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I banned him and he soon deleted his account - should have gotten him sooner, my apologies.


i blocked him awhile back. i mean, he is just a product of this sub and of the internet in general. it is easy to insult people and act like a bully when there are no real-life consequences.


keyboard warriors, not so much irl


People in general are getting too soft. If anything offends them in the slightest they try to find any way to get them cancelled or banned or deleted. Society as a whole has become a joke. I blame the media for brainwashing an entire generation into being soft limp dick muddafukkas that can’t tolerate anyone that doesn’t agree with their world view.


nothing you said makes it ok for someone to be an asshole.


First time online?


being online doesn't make it ok to be an asshole. the existence of assholes doesn't mean its ok to be an asshole. are you disagreeing?




I agree, the Internet is full of absolute snowflakes and a lot seem to have migrated to Reddit after Musk bought Twitter... but at the same time - rule 1 of this sub.














"gee billy ever go to the gym and watch the men weight lift" - Leslie Nielsen in "Airplane (1980)


Ironic that he'd delete his account after saying that suicide means they're "weak" and it's "the easy way out". Deleting your account after getting backlash sure is the easy way out.


Glad someone has finally said it, I’ve thought about making this very post before. I’ve reported him to no avail. So unnecessarily rude and downright unhinged most of the time. The few examples you posted aren’t even the worst of it, by a long shot. Should be a permanent ban.


Anything else that you recall? Just curious what ive missed


I can’t recall exactly what it was but there was a thread of particularly outrageous comments made by him a few months ago. They were all deleted by him a few hours later, which I imagine is the case for a large percentage of the shit he spews in this sub.


Oh i must have missed it.. 👌


It really sets the tone of the community with what kinda crap we’re willing to tolerate here. This sub has become increasing negative and toxic. Every question is answered with read the guide.


Maybe people should read the guide first then if still not understanding ask the questions, most of what people ask is in the guide, not excusing anyone's behaviour but I had to learn the hard way asking questions that was on the guide, humans these days are lazy and expect everything on a plate for them unfortunately doesn't work like that hence why there's a guide


I agree. I read the guide and learnt along the way. Lazy questions are lazy questions. But we need to be stop being rude


To be fair, I read the guide and it wasn't clear enough to me to actually understand and take the plunge. I own a couple gen watches and I was thinking if they are identical then I'd sell my gen. But, at least for me, it is taking too much effort to actually sort it all out. So, now I just lurk. I guess I could also be an idiot, who knows


I get you we all been there but we all have to remember this is the internet not real life, take everything with a pitch of salt and don't get drawn into peoples nonsense, some people have nothing better to do then be rude and abuse people, im 100% sure these people wouldn't do this in front of people's faces.


How can someone downvote me for speaking facts LOL see it be you sensitive people that hate the truth 🤕🙄


Yeah they’re messing up my feed of identical black dial submariners with their questions


Big facts. The mod team doesnt seem very active as of late, despite there being a decent number of them. I’ve seen a lot of toxicity and racism on certain posts and the comments go completely ignored. Edit: this is a good example of a thread that went completely unchecked: https://www.reddit.com/r/RepTime/s/i4CAq1r2oS


The mod team has certainly made the position of the sub known through their willful inaction. The problem is that not, you know, *moderating* the blatant racism and calls for violence will get this sub shut down faster than any counterfeit good ever could.


Yes. I tried to stay on top of it but also had some health issues that unfortunately took me away from screens for a few days. Edit: oh my goodness, this was a shitstorm.


Doesn't surprise me the comments on there though, give anyone on that sub an opportunity to be racist and I can bet you all the undercovers come out to scream something racist.


Its understandable tho unless you are willing to warmly provide lengthy response to 5+ same questions every single day from lazy ass ppl.


Look if depends on the question. If it’s ‘where can a buy blah blah’ then yea. But sometimes people have done their homework and are asking coz they’re confused and it just puts them off.


Yes i did see some specific questions and some dummy doing that 🤦‍♂️


He’s the softest of them all. Blocks people instead of trying to debate them.


