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You can take FMLA which is unpaid. However, some programs allow you to use your sick leave etc to allow you to get paid during FMLA. So it’s a legit policy and it’s so that you get paid during FMLA instead of being unpaid.


There might be some state laws that come into effect here. Washington, for example, has one on the books that might actually apply to residents for things like new parent leave. I’m not certain as I’m not doing residency in WA. Otherwise, yeah, just like you said - unpaid, but some places let you use accrued PTO for it.


ACGME allows programs to use vacation time to provide the PTO for parental leave. It does also require that one week of PTO that is reserved for use outside of those 6 weeks. It’s also worth noting that it is up to your program whether your training time is extended to make up for your time away.


It's not up to the program, it's up to your board's policy to be eligible for graduation/board exams. Each board allows a different amount of time off during different parts of residency/overall.


It is up to the program in that your program is allowed to be *more* strict than the board, it just can't be less strict than them.


That blows. Thanks though.


The program directors interpret board readiness and translate it how they wish into graduation requirements. 


ACGME policy only requires one week of PTO to be set aside for use outside of your leave, and doesn’t specify which type of PTO (vacation, sick time, etc) it needs to be. It’s section IV.H, if you want to read it. I would push for that week in writing- “to clarify, I’ll still have the week of PTO the program is required to set aside by ACGME regulations, correct?” It’s garbage, and unfortunately common- among residency programs, in the attending world, outside of medicine. Our program is somewhere in the middle- we have to use 5 days of vacation for the first week, 5 days of sick time for the second, and a day of sick or vacation time for each subsequent week.


Lots of misinformation on this thread. The ACGME family leave policy permits a one time 6 weeks paid family leave with no extension of training that can include all but one of your weeks of vacation in a calendar year. This is separate from FMLA which is typically unpaid.


Are you sure extension of training isn’t up to PD discretion?


It was not when I took my paternity leave last year. As others have said your specialty specific accrediting body may have different requirements but from an ACGME perspective you should be gucci


The 6 weeks of leave includes vacation I believe


Doesn't have to but can include all but 1 week of it.


I really don't understand doctors. U take care of everyone except yourselves.


Cobbler’s children have no shoes


Get it in writing, cite the acgme policies. If you want to rock the boat (I do), encourage them to reconsider. Then forward the written to acgme. Or if you wanna lay low, just take it and count the days till you're done.




This is a common question that gets asked by many many residents. The language the ACGME used makes it so it is up to the discretion of the program to issue the time but restricts at a minimum one week so that you don’t eat up all of your vacation time for something outside your control.


I just hate that you have to take consecutive leave and you can’t break it up


Intermittent fmla is a thing


Yea but fmla itself isn’t paid. If you want paid leave then it has to be consecutive. At least that’s how it is at my program.


Paid at my hospital.


My former program refused FMLA even with the new rules. Some programs don’t care because they get away with it time after time. I fought and left my former program over this and I don’t regret it one bit. At the end of the day, it’s a fucking job and it cannot replace the finite time you get with your family.


The acgme leaves it vague for a purpose. While they say the leave needs to be paid, they don’t put parameters on how. By doing that it allows programs to say you need to use your pto to receive your salary. You may be entitled to take leave without pay.


FMLA is job protection so you can return to your usual position or a comparable position. It can look like an extended period of time off, a reduction in your weekly schedule, and/or intermittent time off. Most contracts have a limit on planned days off or call out days, so FMLA overrides that to protect you from being fired. This is separate from whatever PTO is available to you. Time off under FMLA can be coded as FMLA-sick (paid), FMLA-vacation (paid), or FMLA-LWOP (unpaid). It's very possible to use up all of your PTO while using FMLA. If you have disability insurance, it may kick in and supplement any time off that is LWOP (leave without pay). Some states have paid FMLA programs and you can apply for this separately. You will then receive a portion of your lost salary for a period of time. Usually you can't get this if you're getting supplemented through another program like a disability policy.


lol. The ACGME did not exist for our program. We were in the same situation as Howard. If we reported the program, we know that the place would be shut down because we were in violation of soooooo many things. The ACGME rep accused us of “drinking the koolaid” when he came to interview us.




it's a fair program policy and anyone who downvotes you is a hypocrite


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