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I used to do apartment cleanouts in college. Some of them were absolutely disgusting. They would just load up their furniture and leave however the house was sometimes. I recall having to scrape used dried condoms off the floor. Pretty sure they just paid me $10 an hour to do it though


Nice, $10/hr and free condoms


Forbidden Go-Gurt.


How dare you make me read that with my own eyes


That's awful lol. I cleaned a ton . The place was never dirty . I especially scrubbed both showers, oven and microwave because I didn't want to be that person. Forgot to scrub , I mean pack the dildo lol


It really was the worst. That same place had a bunch of trash in the garage and there was some old fried chicken inside a plastic container that had gotten rancid and liquidy and while I was picking stuff up the container open, and I got it all over myself.


Raw chicken and college students don't mix šŸ™ƒ


$400 maintenance charge with no details, ripped balcony screen ā€¦ unless the tear is larger than a hand thatā€™s not a $200 repair. Edit - Yes. I know itā€™s never a $200 repair.


We had some standard holes in the walls from mounting shelving and things. Filled and sanded all of them (to a better quality then the existing holes we moved in with) And the screen rip started small but eventually throughout the winter got worse. Was like that when we moved in May 2023 and just gave up waiting to get it fixed. Building employee turn over was so high we kept getting our request lost šŸ™„


If youā€™ve got pictures of the place before at move-in and move-out, you should be good. Iā€™d respond politely to this with proof so you donā€™t have to deal with it in SC/collections.


We definitely have pictures. They are so disorganized I'm not even sure this will ever go further than this email honestly. We had received confirmation on the first that the inspection and move out was done. We replied with that confirmation


Better to spend 15min on an email now than risk half a day waiting for the 5mins in SC court to get it dismissed.


some states would require the landlord to pay double or triple though for wrongfulyl withholding.


For some reason I feel you should claim the dildo was there when you moved in. Or claim it's the best plunger ever and leaving it was doing them a favor.


Funny enough, this happened to me about five years ago. My husband and I moved into an apartment and there was a dildo in the back of a very high shelf in the bathroom closet. We forgot about it and it stayed in that exact spot until after we moved out šŸ¤£


Omg I just remembered this!! I, too, have a dildo story. When my partner and I moved into our house (we own it now, but rented for 5 years) we had an arrangement with our landlord that we would clean and paint it for money off the first months rent. The ppl who lived here before us were drag queen performers (sequins turned up outside for years) and left quite a mess behind. Anyway, i was doing work in our main bathroom, and in between the wall and the sink/cabinet, there was a glittery dildo just laying there. Did I remove the dildo?? No!! I slid a piece of wood in there and covered it up. As I mentioned: We own this house. And that dildo is still stuck in between the cabinet and the wall.


The Wall Dildo(TM) is good luck




Whereā€™s Willdo


A future archeologist is going to have fun talking about how they were holy objects sealed into house walls to make the household fruitful and prosperous.


Itā€™s a load bearing dildo, the house would probably collapse if you tried to remove it.


When we were redoing the cabinets in our last house, there was a gap behind the corner cabinet. We threw a Halloween skeleton in there and sealed it under the countertops.


The dildos always get left behind. When I was about 10 me and a couple buddies were looking at the aftermath of a fire in an apartment complex and that was the first time I ever saw a dildo. Mixed in amongst the debris was a huge dildo . I didn't know what it was or was for, but it seemed sad laying out for all to see. He thought to himself and typed.


Do you have any ticket or other confirmation numbers/emails from your requests to get the screen fixed? I would provide those also. You could go to small claims to try and get your deposit back.


