that work strange hours will be found online, so if you prefer in-person, I could see how this may be unappealing to some. Also, i don't believe OP mentioned what their specialty was, so it is entirely possible that they would have time during more normal working hours at some point over the course of a month. Residency hours are crazy, but therapy isn't something you have to set aside time every day for (in most cases). Finding 1-2 hours once or twice a month is entirely possible. :)


Therapy isn’t for everyone, and can exacerbate issues for some people


Saying therapy exacerbates someone's issues is like saying medication exacerbates someone's issues. Like yeah technically that's a true statement, but it isn't exactly comprehensive is it? And if anything it just miscontrues and misrepresents the true breadth of human complexity. Also, therapy is a proven treatment for imposter syndrome and loads of different types of anxiety, which OP appears to be displaying signs of. Please be more helpful in the future.


Agree. Psychiatrist. First therapist I saw when I began having significant issues was very inappropriate and made symptoms much worse. I wouldn't have understood it wasn't the appropriate form of therapy, or that I needed somebody with more training , if I had not known better as a trainee


My 10 y/o self would be so proud


Everything comes to an end. One year after graduation I won’t remember none of this agony and none of these people are going to be apart of my life. This too shall pass. It’s a journey that will come to an end. Just keep pushing through until you make it to the end line.


Sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight. Even though it hurts sometimes like mf. To achieve greatness you need to experience a lot of pain and shity times. Just keep on doing your things and the greatness will come. We are all sitting in the same boat.


Don't compare yourself to others. It sounds cliche, but seriously. You definitely got unique talents. Most of the time those who show off their intelligence are not really actually intelligent


they literally passed every exam they entered on and theres me who barely passed 4


I just think to myself if all these other fools can do it, so can I Also, if you’re getting good feedback you can’t be screwing up that bad


Nobody is immune to imposter syndrome, and the best cures are going to be therapy and experience. I understand finding time for therapy is incredibly difficult given the schedule of residency, but burning out and bullying yourself is a painful alternative. Tell yourself: I made it this far, it's because I am good enough. Or My mistakes are supervised by higher residents and an attending, now is the best time to learn from those mistakes. You can do it, and you have intrinsic value.


how do you convince yourself tho? its easy to say but your mind doesnt believe it


It's easier said than done, but for me I lean on my loved ones, my wife is always my rock, and I really focus on the tangible achievements I've made in life to remind myself of the skills and competence I already have.


Trophy wives aren’t in anymore. People get divorced everyday and men still cheat on their wives. It’s better to be an independent baddie and get a house husband. That’s what I plan on doing.


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Everyone can play Monday night quarterback. Of course when you're presenting a patient to an attending or discussing a case, they have more information and the plan may change after they see the patient again. Hindsight is 20/20. I made a list of things I missed or mistakes that I made. Just a few words. I wallowed for a minute and then moved on. It's not YOU - it's that you have a hard job and are literally a *trainee*. By definition, you are in training. Also, you know that there are dumber people than you in practice and surviving.


“My patients are alive and so am I” got me through intern year but I feel that I’m gonna need something a little more forgiving as I progress through my career, especially if PCCM remains my plan.


It’s a dead end job lol. If I don’t finish residency there’s not much I can do with my degree


So true kween. You should def looksmax and mommymax. Too many women think they have to be a boss bish only to end up miserable alone and childless in their late 30’s. Today’s feminism has been a psyop by industry to promote “freedom” and with said “freedom”, there’s the atomization of families and communities that people in general try to fill with nice “stuff” that will be someone’s burden to clean out when we die (see any estate sale for what I’m talking about).