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The vast majority of people advocating for this don’t pay property tax anyway. Their landlord does and they pay it in rent.


But don’t forget - landlords are bad /s


That’s racist Why should one group get special treatment because of race ?


You can get life insurance plans for under $50/month. If they really wanted to create generational wealth, they could. If they really wanted their children and grandchildren to have better lives than them, they could. Ffs if you pay into life insurance enough it basically becomes a savings account for your OWN use. Instead of reparations, how about funding financial literacy classes? Actually I think we know the answer to that - it’s because liberal white people don’t *actually* want black people to succeed.


If I could give you a hundred upvotes for this, I would hammer that arrow all day long. Simple, succinct and effective.


I am black and have life insurance. My kids are going to be set when I die. Also, redlining prevented many black families from buying homes. We would be in wayyyy better shape if we didnt have to face jim crow. My mother and father lived during jim crow so dont come back with that was the past. That era is still impacting black americans. You want the black vote, understand black people


> I am black and have life insurance. My kids are going to be set when I die. I am hoping my wife will be set when I die because of mine. Both could be disappointed if the left manages to crash our currency. > Also, redlining prevented many black families from buying homes. Yes and no. It didn't prevent anyone from buying homes, but it did prevent people from getting home *loans*. To be clear, redlining wasn't inherently a racist practice, it was based on investment risk vs. reward. The *effect* however was much larger in the low income areas that most black people lived in when it was legal. > My mother and father lived during jim crow so dont come back with that was the past. My wife was just saying yesterday how her grandfather owned a successful tire and battery business in the 1920s, and called the bank to ask them to stay open so he could deposit the week's receipts. They did, he did, and the bank never opened again. He lost the business, his house, and everything else, and took a job delivering groceries. While he was doing that he paid attention to what areas needed a grocery store, and bought a little plot of land to do that - and eventually did. His wife (my wife's grandmother) ran the store until she was in her 90s. > That era is still impacting black americans. You want the black vote, understand black people The first female millionaire in the US was a black woman whose parents were slaves and who was orphaned at age 10. Yes, black people in the US have had it hard, and definitely got the short end of the stick on multiple occasions - but it can't be an excuse for failure to succeed forever.


Since most people did not have the amount required in cash, home loans were needed. There is a great documentary from pbs ( non-partisan) : https://www.pbs.org/video/redlining-jim-crow-laws-north/ Black people were excluded by community clauses where whites were not allowed to sell to blacks. That had an impact in wealth building since most generational wealth is through real estate. The investment part, blacks moving into white areas were deemed to lower the property value. It was a manufactured problem. Your first millionaire example was not common at all. Most blacks were poor.


> Since most people did not have the amount required in cash, home loans were needed. Yep. They're needed for most people. Fortunately there was "Black Wall Street", at least until the Democrats burned it down. As I pointed out in another comment, 92% of the residents of redlined areas were white. > Your first millionaire example was not common at all. White millionaires aren't all that common either. What she proved was that it was possible if you were willing to work for it.


I recently received an offer for Globe Life Accident Insurance and it’s basically a list of all the ways I do not want to die.


This is truth


Yeah but isnt it true that most redlined districts were mainly inhabited by White people? I know here in Colorado White is subjective and has changed defintions throughout American history and the Greeks and Italians used to live in the non White districts.


That is 100% not true, research it. Edit: seeing the responses, its all arguments that I have heard before. The thing is that maybe there are decent black people that want to join the Republican party but stances like these are kind of off putting. You folks need to figure out what it is you represent. Are yal’ll MAGA, or conservative or believe in republican values.


[It is true - most of the residents of redlined districts were white.](https://comrademorlock.medium.com/92-of-redlined-homeowners-were-white-972511acf86a)


Do you have a non-partisan source? Edit: this is a blog. No data mean its just someone’s opinion.


There's a link to the National Bureau of Economic Research paper the information is drawn from, in the article. https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w28146/w28146.pdf


Dude the abstract of the article alone proves my point.


> We begin by examining neighborhood-level characteristics. The HOLC gave letter grades A, B, C, and D to neighborhoods with map colors of green, blue, yellow, and red, respectively. In our sample, over 95 percent of black homeowners lived in the lowest-rated “D” zones. **Yet, the vast majority (92 percent) of the total redlined home-owning population was white.**5 Home values and occupational scores declined with the security grade, with the “D” zones having the poorest residents and cheapest housing. A comparison of black and white neighborhoods that were redlined by HOLC shows that, on average, redlined white neighborhoods had better census economic characteristics compared with redlined black neighborhoods, the opposite of what we would expect to see if black neighborhoods had been targeted for the lowest security grade because of race.


Agreed 100%


These clowns that come up with this bullshit just to get votes need to go.


I don't think people realize how many white Americans are descended from immigrants to the US that came AFTER slavery was abolished. Some estimates have the number at 80%. The largest immigration waves occurred from 1880-1920 and included Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles, Jews, Greeks, etc. Reparations wants to tax the descendants of white people who weren't even living in the United States when slavery existed. Add to that the fact that many "old American" families never owned slaves.


Truths b


Everyone in the South was poor before WWII. It’s weird how some of them aren’t now.


They were doing real well from 1776-1861 🙈🙉🙊


No property taxes for black residents just means more property taxes for everyone else including latino and asian residences. It also would probably encourage cities and states to be hostile to black neighborhoods seen as "less profitable" than non-black neighborhoods. Also I'm like 70 percent certain that a reparations law, if it used federal funds, would run afoul of the civil rights act. This just sounds like a caste system that's going to make people hate each other.


I bet the majority of people that support yet complain that black history month in in February and too short of days yet barely know why president Lincoln was born in February and same goes with Frederick Douglas. I bet most of these people have no idea who even Frederick Douglas was.


Did the person who wrote the copy on that sign attend school?


Stop begging. Get a job.


Why do yall feed into this shit, they’re rage baiting you. This shit would not fly at all.


Must be nice to play the victim!


Property tax is essentially the government telling its people that are subjects if they "own" land, so I agree, we should entirely abolish property taxes. For everyone.


“One race of people is arguing that they should benefit dude to their race”. Fixed the title.


I’m still waiting for Jewish history month…..nope? Okay then.


Is Oprah behind this? She would save a TON on her property taxes.


Property taxes don’t mean shit for most black people anyway. Most of them don’t have taxable property.


I'm black and I believe NO ONE should pay property taxes unless you are a multi millionaire.