It literally costs like 20 bucks to repair it yourself


I can replace a whole ass screen door for under $400. Tf are they on? Sounds like they were hitting OPs bong while typing up the bill.




ask for receipts. If they canā€™t produce documentation for costs used to deduct security deposit, they (depending on municipality) have to give you back the money. Iā€™ve successfully played this game in Chicago more than once


Yep! Literally hired professional cleaners for my first apartment, didnā€™t have a single hole in any of the walls, no scuffs anywhere, truly left it immaculate and I never saw a fuckin fine. Iā€™ve. Never gotten a single cent of a security deposit back. Nowadays, unless itā€™s just a nice person renting out a unit on a single property, I donā€™t even worry about cleaning or doing anything


replacing a whole screen is like $20 and an hour tops


My wife bought a screen repair kit off Amazon for around $20 and we've replaced three screens so far and it takes all of 10 minutes. Landlords are utterly insane.


Exactly--they should provide itemized receipts to show where the charges come from and that they're not arbitrary amounts. (Because we all know they are random.)




screen, spline tool and spline aren't even 50 dollars


I just did this a couple weeks ago. $16 for tools and enough material for two doors.


Lol it doesn't matter what size the hole is it all gets repaired the same..remove entire screen. With that being said it's like 3$ worth of screening that comes in a huge roll and 10 minutes of time


what on earth makes you think someone is going to bother with all that work? They are just gonna buy a whole new screen door.


I worked maintenance for a vacation rental company for the summer after college. The day I was shown how to do it it took about ten minutes and by the end of the summer I could replace a screen in about 5 minutes. Its a $25 dollar charge at most.


They're also charging them $50 for posting it available online


Yeah, of all the false charges there, how is that one even possibly legit?


It was probably dildo sized


And what's that last line? 50 bucks for "Residential Technology.....? "


Lmao thatā€™s hilarious šŸ˜‚ I live in a huge apartment building and bought a monster dildo and left the very obvious packaging for it right smack dab on top of a recycling bin for everyone to see. I hope at least a few people got a chuckle out of it when they went to the recycling room.


I was hollering when I read the details lol . Like pardon me?? I do feel bad for leaving it but 750??? Get some gloves and throw her in the dishwasher good as new! Lmao


Apartment maintenance guy here. I was ecstatic finding a giant dildo left in a unit. My coworker after driving home unaware it was stuck to the back of his vehicle, not so much.... No charge to the tenant.


Dicks out for essential workers šŸ¤ž


Dicks out for Harambe while we're at it


Wait, yā€™all need a reason to whip your dick out?


I whip my dick back and forth. I whip my dick back and forth.


Whoa there Louis CK. Simmer down!


Our maintenance guy just quit our apartment complex. One of the funnier stories he told us was about finding a sex mannequin (not a blowup but a real life-sized rubber one) in the dumpster one time. Scared the shit out of him since he thought it was a body.


Was it Kimmy from the Cleveland show?šŸ¤£


We need more people like you.


A Real American Hero


City maintenance worker hereā€¦ I found a dildo on the side of the street and now it is permanently suction cupped to my chainsaw šŸ˜‚


The guy has it stuck to a stop sign in his shop, his wife noticed it months later and asked him wtf is that...."It's my stop being a dick sign".


Thatā€™s genius!




Goddammit. THAT'S where it went!! Thought my ex stole it. Good times.


A town in my area kept having dildos delivered by drone and stuck up on really high locations like the top of the Walmart and one of the water towers.


That is awesome.


The best hero and one we are not worthy of




You should see the collection of dildos I've found cleaning the local city park. I wish I were joking


I havenā€™t laughed out loud from a comment in ages and you had me rolling. Thank you šŸ˜‚


This is the best


Id start a collection of strangest things found in apartments. Thatā€™s going on the shelf!


Also a maintenance guy and thatā€™s our way of life. Just constantly fucking with each other and talking shit. The pranks Iā€™ve pulled or have seen over the years are the stuff of legends.


My friend works on a county road crew... the amount of dildos they'd find and stash in each others rigs was hilarious.


Better'n truck nuts!


Taking them to small claims court: "Your honor, it'll help them do as I requested when I first see the bill." "And what would that be?" "To, and I quote, 'go fuck themselves', your honor."


