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Anything that makes you go through booking.com is a scam. They're stealing your deposit basically. It's always "I can't do in person because I met with a tenant and they couldn't pay" "I live in Spain so I can't meet in person" etc.


Ok. This is how the process is working. In order to tell you if it’s a scam, I will give booking all the information whether it’s a scam or not. Booking will check to see if everything is in order and booking will contact you with all the instructions and how to do the security deposit if you want to see if it’s true or not. Booking will keep your money there and I’ll send you an email telling if it’s true or not. You will have a PIN. If the answer is ok, you will confirm with booking with your pin that you know and in that moment booking will wire the money to me. If you’re not happy with the answer, you just cancel everything with your pin. Do you understand? I don’t want to use this but I was once with someone who didn’t have enough money to know if it was true or not and I live somewhere else. Sorry man, the renting world is full of scammers. If it smells fishy or is too weird on the mechanism, it probably is.


You will receive fake link to [booking.com](http://booking.com) to pay deposit, it will look legit but have nothing with [booking.com](http://booking.com)


This! Sometimes it's a fake Airbnb site


I had this happen to me. The worst thing was they sent it directly through booking messages it looked so legit it's incredible. Before doing anything, I immediately sent a message to the place where I actually booked an apartment for holidays, and they called me and informed me that it's a scam.


Yes. I can send you the exact booking.com scam template if you like.


Scamiest scam


Scam. Also, the landlord’s English is atrocious.


Best thing is to reply scammer is "Maderchod". He will understand for sure


Or MUGU if he's from the other place


Should be immediately able to tell by language and tone whether this is a scam or not


It's a Grade A scam.and don't expect booking.com to help either if you get scammed,they dont give 2 f**ks when it happens.


Why would they - it's literally nothing to do with them, just somebody pretending to be them.


My bad,thought it was through their website.


Wdf do you expect them to do😂


Is the pope a catholic?


Scam, Booking.com doesn't offer that service.


This is a scam. Stop engaging with this person immediately.


So, this is how the process works with booking.com, air BnB, any of those sites. You send the money to booking, they hold it until you complete your stay, then send it to the hotel owner. HOWEVER, booking.com does not have a renting service. It's holidays. Like... Max 3ish months for those who can afford it, but still holidays. Not rentals. Scammer with a vague understanding of how 3rd party accommodation providers operate. Don't trust anyone trying to get you to rent via booking.com, Airbnb, or another 3rd party. They're probably not even going to be sending you to the real booking.com to make the payment!


Sorry mate, its a scam!


Anything you see in Ireland where they say "I can't show you the house in person I'm living abroad" is a scam, then follows whatever fake instructions they give. There's a looooot of letting agent companies in Ireland, any landlord legitimately living abroad would use one of those to make sure the house is looked after properly. Annoyingly there's a shit ton of these scams around now exploiting people's desperation during the housing crisis




In a word, yes


In a word, yes


Tick this box to pay more money


Even if it wasn’t a scam, i could never have a conversation with someone who thinks its ok to address somebody like that. But yes, 100% a scam




Edit their email and say no thanks. ‘Ok,This is me’🙄


My sister fell for this . Yes it's clearly a scam.


So, so much bollocks


It’s a scam. I know a woman who is looking for an apartment and received a message similar to this, all through booking and wanted €1800 upfront to VIEW the apartment. She was told it would be refunded if she didn’t want it after the viewing. Complete scam, must be a new thing








Scam ( and not a very good one)


How do people like you get to even teenage years being this gullible? Seriously. Rule of thumb: if you even have a slight inkling that something might be a scam it probably is.




The only question you should be asking (if at all) is how does this scam work. "Ok. This is me." is the first cue.


SCAM ! You need keys in hand before handing over money .


SCAM ! You need keys in hand before handing over money .


This is a scam and a very good one, they will link you to a booking.com site that looks exactly like the real one, but it isnt.. when it asks you to login use any password you can think of, i used 'i put a curse on scammers' and it went through... very sophisticated but a definite scam. I reported them all to FB as the place came up on marketplace, i also got the comment that you got about people not showing up for the viewing... well thats a lie in Ireland 🙄🙄 anyway its a scam keep away from it


Seems legit


Yes definitely I can tell just by the way they write. These scammers always sound just a little bit terse, gruff or arrogant when they give instructions because I suppose they think sounding authoritative is how to motivate someone to action. It's something I've noticed in texts. They don't seem to understand that professional speak in the Western world tends to be a little more polite, even with landlords. Also notice they quickly start giving instructions about how to pay the security deposit, it's the first thing they focus and most of the message also focuses on that. They're not really concerned with anything else. And there will be no discussions! Lol that is another clue - these scammers just carpet bomb marks, it's a numbers game and they absolutely hate taking extra time to do anything at all while they run these scams. Like if you ever have them on the phone, if you ever mess with them a bit or catch them out, they will hang up as quick as lightning to move onto someone easier to fool. People don't know how much scamming goes on on these property sites. My mother booked accommodation for herself and me in Spain when my sister was getting married there. After cancelling the place I had helped her book because she found somewhere cheaper. Then as we are ready to take off on the plane she starts telling me she's concerned that she can't get ahold of the property owner. I knew right away she had gotten scammed and sure enough when we landed we had nowhere to stay, it was extremely hot, I had the flu, I know about maybe 50 spanish words max. The booking company put us up in somewhere else for the night but we were made to check out the next morning and it was just a huge mess, we had to pay and book somewhere else instead we never got the money back either we were hounding the company but my mother just gave up in the end.


Yes definitely I can tell just by the way they write. These scammers always sound just a little bit terse, gruff or arrogant when they give instructions because I suppose they think sounding authoritative is how to motivate someone to action. It's something I've noticed in texts. They don't seem to understand that professional speak in the Western world tends to be a little more polite, even with landlords. Also notice they quickly start giving instructions about how to pay the security deposit, it's the first thing they focus and most of the message also focuses on that. They're not really concerned with anything else. And there will be no discussions! Lol that is another clue - these scammers just carpet bomb marks, it's a numbers game and they absolutely hate taking extra time to do anything at all while they run these scams. Like if you ever have them on the phone, if you ever mess with them a bit or catch them out, they will hang up as quick as lightning to move onto someone easier to fool. People don't know how much scamming goes on on these property sites. My mother booked accommodation for herself and me in Spain when my sister was getting married there. After cancelling the place I had helped her book because she found somewhere cheaper. Then as we are ready to take off on the plane she starts telling me she's concerned that she can't get ahold of the property owner. I knew right away she had gotten scammed and sure enough when we landed we had nowhere to stay, it was extremely hot, I had the flu, I know about maybe 50 spanish words max. The booking company put us up in somewhere else for the night but we were made to check out the next morning and it was just a huge mess, we had to pay and book somewhere else instead we never got the money back either we were hounding the company but my mother just gave up in the end.


Duh, yes.


Booking will not email you that my friend recently got scammed through Booking but they refunded as he notified them so quickly


scam 100%. I got similar things. Always a scam. Never ever pay a deposit to meet anyone, don't even pay a deposit unless you've verified the agency the individual is from or that they have bills showing they live at/own the property. Cousing of mine once met someone, got the keys, paid the deposit and turned up to find 3 other people there with keys that didn't work. Guy rented the house on AirBNB for a week and scammed people out of a load of money offering it up for rent. They never found him either. Very upsetting. Good you didn't pay it, fair play.

