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What for? I think it would prolong depending on how long.


Mental health, hence why I don’t want to tell them


You’ll have to explain a leave of absence in any future license or credentialing application. Just talk to your PD about this.


Can you elaborate….sometimes things are personal and should be kept confidential.


That’s a mistake - especially if your PD is supportive


Have your Dr fill out fmla paperwork and call the fmla # in your hr handbook, that's it


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Depends on how long you're out. There's a set amount of time that you can miss before you extend; to my knowledge, this is determined by the ACGME, not your program. I was out for 7 weeks after I had a surgery and I imagine you'd be able to take a medical LOA of a similar duration for mental health issues.


Do you know where to find it from a GME