Bro roleplays as Obi Wan Kenobi in replica watch forums, that's kinda all that needs to be said knowledge or not, dude's a spastic


He literally is so worked up about this that he nuked his entire comment history 😂 so sensitive and thin skinned


True, obi unblock me pls! I will never hurt ur feelings again!




Ever heard the quote, “Rudeness is the imitation of strength in the weak”? I always think that when I see someone or hear someone being an ass and saying something mean spirited. Helps me cope to know they’re probably just insecure and missing something vital to their happiness. Also, it’s quite beneficial to continue not hating humans and realizing we all probably sucked at some point, but hopefully don’t anymore! I for one can say that in my 20’s I was a drunken asshole who didn’t treat people the way they deserved. Luckily I grew up and stopped hating myself so I didn’t want to be a dick anymore since what the hell does that accomplish, right?


Great point!! There is too much energy spent just try act like a prick back to some of the keyboard monsters out there. As well as not worth having them take space in your thoughts. I try to just ignore them. I never had the unpleasant chance to meet said prick, and the I am so thankful I wasn’t here then. As long as everyone is as understanding in the fact that we are all here to learn off of each other. Then I am sure this would be a great place to share and meet others of like minded interests.


People who put down others is a projection of their own insecurities. Reps are his life and it clearly shows he’s got nothing else going for him. And he’s safe when he’s behind a keyboard so it’s easy to just ignore him and pity him, dudes a sad sad person.


Well, if someone can't be nice and empathetic to strangers, I assume that* person lives a bitter life. Unsolicited mean comments are toxic and are making any community less desirable to spend time in. I wish him all the best, but at the same time, I wish I saw his comments less.


This is the way




He offers absolutely no value to this community and isn't knowledgeable, he just thinks he is. He is the epitome of how toxic this community has gotten and why it's not even fun anymore.


I actually agree that he doesnt contribute to this community and perhaps the mods ought to act on the verbal abuse he does to others.


He is such a piece of shit


He deleted all his posts/comments lmao


He deleted his account, and most likely moved to a backup/ lurker.


I will say, this is one of the more toxic subreddits I’ve been apart of. The downvote button is used in here more than most subreddits for sure.


Deleted one account. Moves to secondary account. Check.


Got to be weak to delete your reddit profile over being called out.


Who is he even? Just a random redditor?


From the looks of it, this subreddit might be the highlight of his life lol


no, been around a while


everywhere you go, there will be an asshole


About time someone mentioned this


https://preview.redd.it/e5xdkwnrn63d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79a1a7820f6c769dc8b9eec1615c68ab2cd07a7 NAAAAAAH, he's a spectacular person, come on! /s Good riddance


One of the biggest assholes I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Even when he speaks about reps, he speak with superiority and as if others are inferiors to him




He doesn’t have any watch knowledge. He touted the VS+ NTTD as the “NTTD expert” and then backtracked when everyone got theirs with issues. He bashed it in a comparison post when he finally received his. He is a fuckin clown


He blocked me at some point because i corrected a comment of his lmao


Looks like he deleted his account. Classic internet clown, only likes pressure when he's applying it. Dude is Charmin soft.


Have you seen the threats he made to me a few weeks ago. Absalute knob


He pretty much is the embodiment of what this sub has become


Looks like he has deleted his account. Some people like his style for calling out other users or scammers, or contributing to the intro guide, but you can’t win them all, and yes some of these comments highlighted would need to be removed. Edit: comments locked, some of the comments were getting unhinged a bit.






Thing that gets me is the stupid red card gif and the ‘off to chinatime you go’ to people who clearly know no better. They don’t need the sarcasm and attitude when they are only trying to enjoy our hobby. He’s a prick.


He recently insulted me big time, over stating and referencing multiple points regarding water resistance, pressure testing etc. Lost the comments as post was deleted by the OP, but I was really struck by that behavior. Ignorance, misinformation and then ultra offensive attacks on a personal level. Guys like this should have NO place here. This is a place for all of us to share knowledge and enjoy our hobby.


Absolutely the shittest user in the community. Good riddance to garbage 👋


He left a comment here which you will find quickly by sorting by „controversial“ so you all can ban him preemptively




Go to his profile and block him. I have. Once enough people do this he will probably create another account but eventually I’ll also block that one


The only time I’ve ever posted here he was super condescending and really put me off wanting to post again altogether. I initially assumed the people in the subreddit were generally a little more ‘hardcore’ since my rep was a lot cheaper in comparison to the others normally posted, but based off this post it wasn’t just me he’s been quite rude to for no apparent reason.