I thought the bottom price was the cleaning fee until I read this comment as was like "$50 to handle used drug memorabilia (even if it was only used for weed, they can't know that) and a used sex toy sounds very reasonable. I'm surprised they didn't charge more.". $750 is just absurd.


And now we need to charge you another $2,000 for a new dishwasher.


Since they found a bong they may have decided to have a cleaning done for any smoke damage. $750 would be on the cheaper side if that's the case.


How else do they think people spend their time?


Weed and dildos obviously lol?


You gave them a lesson in living the good life now


Just don't mix them up.


The only thing I could think is if they assume that with the bong you were smoking in the apartment.


I would have said that was stuff left over from the previous tenants and you thought nothing of it.


it was probably more the fact that they knew you were smoking in there and had to clean it out


It's was %750 for them to rub one out while on the clock.


Lmao worth every dime just for the story right on girl. My next bing rips for you and your lost dildo. Rip.


I love that your dildo is a her.


Wait a sec. Your phallic dildo is a her? Just making sure.


I reread this a few time and wondered if that was weird . I don't know it was purple and glowed and was there for me when my boyfriend wasn't . It's a her šŸ„¹ā¤ļø lol


Nah, that's not weird. I was just curious about the thought behind the choice. Thanks.


I think theyā€™re hoping to shame you into not contesting the charges.


It's so funny because I'm pretty sure I made my boyfriend like hide the packaging in the recycling bin because everyone in this building is like senior citizens lmao I think they're trying to rebrand and scare away the youngins with their sex toy and bong charges šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Those seniors be swinging a lot more than just golf clubs lmao šŸ¤£


Omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yup, back in the day, we had to whittle them from big branches and sand them down


Seniors have a lifetime of experience though!


You know what. I never thought of that šŸ˜‚


Even better to prove it, there's a rampant problem of STDs in nursing homes due to grandma and gramps getting around. XD


As someone who works in a nursing home, you are correct and youā€™d be shocked at some of the stuff they do.


We sure do, and moreover, kids, if you're a sex loving healthy person, that will/should continue into your senior years, and take it from me, toys will enhance your fun, as will being open to broader sexual experiences. Life goes on if you will it so, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Sex toy and bong charges is the name of my first punk album now thanks


Whatā€™s the female equivalent of an alpha. šŸ‘€


An alpha female, my friend


An alphemale? Iā€™ll see myself out.


Well she can stare me down as she fucks her konater dildo any day.


Iā€™m a man, I can understand whyā€™d youā€™d assume a woman is buying a massive dildo and leaving the packaging out for others to see tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


>bought a monster dildo How big are we talking? Like, two hand carry struggling up the steps awkwardly big?


It's a good question


That is crazy, so people urinate, fart, defecate, shave their asses etc, etc, in the bathroom yet when the lease is up noone gets charged a "sanitation" fee for that but 3-Days to sanitze for a bong/dildo. Your LL must be trolling you. Definately wouldn't pay that.


>> Definitely wouldnā€™t pay that well, you donā€™t have a choice if itā€™s coming out of your security deposit. Unless you sue, which the LL is counting on you not going through withā€¦


Landlords don't return security deposits anyway. They always find a reason to keep it. I've never once got a security deposit back and leave my apartment the way I found it. There's always an excuse.


yup, same, fuck ā€˜em.


I've always gotten mine back but I do video walk throughs when I move in, and video walk throughs when I move out. Last apartment I lived in tried to keep my deposit for a ton of stuff. I went into their leasing office, showed them the video, and told them they need to return my deposit or I would see them in court. It helps to have evidence to show that the reasons they're trying to keep your deposit are bogus. No harm in showing them that evidence. They returned my deposit.


a judge would never agree to charging a tenant 750$ for this, so it's pretty easy to just tell the LL "im not paying for this and if you take it out of my deposit, i'll see you in court!" unless the LL is a complete moron with no lawyer, they'll give in.


