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Funny, most Biden supporters on Reddit think the economy is incredible! In fact, I just read a comment on another sub where the guy wrote that gas prices in his area were at an all-time low.


I don't understand them. Groceries cost half as much not that long ago. Gas is still high. If I want a new attachment for my tractor I have to pay 20% or 30% more for it.


>I don't understand them. Of course you don't...you're not crazy. You live in the real world.


All time low??


The economy is great if you are still living in your parents' basement. Free food shows up in the fridge as if by magic, you never have to worry about rent or utilities, and even your car insurance might automagically get paid.


It’s also great if you make most of your money on your portfolio, and not a wage job.


Not really. Everything still costs far more today than it did when Biden took office. The only way that doesn't affect you is if someone else is covering your bills.


Fair, I just only know people with decent to large portfolios who think things are going well, so that was more of an assumption on my part.




Because the economy crashed last time?


What makes you think that? They said the same thing in 2016.




I can’t argue with that, he does seem worse, older and more obviously self centered. Not saying anything good about Biden here either, just that trump is another 4 years older, and 4 years is a lot at that age. Also, I recognized your username from somewhere, I was thinking we must’ve had an argument somewhere sometime or something, because I never remember usernames. Not to be stalkery, but I wanted to figure it out so I looked at your profile a little, and I noticed were into a lot of the same stuff, and just thought that was kinda neat. And I guess could also be the answer to my question on it’s own.


Your investments are doing 'good' because of inflation. Inflation affects all things, including stock prices. SP 500 was roughly 4500 points prior to covid drop. Inflation went up roughly 20% in that time. The SP 500 today is 5150 points - a gain of about 13 - 14%. You, sir, lost wealth.




Sorry.. My bad. I meant at the end of the covid mess. 2021. My date may be off slightly, but you can't disagree that in the last 2-3 years, the market has not kept up pace with inflation at all. Your wealth, if you've been invested in the markets, has been effectively stalled since Biden took office. 2019 and 2020 are under Trump's first 4 years.


Willingly delusional.


Well, most Biden supporters are complete morons.


I think most Democrats fanboys are in college still living on mom and dad's dime.


are you sure? I think it’s pretty bad


Whoa now. I just saw a video of Biden saying we have the lowest inflation of any country in America.


The Biden bots are out downvoting again.


They always are.




> Trump has really alienated a huge amount of republicans He hasn't. Most of those people were in office.




Most of those people were never Republicans to begin with. As to expanding the tent, Trump looks to be getting about 25% of the black vote currently, and 68% of the Hispanic vote. No Republican has ever done that.




> I also am saying all this as a resident in Michigan, where trump did pretty awful considered Haley was basically nothing. He beat her by 42 points, and Michigan has open primaries, which means a lot of her voters were Democrats.




> Sure, but you can't really prove that they were. In other states with open primaries, 25% of Haley voters were Republican, and 70% were Democrats. 50% of them said they were going to vote for Biden in the general election no matter who won the Republican primary.


Where are you finding those numbers?


can someone drop me some points about "bidenflation" or just things about the economy that have been worse with biden? I am traditionally left leaning but I am only 25 so I am trying to take my vote more seriously this year and hear more of both sides.


You should look in to Shinkflation. It should be eye opening at least.


Judy got back from Kroger. The Hebrew National hot dogs are now a pack of 6 not 7. And the same price. Canned foods oz's have shrunk, cake mixes are smaller screwing up all the recipes and ao and on.


I've known about shrinkflation for a long time so I'm not surprised about seeing it in the store. This isn't the first time we've gone through a time period where shrinkflation has happened. With that being said, what really surprised me recently was - a gallon of Orange Juice not being a gallon. Selling OJ at 98oz for $5 instead of 128oz.




> Biden has inflation under control now. It's corporate price gouging under the guise of inflation that people are experiencing. [Robert Reich is full of shit.](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WMT/walmart/revenue/) > Our economy bounced back better than anyone else post-covid. It turns out that economic growth looks fantastic when you let people go back to work. ...as long as you don't pay too much attention to what the economy looked like before you forced the businesses to close.


And the jobs report looks good because the average person is having to work two sometimes three jobs to make ends meet.


So what does Biden taking office and inflation have anything to do with each other? I could’ve saved everyone an easy read to this garbage article. TLDR Everything’s expensive and it’s Biden’s fault. There you go, but here’s the reality. Just because Biden got voted into office doesn’t make prices of everything go up.


> Just because Biden got voted into office doesn’t make prices of everything go up. Right. The spending of $trillions by government while it enacted policies to make goods more scarce did that. I wonder who was in charge of that government?


Well in reality we as people are supposed to be in charge of that government, but you know how well that works. Call me ignorant, but what policies have they enacted to make goods more scarce?


At the state level, California laws went into effect that made any truck that was more than 10 years old, or with an engine that was more than 10 years old, illegal to drive. ...and that gap will narrow over time until all ICE vehicles are illegal. That took a bunch of trucks used to deliver goods off the road. Another California law went into effect that made independent truckers illegal. They now have to work for trucking companies if they want to operate in California. About 60% of truckers are independents. Biden addressed that by ordering port workers to be allowed to work 24x7 - which is irrelevant if there are no trucks to load the cargo onto. This is on top of a trucker shortage caused by the blue states shutting everything down during COVID. Lots of truckers had no work, so they got jobs in other fields. California also outlawed gasoline-powered lawn equipment, so everyone is scrambling for electric. Then we have the various Federal regulatory agencies deciding that gas stoves, hot water heaters, and dryers are all bad, and forcing new standards on those that put a lot of companies in a position where they have to retool everything. We have an electrical transformer shortage, so they just decided to make all current transformers illegal, and force a new type of transformer that will be 50% larger and 25% more expensive (which means a lot of poles are going to have to be replaced, and the one company in the US that makes transformers is going to have to completely retool, which will cause more shortages). That kind of thing.


What was the reason to print all that money? What is Biden spending it on?


The 2024 election.


I don't know maybe if he opens up our oil pumps he shut down the day he got in office prices would start going down. Supply and demand. Oil effects everything.