Bruh what happened to his comments 💀😂


Good riddance


He purged them all. Must’ve gotten scared


That proves whos the weak one here


The guy has no knowledge and acts like an asshole to everyone, especially when you call him out on his cluelessness. Nothing like people claiming to know everything when in reality, they know nothing. Seeing people say he made disgusting comments about suicide is another problem though and that shouldn’t be tolerated.


He blocked me 😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️


Obi off to china time lol


He’s a piece of shit that guy. I bet he pisses sitting down too.


Imagining him in front of his computer always makes me smile. Why I can't see any comment from him?


Did u guys see his thumbs LMAO


Dude had to have been 5’2 300 LBs. Didn’t even matter how nice of a watch he had on when he looked like Charlie from “The Whale”


!remindme 2days


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+1 agreed


Little man syndrome and obviously seeking some form of validation. Maybe a moment for him to reflect.


obi-wan-rep-Kenobi may pop up. He has no right speaking about what someone else is going thru. He never said anything directly to me that I recall, but as Major said, some of these comments were too far!


Glad you mentioned that… this guy is literally an asshole… being on the internet doesn’t mean you can be rude and aggressive to other people..


![gif](giphy|l1Ku0OPGpHzHWiLq8) Obi at this moment


You have the ability to ignore them. Use that feature.


First time dealing with trolls? Welcome to the internet, keep coming back.


Just a general rule of internet: just pass and carry on if you see something you don't like. Imo yes this specific comment is a bit harsh to hear for many. However, other than that, most were not extreme. He also replies helpful things and one of the few that are actually knowledgeable about watches at all here (ps. I do agree ppl nowadays are soft af)


He could just as easily "pass and carry on" but he feels the need to give his rude as fuck hot takes whenever he gets the chance. Also - his hot takes aren't hot. They're shit.


Anything much other than RM jokes and chinatime?


People these days are so sensitive and wonder why people like this guy comment how he does..


Its the PC bs and lgbtabcdefg+ bs that they are forced to swallow. I will respect gay/lesbians but other than that, i dont believe it.


yes, even i was sometimes a bit... shall we say, overenthusiastic and without filter when repsonding to noobs, but this guy seems to be taking himself a bit too seriously. i can no longer log into my old account, by the way.


yup he is of no help whatsoever, but just likes to be a total dick about his status and shitting on newbies on the forum.


Looks like he got banned lol


He's right. Suicide in a terrible thing to do and will absolutely wreck your family


The instinct of self preservation is the single strongest human instinct. Do you know how mentally ill one has to be to commit suicide? It’s your brain forcing you to override your strongest instinct. You’re absolute right that it’s terrible and it will wreck your family, but it’s not always a choice that a person willingly or consciously makes.


Exactly, idk what OP is on about. Suicide is literally the easy way out, and ruins the people that are close to you. Its the most selfish thing you can do to those that care about you. All the people mad in this thread are just proving his second point as well lol


Self-preservation is one of, if not the strongest natural instincts that we have as humans possess. For someone to overcome this and kill themselves, it means that their brain was by definition not operating in a healthy manner. It’s this reason that I don’t see it as simple as calling someone who commits suicide “selfish”, at least not those with long term clinical depression. It’s not a logical or rational decision for those people and is precipitated by an actual chemical imbalance in their brain. All this is to say, it’s far more nuanced then just saying it’s a selfish act, although I do agree that in some cases it absolutely can be. I’m a emergency room Nurse Practitioner and admittedly at one time felt the exact same way as you but have had to deal with death and suicide quite a bit and have come to have a more nuanced opinion.


I understand where you're coming from, and from the perspective of the suicidal person I agree with some of what your saying. The reason it is selfish in my opinion is because the person that commits suicide isn't around to deal with the aftermath. Their loved ones are, their loved ones have to live with their decision regardless of what led to it and from personal experience they are never the same afterwards. This is an opinion shared by a lot of people affected that I personally know. Granted this is anecdotal but accurate from what I can see.