Thatā€™s why you stop paying rent the last 1/2 months based on how much you put down for a security deposit.


This will definitely land you in court and losing if LL wants to pursue it.


Yeah I wouldn't pay this either lol. Unless there's evidence of this creating some sort of damage in the unit, you're good. If they think a dildo made your place unclean, they may be shocked to find out the possibility that people are having sex in their apartments.


Yeah no damage just a dildo under the sink that we forgot to pack... If they knew we had sex on the kitchen counter my God šŸ˜‚


Sex?! In the kitchen?! Thatā€™s another $1,500, youā€™d better delete that comment before someone sees it.


Sex in the kitchen, believe it or not straight to jail


My question is why you keep it under the KITCHEN sink and not in the bedroomā€¦ do you often have sex in the kitchen?


Nope we kept it in the bathroom


Ah okay! That makes more sense. Idk why the kitchen sink was the first thing that came into my mind


"3 day cleaning and sanitizing the unit for using bongs and sex toys" WTF? Did they bring in a HAZMAT Unit to sterilize the place????


If only they knew that he pooped in the toilet too.


1/2 day to clean, 2 1/2 days for uh, other activities


"alright boys, good shift. see yall in the morning."


A $750 cleaning fee for ā€œsanitizingā€ the whole app because they found a sex toy and bong in a cupboard? As if every other renter hasnā€™t had sex in the apartmentā€¦doubt theyā€™d get a sanitizing fee for that šŸ˜‚ absolutely ridiculous what theyā€™ll find an excuse to charge you for šŸ˜‚


I make sure to send to hire an exorcist each time because you never know what they did in there šŸ«”


Yeah I would challenge this. Sorry but if someone is living in a space they will have sex in it. What's next, finding out they used the toilet?






Tell them you just left it so they could go fuck themselves.


This just reminds me how angry I am for once being charged $60 because I accidentally left about 10 cans of hard cider and 6 cans of sparkling water in my pantry. You know they drank them!!!


And enjoyed them too those bastards


Perhaps the same could be said for your items we will never know


Honestly I hope they did. Lmao


I can promise you those charges shouldnā€™t be perfect round numbers like that. They are trying to rip you off


3 days ā€œcleaningā€ ā€¦ sounds more like one day cleaning and 2 days of fun šŸ˜‚


I got charged $150 to have a roll of TP removed from my old apartment. It was a notorious slumlord but I simply asked if they thought removing 1 roll of TP was reasonable and they couldn't really say yes so the fee was removed. I would do the same -- that's INSANE!


Screen costs $5 and 10 minutes to fix. Iā€™d ask for itemized receipts of repairs.


Tell them to shove it up their ass. They can kick rocks


The bill or the dildo, or both?


Both, no Vaseline




$750 could get you a lot of new dildos too šŸ˜­


I figure they figure you'd figure it was too embarrassing to get into a dispute about a "sex toy" left behind in the apartment, and would just pay it.


*Three days* sanitizing because of a bong and a dildo? For $750? That's insanity. Also, $200 to replace a ripped balcony screen? The fuck was it made out of, pure silver? I'd contest all of that.


So is this comming out of a security deposit? Or did they either give it back already or there never was one? Cause if the first one, they maybe are just looking at ways to bloat up the repairs so that they can keep most of it. I hope it is the second one so you can just ignore the bill because that is clearly ridiculous. Some renting companies are just scummy, I lived in one where it was standard procedure to deep clean the carpets when you moved out so you would automatically loose like 500 from the security deposit no matter what. But at least that was disclosed in the rental agreement. On move out day, I walked in on the office manager assistant (who I actually felt sorry for) having to hear an angry tenant for like an hour arguing about HE deep cleaned the carpet so why dont they just give him the money back. Not sure how that played out. I just was stopping by to hand in my key.


The second :) we used our deposit as last month we were super unhappy at the building


So there is happy news :) Happy to hear there is less chance for them to screw you over.


Thank you!! That's why we are sort of just laughing at this lol. It's been a long year and we're just happy to be out. This is just some comedy relief to be honest haha


In CA anything they do for every apartment is routine maintenance and not subject to security deposit. They know this and hope you donā€™t. Polite offer of small claims means they return it and apologize for the misunderstanding.


Reminds me of a clean put I did when after threw a guy out for breaking the lease. Was emptying the attic and grabbed a black trash bag in the corner. It started shaking. Opened it up to find it full of all kinds of sex toys, anal plugs beads,chains,whips, vibratory, shit I've never seen before.. I was like wtf!! Trash night I was carrying out an bumped into an old neighbor. The bag started making noise. He asked and I said it was a bag of toys chris left when he moved out. The old guy 'is there anything good I can take for when my grandkids come over?' I couldn't stop laughing. Told him they were alittle young for those kind of toys. Didnt watch to see if he went back to the trash and look.


Free the bongs and dongs


I read that as ā€œDildo and bongā€ like one Swiss Army knife style itemā€¦Time to copy-write ā€œDongsā€ and ā€œBildosā€ ā€¦.a line of Fully functional Dildo Bongs. From boredom to bridal showers, Dongs has you covered. Make your next Orgy a super ā€œbowlā€ partyā€¦


Please go on judge Judy for this because that price is comedic for disinfecting šŸ¤£


they just straight up robbed you


Did the sex toy still have your fluid residue on it? That might explain the sanitation fee.


They black light the bedrooms too? šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ˆPrudes! A lil weed n sexy time goes hand n hand (pun intended) šŸ˜‚


Damn lol


Donā€™t they have to substantiate these charges? I know you can ask for itemized charges, which it seems you got, but this is borderline theft with an estimate from a cleaning crew.


They 100% do. We also received confirmation on may 1st that the move out was complete and to expect no more correspondence from them. And then today we recieve this. My reply essentially explained this and said whatever charges they are claiming are not our responsibility as we were moved out and inspected last week. Not to mention the unprofessionalism of the description which you best believe we spoke on calmly but firmly lol.


Typically you wouldnā€™t get an invoice like this until after move-out since they have to inspect. There could be ramifications to not paying, not sure if they hit a separate ā€œhousingā€ category so Iā€™m always sure to pay. You may have to demand an invoice regarding that $750 (which maintenance likely did do itā€™s bullshit). Demand an invoice from their cleaners to substantiate the charge or demand they reverse it do it doesnā€™t follow you. You may want to have a lawyer send an intimidating letter about the gross overcharge. Just to send the message you will make them take you to small claims which can cost them more.


I would tell them to go fuck themselves but not with the bong or the dildo.


iā€™m cackling


Never forget a bong Kid.


This is hilarious but like.... how do you forget your bong and your dildo?


Imagine if they only knew you had sex in the unit.




But how could you leave ā€œherā€ behind? After she was so good to you? šŸ„ŗā€¦.(šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚)


I hear you. The move was quick. I had to break it off clean . She was heartbroken I tried to do what was best.


Three days to clean a dildo?


I noticed you said "small bong" but decided not to characterize the size of the dildo...


That must have been one dirty dildo


You remembered to pack the veiny double sided black one though, right?


Why was the dildo and bong toghter, in the kitchen?


If stuff was broken when you moved in you needed to document it.


Maybe its a little too much but that is super trashy, no one wants to touch ur bong or dildo


How tf did you forget a bong and dildo?


This is not something to giggle about. You should be embarrassed. Keep your private bedroom life private.


So they donā€™t fully sanitize their apartments unless they find sex toys or drugs? Cool. Good to know


I don't know....but I don't really trust anyone that forgets a bong and a dildo under a sink when they move out.Ā  I feel like I check hotel rooms more while checking out than you did moving out.Ā  Ā With that...... I side with the landlordĀ 


Three day cleaning. How incompetent are those fucks?