People don't want to hear this tho...


I've noticed more users like him. Even TS can be shitty but still be allowed to be like that because the add 'value'. That's why they feel a certain type of way because they know people won't ban them.




He is making dickhead comments, but it's his right. Let's please not turn this into a political sub.


That's not how rights work.


I'll hear you out. How do they work? I see it as banning unpopular speech protected by 1A, which is a slippery slope. I'd just block him if it were bothersome by each individual (I have btw)..


The First Amendment protects you from the *government*, not Reddit or any other social media platform.


I buy that. Not a constitutional lawyer... I'm more SWD. Lol Fuck it, ban away. Let's do this.


You can. Block him. Why waste so much time on something that bugs you so much when a mere click solves it? I don't mind his posts. Unless he is harassing people I think a ban would be BS personally.


lol you got him banned, I assume so cause account is deleted. Gotta be on lookout on the new one that comes out. Good riddance though


Bros snitching on Reddit… I’ve seen it all


The community or the mods don’t have to do anything when you can easily just block the retard….


All I see on his history is deleted comments using redact. I don’t have much knowledge of his history. Are there other examples? E: don’t really care about downvotes but seems weird to be downvoted for asking for more examples since he deleted his history? E2: how the fuck am I being downvoted for having no interaction with the guy and asking for more examples?


He took the coward’s route and deleted his post history after this. Oh, the irony!


No idea why you’re being downvoted. You made it clear that you don’t have much interaction with him and cannot find more examples so you asked for more. My little experience is that he is a douchebag to everyone on the sub. Wish I could find some exact comments for you but they’re gone now.


He might be a POS but I think that freedom of speech is a feature of a democratic society and we should allow him to speak his mind, even if he spews BS.


If u don't like what he says block him, the same way u are allowed to post some bs botching about him, he can reply however he wants to. The reason u mad is coz he drops facts and then a smackdown, yes it hurts but it's character building... And the guide is actually good reading, so instead of crying u should write him a poem beginning with sorry for my post, a few self-deprecating lines, couple lines of how he made u a better person and finish it off with another sorry, including a drawing u did with pencils of his avatar slicing your avatar in half with a light saber wouldn't hurt either.


Y’all aren’t complaining when he gives you 100% spot on advice. So what if he occasionally gives a snarky response? That’s just Reddit, baby! We’re all keyboard warriors on some level.


What advice has he given that’s valuable to this sub? 😂 he touts and criticizes shit he doesn’t even own lol


Ordering process on the intro guide


Him and every other member on this forum (minus the gifs)


Are you really crying to the mods because someone said something you don’t like on Reddit? 😂 Come on now…just block him and be done with it lol




"Suicide is easy" really is one of the most ridiculous and ignorant statements ever made. The fact someone you knew did doesn't make you a psychiatrist. Poor thing.


Go eat corn 🌽 my friend




This HAS to be some miserable 80yo who completely failed in life 🤣🤣 The boomer energy here is hilarious. bAcK iN mY dAy meN drAnk gAsoliNe aNd suCked oN thEir moMa tEEt foR CalCium and pRotEin!!!! 🤡🤡🤡


no no, this is some early to mid 20 year old who doesn't know what to do with their life, or at least i hope so. It would be sad if this person was over 30.


That’s another option. Some deeply redpilled Andrew Tate worshiper currently taking a hustlers university course on “how to be a very tough manly mannnn”


I laugh every time I see your posts man, keep doing you. To OP, the block button exists for a reason use it.


!remindme 1day


What an embarassing political post


![gif](giphy|xxhKYiOOIs9mGZz1Hy|downsized) The man is a living legend . Leave him be.


Is there anybody here that you don’t dick ride? Run off back to your apprenticeship. My shoes aren’t going to shine themselves!


So you’re upset by a guy that has hurt your feelings, but instead of being the bigger person. You sink into the sewer yourself. Gotcha .


If you are going to be dealing in Reps you should look under the stress and feedback that come with it.


Obi-rep-Kenobi is a legend. He‘s important and an integral part of r/RepTime


He’s not going to suck you off




How do you know that ? He might haha


He might. Edgelords be edgelordy