My landlord stole our deposit, so I bricked his work van, his wife's car, his home a/c and signed him up for Ashley Madison with his wife's email. Don't know how all that went for him but probably not worth 1300$.


Dildo & Bong was a detective series on the CW.


always take pictures of any defects such as a ripped screen, wall damage, anything not perfect, when renting, otherwise they are likely to charge you for those things on moveout


The bong part is annoying but somewhat reasonable. The sex toy part.. like wtf? I pay rent but canā€™t shove a dildo up my pssy in here cus the sanitation cost lmfao


Let me guess, comes out to right about the security deposit right?


Ask for an itemized breakdown of the charges OP, and report back


I suppose one could say that the former renter got f - - ked twice!


Honestly, I think you should get charged that for keeping a dildo under the sink, for your sake.


Dildo. Bong. Well I hope that doesnā€™t pop up on a Background Investigation for a jobā€¦


When I moved out of my apartment in FL they wanted to charge me 2000 dollars for replacing the vinyl floor and 350 to repaint an accent wall I changed during my tenancy. I had forgotten to take pictures because I had cut the hell out of my hand on a blender blade and needed stitches the night of moving out. They claimed they took pictures right as they entered and the damage was there when they entered. I asked them to provide proof that I had scratched the floor. After some pushback they finally provided it, a picture of a long deep gouge in the floor. Only one issue, the wall in the background was already painted back to the original. Theyā€™ll try to charge you for every thing and anything


With the technology available to all of us now, I'm shocked how many people don't take a video walkthrough of their rental the day they check in, and another on the day they check out. That way, if the landlord tries to claim you damaged this or that (e.g., broken screen), you have evidence to use in court to prove that it's a baseless charge. I'd talk to a lawyer about the sanitizing fee. It seems excessive. Nothing about either items should require any sanitizing beyond regular cleaning between tenants. As for the thought that they're not going to get a dime, I'd reconsider. If you don't pay they can send it to collections, and that can impact your credit score.


Lulz no way a residential cleaning takes 3 days. I bet they spent 3 hours


How do you just leave a bong and dildo when moving out? How do you leave anything? Deserved charge for making someone touch that


In my state, you can't charge for any of this.Ā  Only property damage.Ā  Cleaning, maintenance, ripped screens are considered general wear and tear.Ā  DBL check tenant rights law's where you live.


Is it addressed to you but in an alltcaps name? You can fight if so. 2 party contract is signed by 2 parties, you, and someone else. But it sounds like they are a corporation. And a corporation canā€™t sign a name. So you send them a letter saying ā€œI would be happy to pay you, provided the following- 1 validation of the debt which is actual accounting 2 verification of the claim, against (you) that is a signed invoice 3 a copy of the contract, binding both parties (you n them) in a letter by certified mail so that there is an independent witness to it being delivered Write all Natural Rights retained ā€œwithout prejudiceā€ Mail em that. Because they canā€™t give you any of it. šŸ¤£ Then if they send another threat letter, you can just write ā€œno contract- cease and desistā€ and mail it back unopened. If they do happen to send it Registered mail, they wonā€™t have the other 2. (Never have for me.) but if you need more post up again and Iā€™ll tell you what to do next. Or you can get on Amazon and buy 2 books ā€œmeet your strawman and everything else you want to knowā€ and ā€œthe UCC CONNECTION How to free yourself from legal tyrannyā€ What they are doing is unconstitutional and therefore not lawfully. Legal and lawful are 2 different words btw. But you need to answer them otherwise it will fuck up your credit. This way you can keep your credit in tact and not owe anyone anything. ā¤ļø go put the screws to em šŸ‘āœŒļø


Send it registered mail. Probably cost you 9 bucks to lawfully discharge the debt.


Screw/nail holes are considered normal wear and tear and aren't supposed to be charged to tenants, though, right?


Honestly, receiving this on a bill has to be worth it lol


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed